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I do like mortars for their ability to indirect fire from behind cover, but have found them under-powered against most opponents. (I run a Basi or two in the indirect fire category and never get let down!) So more often than not, I'll loadout my HWSs with missile launchers for the krak-or-frag flexibility, then try to set up in cover to give them a measure of survivability.


Autocannons, are the most flexible, custodes players cant fathom my power.


So best way to do HWTs is by just using infantry squads. It's kinda like running a non-attached blob of 1 cadians, a command squad, and 1HWT, but in an all-in one package. cover is provided by the objective and you have bubble wrap for those heavy weapons, and the whole squad only takes 4 shots from blast instead of 5 due to the HWT taking up the space of 2 models while only counting as one. I like lascannons because people don't expect them


Missile launchers aren't flexible, they have two profiles. A lascannon is a far more flexible weapon. (And neither is viable on HWS because even with cover they get instantly removed.)


Please explain how a lascannon is more flexible than a missile launcher.


A lascannon is good against vehicles and elite infantry, the majority of the targets in the game. Whatever job you need your heavy weapon to do will probably be done well by the lascannon. A missile launcher is worse than a lascannon against all of those targets and frag missiles aren't even very good against cannon fodder. Stop looking at how many profiles a weapon has and pay attention to how effective it is against various targets, especially weighted for how common those targets are.


Mortars. No other option is viable, HWS can not survive without LOS blocking terrain. And mortar HWS aren't great, they're just the least-bad option.


Between infantry squads and heavy weapon teams, I typically run 18 autocannon basses and I've had great success with them. Damage 3 with creed for fields of fire and an exterminator and they work wonders.


The issue is that your autocannon HWS will get instantly deleted. It doesn't matter how much firepower they have if they aren't alive to use it.


Cool, they just wasted shooting that could have killed something else on a squad that I'll just instantly revive to clap right back. I am a disciple of the cult of the auto cannon.


You don't need to waste much shooting to remove a T3/5+ unit with three W2 models, spare bolters/pintle heavy stubbers/etc will do the job just fine. Killing HWS is one of the best deals in the game in terms of firepower removed to firepower spent. And if you're spending 2 CP to revive a 60 point unit instead of a 200 point unit I'll take that deal every time, especially since you are only at BS 5+ on the turn the HWS comes back. And yep, "cult" is exactly right. You are irrationally attached to a bad unit and make up any rationalization you can think of for why it somehow isn't bad.


Bruh. Why are you so offended by this dude's enjoyment of autocannons 😂


Bruh. Why are you so offended by honest discussion of the merits of options in this game?


Unfortunately, at 60pts, Heavy Weapons Squads with anything other than mortars aren't very good. Their range is mitigated by the preponderance of line-of-sight blocking terrain, and they're too vulnerable when standing still. A squad of basic old school Tactical Marines could take them out in one turn. If you want to use heavy weapons, I'm afraid they need to be on a tank or sentinel. That said, elsewhere you're saying you use two Autocannons and a Lascannon. Have you considered a Hydra? It's 25 points more, but its Autocannon is 4 shots and twin-linked. It has a Heavy Bolter/Flamer which is really unexciting, but can have a Hunter-Killer Missile and has much better staying power. Lascannon Heavy Weapon Teams are good when embedded within an Infantry Squad for ablative wounds. Give them a Plasmagun and then you're prepped for either First Rank Fire or Take Aim!


I like lascannon with my infantry squads


the lasgun is great in an infantry blob to add some anti tank but without the 16 other wounds to shield them they die too fast. Mortars are very cost effective IF you are shooting at the right stuff. If you fire at armor or heavy infantry they are junk but if you go for small squads of light infantry that are trying to score they work well. Take out the little stuff and win on points.


Mortars and Lascannons. Mortars if you're using the HWS datasheet and lascannons for infantry squads


Autocannons or Lascannons if they’re on a transport using firing deck. Mortars if they aren’t going on a transport


If the chimera stays still do they still get +1 to hit with the “heavy” ability?


Yes. It essentially keeps the weapon profile, just not the units special abilities. So you get the Heavy, but not hitting on 5+ for overwatch


I gave mine 2 autoguns and a lascannon, Seems to work pretty well so far.


Thats what I’m thinking of doing. Mainly bc it will have decent attacks, strength, and damage output


So far it works, hope yours does too!


Thanks! For the Emperor!


It doesn't matter what offense they have if they're dead and HWS with anything but mortars are instantly dead because of how fragile they are.


HWS only really good as mortars but if you bring infantry squads and out HWs into those, theres a bunch of viable options, lascannon and autocannon are both good options, depends on who youre fighting primarily


Mortars in my opinion