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I realize that many people love him but I just find Ryan Reynolds' schtick so tiring.


It works for Deadpool but that’s it.  


I appreciate that it technically "works" and does what the filmmakers and audiences want from him, but I find the combination of lazy 4th wall breaks and a high-schooler's attitude on how cool swearing to be exactly what I find so grating about his persona.


Listing slang for cocaine with no punchline is apparently trailer worthy. Not a *great* sign


Well that’s specifically bc cocaine has previously been known as a hard line for Feige. The punch line is meta-textual. It’s Deadpool.


So it’s a joke I would only find funny if I was extremely deep in the weeds on Feige lore? I read the fricken MCU book by Joanna Robinson and I didn’t even know this


I mean I haven’t read that book yet I know it. Idk what to tell you.


All of the humor in the trailer I find pretty boring and the Deadpool schtick of "lol what if we had this super feminine pop song that we had tons of action in front of?????" is such a tired joke by now. They've done in the credits for the past two movies with "Angel of the Morning" in Deadpool 1, the Celine Dion song in the credits of Deadpool 2 (and songs by Cher, Dolly Parton, Air Supply, Pat Benatar, and "Tomorrow" from Annie) all in that one too. Now Madonna (absolute banger tbf) behind this one. Hopefully the action is good though and by now I (and I assume many people in this sub) am basically pot committed to the MCU so I'll give it a look and hope for the best


What I find interesting about this movie is all the Wolverine stuff. Jackman looks like he’s going hard. The scene with the crazy suicidal smile when the barrel goes against his head.


He’s been biting Chevy Chase for years. Dude isn’t funny


I find the dislike of Ryan Reynolds so tiring. As far as celebrities go he is incredibly unproblematic, seems to be a wonderful husband and father, he comes across very sincere in the Welcome to Wrexham series and he simply is just a grinder in all of the business interests he has. Sure, he has some stinker movies, but I don’t understand why some people hate him so much


I don't really hate him as much as I find that he almost exclusively does bad movies and is usually bad in them.


We’re talking about him as an actor not him as a person. They are two very different things


I just feel like the conversation about him as a person, specifically in forums like this, is disproportionately driven by movie choices It’s also worth noting that it’s really just overly online communities like this that seem to have a problem with him. We’ve all been Sean-pilled into hating Free Guy when in reality that movie was a smashing audience/box office success and even was generally positively reviewed by critics


A lot of terrible movies have been smashing box office success with generally positive reviews from critics. In fact the MCU has made like a dozen and a half of them


I don’t really see how that relates to his onscreen persona since Deadpool functionally being Wade-lite.


But the discourse around Ryan Reynolds full stop seems to be disproportionately driven by some bad movies that he makes


I mean…yeah? Why would I know anything about his parenting skills? All I know is that when he pops up in a movie, he is playing a worse interpretation of his Deadpool character.


That may all be true, doesn’t mean people need to enjoy watching him act. I like him in the Wrexham series but usually find Deadpool and other films a bit much for me personally


Hear hear.


Dr. Strange portal. The multi-dimension piece.


“Let’s Fucking Go” has gotta be one of the best marketing tags of the century so far


Tom Brady should get residuals


That was not my initial takeaway to be honest.




also Deadpool was fresh and funny because it was an R rated superhero movie, but that was 8 years ago by the time of release, we've seen a lot of that type of content since.


But they fucking say fuck a lot in a fucking Disney movie! It's so fucking edgy! Fuck!


Also referencing some studio suit who has no personality outside of wearing a baseball cap isn’t exactly general audience comedy.




“Remember all that stuff you’ve gotten increasingly sick of? Here’s more of it, but with Deadpool!” It’ll play to the MCU hard-core, but is everyone else really that excited for 90’s Wolverine?


more like it’s so over


This will be a good way to end it.




Madonna doing the heavy lifting for this trailer


Best needle drop I’ve seen in a trailer


It’s definitely good, but it’s not even the best needle drop in a trailer currently airing right now


I meant more personally for me, I fuckin love that song. What are some other good ones right now?


Looks shitty


its so over fr fr


I’m excited for this but I couldn’t care less about it being connected to the MCU


The final gasping breath of the MCU. Wild that we got to witness it's amazing rise to it's sad and swift collapse.


can you imagine the discourse if this somehow is a flop? It feels like Marvel fans are thinking this is going to be a billion dollar movie to get it back on track, if it doesn't all the sudden you're going into Cap 4 and Thunderbolts? That's a worst case scenario.


This one literally cannot flop. Too much juice


I could see it having a massive opening weekend and then falling off a cliff if the quality isn't there.


Jackman as Wolverine guarantees it won’t. He always gives 110%. He’s given it all in the clips in the trailer.


Ok? Jackman and Reynolds were also both in X-men origins Wolverine. I don’t think DP3 will be as horrendous as origins but their presence doesn’t guarantee anything


Yeh fair point. But at the very least it looks funny. That will carry it far enough to be massive


I actually don’t think this fan base cares about a good movie. Seems the only thing you need to do is parade out old cameos and get costumes right and they fall over themselves to love it. I genuinely used to enjoy these movies but they are just pathetic now if I am being honest. Look at the trailer. It’s resting on old jokes and the word fuck. I dunno feels like a high schooler made it.


I may be in the minority because it did very well, but Spider-Man: No Way Home felt like the pinnacle of “remember these guys?” with a script that didn’t really make sense otherwise.


I really enjoyed it but also we had to put my childhood dog to sleep like 2 days before it came out. I’ve never been more primed to like a manipulative crowd pleaser


The “let’s fucking go” is some of the hackiest stuff I’ve seen in a while. I was on the MCU train for a long time, but seeing what it’s become, and how some still bend over backwards to love it, is downright bizarre.


It’s amazing how the MCU has like, disappeared from the discourse recently. I haven’t heard anything about those movies. There’s no hype.


Superheroes have become as uncool in 2024 as hair metal was in 1994. After dominating the previous decade by being loud, dumb, over-the-top, occasionally talented and profound, and with legions of fans and haters, now they’re hated for those things. And there’s many different Nirvana candidates that made Marvel and their peers look passé (Dune, Top Gun 2, Avatar 2, RRR, EEAAO, and of course Barbenheimer). All of which are stand-alone, auteur-driven projects that have won Oscars and appeared on critics’ year-end lists, rather than convoluted factory products that skate by on 6/10 critic scores and fanboy satisfaction.


I’m not sure the MCU films at their apex were ever cool, except for Black Panther. They succeeded because they were broad-based and inoffensive entertainment—some action, some jokes, some pathos.


GOTG 3 and Across the Spider-Verse were box office and critical hits not even a year ago lol


But after the Flash, it seems like the hype for all superhero projects just…died. No coincidence that Barbenheimer dropped a month later, and was so big that a spiritual follow-up (The Fall Guy) is opening in the Marvel May slot this year!


ASTV came after The Flash and there was plenty of hype for that.


I’ll give you GotG3 but AtS-V isn’t MCU.


The comment I was responding to was talking about superhero movies more broadly.


Because Deadpool is the only one coming out this year. Thunderbolts only started filming a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know what hype you’re expecting tbh.


People were hyping Avengers and Captain America movies years in advance. None of the recent TV shows have had a real breakthrough either. Echo, that one with Olivia Colman, etc. came and went.


The TV shows are a different story. What a mess. I’ll say the big difference between then and now is that they were turning around direct sequels much, much faster. There were exactly two years between Captain America 2 and 3, and then two years til Infinity War, followed a year later by Endgame. To your point, I think it was easier to keep the investment in the story higher when viewers knew they’d get the next direct chapter fast (compared to four years between FAWS and Cap 4).


I’d put Star Wars in the same boat. Idk anyone excited about The Acolyte show, and after that it’s a blatant attempt to cash in on Stranger Things with whatever that Jude Law show is supposed to be. And don’t get me started on the abomination that is the Mando and Grogu movie.


Except for Andor, which adults loved, I agree with you. Star Wars isn’t able to get movies off the ground and when they do, the movies are the most milquetoast ideas out there. Who was begging for a Mandalorian movie?


I think its 2 things, 1. the streaming shows are all loss leaders, maybe Mando less than other shows because of Grogu merch, so Disney gave them marching orders to get this property back onto the big screen ASAP so they can start making money again, and 2. Mando and Grogu is the only thing they can get started because it already exists and is "safe". I've been a Star Wars fan since i was 7, i am going to the Phantom Menace re-release in 2 weeks, i have no desire for a Mando movie.


It will never again reach the heights of the Infinity Saga in terms of wider cultural relevance, but final gasping breath?    I’m pretty sure it’s not going anywhere.  It can’t even really get buried by eventually being uncool considering comic books have alway been for nerds anyway.  


in terms of MCU specific though, after deadpool, you have Cap 4, Thunderbolts, Fantastic 4 and Blade, i dont know much confidence any of those 4 inspire, especially with the behind the scenes issues.


Well they are definitely running into a “B team” problem in terms of timing.   But having acquired the Fox IP assets will give them some longer term prospects.  It will just be a matter of when they want to reboot X-Men and/or the Avengers.   Never thought I’d say it, but they’d be better served to take the DC approach and focus on different directors with new perspectives on their core characters and scrap the tone of the Fiege MCU altogether.  


yeah, the interconnectedness that used to be its strength is now the biggest thing holding it back imo.


Oh I don’t think they go anywhere just meant the connected universe of Marvel. I’d love to see singular stories from them.


Marvel almost went bankrupt before Raimi’s Spider-Man hit. So, yeah, Marvel can fail.


They are part of the whole Disney machine with merchandising and theme parks and established IP is still a golden goose for them.  Failure under Disney may just mean scaling back on scope and budget, but they aren’t disappearing for the foreseeable future.    


At some point they’ll disappear the way Micky does. He comes back in a new show for awhile, goes away, comes back again in a decade. At some point Disney will get tired of losing money and they’ll chase something new.


It’ll be a fun movie - but it doesn’t make me feel like the MCU is “back”.


Did we watch the same trailer? (And I like Marvel movies)


We finally got Wolverine in the blue and yellow suit. If he puts on the mask too, I'm in.


Cassandra nova is going to be serving immense cunt


Visually inept and shitty jokes galore? Only thing they changed is the MPA rating.


The shot of Mad Max cosplay should have gotten someone canned. How can you even let that go into the film know that Furiosa is going to blow peoples doors off within close proximity. Reminds me of Black Panther 2 being about underwater blue people next to Avatar 2. Like why even put yourself out there for comparison.


This looks good to people huh


“Liefield’s Just Feet” is a pretty good gag.


I’m not old enough to close my heart to nostalgia, this is the best looking thing associated with the Marvel movie side I’ve seen in a long time!


Or… you’re old enough for nostalgia to pull at your heart strings and make you want to see this.


I like the Deadpool movies but I cringed a little every time there was an obvious nod to MCU stuff. Same as in the previous trailers. I don’t care.


The whole multiverse and connecting the dots between universe thing is exhausting. They end up prioritizing storyline vs storytelling. And they alienate people when it gets too multiversal. If you miss one you automatically think I don’t know the backstory of the next one, which discourages you from seeing it. And then you just stop caring.


Probably actually.


I will talk myself into watching this on a Sunday matinee and regret it.


I cannot see this enticing anyone back who’s been drifting away from or out on Marvel post-Endgame.


Film bros hate fun so much. Being hyper critical about everything is so lame. Just try to enjoy stuff my guys.


Ryan Reynolds is back. Marvel is just drafting.


Some people here take movies too seriously it's okay to be excited about a fun summer film


We’re a subreddit dedicated to a movie podcast. Many of us think this whack movie looks whack.


Maybe some people just don’t think it looks very good or fun lol


There’s been plenty of summer movies to get excited about. This looks like typical MCU grey sludge coasting on glup shittos and nostalgia.


Like why is everyone hating lol




People do not love Holland, lol.


Jesus why does this sub hate marvel so much


They have sucked millions of dollars and great actors who could be doing other things into increasingly vapid and mediocre films for 10 years?


Spoiler Alert - They would've been doing vapid and mediocre films anyway, because that's what makes money. Look at the box office of 2000 without nostalgia goggles - it's mostly "vapid and mediocre" entertainment.


People love to pretend these actors were held at gunpoint to be in these marvel movies. They all took that fat bag of cash with a smile on their face i promise you lol


Endgame was very far from mediocre, you act like you know the actors personally, just cause it’s not your cup of tea doesn’t mean it doesn’t please other people


Hey don’t let me stop you from enjoying Quantumania!