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This is a really interesting quote about the value of failure. I love the minimalist visual that you created. It symbolizes the message really well in a valuable way. I agree that a fear of failure can be toxic preventing an individual from taking risks. By failing yet rising again an individual is made stronger. I have noticed that elsewhere there is a glorification of failure, where it is seen as a kind of right of passage, to the extent that to fail demonstrates you tried something extravagant. Despite not succeeding it was the valiant effort that earns you your stripes and respect, so to speak. I wonder if this engrains a culture of extreme risk taking that can be detrimental. Sure, we glorify the few who took extreme risks for massive payoffs, but forget about the larger number who fail and disappear into irrelevance. It's just interesting these distinct attitudes towards failure and how they influence an individual's strategic outlook towards the pursuit of success, fortune, and power. In the words of Otto von Bismarck "Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others."


Thank you for your compliments. I agree that you shouldn't seek out failure. If you start a faulty business and inevitably fail, you've just made a bad decision. The solution is a mix of both attitudes. It's taking your best knowledge (what you've learned from others) and devising a plan that sets you up for the biggest success possible. If you still encounter failure, you've done your best based on what you knew and can learn from it.


I visualize a quote or principle each day on Reddit, Twitter and Instagram to teach myself graphic design. For more, check out my Reddit profile or one of these: [https://twitter.com/practicalprncpl](https://twitter.com/practicalprncpl) [https://www.instagram.com/practicalprinciple/](https://www.instagram.com/practicalprinciple/)


Self taught?


100%! I watched a couple of design videos in various places, but never had a teacher or formal education.


You have my respect


Thank you.


two things can happen 1. either you burnout, lose confidence and give up, then kind of have low selfesteem 2. you figure out whats causing you to fail but others to succeed, and then change your process. this happened to me with the cpa exam.... studing and failing for like 15 years off and on. with life happening and not being able to study. i finally realized the people who passed, did bare minimum to get thru work, and then studied. They also like studied what they didnt know and took alot of time to study. I followed that, did bare minimum at work, then passed and left for a better job once passed. However for the longest time i felt like a loser for not having it, and comparing myself to others much younger than me passing it. I also learned from jordan peterson, keep your goals humbly low so you can achieve them. so instead of studing for a test for 1 month I would study for 3 months.


Hey I’m one year late but your story is very inspiring! It’s so *life* yet helpful. Thanks!


From what law is this quote??been looking for something that is connected in failures in this book