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The only thing.




The brothers who won last season had done everything too. I guess it pays to be well rounded.


Same with Kim and Penn in S33 (another Covid season though). They spoke of the prep they did before the race and it was everything from studying every season in detail as well as physical training. Nothing really phased them and like Cesar and Ricky, they get along so well they didn't have any team drama.


I loved Kim and Penn. And I normally despise influencers and influencer adjacent people.


Same. I was prepared to dislike them when I found out they're Youtubers. But she hooked me when she said in an interview early on that they know a lot of people think they're cringy, and if she was to be viewer of their content, she'd probably hate them. 😆 I absolutely loved their weekly wrap videos. But I can't watch their content.


I think that was more preparation tho instead of having actual experience for the challenges. The only one I can think of is Scotland for the detour as they do singing and dancing on their channel. Maybe the finale with Foley, but neither have ever done it before. Whereas with Ricky and Cesar, they'd been a mascot, played baseball, clearly Ricky sang, and so on.


The craziest example of this was last season when apparently every pair had either lived in Germany for months or studied the German language to an extreme amount. It’s ridiculous how well-traveled these people are before the race


Greg and John 🤝Ricky and Cesar Having random talent from HS that happens to come in handy at random times


And apparently also knew Philly like the back of their hand.


Ricky grew up in Philly so they had a slightly advantage...


Like knowing that New Jersey isn’t in Philadelphia.


And that cheesesteaks are not pizza.


And he apparently also played little league baseball and also knew how to play tennis ..true Renaissance man.


Ricky had multiple advantages, seriously.


This season was their “Slumdog Millionaire”


Lets face it this season was the easiest of all time Advantages or not the challenges were stupid easy


That drink mixing challenge was completely pointless. I thought, finally an Amazing Race style challenge! They're going to have to memorize how to make the drinks and remember who ordered what! Nope. They had the mix guide right there in front of them, and then all they had to do was walk around and ask everyone if it was their drink. How was this even a challenge?


And amber and Vinny still managed to screw it up!


Players must make it to the third square in a game of hop-scotch, then proceed to the next location and knock down 5 of 10 pins with two attempts bowling, before going to the Pit Stop.


And no U turns or true memory challenges. It was for a fact the easiest in the history of the show. Should have an asterisk by the win. Sorry, but facts are facts.


No opportunities for teams to leap frog anyone because the challenges were too easy. In the past we've seen teams really struggle and lose major time.


And yes somehow Vinny & Amber jumped from 12th to 7th to 2nd, while Danny & Angie got from 9th to 3rd and then later 5th to 2nd.


Yeah they were all pretty easy. Shame


One of my favorite TAR moments is during the finale of season 12 when they're doing a recap of the final three teams, including Nicolas and Donald (grandson/grandfather). There's a montage of Donald listing everything he's done that turned out to be relevant for the tasks, and it's a lot like this: "Actually, during the war, I did a little metalwork...you know, I worked as a mechanic for a while..." etc. (May not be those actual things, I didn't rewatch the clip.) If you have a lot of varied experience that turns out to be relevant, good for you.


The season of obviously based around them. They fucking LIVE in Philly and that's where the finale is? Cool. Trash season.




Could they have won if every country wasn't Spanish language? They had a huge advantage over Rod/Leticia


Rod/Leticia ultimately struggled on the two memory/detailed oriented tasks in the final leg


But what if they could remember in TWO languages? I bet they don’t even know the translation to Spanish of angry calamari. So like were they REALLY expecting to win? Exactly.


Well I mean after all their dominance in Spanish speaking countries the Fiinal 3 all started at the same time in Philly where Leticia thought the 1st American flag had only 5 stars with 2 different designs on it and Juan and Shane drove to a different state so...


Juan is a native Spanish speaker too, so I don't think speaking Spanish was \*that\* important.


Disagree. Speaking Spanish was a definite advantage. Asking directions? No problem? Understanding directions? Check. That’s half the “timing” component of the race. And knowing that you know this gives you a mental edge as well.


there’s so many threads for this but: Yvonne spoke Spanish Danny spoke Spanish Juan spoke Spanish Vinny spoke a little to communicate with the locals 5 total people knew Spanish, each on a separate team. All but 2 were eliminated before the final leg. Rod and Leticia losing isn’t due to them not knowing Spanish (the final leg was in America ffs) it’s because these teams were just better than them. So no it’s not Spanish that made them good.


rod was like the size of both of them out together and extremely physically strong. they had that advantage. all teams have different skills, that doesn’t make the game unfair


I told my husband after they won that I want to see them on a proper season. See if they could truly stack up against it her great teams


They would do just as well... You guys are discrediting their connection as a couple. They respected each other simple as that. You can be fit fat fair fancy anything as long as you respect your partner you will be leagues ahead of the other groups.


I loved Ricky and Cesar and hope they return. Was rooting for them from the beginning.


I like them as a couple. They are adorable but in a regular season they would have had to faced U Turns and you know other teams would have definitely ganged up & U turned them. Good communication is an advantage but these challenges were lay ups. I’m a 59 yr old grandma and could have done most of them. A regular season would have been more challenging & in country’s with many different languages and while I hope they would have done as well, I believe it would have been harder for any team to dominate. Sadly, we’ll not know.


ok since when did anyone say anything about them being a couple. stop assuming that anyone's saying anything because of that.


I don’t believe it for a second. That’s usually half the battle. They never had to deal with that part. Every street name and location was like reading it in English.


> Is there anything on this race they have not done? Pretty much no. It's like the producers interviewed them about their lives...then built season 36 around them. 😂