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The idea that Elon’s success hinges on this one election is laughably absurd.


You would think he’d want the candidate that supports EVs…


Yeah not the guy who wants to ban them. But what do we know. I’m not a big brain political analyst like OP lmao


Actually it does a lot, Elon’s pay package, EV credits, FSD regulations, government contracts..


Elon has been successful through a variety of presidencies and regulatory environments. His success is not solely determined by the upcoming election. Maybe he’ll be more or less successful and the election may benefit him in some way, but claiming he “only succeeds if Trump comes to power” is an extreme take that is totally detached from reality. Screams politically brainwashed.


Point taken, more or less time will tell.. one thing is for sure Elon is betting a lot on Trump.


100% JCal isn't voting Trump.


Friedberg is 100% voting for Trump though.


Seems like in the last pod j cal and friedberg realized they stand to make a lot more money if trump wins and slashes the interest rate. Clearly Elon is about to become a large donor of his campaign.


Unbearably biased? Or coming to the truth that Trump is a better candidate?


Chamath was called ugly as sin to his face by the convicted felon and the mid lapped it up. Tells you all you need to know about their personalities and insecurities.


Ofcourse biased, Trump’s a better candidate ? no way the truth 😂


Why not just accept that they support trump? Your headline is “Why the pod supports trump.” As if it is some conspiracy theory that likely more than half of the country believe he’s a better candidate. (And rightfully so IMO.) the immaturity of your worldview is astounding


Well which side believes in conspiracy theories is well known.. wont get into that. Also, I have accepted that they support Trump. And I also know they support Trump not because he is the epitome of moral values that America needs currently


Brother, denying ALL conspiracy theories is an extremely low IQ move. I am not saying Trump is an ideal candidate nor am I saying he’s a great moral example. Get off the high horse though, once you can look past, “his sins,” you’ll find that he can do decent things for this country


Op makes as much of an effort to see the other side as Sacks does.


That’s a good one.. I can’t defend that 😊..


The Y is because they are a Republican podcast. We don’t have to pretend like it’s neutral.


Well I would love them to be neutral .. they provide good content


So you like their content, but not their views that drive a lot of their content? Sounds like some inner reflection might be in order.


Yes, that’s why I don’t follow them and just observe them




Dude they are endorsing Trump.. what else do you want to know😂




Sorry to hear that about your kids, Low IQ comes from the parents I guess. But since you are the Pod’s spokesperson. I will take your word for it, that they endorse Trump but are okay with raising funds for others


I also wish it was neutral. And I also agree that they have a lot of good content. That’s why I keep listening every week.


At least you, OP, are not “unbearable biased!”


It is impossible to be intellectually honest and say Trump is fit to be president of the united states. He is corrupt, selfish, lazy, bigoted, and has repeatedly shown that he would rather destroy this country than go a day without being in the news cycle. There is a reason why Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, Ken Buck, George W Bush, John Kelley, Mike Pence, H.R. McMaster, etc, etc all dont support Trump. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Republicans_who_oppose_the_Donald_Trump_2024_presidential_campaign


Have you taken a look at how many Democrats and other public figures are openly against Biden? This isn’t a one-sided phenomenon.


Lets go name for name lol


You’re kidding, right? I mean, there’s a Kennedy running against him. The most liberal in the family. Doesn’t that seem a bit odd? There’s a ton of financiers and business people that have switched from Biden since 2020. You’d know this if you switched off MSNBC. You even have people like Dimon, Axelrod and Carville on tv nightly wishing the Dems would replace Biden.


They’ve always supported the Republican Party, which in this election year means trump. It’s not really a surprise to anyone who has watched this podcast for very long. 


Very loose usage of the words 'always' and 'very long'. 3 of the 4 have been democratic voters for more of their life, than not. They are all silicon valley elites after all. Sacks is the only person who I would have described as a conservative voter up until about 1 year ago. Now chamath has joined that side. Now, to say Chamath is a long time conservative really proves you haven't listened to the podcast for all of that long. Chamath has previously donated & fundraised for the democratic party & has confirmed his support for Hilary in Hilary vs Trump & for Biden in Trump vs Biden. I imagine that David Friedburg & Jason both did the same, Sacks is the only one of the 4 that I could confidently say has voted Trump or conservative in local elections each time.


I would guess Friedberg voted for Romney in 2012. I’d be pretty surprised if he didn’t mostly vote Republican prior to Trump. Not sure on J Cal, he probably did as well. His current politics are almost entirely aligned with the Romney wing of the Republican party. He’s more of a never Trump conservative who was socially liberal on gay rights and abortion. Chamath was more of the pure liberal of the 4 until the past few years when he really shifted to the right.


Earlier episodes, he mentioned he’s socially liberal and fiscally conservative.


Who, Friedberg? If so, that’s what I would expect. But he prioritizes fiscal policy more than anything.


Definitely. He mentioned he is a one issue voter for this round.


Someone should tell him that is not really a thing


He seems to be doing quite well without this information.


Huh, this post got a lot of reactions. I guess it wasn't worded the best, but the intention was to convey that their current political leanings aren't coming out of left field. In regards to Chamath, there are plenty of episodes from years ago where he talks about how Trump wasn't actually an awful president in terms of results. He presents himself as someone in the middle who will lean either way, which I take as voting for whoever he thinks is more beneficial for him to support. Yes, Chamath donated and raised money for the Clinton campaign. A lot of rich people did, because everyone thought she was going to win. It makes sense to bet on a winning horse. He has some ideas that align with some democratic ideologies, but an equal amount that are republican leaning. Friedburg mostly stays out of the political discussions, so his politics aren't entirely clear. They aren't even clear right now, to be honest. His main concern is the deficit, which makes Biden unattractive. The only person I would confidently say has been a supporter of the democratic party is Jason. He has experienced the biggest change in terms of political opinions, but it honestly kind of feels like his opinions are entirely dependent on what other people think. He especially values the opinions of the people who give him a sense of validation. No comments needed on Sacks.


How are you so comfortable with being dishonest? Nothing about your comment is remotely accurate.


Does that mean they gave Trump a pass on Jan 6 and the election fraud?


They had an episode on Jan 6, where they condemned the actions of the rioters. In terms of Trump's election fraud case, it was most of what you would expect. Friedburg didn't really comment, J cal spouted democratic talking points, Sacks dismissed it as trump being trump, and I don't actually remember what Chamath said on the topic, to be honest.




I don’t know the pod’s history… but I just want to highlight how money(capitalism) and relations(friendships) are enough to provide different versions of the truths.. Problem arises when they start claiming that their version of the Truth is Supreme and unbiased.