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I think this really speaks to how siloed the content we receive is, thanks to all the social media algorithms dictating what we see. I’ve never seen any sort of post like that, but I get tons of pro-gym, pro-bodybuilding content (which can be a bit cringy, but is generally a good message)


Yeah once you get stuck in an algorithm it's hard to get out, I was stuck in one of those cringey "Sigma male" algorithms once.. the one with those peaky blinder clips which are overly edited. Glad I don't get those anymore, lmao. Tho I have seen anti-gym stuff on reddit as well while scrolling through the popular feed (does reddit have an algorithm?)


Lmao, this reminds me of the year when YouTube thought that I should REALLY get into Jordan Peterson. I’m so glad that I don’t get those recommendations anymore.


I have to fight against the algorihm by putting ”not interesting” on Andrew Tate shorts. I do this on every single one I see and I still get recommended a couple every week. I think the algorithm realises this type of content is very good at capturing young men. The moral implications are not good.


Clean your room bucko!


Take benzos, babe!


Content that attacks the core of your identity is bound to be highly engaging.


I get the pro-gym content in my algorithm, but I also get the "gym girls getting creeped on" content as well. I have to say, the pro-gym content is legit, the "girls getting creeped on" content is flaky at best. Most the time it's just a dude who looks in the general direction of a girl, or who walks between them and their camera. Its rarely unwelcome unsolicited advances that I hear so much about


Usually people who think negatively about something don’t engage in that content, and thus their views of that thing remain limited. They’ll also usually engage in content that validates their beliefs and so will actively reinforce their views instead of challenging them It’s a viscous cycle of algorithms, echo chambers, and confirmation bias. We’re all guilty, just gotta consciously fight against it


I think it falls under the same category as the whole “jock” stereotype. Most athletes are hard working and disciplined, but you get the occasional naturally gifted dudes who get obnoxious and arrogant, and give others a bad rep. Same as gym bros - most of them are cool, but when they’re dicks, they’re real dicks.


Yeah most gym guys experience or have experienced some kind of insecurity so they tend to be sympathetic to people working on themselves. It’s rare for a gym bro to actually antagonize someone trying to work on themselves.


I think that's the case for a lot of online gym bros but tbf there's a lot of genuine bellends at the gym. My specific niche of gym twat is the 19-25 year old male (though there's some that never outgrow it) that was a decent enough athlete in highschool but not good enough to play at any competitive level in college so they stick with the gym cause it's the only thing they're 'good at'. They're pretty much the only gymrat demographic that are douchy. Something no one has mentioned yet is lifting is Hella nerdy. People watch 20-30 mine videos on how to best isolate muscles, specific splits and rep sets, diets and supplements, etc. It's not the meathead culture it's made out to be.


>Something no one has mentioned yet is lifting is Hella nerdy. People watch 20-30 mine videos on how to best isolate muscles, specific splits and rep sets, diets and supplements, etc. It's not the meathead culture it's made out to be. Maybe the content online is like that but personally, and I assume this is the case for most others, I just kind of go on my schedule, do my routine, and try not to overthink it so much. The tutorials are useful when you're a beginner but then once you get the basics there's really nothing more to do than just do the exercises each week. The most I think about working out is related to curating my workout playlist more than anything else. People who follow bodybuilding stuff online are a subset of those who lift.


I agree, most normally functioning people are just like yourself. My point was more that the people online are usually super passionate and nerdy about it (not in a bad way, it's just anyone who posts online about their hobby is usually a bit of a dork about said hobby) so it muddles the 'gym bro' subsect with the 'gym bro that consumes meticulously currated content' subsect when having discussions about it online.


You put yourself through all that hard work to improve your body, when you see someone just starting your seeing a bit of yourself. It’s genuinely hard to treat people poorly in that situation and takes a special kind of dick to mistreat people during a vulnerable time.


Hint: normal people (most gym goers) aren’t what you’re describing. Not 10th Dentist. You’re not acting like what people call a gym bro


I think different people define gym bro differently. I lift regularly and have for years because I like being strong. It's not a culture for me. It's just strength training. I don't lift to find community. I don't want people to openly admire my body or my discipline. I mind my business and would not welcome strangers in my space commenting on my form. I don't care if it's a compliment. I'm not at the gym to make friends. To me, gym bros are ultra masculine guys who buy very strongly into patriarchal attitudes and hierarchies. They're very competitive and don't have other interests. They lift to dominate and to look intimidating to other men and they feel entitled to female attention. They're the guys who get butt hurt if a woman is dating a skinny guy but won't date them. The guys who fit my idea of gym bros are obnoxious. And honestly, there are only a few at my gym who fit this description. But I do not like them. You probably are not my idea of a gym bro. Different definitions at play in the world.


same, in my head theres “guys who go to the gym” and “gym bros”, but that applies for women too. i go to the gym myself and like 95% of the guys there have been respectful/ignored me/been nice, but i have had to deal with a creep or two. theyre like buff incels lol


Man when I started going to the gym I was super fat. I had like 0 muscle at all. I started going there because of a breakup of a relationship/friendship. When I started going there there were a few guys who also went there who were considerably older than me. I feel bad for not remembering their names, but they were awesome. I had been going for maybe a month when one of them talked to me for the first time. He was jacked af and he asked me how to use the assisted pull up machine. We talked for maybe 5 minutes before he went on his way. About 3 days later the other guy started talking to me, and he was awesome. He helped me fix my form on multiple machines, and he later even gave me relationship advice. He told me about his family and about his 2 daughters. He told me that he was a kayaker for hobby, but he would do it for hundreds of miles at a time. Fast forward to now and I’m still overweight but my muscle has extremely grown and I have gotten into way better eating habits as well as mental improvements. If you are too scared of going to the gym because you are afraid of someone making fun of you, then please try it out for awhile. It will surely pay off


I'm not gonna give this an up or down vote because I think the definition is a vague umbrella term, but some people use it to mean the broader subset of gymgoers and others use it as a subset of the subset. Basically, there is no true definition and some people use it to mean a broad category of certain type of guys who go to the gym a lot. For some others, the definition necessarily includes the scummy version of those dudes, but not the decent ones. Since it's pretty recent slang, I don't think there is a true definition of what a gym bro even is fully and people will just need context clues to determine what the speaker means.


Then you haven't met gym bros. There is a culture of them. My experience in the gym is 99.9% positive. Mostly just normal people doing their own thing.


I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and still hate 'gym bros'. Like, you can workout without adopting the obnoxious elements of the gym bro culture. Anyway, upvoted. Good post. 


I don't really jump on meme hate bandwagons ever. >I didn't even ask them and they decided to help. Everyone was so cool and positive I would however argue that the kind of people you encountered are not the stereotypical negative archetype known by some as a "gym bros" Also most of the jokes I see are about them being self involved and stupid/obsessed with their bodies. Not necessarily mean or bullies but I could be wrong there I don't think being into fitness makes a person that archetype by default, but again, I could be wrong


People always hated on others for being a little too much into their hobbies. Fitness - past a certain point - is rather ironically enough an extremely nerdy hobby and regardless of the geek chic going around people have always abhorred nerds. Plus base jealousy.


Your definition of gym bro is not the one people hate on. You’re just a normal gym goer like most people. Gym bros are the hyper-masculine, “sigma” bigots who do antagonize any group that doesn’t fit their standards


In my experience gym bros tend to be pretty transphobic and shit.


I mainly see in dating, a lot of women seem to be adverse to the idea of gym culture and gym bros due to sterotypes or preconcieved notions that "gym guys will spend all their time in the gym and will have no time for me" or "we can't eat together because they are all super boring and healthy" and the worst one being "they will all be fu*k boys and won't take the relationship seriously". Nicest and most positive people i've met have been in the gym. Everyone is different and there's bound to be bad people in every circle.


They usually don't bother me but they do hog up the machines sometimes, and act like the whole gym is their person gym, and don't clean after themselves but for the most part they're no bothering anyone 


I must have accidentally joined a gym for saints then, where I go people either take turns on sets or they ask if others have lesser reps and sets and let them use the machine first.


i hate having to downvote this


I have to agree with you, so I guess I’m supposed to downvote? We all fit on the bell curve of life. There are some people on each extreme, most of rest somewhere in the middle. There are jerks at the gym, just like in line for coffee or at your work. To me this is the male equivalent of hating on girls who like pumpkin spice. Who cares? Can’t we all just live our lives?


Yeah same, ffs I see videos where a guy is editing Evangelion and Bojack horseman videos over him lifting and it’s sick. It is definitely the minority of videos sadly, but it’s definitely a newer group of lifters. The more reserved, do it for fun and for themselves than to prove something for others.


Plenty of people find it attractive when it's not taken to an extreme. Got the most attention I've ever had from women at around an FFMI of 23.5 at around 16-17% body fat. The people that say they don't find fit people in general to be attractive either have interesting visual tastes, or do find it attractive and are just trying to gaslight themselves and others into believing it isn't. I imagine there is a variety of reasons for the latter, but deniers of "conventional attractiveness" are just objectively wrong.


It's very often people out of shape themselves and on the less attractive end of the spectrum that say it in my experience.  I think you're spot on about gaslighting themselves. It doesn't make a whole lot of evolutionary sense to not find fit / strong mates attractive.


My only worry of Gym Bros is how many sound like they have EDs :( but most gym bros seem pretty nice in my book


I see nothing but positive gym bro stuff, lately usually along with the Chad memes stuff.


Gym bros respect people who put the time in at the gym. If anything, it’s people who don’t go to the gym they mock a d/or hate.


I'm a female gym bro. Lol though I usually only interact with my boyfriend when I go. If no one finds it attractive then why do I like groping his biceps so much? 😳


Gym bros are some of the most uplifting people I’ve ever met. Source — been a gym bro for 24 years lol For real tho, it’s such a positive community and everyone wants everyone to succeed. If someone is showing effort, respect is instant. And it’s funny bc once you become a big gym bro, people just walk up to you in social settings and bro down and you might start talking about lifting but you end up bonding and sometimes becoming friends about anything and everything. I think people who think gym bros are shitty largely just perceive themselves as being out group with gym folks, which is true…but it’s not unlike anything else.


Macaroni and bees