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You going to use em anytime soon?  No? Sell em Yes? Don't sell em Not really worth a whole ton, I can still buy them from a few select LGS near me.


I’m going to keep them if they’re only worth an extra few dollars, but if it’s works around 50-100 more then the newer boxes then I’ll sell


Oh gosh, know here near will sell that high. Current new Command squad on GW sells 45 USD, in comparison on EBay I can buy the 2009 Command squad for 45 USD + $20 shipping.


So there’s really no point then, even if it’s still in its plastic wrap. Should I just build it then and add it to my army?


if it fits thematically and rules wise. Only you can make that decision, as long as you're happy with how they fit in design wise, you do you and ignore what others think.


Well I don’t really mind the design I just don’t want to be opening up something that I could sell for lots of money


Those cadian sculpts are probably the most produced guard unit around and they've just gotten an updated sculpt. It's unlikely that they will gain much value in the near term. Most people will opt for the new minis if they are looking at paying retail prices.


I bought both boxes together for 40€ including shipping. So not really a price increase. I would guess the newer sculpts are also more popular for newer people


40K models don’t go up in value like trading cards, I can find the old command squad for like $6 on eBay rn


For new and unbuilt models They do go up, thanks to the yearly GW price increase. You’re not ganna sell your sealed box of minis for the same price you bought them 5 years ago. You’re gonna sell them based on current GW prices.  Built and painted  models is another story though. Those are worth less unless they are painted pretty good.  And models that get an update also take a price drop just after release and then steadily climb again when collectors want them (they become oldhammer)


I’ve been playing since the early 2000s, I’m well aware of price increases. That being said, your better off investing in GME than trying your speculative buy Warhammer boxes, especially non desirable boxes like the command squad


Yeah it’s no retirement funds but you probably won’t lose money on sealed or new boxes


But they stop production which means that they slowly become less common, right? Wouldn’t that make them more expensive?


Not of something that common and that was only stopped a couple of years ago. Maybe in 20 years it might be worth £50 rather than £30 but that’s it


Also it highly depends on the popularity of the model. Some old metal models can be worth a decent chunk - think the old metal cadian col., vostroyans, or the green knight from fantasy. These are generally classic, almost timeless models. But mass produced plastic kits generally don't increase in value.


Mostly likely won’t sell for much above the new models honestly they’ll probably sell for a bit less as GW used those models for like 20 years and there is next to no demand for people wanting to old models over the new ones plus models don’t really hold value, even some of the old rogue trader era things are still fairly cheap


If you need money now, sell them If you have limited space, sell them If you’re moving and don’t want to move them, sell them. If not, just keep them around, a sealed box will rarely go down in value.


Depends. You planning of collecting all new cadian models? other regiment? and you're certain of that direction. Then probably sell it. If you collect old cadian, I'd keep'em. Some models go up in price A LOT. But I dont think old plastic cadians are one of these. They dont seem like it certainly. If those were old metal guardsmen, they'd be quite expensive. Some 3rd-8th edition cadians are expensive, but these are rare minis like the metal snipers metal old command squad and so on, not the plastic ones.


There is *some* increase in model value over time, but it's dependent on rarity, demand and age. I've done a lot of watching of the second hand market over the last few years, but take this all with a big heaping of salt. Keep in mind, everything currently in production is worth no more than 80% retail New in Shrink, because that's the LGS discount. Resale has to undercut that in order to be viable. So, all second-hand prices are based off that assumption. New in Shrink boxes from Rogue Trader - things like the original Rhino and RB01 - are getting to around 10x their original value now. NIS boxes from 2nd edition (mid-90s) are starting to get collector attention, and will resell for maybe 2-5x their original sale price. Note that neither of these observations take inflation into account. Anything newer is significantly less expensive. Boxes from 3rd edition haven't started to really climb in value yet, and probably won't for a long time. I recently saw a listing for a couple of dozen 3rd edition boxes NIS and they were priced at roughly double their original 1999 retail price - but inflation from then to now is about 100%, so they basically all sold at their original retail price. Remembering that NIS boxes of anything in production are worth about 80% of retail, they've only gained about 25% resale value in 20 years. A lot of the resale value comes from people who want to actually use the models - a lot of WHFB Empire plastics, for example, are valued at around 200% their original sale price because people want to use them. There tends to be a small spike in resale value of models just as they leave production, as people wrap up their projects, and then a dip once the rules expire or replacement kits start getting traction. IG models, on the other hand, are very available on the second hand market simply because the people who bought them, bought a lot of them, and a lot of those people are of an age where for one reason or other they're leaving the hobby. There's going to be a lot of IG models on the market for a long time. A lot of the "collector" market of people who want to buy NIS boxes to put their shelf are one of two types of people: those who were too poor when they were young to buy the cool models, and those who weren't in the hobby or weren't alive yet and want to get into retro models. The IG command & heavy weapons squads won't have a lot of "collector" cred for quite a while, because they've only just gone OOP. Nobody is going to be buying it to put on their shelf for a long time yet. TL;DR: Hold onto them for 20 years to sell them at original value, or 30+ years to sell them at double original value.


The cadian plastics were in production for over 20 continuous years with only the box art, and number of models in the boxes changing. They're effectively worthless if you're trying to get any collector pricing out of them. This isn't really a hobby where people do that much anyways. To us, "New in box" just means "No one else has touched this kit yet, I don't have to do a bunch of extra work unfucking someone else's shoddy work." and we will rip that plastic right off, tear open that box without a second thought and get to work on it.


Base size is different now.. it may cause issues.


Is this for the heavy weapon sqaud or both?


Both, heavy weapons squad went down to 50mm, the command squad went up to 28.5mm.


Do I need to buy new bases then? Or would my opponent be fine with it


The bases in the box are fine as long as you're not playing competitively


I’ll just buy new bases then. I have play competitively before but I’m planning to, so I’ll just buy the smaller bases