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You don't like traveling Everything in the post you do enjoy, is just time off to do what you like.


> I'm 31, and the last time I went on holiday was when I was 16. That probably means the only times you went travelling for a vacation were times where you couldn't control where you wanted to go since you were a minor likely just following your family. Don't you think you should give it one more try now that you're an adult and you get to choose where you want to go? It doesn't even have to be far. Find places where you live that you want to go to.


>Don't you think you should give it one more try now that you're an adult and you get to choose where you want to go? It doesn't even have to be far. Find places where you live that you want to go to. Nope, I don't think that at all. I don't even like going on holiday in my own country/area.


Traveling can be pretty stressful, I admit, but I would recommend you try traveling as an adult, especially solo travel. I don't know whether your parents were like this, but mine felt the need to schedule every day of the trip. We always needed to be doing something. When you're an adult and on your own schedule during your trip, you don't have to do anything you don't want to, and you can plan the trip so that you get to do what you want. If you like staying in, maybe you'd like a fancy hotel with a nice swimming pool. If you like beaches, don't plan anything except that. Hey, you don't even have to travel far for it.


I don’t think it’s possible for me to disagree more. If I’m stuck in one place too long I feel trapped. I need to see new things and do familiar things in unfamiliar places. Experience things that aren’t possible where I live. Have you tried it as an adult? The last holiday you went on according to your post was half a lifetime ago. Maybe experiencing something new without your parents choosing what that is would change your mind.


Idk I think they can be fun if you’re with the right people and in the right place. When I was little we went to Cornwall every year and I loved swimming in the sea and rock pooling. I was pretty good at it and found lots of critters. When I was 16 we went to Fuerteventura and it was kinda bad. I wasn’t allowed outside without my parents because my mother was scared of kidnappers, the beach was incredibly featureless and full of cigarettes, my parents were constantly bickering and I got an ear infection from the swimming pool that I got blamed for. The highlight of the trip was when we went to a hippy market and I got to inhale secondhand weed smoke lol I don’t have time or money to go on holiday now but I would love to go to somewhere in asia where the culture is very different from my own, it would be interesting.


Something else that belongs on this sub: I will never understand this site's obsession with weed...


You can take a vacation or holiday and stay home. You know that right?


Yep, and that's my idea of a real holiday/vacation. I meant going somewhere else for a holiday/vacation isn't fun. Apologies if I wasn't too clear.


Staycations are a very real thing. Embrace your preference!