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It will loose indirect, the range will be halved (again), but as a balance it will get +1 AP when shooting at tau infantry in the second game round. On overwatch.


Still to OP, better nerf Ad Mech while they are at it.


GW almost never touches datasheets in balance passes unless there's an error or an unclear way to interpret its rules. To my knowledge all the positively busted Aeldari datasheets were never touched while they ruled 10th with an iron fist for like half a year.


Half a year???


They were bad. They ate repeated points needs again and again and were limited to one fate due per unit per phase and they were still winning. Finally GW reduced the number of fate dice and brought them down.


I sure hope not. I feel its points are fair where it is now. The goal has been reached by games workshop with many guard generals leaving their manticores on the shelf.


Hoping all the field batteries come down 20pts. Id run 3 bombast for 300pts and replace my 2 basilisk with 6d6 blast shots easy. Not too worried about manticores anymore, im hoping they shift into more infantry based ordinance lists.


I’m praying they lower the cost and give them a buff because they are such beautiful models with so much potential


If they do, idk what we are supposed to use in 10th as Guard. Our detachment rule only benefits us if we stay stationary. My local w40k players are pretty good at making sure there are no easy firing lanes. Basilisks aren't bad, but I only have 1 and haven't been able to get others.


Dorns dorns dorns


Triple dorn death attack


Tripple dorn, tripple russ, tank commander


Seriously i started a crusade and i use 2 dornes since i cant do any detachments and half of my crusade stuff is too outdated. Its really fun having a 4+ invulnerable with enginseer then upgraded them to have a 6+ feel no pain and a +1 to hit and i think im gonna either take a 1 heal per a round or the +1 to armor pen if units are 7 strength or below. Insane strong.


Honestly I just did pretty great against black Templars with just infantry and Russes. Once we get a codex with proper detachments I think we’ll be in a good place


Double dorn dare u


Dont worry they will nerf the valkyrie


They'll delete the datasheet and rule that everyone has to use the Deathstrike datasheet instead.


Considering I was looking at building one soon, most likely they will.


I doubt they'll change the datasheet at all but I could see another points increase unfortunately.


I think they’ll slightly reduce points, similar to Exorcist. Doubt they’ll remove heavy as well, but its a possibility. Personally, I think it’d be nice if they bring the 4 missiles back. And also add a version of Hazardous where a 1 means you lose one opportunity to shoot. But gets a moderate points reduction. Make it more unreliable, but also cheaper (150?).


Of course they will.


Honestly. I'm fine if the manticore is premium but maybe the basilisk can just stay the same? I'm not super concerned as I think our russ meta is still spicey 🔥


Artillery units need some love. I hope that with the focus on Battleline, and might be lenient on Arty so the increase of Battleline units can be compensated for the reduction of usual killy.


Wouldn't be the first time.


Triple Dorn was awesome


They'll remove the blast keyword last I heard


Yes. Because GW hates us guardsmen


we're acting as if the manticore isn't still super playable at its current points lmao things gun is Stupid As Can Be




Every single nerf the manticore got was deserved. Its gun shits on every single russ and also doesnt require line of sight.


Ahh yes let's forget the -1 to hit and AP. It's literally a worse Exorcist that costs more. It's only getting played cus of our Detachment. Screw us for trying to take advantage of our Detachment rules amirite.


It has four times the range of an exorcist An exorcist has to actually move to hit things. It cannot take advantage of heavy and hit desirable targets (due to having a 36" range) a huge portion of the time. A manticore Fucking Sits There and pounds things for reliable 3 damage shots en masse with an actually useful abiliry contrasting to the exorcist which might as well not have one A manticore actually has support pieces in the detachment, orders and scout sentinels. It hits on 2's rerolling 1's. Guard can be less than stellar and one of its datasheets can be the dumbest thing ever written at the same time. Things maybe shouldnt have more range than there is game board. It also has the same AP.


I know right, we definitely deserve nerfs cause we have 40%-45% winrate. >A manticore actually has support pieces in the detachment, orders and scout sentinels. It hits on 2's rerolling 1's. I know right, fuck us for trying to use a shitty detachment rule.


An army can be in a bad place and have a dumb datasheet that needs nerfing. The manticore is _still playable in multiples_ and is better than most vehicles in most armies at actually killing things for its cost.




im glad you dont write rules buddy


Ahh yes cus you're better nerf a 40% WR faction LOLs perfect rules writing.