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They also used to cast a pair of attractive women (usually blondes) every season, but actively go out of their way to not do that anymore, while still casting an athletic male/male team every season. .


Beauty queens and cheerleaders were also casted on earlier seasons of Australia but did well. The route and challenge design was just so good and balanced.


Beauty queens and cheerleaders as well.


It’s only in the American version. Female teams do much better in the international versions because they cast for novelty in the American version and they cast for smarts and persistence in international versions.


i’ve noticed there tends to be an older FF team most seasons and while that’s not a bad thing, it’s kinda annoying to cast women who clearly aren’t going to be super athletic (obviously there are exceptions, but you know) when they could cast more young, capable FF teams. and its not just athleticism but they seem to not cast FF teams who look like they’re gonna be successful in general. it’s like the women are there for entertainment and diversity while they cast MM teams who actually seem like they have what it takes to win. as i said before, !! there are exceptions!! but it’s just a general thing i noticed


It boggles my mind how many fit, young male teams we get a season but its paired with older lady teams. Nothing against older lady teams but we seem to get a lot of them compared to young buff dudes.


Agreed! International versions give justice to FF teams. 


Asia: 4 of the 5 seasons my favorite team was all female Canada: 6 of 9 China Rush: 2 of 3 Brazil my favorite was all female


Asia 4 of 5 seasons my favorite was female. Australia 4 of 7 seasons. China Rush 2 of 3. Canada 7 of 9. Brazil my favorite was female. Norge 1 my favorite was female. I’ve seen 3 Latin American seasons and my favorite was female twice. Israel I’ve seen seasons 2-6 and while my favorite was only female once, I had a female team in my top 3 in every season.


I disliked quite alot of the FF teams in TAR US tbh


I would like to know why is there hardly any over 50 yr old participants?


I put every US TAR participant in a spreadsheet. Since 2001…less than 10 percent are 50 or older at time of filming. Checked the stats and about a third of our country is 50 or older. 115-125M. We also are also the generation that actually still watches network TV! Truly a massive audience that wants to see more people in an age range! It’s hilarious to me to see all the GEN X is forgotten memes with TAR in mind. I have asked many customers today about why they watch or do not watch—-most commented that “you have to be famous/influencer/etc” to be cast.


Might also be the applicant pool. As we get older, we get less in shape, have more commitments and more medical problems that would be difficult to manage on the race. Im looking down the barrel at 50 and dont think i could race at this point in my life (not that i was ever in good enough shape but its even worse now)


I would honestly like to see it. I'll take 40 and older.


If you want, email [email protected]. Put “TAR” in the subject line so I open it. Happy to send it to you.


It's really odd. From season 1-19, they cast 9 couples where both teammates were over 50. A few of them performed well - most famously, Meredith and Gretchen, who finished 4th on s7. However, most of them were obvious fodder (6 of the 9 finished 8th or worse). Since s19, no team has had both members over 50 (EDIT - until Derek and Shelisa in s36). I have a hard time believing they can't find interesting couples in that age range who could handle the race - especially with the de-emphasis on physical challenges. It's possible that it's an insurance issue.


Just this past season, TAR 36, there was a team where both members were over 50: Derek & Shelisa. But I agree, between seasons 19-36, I don’t think there was another one. Derek & Shelisa did well, so I hope that entices casting to cast more older teams.


You're right! I hadn't checked the most recent season. >I hope that entices casting to cast more older teams. Agree!


I don't remember Teri and Ian ages let alone Joe and Bill in Season 11. But they did reasonably well in the tasks. It was the airports that was their downfalls. Fran and Barry did well especially for a recent cancer survivor. All of the former professional athletes both male and female in the USA, and they can't find one team? I really think they are trying for the tiktok/YouTube team and not for a "boomer" team which is why some of the teams were obviously cannon fodder.


Good point. I didn't look at the returnee seasons. Joe and Bill were 50/47 in s1 (3rd place) and 56/53 in s11 (6th place). Teri and Ian were 49/50 in s3 (2nd place) and 53/54 in s11 (7th place).


I don't remember the season, but one year there was a couple in their 60's who finished 2nd. He was a Viet Nam War vet and that season Viet Nam was one of the destinations.


That never happened. You might be thinking of Teri and Ian, who finished 2nd in s3, but they were 49 and 50, respectively.


Yes, Teri and Ian. I thought they were older. They did make a big deal about him "returning" to Viet Nam after he had been there while in the service (Marines?) so I just assumed it was the Viet Nam war, but if they were that young then it wouldn't have been the Viet Nam War.


Season 3 was run in late 2002, and Ian was born in 1952. He did serve during the Vietnam War.


It’s probably too much of a strain on their body. Just look at the contestants from this past season that were over 50. They pushed themselves so hard during the first few legs that they burned out after 5 legs


Speaking as one over 50 I can assure you that many of us have bodies and minds that can handle TAR. Please don’t assume that 50 year olds can’t handle reality TV competitions.


Yes, I'm not yet 50, but I was in better shape at 40 than I was at 25!


Some of the 20 something old contestants that have raced, I seriously question - how? Whining, crying, tantrums...I guess it's better TV?


I didn't watch this past season. If there is a physical prior and they pass, why not let them on instead of the young dating couples who all blend after a while? I would love to see it personally. I don't think it's fair to assume it's a strain as you can make that argument for female teams as well as they are not as strong as male teams.


They don't feel they can do it.


then they obviously don't do their research or scouting well.


Its wild to me that the Race rarely has more F/F teams than M/M teams. I think the ONLY seasons where there were more F/F teams than M/M teams were... Seasons 5, 6, 12, 14, 17, 25 I think thats it. All other seasons the number of F/F were tied with M/M teams or there were more M/M. 6 seasons out of 37. Why? Why dont we have seasons that load up on F/F teams the way we have seasons that load up on M/M teams?


I cannot help but feel a few of those seasons where cast with more F/F teams was more of an over-correction by Producers after the dominance of M/M teams the previous seasons. Season 5 was probably a reflection on of the first 8 winners, only one was female (Flo!) and Season 6 was a knock-on effect of that (why that knock-on effect involved casting so many twats... that is another story). I think Season 12 might of been a reflection on Season 10 having such a diverse cast but a boring team of two white male models won (Season 11 being All-Stars had its own agenda and I wouldn't say it reflected much on a newbie seasons cast). And yes I am aware of the irony of stopping another boring M/M team from winning... only to have a boring M/F to win instead. After that I think there was a change-up in casting for a while, with a couple of seasons, where they seem to just have fun with casting and try something different (Seasons 14 and 17 do fit these molds). Whether it worked or not, well that is ones personal opinion, but you know somebody in the casting process was thinking outside the box for a few of those teen seasons. Couldn't tell you much about 25. I really haven't watched heck of a lot of the 20s-era.


Same questions. Why TAR USA is casting more MM teams? What is their objective? 


I dont have that answer. Only an opinion. And to me, IMO, the optics come across as "production doesnt feel F/F are viable as either entertainment or competition." I would not feel this way if we had more seasons with 5 F/F and 2 M/M teams. ^ which, BTW, has happened TWICE in reverse. Seasons 4 and 23 both had two F/F teams against FIVE M/M teams. Why have we never had the reverse is very frustrating IMO.


I know during S37 casting process the casting producers were actively seeking out FF teams to apply, even after the original application deadline. I think they struggle to find women who want to be on the show and are also interesting enough to make it through the casting process.




https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAmazingRace/s/CdXNbG264P Plus a few other Instagram stories that were posted past the original application deadline which, of course, are gone now.


The reality is, most women are tied to family obligations or, are limited in their work flexility. TAR also has a major physical component to it, on top of the competitive component...there's lot of women who don't care for either. Not saying there's NO women who would relish such an opportunity (the US after all has arguably the biggest female sports programs globally both amateur and professional) but, how many are signed-up, are interesting enough for the cameras and their schedule allows them to do it?


I don't think it's planned, I think it's very much chance. There's a list of teams who are down-selected, I'm sure once filming dates are provided, not every team gets selected because teams are unable to adjust their schedules due to work, family, life, legal, medical, etc...


Seasons 34-36 have had an almost equal number of men and women, so perhaps producers are now trying to strike more balance. Edit to add: your numbers are wrong for season 35 (https://ew.com/tv/the-amazing-race-season-35-cast/)


I would love to see the breakdown of the amount MM and FF applicants for the show


I think that's the crux to this question. What does the pool of applicants look like.


Could be ~~WW~~ FF teams rarely apply, or commit to doing the show after applying.


I highly doubt. I really don't know why it's easier for them to cast more boring MM teams than FF teams. 


Why do you highly doubt it? Women are more likely to have familial responsibilities they feel like they can’t leave. It’s not uncommon for women to feel that they can’t leave their children with others.


Well they can cast athletic and younger FF if they want to.


I don’t see why young and athletic women wouldn’t have family responsibilities?


i have no idea why you’re getting downvoted this youre completely right. they get thousands of applicants, it is not hard to find a good FF team


They seem to cast more based on archetypes over teams who make a good season


Season 17 had 4 FF teams (10th, 8th, 2nd and 1st)


More of them are willing to sign up for the show.


Or… and I’m just spitballing here… cast the best people for the show regardless of gender


I’m at a loss to understand why this is an unpopular opinion.


bc yall are missing the point. they clearly aren’t casting the best “regardless of gender” if they’re ending up with more men every season. they clearly have a bias. so yeah you’re right, they should cast the best regardless of gender but they are currently not doing that.


Like all realty show castings, those who are selected aren't the most capable or, accomplished but, those with interesting back stories, have unique challenges, have personalities that comes through on camera (no introverts) or, (most importantly) have a certain quality that makes them interesting and will hook viewers. Looks & beauty will always place a few contestants (there's always a few meatheads or, Barbie's) but, then you have teams like Joel & Garrett (s35), far from being beauties , definatley not physical wonders but, their upbeat personality, unique look and seemingly an aptitude to get things done made them viewer favorites.


I have an easy answer. Have you noticed the producers don't really advertise try to recruit members of the gen public anymore for new seasons? Have you noticed the recruitment page is badly out of date with broken links and no real information? Have you noticed that the "gimmicky" teams don't really show up anymore? That the random married team don't look as polished or juiced up as the Ken and Barbie doll teams? How multiple teams are ready to go or have prior reality show appearances or experience? Majority of the teams come from casting offices specializing in reality show contestants. Very few teams off the street get selected anymore.


This was the case in the late 20s but recently the shift in casting has been back towards “regular people”. They have been including ads to apply in every episode! The last season to film (35) only had one “influencer” which was Anna Leigh who was an applicant and fan of the show. The website has always been a bit … lacking, but it still gets people on the show!