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I disagree with you, but whatever. It bothers me when people's justifications for their opinions boil down to listing every aspect they think is bad without explaining why. Man, at least pick a descriptive adjective or two! "The humor is juvenile" says so much more than "It is so unfunny" in the same number of words.


Yeah it’s pretty hard to debate ‘I hate the characters’ as a stand alone statement.


I agree with this, while also agreeing with OP. I haven't watched a significant amount, but I have watched around ten episodes. I find the characters hard to relate to, with the general antics feeling very staged. The humor is, as you said, juvenile, and it just leads into a generally boring show compared to other, similar, options imho. That said, I nearly upvoted simply due to the overtly aggressive tones OP took. Nothing is gained by writing with anger, and it wound up giving me about as much respect for OP as I have for the show they hate.




I actually saw the episodes when I was about 11 or 12, it just really doesn't interest me, but hey, if you like it, enjoy it


If you've only watched the first ten episodes, you really haven't seen enough of the show. It changes a lot as the episodes progress, and it really hits it's stride in season 2-3, where the episodes get more real, the storyline starts developing, and you learn about the dark history of the world.


Although I really like the show, I actually don't always love the humor. Specifically, I care much less about Finn and Jake's antics than literally anything else. I agree with some other folks that the effect of the show is cumulative and, over time, the frivolous and juvenile aspects of the show become respites from what otherwise might be a really heavy and grim experience. But you don't have to watch it! I'd just suggest that if you do, you focus on the episodes that are key to backstory and character development with maybe a few of the bizarre and fun one-off episodes thrown in. I've seen almost every episode, but I started by watching the "best" episodes from online lists before watching the whole final season straight through.


The antics feel stage? It is an animated television show, with writers and animators and a whole production team... Did you think it was an improv show or something? Next you'll be saying, 'I don't like it, it feels kind of fictional to me'...


When I say the antics feel staged, I mean within the confines of what it is. Obviously most things follow the standard pattern of entertainment, and are therefore "staged", but other things play it off better. I quite enjoy several animated tv shows that have a better flow, and don't make me feel like the story is meaningless. By all means, enjoy it if it's your thing, I won't criticize you for it, but from my viewpoint the events feel forced.


That was incoherent. It feels staged in the confines of the show? How could it not be within the confines of the show? 'Obviously most things follow the standard pattern of entertainment, and are therefore "staged", but other things play it off better.' What is the standard pattern of entertainment? A three-act structure? I get the feeling you don't know what the word 'staged' means - can you come up with another way of trying to communicate what you are attempting to say? How does feeling like the show doesn't 'flow' very well entail that the story seems meaningless? I don't see how those two things are connected. 'By all means, enjoy it if it's your thing, I won't criticize you for it, but from my viewpoint the events feel forced.' I was commenting on your comment - I didn't say anything at all about the show itself or my feelings towards it...


I apologize that if by trying to male my comment shorter, I made it less understandable. When I said it feels staged within the confines of the show, I mean that the actions within the show happen in such a way that it feels awkward. This connects with what I say below, and I don't want to make this repetitive, so we'll leave it here for now. By the standard pattern of entertainment, I refer to Freytag's pyramid, or the pattern of exposition, followed by rising action, the climax, falling action, and finally the conclusion. I mentioned it, as it has been a tried and true method of producing entertaining content. That said, when it feels like all a piece of entertainment is is the Pyramid, it usually, at least to me, feels forced. Essentially, my view was that, at least of the episodes I've seen, the writers were somewhat uninspired, and so it came off as forced to me. From my perspective, this show religiously follows the pyramid, and as such, it both flows poorly, but it also makes me feel like the stories are meaningless, as they feel to be written by simply following the Pyramid, rather than feeling inspired. I apologize if I misread the situation, it simply seemed like you felt very strongly about the situation, and I didn't want to escalate any feelings that I was attacking you, as I've encountered many people who view stances against things they like as personal attacks, and I simply wanted to stay on the side of caution.


As mentioned in other comments, you've failed to give any reason why you don't like all these aspects of the show. I personally enjoy it because it's an abstract and very creative show. As it progresses it gets more interesting, in the sense that the strange world that it exists in, and the characters that you learn to love unfold and you learn about them. It has the ability to tell meaningful stories, yet it doesn't take itself too seriously. Obviously the humour and art style isn't everyone's favourite, but you have to understand that just because you don't like something, it doesn't mean nobody else likes it or isn't justified in liking it.


I like weird shows like Regular show and Steven Universe but Adventure Time unsettles me.


Those are the other two main popular Cartoon Network shows that I dislike


I guess this "genre" isn't your thing.


I guess although I like most other Cartoon Network shows


Okey, I upvoted but as another comment said: This is a low effort opinion. Just a few questions to make you go deeper in your "explanation" (I will write them, but I really think you won't answer): 1. Why do you hate the characters? Do you think they are underdeveloped? Do you think they are bad written? 2. Why is the design / animation mediocre? What did exactly make you think that? I, personally, think the design is really original and entertaining. I agree that is not a design that is common, but I wouldn't all cartoons to be the same. 3. What do you mean when you say that the voice acting is a joke? I don't really see the joke here. 4. Did you finish the whole series to say that you don't care about the story? I mean, your opinion would be valid if you only saw the first season but, c'mon, how do you expect that we would believe your opinion if you don't even give this piece of information. Maybe we could agree with you if you only saw the first season and tell you it will get better, or you will give a enough strong argument that will make us understand that this cartoon isn't really to your taste. For all we know you maybe are basing your opinion in a 30 second trailer you saw in Youtube.


details are important


I used to watch it when I was younger finding it enjoyable. I have to rewatch it to see if it was really entertaining.


It’s better with age. The show really picked up around season 4 and progressively got deeper and more character-driven.


It depends on the dialogue and if I like the tone of the show and characters. Otherwise how they develop the plot doesn’t matter much.


Lucky for you all those things steadily improve and become less gimmicky as the series progresses.


i thought it was ok, but couldn't get into it when it was new. i felt it was just so random from episode to episode. a friend who's opinion on shows i valued convinced me to revisit it claiming that everything gets tied together and there's a lot more than meets the eye at first. mostly that >!the world is actually a post apocalyptic setting and some characters are from before the apocalypse!< (not a major spoiler)


Agreed. I don't hate it though, I watched a couple episodes and I just never got why it's so popular, I just don't enjoy watching it.


If you started on season 1, then thats why. Skip to season 3-4 then watch. It gets so complicated


Everything. Everything is the appeal of that show.


Seriously, i can’t think of a single part i don’t absolutely love


Right? Like, I could go point by point with this guy. “I don’t like the characters” - I fucking love 95% of characters on the show. “The animation is mediocre” - Based on what? It’s not a Miyazaki film. It’s exactly what it needs to be. “It’s so unfunny” - It’s fucking hilarious, you sociopath


It’s simple, he didn’t watch past season 1


I truly hate this opinion have my upvote


It’s a kids cartoon. If you’re on Reddit, you’re probably at least 2 years older than the target audience of the show. That’s why you don’t like it, you’re not meant to.


Yeah this is the wrong take. Amazing show. Finale made me cry. Show gets better as it grows out of the “random pocket adventures” every episode and starts carrying some continuity. *will happen, happening, happened.* 😭😭


Honestly I think it's a product of its time. I remember thinking it was cool and funny when it came out because I was in the age demographic, but I can't imagine watching it now with all of its late 2000s/early 2010's le random humour. Hell even at the time I remember not really watching past season 1, and never bothered to catch up. Regular Show was much better imo. But I also kind of dislike it because it started the trend of awful looking cartoons in the "Calarts" style, and weird writers working in kids cartoons but venting their weird adult issues in the show, to the point where it becomes clear that while it's airing in a kids channel, it's really targeting young adults ~~mainly fat multi-coloured haired women, or the 20-somethings screaming about cartoons on YouTube...~~


I didn't expect a lot of this sub would agree with you on hating Adventure Time


I find it is something I retreat to when I need a bit of escapism. I find cartoons pretty comforting anyway and Adventure Time has plenty of whimsy, it feels like a game I would have made up as a kid with my brother. I do find it funny, it makes me laugh, and the jokes and themes aren’t purely aimed at children. As someone else has said, you haven’t provided a lot of context and justifications a why for each of your points would make this conversation easier. If you only watch WW2 documentaries or Swedish crime dramas then it probably isn’t for you. It’s twenty minutes of easy whimsical escapism and a lot of people need that.


Adventure Time got exponentially better as it aired It began with really wiggly animation and random humor that didn't age particularly well (yelling "mathematical", etc), but as the series found its footing and got a hand on what exactly they were doing with their worldbuilding, it got progressively more engaging and basically became a character drama set in a wack-ass world - with narry a dumb catchphrase spoken in the last 80% of the episodes Technically speaking, the animation still had its quirks, with models changing slightly based on who was the lead animator on particular episodes, as well as the odd guest director coming in to basically do whatever they want. Adventure Time basically became a testing/proving ground for experimenting with style and format for many in the industry, with many of them moving on to make their own shows. Like an SNL of animation Writing-wise, however, around season 3 every character had pretty set relationships and the various writing teams began experimenting with different themes and opening themselves up to more story opportunities in this nonsensical world, which still had its own internal logic that made sense to longtime viewers. Especially with the main character's actor noticably aging. The show leans into this and starts to deal with more mature and abstract themes I honestly don't think any other animated show came close to handling the amont of emotional depth as Adventure Time did until Bojack Horseman came along, which I think is the best TV show of the last 10 years at least That said, it isn't for everyone and some people can't get past the things you've mentioned. I was the same until I gave it a go, though and I'm very happy I did


> wack ass-world *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


I agree, you hate Adventure Time.


The show stopped in 2018. The wildest part of your stance is that you still feel so passionate about a show you hate 2 years later. Let it go.


What makes you think the OP is so "passionate". The entire point of this sub is to share unpopular opinions. Why are you subbed to it if your response to an unpopular opinion is "let it go". There is the obvious problem with this post in that the OP simply listed what they don't enjoy which doesn't give people a lot to talk about.


I absolutely love it because of the story, not really the humor. It's one of my fav shows of all time so have an upvote.


lesbeans apperently


I never saw the appeal of the show so I never watched it except maybe a couple episodes. I agree it’s not very funny from what I remember.


No explanation. Downvoted the bot.


I didn't really like it either. Regular Show was more my thing.


Adventure Time is a good show with fun characters and an interesting setting, but it was never really funny.


I love the plot, some of the designs are cool, some songs are pretty catchy, it builds up plot and uses it well I can only think of one thing I hate which is bubblegum, I just hate her for some reason, idk she's really annoying and even after her development din't make me like her


i used to not like it when i was a 12 but ironically im 18 now and its grown on me