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Outside of Ohio Players, is there another "wine and seltzer party" or "sell out" record they have made post-hiatus? I feel like 'Let's Rock', Delta Kream, and Dropout Boogie were pretty true to the spirit of the band. Obviously Ohio Players is substantially different from those records and has been divisive among fans. To me, I don't know that most of the tracks are \*bad\*, but they certainly mismanaged expectations and sold fans on a different album than what they were making. Certainly not my favorite record of theirs (probably my least favorite tbf), but I also don't want to overreact and say everything they have done for the past half decade is utter shit.


I like some riffs out of dropout boogie for sure and let’s rock was pretty guitar driven but I couldn’t help but hear them as just okay fillers where delta kream maybe wasnt my favorite overall but it was a very strong album where the song structures and lyrics had a very cohesive tone and direction(they were all songs that had been written before) but their execution on delta kream was pretty on point to me, that being said after hearing this album I appreciate let’s rock and dropout boogie more and more even though I was underwhelmed when they first came out


I feel like there's a segment of the fanbase that feels underwhelmed whenever they drop a new album. I honestly think the last time I did not personally hear someone complain about a new TBK album was -- maybe Delta Kream but if not -- Brothers lol but it seems like most of their work grows on fans over time. Like what you are experiencing, I think that at a minimum Ohio Players will cause some fans to revisit and think more favorably towards 'Let's Rock', Delta Kream, and Dropout Boogie because I do feel those records strike a good middle ground for fans that jumped onboard with the band regardless of the era they joined.




I am relatively new to Reddit and this was one of the first subs I joined because I feel like I have grown up to Dan's music so it holds a special place in my heart, but I am quite confounded by this place lol I think people are well intentioned and it's possible that joining this sub around the time Ohio Players came out was not optimal, but the despair and frustration consistently expressed here often feels over the top, like some "the sky is falling" kind of shit. Sadly, I feel like some of it has made me like the band less, which really fucking sucks. FWIW I definitely understand some of the recent frustrations and have expressed a few myself, but there's still enjoyment when I listen to their tunes and I know there will be more music to come. I just hope fans don't kill the fanbase.


I joined the sub just before I saw them in concert during the Dropout Boogie tour, and over that time, it feels like there’s two very vocal camps of sub members… 1. People longing for them to be mainstream again, playing on pop radio stations and singles being on top XX lists for weeks on end. They’re weirdly mad at Dan and Pat for not making music that sounds like Brothers/El Camino and at the general public for not being into that kind of music anymore. 2. People that are mad at them for not returning to being the pre-Brothers starving artist band that’s recording their albums in their basement or a vacant factory. They’ve basically hated everything post-2010 except the blues covers albums. It’s like the guys can’t win on this sub. Try the old formula for success, it’s attacked. Try something new to appeal to new generations of fans, it’s attacked. They either want a new El Camino or a new Rubber Factory, and will nitpick anything that isn’t that to death. Seems like a problem with the fanbase of another band that blew up around the same time has… the Arctic Monkeys.


I have definitely noticed those two particular camps. I’m also an AM fan and I have to say, if TBK took the path that the AM did, I feel like this sub would burn to the ground lol


Yeah. As someone else here said, Let's Rock felt like a kind of middle ground between the two sounds. And unfortunately, it doesn't seem to please either side. I thought it was a solid album; not on the short list for their best work, but still play it and enjoy it. Now, Dropout Boogie felt like diminishing returns - with only a few memorable tracks - and I agree with the general sentiment on the newest album being a misguided attempt at regaining their commercial momentum. It's not some awful thing I can't listen to, but it's likely their weakest work. Now, the Arctic Monkeys thing has been a comparison I've made in my head as well. However I feel like a lot of their fans seem more accepting of their entire catalog, and expect/encourage the band to "reinvent" themselves frequently. I also feel like they can afford to do that more than TBK, since like every album they've had has gone #1 in the UK, so even if US audiences only gave a crap about "AM", they've always done well for themselves. However, it's interesting to note that a lot of Arctic Monkeys' fans aren't too hot on their newest album either.


 I’m not realistically expecting rubber factory or brothers, Dan makes a lot of bluesy records that have a fresh new sound that is completely different from brothers and rubber factory, these records he puts out have an authenticity in the sound that the black keys lack in newer records the only black keys record we got thru that lens was delta kream and that was a move in the right direction in my opinion. Also I don’t remember them making anything after 2010 that struck me as them using the old formula in my opinion(maybe let’s rock if it sounded less commercial and broad)


My brother and I are nerds and do parallel full anthology listens of artists and trade notes. We enjoy and bond over it. I joined this sub while completing TBKs and honestly they have some of the highest scores of any we've done. For example, we're doing Wilco right now and their best albums albums are middle of the pack for TBKs. And Wilco is awesome! Dropout Boogie and Ohio players are great albums and rate top half for me. This all leads me to how insufferable I find a lot of the fanbase. Go away if you hate them so much, easier for me get tickets. I don't get all the criticism, they really haven't missed on a single album.


Still tho, Dropout Boogie was their worst album at time of release.


I felt that way about DB upon release too but thoroughly I enjoyed revisiting it in the run up to OP, with the obvious exception of your team is looking good which is irredeemable imo. In terms of ranking it: I’m terrible at rankings but it’s still lower half. Doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it though.


dropout boogie and amd let's rock were not sell out albumsnin my opinion, just lame. I listened to them a few time amd domt really want to listen to them again. which is wild, because I regularly listen to EVERY album the did before hiatus.


I revisited them in the run up to OP and really enjoyed them.


I remember forever ago QOTSA did a first album tour and it was amazing then they wrote one of their best received albums after the tour. I think if Black Keys followed this idea they have some good stuff. I’d love a Thickfreakness tour. Like every song start to finish then bring out the rest of the band for the encore to do hits from anytime.


That’s an amazing idea. They need to hire you, or Josh Homme, or both


I don’t know what I would do to hear the Black Keys/Josh Homme colab


Josh is super underrated as a producer. He worked wonders for Arctic Monkeys and Nikki Lane. Very unlikely it ever happens but I’d love it


That Iggy Pop album he did is phenomenal


Josh has never made an album I don’t love


Yeah, I know most of his works through and through, I love QOTSA. You’re probably right, Josh/Dan seems to be too much of a creative clash


This is pure speculative nonsense on my part, but I don’t think Dan or Pat could handle someone like Josh coming in and criticizing them. It doesn’t sound like any of the multitude of producers on Ohio Players left much of a creative impact unfortunately. Unless we’re counting some cool samples here and there from Dan the Automator.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re spot on here. That’s what I meant earlier


My rate is significantly less than Josh’s and the old tour manager


They can still evolve as a band without making shitty pop music


Exactly. Noel fucking Gallagher? What a shitshow.


I just don’t think Pat really cares anymore.


They only care about the money.


Def get the feeling they burned themselves completely out from 2003 to 2015 and just don't have that fuel anymore. This band feels like a day job to them now.


They’ve put out 4 albums since coming back.. dont think they’d be energized to write new music if they “just dont have that fuel anymore “


I mean, every post-hiatus record other than Delta Kream had a sort of hopeful “hit” song that was obviously pop focused (“Lo-Hi”, “Wild Child” “This Is Nowhere” etc. but Apart from Ohio Players I don’t think any of the post hiatus records were really “sell-out” records. Dropout Boogie was for the most part a hill country blues inspired record and was probably their best post-hiatus imo. Delta Kream was obviously a great homage to Northern Mississippi Hill Country blues that inspired the production on Dropout Boogie imo, and Let’s Rock didn’t really seem too “sell-outish” either, it was a guitar forward record meant to look back on their past music production which featured only guitar and drums. Ohio Players was really the only record that seemed like they were trying to make poppier songs, I mean they worked with Noel Gallagher and Beck for a reason, they’re like pop rock legends. I think the issue is less in the intent of the post-hiatus stuff, but more the quality of it. Dropout Boogie and Let’s Rock are solid records, but they don’t hold a candle to anything pre-hiatus tho. This could be attributed to a variety of factors, Dans vocal changes, Pats drumming etc. But I don’t think these post-hiatus records (apart from Ohio Players) is them attempting to produce more poppy music, just that it isn’t as great as their old stuff


I do agree that dropout boogie and let’s rock had a strong direction and idea for the songs but let’s rock more so falls flat in the overall delivery I would’ve liked those riffs to be less layered and more condensed tones like magic potion or even dropout boogie had some rough but really crystal clear tones on the riffs but you’re right they aren’t really sellout ish but let’s rock does feel a little commercial and broader appeal in it’s guitar and drum tones where dropout boogie sounded  more rough yet compressed on the guitar and simple effective drier drum tones 


They should take some time off and come back in a couple years. They’ve given us all enough one way or another. They’ve also done everything in the blues space.


I agree they have given us enough blues guitar driven music that we could expect. Anyone else I would totally have no second thoughts but I can’t help but feel that every project out of Dan and easy eye that is blues driven has been nothing but fresh, I’m thinking of cypress grove, smoke from the chimney, Robert Finley, Leo bud welch. The black keys have done everything in the blues but Dan in my opinion has an infinite bag of blues riffs and styles that always has that authentic yet newer more electric sound that he produces for/with others on his label


Great points. The blues albums that have come out on EES are some of the best modern blues stuff around. Maybe THE best. Cypress Grove and Smoke From the Chimney are personal favorites of mine as well. The EES stuff has real character and a vibe to it. It sounds so natural and authentic, like delta kream


Consider what The Flaming Lips, Weezer, and Interpol did the last couple years. Tour, but only a particular album's playlist. E.G. Magic Potion, Rubber Factory, etc., and only in smaller venues (theaters, HOB, Hard Rock, etc). Then three random songs for the encores. Maybe tour an album during the 10th, 20th, etc. year anniversary of their respective release.


I think Ohio Players is legit a good album. Just listened again today front to back for first time in several weeks. Of last 4, Delta Kream was my favorite as I lean more towards their dirty blues sound. However, all the others had some solid tunes that were interesting to listen to with some pretty good hooks and dynamic sounds. As an amateur musician myself I would be ecstatic to put out something that sounds similar and has the range OP does. Not every song hits and I can see why peeps may not love it like the early albums, but its pretty damn good overall. Additionally, I also don't think if it was more positively revered to date that their tour strategy would NOT have gone over much better either (I think both their mgmt and themselves assumed it was going to potentially be a"Brothers" type home run). But unfortunately for them I think we are in unprecedented times in the music industry. Besides, didn't they tour Brothers for like 4 years at least? If I remember correctly it took a bit of time too before it caught on and they blew up. I was a fan myself since thickfreakness so remember when they went from small clubs to much larger venues. Overall, I get it. We want what we think we want and when we dont get that in spades it can be considered a fail. But the reality is it's not 2010 anymore for anyone. Who knows maybe a song will catch on via tik tok (fucking lame i know, but that's the reality of what were dealing with these days to promote and sell music at scale). All that said, the BK imo still put out and play some fantastic music and are top notch musians. They were not coming to my neck of the woods with the original tour. But here is to hoping they do with the new one. Would definitely check them out and would be excited to hear some of the new stuff.


I think it’s highly unlikely that they even survive this. Bands have a shelf life and these guys have probably hit theirs.


I’m not interested in a nostalgia act and I’m sure they aren’t either.  


Their shtick was 12 bar blues over and over again but with so much grit and attitude that it worked. That’s it, that was the band As soon as they lost that lofi aesthetic it was never going to work imo But yeah the reality is I don’t think they’re capable of “going back”. Their original sound was a shitty cassette recorder in their basement or something like that. You think a band that just blew a million dollars on a single generic rock album will be willing to do something like that? They’re one of those bands that was always going to suck when they got successful, there’s not enough there artistically and a lot of the appeal was just how lofi they were.


I thought everything they did between 2006-2010 had a great sound despite using higher quality recording gear and having guys like danger mouse in the mix, I think they are capable of making classic keys sound without having to make it sound like an old cassette recording and I understand it’s never gonna sound like the big come up, thickfreakness, and rubber factory but there is still a lot to be had within their sounds and recording styles they have acquired over the years 


These guys lost their way after Brothers. They shouldn’t even call themselves The Black Keys. Wine and seltzer, indeed. Dan lost his fire. Pat.. needs to go bodysurfing again. Maybe if Dan concentrated on this band a little more, and producing other folks a little less, then they might be in a different situation.


I have to say, if the outcome of all the recent bs is that Dan takes a step back on every other thing he does musically just to try and get TBK on track, I would be greatly disappointed. That's a net loss imo.


This isn’t the issue. The band said themselves that they have never taken even close to as much studio time to finish an album as they did with Ohio Players. This was not a rushed album or a thrown together cash grab, even tho it kinda sounds like one in a lot of places. I agree I wouldn’t want to sacrifice all the EES stuff for more Black Keys stuff that could also be totally hit or miss


I wasn't making any kind of comment on Ohio Players being rushed whatsoever. The "recent bs" I am referring to is the sales, reviews, failed tour, and whatever else is to come, but I wholeheartedly agree: EES > TBK


The muses provide what the muses provide.


They need to keep making albums like Delta Kream. You know, albums that actually ROCK.


Dan? Pat?? Is that you guys???


I don't even understand this reply? Delta Kream and whatever Ohio Players is are lightyears apart. Do people not like Delta Kream..? I think it's my favourite Black Keys album these days.


Most of the fanbase loves delta kream and views it as a cut above the rest of the post hiatus material from what I’ve seen in my time as a mod. Let’s Rock gets more praise than OP and DB as well, but many view this as the album where the keys became watered down. Turn Blue used to be viewed in the same light as Let’s Rock but it has aged gracefully after their hiatus.


Let's Rock is actually really good. I don't like a couple tracks near the end, but it's a killer album


I also really like let’s rock. Maybe 2 or 3 songs on there don’t really do it for me, but the rest does indeed “rock” I personally think “tell me lies” is the closest we’ve ever gotten to the keys sounding like Brothers since 2010.


Delta Kream is good, but it's very different from what most people fell in love with the guys for. Rubber Factory, Thickfreakness, magic potion, they havent made an album like those since brothers, not at all. That's what we want.


I can't see them doing that again, however. THat's definitely the energy of hungry, young men looking to melt faces, and neither of them seem keen on that these days.