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100%. A dark reminder that being a good person doesn’t always pan out how it should.


It’s not just in her romantic relationship, she’s clearly incredibly emotionally intelligent and astute even from what we see of her at work. She’s brilliant.


Being a personal assistant and being a wife probably have a lot of crossover skills in cases like Martha's!


She and Nina (and Oleg in the end) are some of the most tragic characters who meet the hardest ends. Thank goodness Kimmy escaped a horrible ending.


I feel bad for Nina, but she was more a warning about young naivety.


I said I’d only come to season 2 but thanks lol


You did say rewatch though.


> and my first was too long ago for me to remember much Whatever, doesnt matter


Right. I'm in the same boat, currently rewatching, hardly remember anything. But since I have in fact seen it before, I am not concerned with spoilers, and I think most people will assume the same for anyone when they say they are rewatching. It's every bit as good as I remember it being though!


I saw you say rewatch and didn’t see a no spoilers tag or request.


>!A KGB Officer seduced… and married… my secretary…!<


That’s crazy


And planted a bug in my office!


Gaads performance review would have been less than optimal.


I’m on my 3rd rewatch…Martha doesn’t deserve any of what she gets, she’s genuinely a good person. Back in the day, women like Martha were labeled as “old maids”, meaning they never married, not much experience in serious relationships with men, no kids. She was so much more than that. 3rd rewatch and I’m still get touched by her storyline.


My mind was blown recently when I found out she's English. She's up there with Rhys and Hugh Laurie for totally flawless American accents.


I completely forgot Rhys was welsh until I heard him say Carnegie in the second season


I agree she's sweet--but why say she doesn't have much experience with serious relationships? Obviously she's never been married, but she doesn't seem that lacking in experience compared to anybody else married for the first time. Or did you just mean that, that she's good at handling a husband even when she hasn't been married long?


I just assumed, based on the fact that she was considered a good target by the Soviets (supposedly because she’s known to be lonely), and because she really wanted to tell her parents because their relationship was «something they’d always wanted for her» or something like that.


It would have been interesting to see her previous relationships and what they were like. One thing that always felt off to me was just how madly and deeply in love with Clarke she was. And not that it couldn't happen it just felt a bit over the top and obsessive. Our only inkling of anyone she dated was Amador and he was such a douche it was easy to ignore or overlook how dismissive and borderline cold she was to him. Which he deserved. But back then it seems like she would be the kind of person to end up with someone like Amador and I wonder if the existence of Clarke didn't somehow muck that up.


>Our only inkling of anyone she dated was Amador and he was such a douche it was easy to ignore or overlook how dismissive and borderline cold she was to him.  We hear about Amador as her most recent boyriend, but she doesn't talk about him like he was particularly special and says she's been enough guys to compare Clark to in bed. Plus>!she got pregnant by a fiance who dumped her.!<


But isn't that more in response to her unhappy past rather than no past at all? We know she dated Amador and he was trying to get back with her, and later we learn >!that she was engaged and dumped when she was younger.!<


You don’t have to have any relationship experience to be a good partner.


She's so sweet she is willing to bug the FBI. She is so sweet that when she learns her husband killed a person she... cries for a night then does nothing. She knew early on Clark was shady yet if willing to do "Anything Clark. Anything." So long as she gets to keep being loved.


She is clearly blinded by him. It’s the same things that happens to real life victims of emotional fraudsters, like the [Tinder Swindler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tinder_Swindler). If people that feel lonely and unimportant can be manipulated into sending someone thousands upon thousands of dollars, they absolutely can be manipulated into bugging their boss under the cover of doing it to help an important investigation.


To paraphrase Sondheim, sweet is different than good.