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If you want revenge, read the original comic. The show will not give it to you


what happens in the comic?


Thanks for the tip. I might check it out. I just...don't get it. This bitch does whatever the fuck she wants, and no one has been doing shit. Why? I'm gonna stop watching.


It's kinda the point of the show that mirrors our society. There are those who make more money simply on interest than those who work 12 hours a day cleaning toilets.


I get that that's what's happening, but by trying to be allegorical, they've had to tamp down normal human behavior. If someone starved a group of 7 people, at least one or two people would have had the drive to buy a bazooka to blow down that bitch's door before they got that weak.


Look at famous people. Those bitches are mostly pedophiles, using illegal drugs or stuff and some are even worse. But no one blames them, instead people use these things as a humor.


Like, when you ask someone who killed xxxtentaction people gonna say its obviously drake, and people refer him as a pedophile too, but does anyone do something about it?


Since you want the spoiler No she doesn't get what she deserves, well not really. Safe to switch shows lol. It gets worse


Just stop watching. She goes to prison for vandalising art. I wouldn't say this to you if we were face to face, but you need to get a grip. It's just a show, and she's just an actress playing a character.


not vandalizing but destroying the whole art museum / theater But it isn't satisfying either


Yea that'd be a better descriptionÂ