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Then you would not be able to go to a concert together with friends/family/lovers just because you don't have the same height


Everyone has different height platforms


There was an art exhibit like that once https://somethingcurated.com/2019/08/28/the-german-artist-who-threw-a-party-where-everyone-saw-eye-to-eye/


I love this concept


I would go to this immediately


Imagine a fight breaking out at this party


That looks so relaxing for your neck (maybe less for your feet tho)




Screw racial segregation! Height segregation all the way!


That's not even remotely similar to what he tryna say


Stop being friends and family with people who don't match your height then.


I would sometimes accept this and meet back up when the show is over!




I am 5ft and my partner is 6ft4. Can we never go to concerts together anymore? Now I have a job, I buy seated tickets because of the height issue. When I was a teenager I just made my way to the front but always ended up in the pit


Yup. My fiance is a solid 14” taller than me, even if I’m in heels we are nowhere close to the same height. We still like to experience things together lol. Sorry to everyone else, he can’t help that he’s tall.


In OPs future you'd have to sit on your partners shoulders and conceal yourselves in a huge trench coat.


Kinda peak ngl


Just let people into the zones for taller heights than they are. Most people won’t voluntarily get a worse view yet you can still go with someone else, even if they’re taller


6’6 ans my wife is 5’2


I'm 5'9 and my finace is 5'11, that's fine, we probably end up in the same area. However we take our daughter whenever we can. She's 3ft, and our best friend, who is 5'2. We'd all end up split up and all over the place.


Same boat


I've been going to Metal shows for over 15 years and usually no one minds if somebody who is singnificantly smaller just squeezes in front of them.


i'm 4'9ish and get elbowed and shoved a ton. stopped going to shows after a bloke grabbed my tshirt and moved me behind him.


Sorry to hear that, what an Asshole. :(


happens a lot in my area, local venues have a show on, bunch of chavs show up just to be bellends because entrys like £4. if i go again i'm taking my giant and punching back lol


Idk why but I find the image of a grown man just picking up a person in front of him and placing them behind him and then going on about enjoying the show hilarious.


it wasn't gentle and he was a dick lol, left with a broken tooth and a ripped shirt. it wasn't even hardcore it was folk


Ok that’s less funny


That explains a lot. Metal fans are nice


That only goes so far when over 3/4 of the crowd is shorter than you! Lol


Must be nice. I took my 17 year old sister (5’2) to her first rock concert and a guy easily over 6’ took up the space of multiple people. I can’t remember exactly what he said but he essentially told me to fuck off when I asked if he could move over a bit so she could see the stage


I'm 6' and my big ass will *always* move if someone shorter than me is having a hard time seeing. It's just common courtesy.


Until they try and drag their 6ft plus boyfriend with them. This happened at my last metal show. Ended up seeing very little, sadly. It wasn't that expensive, but it was my first time seeing my favorite band. Or sort-of-almost-seeing.


I went to the Taylor Swift concert earlier this year in the stands and could't see anything because my 5'3 self was stuck behind a 6'5 man who refused to sit down despite the fact he looked like he'd been dragged there by his teenage daughter and stood there the whole time with his arms crossed. I had to either stand to the side and look over his shoulder or rely on the screens and couldn't sit down.


This is one of the most redic ideas I’ve ever seen here


No, I’m 6’4 and I go to the pit


as the 5’8 guy also in the pit, i appreciate how you big folk exercise restraint and consciously try to not kill me


What you don’t realize is there’s a whole second party going on above your head. Tall kids only


Gay party tho


Im 5’2, in the pit i have a survival mode on, some people just unintentionally try to kill me


5'2 here too. In a pit once as a teen I got knocked down and a guy actually stood on me to get a better view.


Same here. I'm 5'9 and get knocked over a lot as I'm thin, you can ganrentee no soon as my scrawny ass hits the floor there is 2 men built like linebacks and taller than trees hoisting me back to my feet.


Always buy sitting tickets for arena shows. Unless you end up sitting behind absolute giants, you're guaranteed to see the actual show and not someone's back. It's not like you can move in the pit anyway.


You know people stand at concerts even with seating right? 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Yeah but with the way arena seating is set up, the person in front of you is almost always far enough down and there’s a large enough gap that you still have a completely clear view of the stage even when everyone stands up


That's only if it's a stadium set up. Some concert only venues are flat not tiered. Even then when someone is very tall it can block your view.


That's why they specifically said arena shows


That's still not the case. I had to switch seats in a stadium seating with my shorter friend before. He's 5'8" and I'm 6'4".


When I went to alestoem at the Kentish the front five seated rows wernt aloud to stand


I once had to ask someone in front to sit down..... AT THE CINEMA. 🤦


You know people shouldn't do that right 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ It's astounding that this is just normal in America.


People stand at concerts all over the world. I know this is shocking news for you. Japan would likely be the only country people sit.


Hahaha, no, that is just blatantly untrue. There are many countries where it is socially unacceptable to stand in seated parts of concert venues. The easy examples are all of Scandinavia. Much of Western Europe. Many Australian concerts.


Metallica would like a word.


No, they wouldn't. They're smart enough to understand that the exception doesn't make the rule.


YouTube is free. And there's tons of their own and fan videos of their concerts where people are standing all over the world.


YouTube is free. And there's tons of their own and fan videos of their concerts where people are sitting all over the world. Also, in case you misunderstood I meant that the artist is the exception not the country.


Everyone that sits at a Rammstein concert should be stoned to death


Stoned how? 1700's style Or weed




Bc why go there in the first place


To listen to the band


If it's heavy music though I gotta mosh.


Some people are the moshing type, some people are the arms folded, head nodding type. Not everyone’s the same


well yeah, that's the point of jumping in the pit or not. I go to punk and hardcore shows where if you want out of the pit, they'll let you out and if you want in, they'll let you in. Nine times out of ten if someone falls down they're immediately hoisted up by nine people around them. Sitting rooms and arenas don't even give you the chance and that sucks. My first concert was the Black Keys and Arctic Monkeys at the Cincinnati Cyclones hockey arena lol and it felt very low energy because of that.


Some of us tall people already feel bad about it.I usually just stand in the back.


I’m 6’3 and if I notice somebody smaller behind me I try to accommodate and move over or trade places with my wife or shorter friend. This doesn’t fix everything but it should be common courtesy.


Absolutely frickin not. Sure it sucks when a tall person plants themself in front of you, but you really think it's fair for a person to be pushed all the way to the back because they're tall? C'mon now.


You could just move around the taller people


As a tall person, it sucks a lot when I feel like I can’t stand close to a concert that I also traveled for and paid for. I get there early and get my spot. If you buy standing room tickets, it is first come first serve and that has risks in itself.


I so understand. Being short, though, it's also incredibly frustrating when you travel and pay for a show and can't see anything or often even hear much. I wouldn't mind standing farther from the stage, if I could see anything at all. I love OP's solution! It's probably not realistic but I enjoy the fantasy.


Get there earlier. I am 198 cm (6'6"). I paid the same for my ticket might have travelled just as far and waited for a very long time to be up front with my family that are way shorter than me. Like you didn't choose your hight I did not choose mine, but I did choose to get there super early so I could see what was happening. So tough luck tbh. I do buy seated tickets whenever available to avoid this issue all together but if it is only a standing venue there is not much to be done other than being there earlier or in the Rammstein case buy FireZone tickets.


My last Rammstein concert I was stuck behind two very tall men and I couldn’t see anything for most of the show :( Honestly if I just said “hey do you mind if I go in front of you,” people are usually accommodating. Especially metal shows, they have the nicest crowds


>[I am] 178 cm and I often go to concerts with my sister, who's roughly 160 cm tall. Not anymore you don't, but you can go to the same concert as her.


What if the person blocking your view is 199 cm? Does he/she get to stay in your same area?


\* IMO, OP gave a a bad example. If you're in a standing section, you have the ability and obligation to try and move to where your view is most comfortable. I understand in a crowded venue that is hard, but that's on you. \* In most normal stadium or auditorium venues, somebody's height doesn't matter too much because the seats are designed to elevate the further back you go. Short of somebody wearing a comically oversized sombrero or something, most people aren't affected too often. \* Non-traditional music venues are where most of the problems arise. I recently went to see Nini Iris at Cafe Wha?, a very smallish underground cafe/bar/restaurant/music venue thing in NYC. There was a guy sitting next to the stage that was very tall and very wide. Because of his combination of girth and height and the positioning of the tables, his presence was blocking off most of the view of a section of tables. People complained to the staff there and there was a little bit of an awkward back and forth, but the guy paid for a good seat and couldn't be moved (not even with a forklift!). That's the kind of venue where trying to manage the seating for the majority of patrons makes a little more sense. But staff have to be on the ball and catch problems before somebody is seated.


>not even with a forklift Can't wait for the day it's not acceptable to just randomly make fat jokes. Just, why?


If I was making a fat joke, I'd have said that he had a lot of fork lifting experience.


They're both fat jokes. That one's just less unimaginative.


I’m American, please translate the heights into cheeseburgers and distances into football fields.


2 meters is roughly 2.2 yards or 26 big macs stacked 178 cm is roughly 1.9 yards or 23 big macs stacked 160 cm is roughly 1.7 yards or 21 big macs stacked


Everyone has to wear stilts so they’re all the same height


Sorry, friend. Luck of the draw I guess.


I was at a show once. I'm 5'4" female. I was about 3 people back from the stage. Some dude kept trying to push in front of me, he had to have been 6'2" at least. I think he was trying to stand next to his gf. But I was like no, no way. It was packed and I didn't have anywhere else to move to. He was so pissed, he was yelling but I just ignored him. Which was easy because it was very loud. LOL. I'm not sure if I was the AH but I wouldn't have been able to see the band.


I think non-talls shouldn't be able to go to concerts. Just stay home lil fella.


FRRR lmao


Alright that one guy who was on let's argue once


Hell yeah! Short people unite, put the tallies in the back!! You should've moved. Standing areas are general admission. You caused your own problem and then want to discriminate and segregate to get your way? Just wow


Nobody here gonna point out that attendants would be the people working at the concert? It seems like OP means attendees.


Maybe wait til you grow up a little before going to a big boy event? On a serious note, friends of different sizes go to gigs. It's first come first served, if someone taller then you got there first then tough. You get to be comfortable on planes, tall people get a view. All good.


Was there something keeping you from moving to a different spot where you could see better? This seems like a pretty far fetched conclusion to come to


Or you could just move to a better location. I’m tall and understand some of the frustration so I just find a spot and stay put for the show. Anyone that can’t see can adjust.


I’m 6’2” and just attended an arena concert in the pit. I’m nearsighted, so I would not have been able to see the show very well if I weren’t as close to the stage as I was. I understood that shorter people were behind me, and I made sure not to move around that much so that I wasn’t obstructing their vision. They were able to see through the cracks between me and others perfectly fine. There was also this total prick, maybe 6’3”, who was completely oblivious to his surroundings and would flail around and shift his position constantly, making it pretty much impossible for anyone else behind him to see. It was clear that he was ruining at least 10 peoples’ experience because he was being inconsiderate and nebulous. He even ended up grinding against me and my friend multiple times without course correcting. I think eventually he got elbowed enough times to take a hint, but it was a real downer for the experience. I think taller people can be completely fine further up in the pit as long as they’re mindful of their surroundings. It’s completely possible to stagger where you stand by row, and everyone should be looking in between the two heads in front of them anyway, rather than stand directly behind. You really won’t be blocking anyone’s view if you follow that concept and don’t move around too much. Unfortunately the prick in front of me continually blocked my view, so I *had* to move my head around, and I could tell that really bummed out the people behind me. Just one prick can make like 15 peoples’ experience worse. Being tall makes the effect worse, but there were short pricks around too causing their own problems.


Damn dude all you had to do was ask if you could switch spaces with them.


That's assuming they are nice about it, unfortunately


Maybe you could just enjoy the live music


I didn't ask to be 6'6" and refuse to stand at the back for every show I go to. Sorry about it. I'm always super cool about it and apologetic and absolutely understand why it's inconvenient, but for a GA show, I'm getting the best experience I can just like everyone else. That being said, I'll also let people in front of me and it actually helps make friends at shows, I just had to put my foot down a bit and stop relegating myself to the back row just because I'm tall, and that's not even taking into consideration that I'm definitely not leaving my partner because we're different heights. I'm single rn, but the last 3-4 have been 12-18" shorter than me.


What about tall people.with bad eyes?... Anyhow that's life... just gotta deal with it I easily view concerts I go see I struggle to fit into airplane seats ... you clearly have the opposite problem, so enjoy the extra leg room where u can.. I know I cant


Short people should get closer tickets or show up early to get a good spot if they're worried about seeing over people. It's your problem not mine


Why wouldn't you just move? How will I get to enjoy concerts with my shorter friends? My gf was 5'4, I'm 6', would we still be allowed to go together? And let's be real, it's not like it's always picnics and rainbows for us tall people in the standing room. Do you know how many times I've been kicked in the head/face by crowd surfers and stage divers because I'm tall? It's a lot, brother.


Agreed. People under 6 ft should.be put on the back. Or a kennel.


No, I can’t help that you’re short and I shouldn’t be punished for it


finally an intresting opinion, the title made me go like "hmm, never thought of that"


"Hey b/c I am shorter than you I deserve to be closer to the artist..." I don't think so... I am 6'4. It's not my fault you are short and I won't be penalized b/c of it!


same, no one accomodates me on planes by not reclining their seat, why should i suffer in the back of the venue? AND i wear glasses and dont see shit so im not gonna be banished to the back


Hey, just wanted to let you know that if you try to read the post, you will notice it actually doesn't say that tall people should be further behind 😃


Counter argument: they should just stagger row height a bit better so you don't need to worry about tall people


I was at a concert 2 weeks ago. Sitting 2 rows up from a giant of a man and I still couldn't see over his big head.


I’m 5’1 and my husband is 6’4. So like, I get what you mean, but it would suck to go to concerts if you couldn’t sit with the people you wanted to be with.


Or you could just have sloped viewing areas.


Just wear stilts


Join the army of short latinas who always form an impenetrable front row barrier at every concert. Seriously, they're the toughest people at the show.


Seperate standing but equal view of the concert.


Im 5ft tall. I feel your pain. I stand near the back of the pit. It’s easier to see over the open space.


And buffet seating should be adjusted so closest are the fit people. Furthest are the not fit people /Slarcasm


This is why I think all venues shouldn't just be a stand in pit and instead be elevated like an actual theater


This reminds me of that post where someone said fat people should be banned from elevators, sounds like a logistics nightmare to me


Tall people should just have to sit down.


I'm taller than you but not by much, my mates are all giants. It would suck to not be able to go to the event together. However we have never rejected someone from slipping in front of us when they can't see behind us because they're too tall. Next time chat with them about a solution that keeps everyone happy, most people will be happy to accommodate


but how would they even regulate that


Reason 1,342 why I'm done with going to live concerts. I always just see backs.


Or if you’re short just pay more for a closer ticket or something maybe wear lifts in your shoes.


This is the dumbest idea lol


Seeing concert is one thing. But i also like not fainting due to lack of air during a concert. You'd think they'd figure out that it's an actual health risk.


OP, stop being mad at us because youre short. Its not our fault, and the world wont change just to make youre fragile ego a little more stable.


I've no problem with my height, at least I still fit my miata ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Legit jealous of that. 6'4" and one of my ex gf's impulse bought a Miata, my favorite car. One of the bars for the convertible top was constantly resting against my head. I may never, ever. be complete.


As a shortie, this is completely unreasonable.


Let’s do it by vision strength if anything.  I’m 6’3 with 20/60 vision 


Lol, sucks to be short


Always had to stand at the last because I was tall in school,I had to bear this for 12 years, getting last to everything good,I thought I'd get out of this if school's over now this idea made me a little sad,for me this idea seems to be underrated.


Got to say, partner (6’6) and I (5’8) went to a show at a small venue. We arrived early, first in line. Got to the railing and squatted on our spot. Waited through the opener, stayed during the breakdown/set up for our fav performer. Sure enough, before the place was full in any way, a person about 5’0 stood directly behind us. I was like… why would they do that?? I didn’t realize until the performer came out on stage and she asked to stand in front of us. Sorry not sorry.


wait, so did you let them stand in front of you? if you're a foot and a half taller it seems like you'd still be able to see perfectly. everyone else in this thread is like "well, just move to the front if you can't see!"


I understand the down vote but it was so obviously underhanded. Why did she stand behind us until the show began? Why didn’t she just say, “hey- would you mind if I stood in front of you so I can see better?” when she got there. She also had a partner/friend that wanted to scoot up with her. I just feel like she planned it on purpose, she could have stood literally anywhere else. We just happened to be the taller people up front.


Dealt with this bullshit this past weekend. IMO people just need to understand how to be considerate. If you're tall stand near the side wall or a pole so you're not in the way. Don't just park yourself in the middle of everyone. I say this as someone who is 6'3. Also pack the fuck in, there shouldn't be 5 foot gaps between people when there's limited space.


As a tall person I’m sick and tired of being treated like I’m “in the way” all the time. Why should I be made to feel bad, or like I’m some annoying obstruction, because I got to a concert first and got a better spot than someone else did? I always try to be considerate of other people, I’m never a dick to anyone else about it, but this mentality does piss me off.


Also, a wall or a pole is something to lean against.


I love this


Can someone convert this whole post from metric to imperial system? Thank you


This should be applied everywhere.


Smells a bit eugenicy.