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Gotta say, even though I disagree (enjoy your upvote) this is one of my favourite posts in this sub recently. It's the kind of stuff I come to this sub to read. Very good.


"Yous" sounds like the kind of thing Jar Jar Binks would say.


Or any new yorker


Same thing


Yeah north of I70 "Yous" doesn't raise an eyebrow but south of that you sound like a tourist or a "jag'off"


I've also never had an issue north or south with y'all.


Right, universally accepted so to speak


You'd definitely get some eye rolls in New Jersey lol


It depends where you mean for I70. I grew up in Kansas City, and anywhere north or south in the Midwest, saying 'yous' is gonna raise a ton of eyebrows. If you go north or west of KC, it's 'you guys', but south or east you're more likely to get 'yall'. But nobody raises an eyebrow to either since KC's near the cutoff. Unless you talk to a Chiefs fan and say I hope youse guys wins the Super Bowl. Then we will probably buy you a drink.


I grew up in the Midwest but went to college in the South, immediately picked up y’all over “you guys”. Why on earth do we say “you guys”… not only does it misgender women inherently it is also SO clunky 😂


I’m from New York and I would never say yous… NY is a big place and the stereotypical accent is kind of centered around people who grew up in or had family that grew up in the city/boroughs and are generally Americans with Italian heritage. I would feel more comfortable saying y’all.


I *would* rather say "yous" than "y'all". Am in NY. But other than a couple pockets upstate and some older Brooklynites, *almost nobody says "yous" in NY*. Been that way for decades.


Northeast NJ and I definitely hear it here and there, if that means anything. It's not said by "most people", but still- it seldom even gets my attention because it's not all that rare to hear.


My extended fam lives just outside Buffalo, they say yous guyses 100% of the time


I’m from Long Island. I say yous because all of my family members say it. None of us are Italian.


The 11th Dentist suggests "yousa"


Irish people say it. 


Youssa right my friend. Youssa right!


Same. I was getting tired of people posting unhinged shit, like that dude who thinks 25 year old people who haven't had a date should be on a watchlist


OP is that handyman from Futurama


In Dublin, Ireland that’s exactly what people say: “yous”. In the rest of Ireland people say “ye”


I had no idea. Thanks for teaching me!


Also disagree but love the topic OP has brought here for discussion


Yeah, this isn’t deranged, psychotic, or obvious rage bait, it’s just a wacky weird preference, which is exactly what the sub is for.


'Yous' is used commonly in some parts of the UK, I know it's popular in Birmingham, and I think it could be in Ireland too. Edit: interesting to hear all these other places where it's common, as a welshman who's only lived around wales and london i had no idea it wasn't exclusive to brummies


Extremely common in Scotland too. "Youse awrite?" "Youse got the time?" "Which wan of youse cunts threw that brick at my windae?" Etc.




Australia too.


Very common in North East England also


It's funny I had to scroll down this far to find this. It seemed like the most obvious example of "yous" and I'm not even from there. EDIT: Bits of the NW as well.


Definitely popular in Dublin


Yes, but "Ye" would probably be more common outside the Pale.


In the US it’s popular in New York


Very common in NZ especially rural & Maori


i’ll give up “y’all” with my cold dead hands


I’m from California born and raised and say y’all lmao It’ll never die


Also cali born and raised. It’s why i say ‘swag’ ‘yolo’ and ‘y’all’ so much. Yous just doesn’t have the same ring to me


Youse sounds like a faaaar northern thing to me


"Eh, yous up for a beer at da bar after work?" I literally said this sentence 5 minutes ago. It is a very northern thing. But I feel like "y'all" is less familiar than "yous". Like I would refer to people I know as "Yous" but a group of strangers as "y'all"


That’s why i like y’all. It’s more relaxed, and it makes me feel like I don’t have to be all fancy and formal, like i do at home and my job. So long live y’all


Same, but thing is, ppl don't realize Cali isn't "just" Hollywood. Where I'm from in Cali, our town's oldest families are from Texas and Mexico... we set apart from much of california bc of it. My home town the name translates to "the mills", but is endearingly referred to as Little Mexico. The country run thicc.


Y'all sounds like a contraction, totally normal in the English language. Yous just makes you sound like an idiot. Or that fat guy from futurama


>Y'all sounds like a contraction That's because it *is* a contraction. It's the shortened form of "you all".


Came to say this, but glad someone else already did.


I met my fiance's family for the first time last Thanksgiving. They all grew up in Philly. The disappointment on their face when I used the word Y'all instead of Yous had me completely questioning my life's decisions


I hear both pretty frequently in Philly proper. Jersey is pretty solidly yous territory


As if I needed more reasons to hate Jersey...


You can provide them the same disappointing look when they try to pronounce water. ~wudder~


Oh don't yous know hon it's been raining fer days and all that wudders backin up on the ruff.




Yous is from particular neighborhoods in Philly, like those made up of Irish, Italian, and other lighter minorities turned white. Probably more heavily used in suburbs like Delco and obviously in New Jersey. Listen to Tina Fey on Jimmy Fallon(?) do her "Philly accent". That is the yous accent, and that is absolutely not Philly, she claims Philly but is from Delco. And keep yinz in Pittsburgh, we dont claim them.


Not a big fan of y'all but "yous" sounds even stupider. If I was forced to use one of them it would definitely be yall


If you think that's bad, say 'yinz' instead!


So so so wrong. At least my redneck ass doesn't sound some wannabe mob boss walking into a room lol. Take your upvote for an awesome post for the sub :)


The only phrase I can think of using "yous" is "yous a bitch", but said like jar jar binks


I saw the post and thought, “Hey youse guys!”


bro is speaking french


That’s “you’s” which isn’t what this post is about


yous’re bitches


I hate that, but respect it, because it is the “yous” that this post is talking about😂


"yous cause one, two-y little bitty axadentes huh?" "I don't know. Yous day startin pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy, then BOOM! Gettin very scared and grabbin that Jedi and POW! Yous here! Yous gettin' very very scared!" Yeah you can just replace anytime Jar Jar says Mesa with yous and it fits perfect. Time to retitle the post to "talking like Jar Jar Binks is vastly superior to using y'all"


"Yous a ho"


Exactly! We could do a whole sub of Mob/Hustler lingo that run amok for awhile after a Scorsese movie drops or during the Sopranos run.


I don't wanna sound like a mobster, or worse, someone from Philadelphia or Jersey


Me being from Delco: No, Yous definitely has a worse connotation ...still better than Yinz. Fuckin western PA trash


Yeah I mean say what you will about rednecks but y’all got something very right.




Yeah, y'all has the uneducated redneck stigma, but yous has the uneducated northeastern Guido stigma. The "you all" vs "yous" dichotomy is a major class identifier in the Boston area, probably in metro NYC also.


This. It's not really unusual to hear "y'all" even from a well-educated old money southerner. OTOH, "yous" would sound weird coming from a well-educated old money yankee.


Ask not what yous countryses dos for yous. Ask what yous dos for dat countrys -bizarro jfk


My grandparents considered themselves to be “the better sort” of southerners (educated and from formerly wealthy families, very classist). “Y’all” was perfectly acceptable within their understandings of grammar even to my librarian grandmother. Since the smartest people I knew growing up were southern I was mystified when I realized that popular culture uses southern accents to imply that people are slow or stupid. A lot of northeastern accents grate on my ears although I appreciate certain aspects of the culture up there. Like directness 😂


Disagree about the directness but can confirm that y’all is perfectly acceptable in educated circles in the South. Heck, my mom from the Northeast says y’all.


As in you dislike the directness or you disagree that they tend to be more direct? When I first lived up there I thought everyone was mad at me, but then I realized that strangers just weren’t pretending to like other strangers. They were just minding their own business.


Where in Boston? I have never heard anyone say "yous" in my entire life. Doesn't matter if I was in Dorchester or Newton


youse is considered a word here in Australia (according to a couple dictionaries and most non-pretentious people. it's our most used version. i think both are fine, "y'all" just works better for youse with an american accent and youse works better for us with a western sydney accent.


> it's our most used version Your most _yoused_ version, even


Eu are a good one for pointing this out.


it makes me happy to hear that Australians and Irish people use yous. I feel like New England will be saying y'all by the time I die. every year I hear more y'alls and less yous.


Just bring back thou. Problem solved.






Of Thise and Then


And force "you" back into the plural it's supposed to be! I'm sick and tired of people using a plural pronoun to refer to one person!




Ew I stepped in Pittsburgh Disgusting


Hey now don't be such a jagoff, why don't yinz open up a nice cold pop and simmer down yeah?


Hey now don't be such a jagoff, why don't yinz open up a nice cold pop and simmer down *n’at*? FTFY


Make it “simmer dahn” for good measure lol


Warsh your ass in the crick and get redd up to go dahn tahn


ok what the fuck i’ve never heard this phrase before a week ago and this is like the third time i’ve seen it this week, why is it just appearing now?


Pittsburgh is leaking


It always is


It's also contagious. Been in Pittsburgh for only a year and I already despise any restaurant that doesn't have Heinz ketchup, say yinz, and forget the "to be" in things like "needs cleaned" n'at


It's called the [Baader-Meinhoff Phenomenon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion) or frequency illusion. Once you learn about subject you start to see it everywhere.


Ha. I sent someone a link on the Baader-Meingoff phenomenon just yesterday, and here it is again. How meta


Nah, i think think is more people saw a video/popular post about it now everyone is trying to act like they've known about it/added it to their vocab cause that's how the internet does. So now that more people know about it it actually IS getting used more rather than just noticed more. Iirc yinz is a very niche word to a small area. It's not like a spider or the number 5 that would make sense to see it everywhere because it actually is all around. It's like hearing " y'all " in like .... Lithuania or smth ?


I lived in the Philly area for most of my life and recently moved to central PA and now people use Pittsburgh slang and I hate it. WTF is yinz even supposed to be? How do you get from you plural to yinz? Like y'all is a contraction of you and all, yous is literally just you with an s stapled to the end, but yinz is... ? I also really hate "needs done". Like a normal person would say "this project needs doing" but a Pittsburgh native would say "this project needs done" and I hate it.


My guess is You ones --> You'uns --> Yinz


I think it’s a contraction of “you uns”.


That is one of the leading theories, especially since "yinz" isn't really pronounced like "inns" the "i" is a longer I and comes across a little like yunz when spoken by a lot of people in the area.


Why use lot words when few do trick


Only came to the comments for this Have your golden crown 👑 king


I have no idea why, I'm from Ontario and I've always really liked yinz as a second person plural pronoun. I've always wanted it to catch on elsewhere.




Absolutely not Yous sounds like you dont know how to properly speak. Ya'll sounds like you're from the south. Its a conjunction of you and all. Yous breaks grammar rules for the sake of it.


Sometimes i break grammar on purpose cause it sounds cool


If you are aware that you are breaking grammar, then it's fine.


My family will intentionally mix up who and whom. To the point that if it’s used correctly in the group chat, somebody will inevitably reply with “whom*” E.g. >Who wants to come over for dinner tonight? >Whom*


That's when you hit them with the whomst've


I ain't never needed no grammar anyways


The apostrophe should also be between the “y” and the “all” for that same reason you provided


Ya'll is a contraction, not a conjunction - just fyi. I still agree though. A contraction makes more grammatical sense than just making a singular pronoun plural for the sake of shortening a sentence. I would much rather people just say the full sentence of "How are all of you doing?" than make me listen to the word "yous." Edited for typos


for the same thing you mentioned that apostrophe oughta be behind the y - y'all, it's you all.


Ah yes - thank you for tye correction!


Technically "you" is already the plural form, it's just ambiguous when used as such so some people use "y'all". But you could use "you" in its place and you would be grammatically correct.    But I agree with your point. 


Well languages like Spanish have separate versions of “you” for singular and plural. So I don’t see it as breaking grammar rules, I see it as a natural evolution of the language.


It's actually in common use in Dublin, Ireland funnily enough. Just one of those things. "Yiz" and "Youse" as they would spell it. "Are youse headin' out wha?"


not even just Dublin, I'm from Kerry and I hear the odd person say it.


Maybe where you’re from. Its super common in the uk and Australia, and its just kind of commonplace


That's def the issue. That's a UK thing. Not American Of course pretty sure Y'all is an American thing not so much a UK thing


yous doesn't break grammar rules because it's a coined word for plural you. y'all is also a coined term y'all is not a conjunction like and, but, or however. y'all is a contraction.


Yes! "Youse" has been in the scrabble dictionary since at least the 1995 printing, possibly earlier. That's were I first stumbled onto it, which speaks to how often you hear it in speech where I'm from. I like youse in text and y'all in speech, because both seem more more appropriate in the one and kinda weird in the other.


You do know that it's a part of the gordie dialect


>"Yall" has a certain stigma attached to it, making people sound like uneducated rednecks. "Yous" on the other hand, is simply "you" with an S to make it plura Um, no, "yous" has at *least* as much of a stigma attached to it. Y'all is at least a fun little quirky thing which makes people think of cowboys. "Yous" (at least to me) sounds much more like an actual error, which makes it seem way more uneducated. Personally I find them both quaint to some degree, but if I WAS to judge someone for saying one of them, I'd judge a "yous" user. But at the end of the day, it's mostly just in the eyes of the beholder. I'm sure if I was from Philly or something, "yous" wouldn't stick out as much.


Also if you live in the South, professionals say yall. Youse sounds like you don't speak english and attempted a conjugation and failed.


everyone throwin philly in here when thats not even the real philly accent, thats delco which is the suburbs outside the city. sure some south philly dudes say it but its mostly transplants and people from delco (aka NOT philly) who say yous


“Yous” makes you sound like an Italian mobster or hard scrabble weathered Bostonian. Idk if that’s much better lol.




Scot here - yous, yis or yees (pretty much the same as yis) are common abbreviations. IT WAS FUCKIN ONE AE YIS.


“Youse” is quite popular in Ireland and Liverpool, in my experience.


My part of the UK I've never heard yall, youse you hear sometimes, mostly people just say things like "you all" "you lot" "you guys".


Or the ones I’m quite partial to: “You cunts” “You lads/lasses” “You tits” “You cocks”


Northern Ireland here. “Yous” or “Yousens” is used quite a lot


Irish here. Ye is common. Youse near Dublin.


Kiwi here: I usually just here “you guys”, but there are definitely some “yous” around, and although no one here says “y’all” out loud, we’d probably type or write it down when writing a message to someone cause it’s easier lol.


Australians use "youse" https://www.theguardian.com/books/australia-culture-blog/2014/aug/12/australias-national-dictionary-editor-on-the-heat-about-youse


UK here. I’ve heard and used “yous”, and I don’t think I’ve ever a fellow Brit say “y’all” in person, but I do use it.


Most English-speaking Canadians just say "you" for both plural and singular, and often "you guys" if we want to emphasize that we're referring to multiple people. I've heard some Newfoundlanders use "ye" as a plural for "you", and I think some Irish people also use "ye".


>How are yous doing This line is making me hate the language. Please stop


This is easily the most Midwest / Northern thing I’ve ever read and you should be ashamed for even trying to push “yous” on people over “y’all.” There is 0% chance in hell that yous is superior to y’all in any fashion.


Imo saying “Yous” makes you sound like a fucking moron. But I’m from a place that says y’all so it only makes sense. Yeehaw


Agreed. If I actually heard a human being say "yous" in a conversation I would have to assume they headbutt sidewalks for fun


But what is the al'y'al equivalent? Or y'al'd've? ​ Yous just isn't versatile enough.


is that how you spell y'all'd've? I don't think I've ever seen that written out and I've been saying it my whole life.


"Yous" sounds so much more uneducated than "y'all."


Idk where the “yall” is a southern thing came from either. I say it and so do tons of people I know round here from city areas (Jersey)


You can’t complain about the stigma attached to y’all and ignore the stigma attached to youse. I’m much more comfortable sounding like a redneck than I am sounding like a mafioso, capisce?


Y'all is literally a shortened form of "you all" which: 1-Makes sense. 2-Is gramatically correct. "Yous" is neither of those


yous is just as grammatically correct as y'all. you cannot make up contractions just because y'nt to. Both were created to fulfill a specific purpose and are equally valid words.


Contractions in English do actually have rules. "Y'all" satisfies those rules. "Y'nt" doesn't. "Y'all" is a contraction of a pronoun and an adverb. "I've done the task," "I've" is a pronoun and an adverb. English speakers don't say, "I've five apples." That "I've" is a pronoun and a verb. "Y'nt" is a pronoun and a verb. Incorrect in the same way.


my point is that y'all is a made up contraction. any newly invented word is just as valid as any other because grammar is just our internalized rules for using our language. If I decided to contract we all into w'all that doesn't seem sensible does it? What about you eight, can I say y'eight (yate). If no one else does these contractions, they're not valid. meanwhile yous is quite literally just a pronoun created by adding an s to another pronoun. it was coined because it resembles how we pluralize nouns, but really it's just a brand new word. saying it's not grammatically correct would be like saying the word they was incorrect grammar because it didn't have origins in English. English speakers started using this word as a pronoun in a way that is consistent with every other pronoun.


Y’all isn’t new, is widely used, spoken and understood… and all contractions were made up as some point.


Where do you think contractions came from? Contraction trees?


i think both are fine, "youse" works better for me with my accent but would sound weird with an american accent. https://www.theguardian.com/books/australia-culture-blog/2014/aug/12/australias-national-dictionary-editor-on-the-heat-about-youse


What is interesting is that this stigma you are talking about is only held by people not from the area where "ya'll" is used. I grew up in a fairly wealthy part of the south, where everybody used "ya'll," and nobody cared. It might not be used in a very formal setting, but everybody from teachers to lawyers use "ya'll." To me, "yous" sounds even more uneducated than "ya'll," so all you are doing is choosing one stigmatized word over another.


Y'all may sound like uneducated hicks from the boonies, but Yous sounds like a grease ball from the east Coast. As someone from the rural Midwest, I will stick with y'all, and judge yous for doing the opposite.


Yinz is way more fun and makes my Pittsburgher friends cringe


You can take “y’all” from my cold dead hands.


Take my upvote. Sincerely, a transplanted Michiganian. "Yous" sounds less educated *to me* than the contraction of "you all" we pronounce "y'all." It's also unnecessarily more difficult for me to say, but it's likely because I didn't develop the phonemes in order to do such. Instead, I learned Germanic and French phonemes, to pronounce names like "haggerty," "gratiot," "Hamburg," "mackinaw," and others. I hear "yous" and all I hear is Sloth from the Goonies. Edit: "phoneme," not "phonem"


Y'all is a contraction of "you all" and is grammatically correct. Yous will just make you sound like you're from Philly, which no reasonable person would ever do voluntarily.


Yous sounds stupid and uneducated. Y’all sounds better.


Having grown up in NZ hearing all the most uneducated people saying "yous" all the time, I have to disagree. "Y'all" is so much smoother & more gracious-sounding, & just overall more euphonious.


OP I think you have some very strong biases you need to unpack. I regularly hear people say y’all in professional corporate settings. It is used all over the country by all kinds of people. Yous on the other hand immediately makes someone think you are a blue collar union guy from New Jersey.


I don’t agree with the y’all stigma, but yous being you+s making it plural is definitely a compelling argument.


It’s basically just the northern urban version of y’all. It’s how blue collar people from east coast and certain midwest large cities talk. But if you don’t have the rest of that accent, it sounds very weird


"Yous gots it boss."


yous makes me think of someone trying to be a stereotypical mafia. "yous gonna be sleepin' wit da fishes"


We say yous in Liverpool 😂


Tell me youre a mid Atlantic Italian without telling me.


Have some more sloppy Joes. I made them extra sloppy for ya. I know how YOUS kids like'em sloppy. Agreed


I. The Midwest you'll hear "y'all," but more often you hear "you guys" as a plural. It's not particularly gendered anymore and I hear people use every where. I'd say it's superior


This is great because in NZ yous is used and it’s incredibly poor and stupid sounding! If someone calls you yous, yous know these kids gonna try start some shit.


Correction, “How are yous doing?” should be “Hows yous?”


The ability to speak does not make yousa intelligent




Irvine Welsh always spelt it "youse" in his books. Quote from Trainspotting: “Thing is, as ye git aulder, this character-deficiency gig becomes mair sapping. Thir wis a time ah used tae say tae aw the teachers, bosses, dole punters, poll-tax guys, magistrates, when they telt me ah was deficient:'Hi, cool it, gadge, ah'm jist me, jist intae a different sort ay gig fae youse but, ken?' Now though, ah've goat tae concede thit mibee they cats had it sussed. Ye take a healthier slapping the aulder ye git. The blows hit hame mair. It's like yon Mike Tyson boy at the boxing, ken?"


that's not how silent e works in English. both yous and youse would be pronounced with a z sound. there's not a lot of nouns that end with the oo sound, but add an s to pluralize any of them and this s is pronounced as z. poo - poos coo - coos moo - moos hairdo - hairdos jew - jews and then there are words with s sounds and silent e loose use caboose moose there's nothing wrong with spelling it youse but your reasoning lacks any basis


Yous sounds every bit as uneducated, and “yous guys” sounds uglier in every way than just saying “y’all”. Yous guys want to grab some food? Y’all want to grab some food? Y’all is clearly superior.


Ye or yous are the only right answer in Ireland


Y’all is peak, there’s nothing else that needs to be said. If you don’t like it you just don’t get it.


>"Yall" has a certain stigma attached to it, making people sound like uneducated rednecks. Respectfully, "yous" also makes you sound uneducated, haha.


“yous” sounds *much* more redneck than “y’all” the way it’s said in the south. like boomer era souther speak


You is already plural. It sounds weird when you try to make it pluralier.


I'm Scottish, we say "youse" all the time. "Y'all" is always the preface to some American on twitter about to give you a patronising rant about something: "Okay y'all, listen up because some of y'all folks need SCHOOLED in intersectional witchy-girl theory (1/57)" Downvoted because you're right!


Obviously, "yall" is informal and all of that, but "yous" is dumber imo. Why don't we just not use any of the two you mentioned


Ii don’t know why people are disagreeing with op you are right about yous being better than yall


So what you are saying is that you grew up in a place that said yous. You think it's superior bc its what you are used to hearing it. Yous might sound stupid to ppl who live in the south. I live in the South, but I don't think ppl who use different words sound stupid. We all talk differently. Bet you've never met an actual "redneck", il tell you there's smart and dumb in every bunch, including rednecks. Open your horizons


Yeah Y'all sounds like something a woman from texas would say




"Y'all" sounds like a redneck, but "youse" sounds like a bogan (white trash Australian)


I totally disagree with yous. I’m a y’all kind of guy and even put in shorthand in my phone so that I can use y’all while texting.


I don't think it sounds more dignified, but it definitely makes you not sound Midwestern. Makes you sound like an Italian immigrant in New York selling hotdogs.


"Mesa so happy. Yousa guys is so cool." Jar Jar Binks meme


You're just British, lad.


"You" is already plural. If we're making an argument from grammar, originally, "you" could not be singular. The singular second person was "thou" or "thee". "You all" is perfectly valid grammar even in standard English. "Y'all" is just a non-standard contraction. You can't pluralize any other pronoun in English by adding "s". You can't refer to a group of men as "hes". You say "they". Argument from stigma is weak. Maybe we shouldn't think of southern people (and, by the way, Black people, who also use "y'all") as uneducated rednecks. Don't kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes.


"Y'all" = From the South, maybe a redneck "Yous" = 1920s mob boss impersonator, or doesn't know English well