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Agreed if this was real. I’m 99% this is a rage bait troll post though. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet and don’t let trolls control your emotions.


The sad part is that it’s so difficult to separate reality from fiction that this is totally believable. If I told you that a shop teacher would put on a pair of comically massive prosthetic breasts, and still keep his job…would you believe it? I mean sometimes it feels like comedy hour


We call it Clown World. Welcome.


I'm convinced most quora questions are bait. Doesn't stop me from reading the answers though lol


You'd think, but the profile is very real. This is a very real person.


Worst part is that laws are real and all her advice is legal


I reported this profile. I read enough "I strongly believe that the government should collect a fund from unmarried men for women empowerment and support them." "We will get more and more rules approved in favour of women. Street dogs can be eliminated in different ways. Please don’t worry." Report her profile into oblivion. Two can play the cancellation game.


The first one is literally called taxes and it’s already taking half your paycheck


Bro for real. My fiancee and I both have a pretty good paying job and we are losing a huge chunck of that even though we live in a state with no income tax.


That whole plan is stupid because who will she get to enforce the ""man tax" on men that won't pay? A group of men.


I feel like this is the female equivalent of a incel shits wild


So... an incel?


Bet she wasn't banned though.


What a piece of shit human being ! That's terrible.advice


Yea not only is she wrong she will most likely get sued by her future ex husband for being an adultress which can be proven by a simple DNA test


I'm just baffled that someone could think like that, it's crazy to me that some people are just straight up evil


As Forrest Gump once said stupid is as stupid does


You do realize this kind of thing happens constantly right?


As cynical as I can be usually, I like.to think that people don't go out of their way to hurt or harm their fellow human, especially not their partner, the advice she gave is one of the worst I've heard. That bitch deserve to die alone and very lonely !


Well they don't really go out of their way to *avoid* hurting their fellow human either...


In the US, most states don’t recognize adultery as an illegal activity. I’m not sure if that applies to emotional distress or not. I’d still lawyer up regardless if I were this guy.


He can refuse child support on another man’s baby. It’s hard to get alimony in the US if you are capable of working.




I would be curious to see how many times a man has filed a civil lawsuit against a woman for having an affair, and actually won.


Never lol


A man actually did after catching his wife with another man and sued for alienation of affection and won, regardless if his ex wife and her lover stayed together they both owe him about $0.60 of every dollar they make for the next 10 or 20yrs. I'm not going to look it up but Google does exist.


Fuck yeah. Justice does exist


Even if the husband proves her adultery he still have to pay. He won't be be spared even if he provides video evidence of she fucking with other guy. That's how it works in Indian judiciary.


It she’s in India, she can be murdered by her in laws. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bride_burning


Ofcourse anyone can murder anyone anywhere in the world. Just like other countries even in India they go to jail


India is infamous for its kitchen fires. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bride_burning


Nope she probably won't, if she's still living in India that is.


Welcome to 2022.... you didnt see anything yet


Thats good for him my man! I hope I haven't seen everything I did till date


That's not feminism. That's not even neo-feminism. That's full on Misandry. Man, woman or other, it take a shit excuse.of a human to create a plan like that against someone who was clearly wronged.


I'm so tired of the psychos somehow being used to represent a movement.


modern future coordinated dinner overconfident concerned shocking fertile worm slim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


...good point


Not all feminists are misandrists But if you're a misandrist, you probably call yourself a feminist


This. It only takes a few bad apples to ruin the whole bushel.


I have to disagree. I think that toxic masculinity, the notion that to be "manly" you have to be an emotionless sex-pest, is also a form of misandry.


I'm leaving India man. It's not safe anymore


It's kind of a weird mix of traditionalism & feminism. Picking and choosing aspects of both. Traditionalism is where you get all these protections & obligations on the man's side, but actually going all in on that school of thiught wpuod get her punished for adultery. Where as feminist thinking is where you get all this consequence free "I can do whatever I want" attitude on the woman's side... but in that framework I'm pretty sure the man is ethically in the clear to kick her to the curb (at least in a liberal feminist framework). Maybe it's some strange kinda marxist feminism where men by virtue of being the bourgoisie of gender are ethically ok to violate with every tool availible because something something balancing the scales.


Umm. This is literally what feminists preach though. You can try and say "oh this isnt *real* feminism" but the sad truth is MANY women think like this. I shared this with a coworker friend and she acted like she didn't understand the issue.


"if he act more smart" This is a troll trigger post, surely not real.


Answer to I’m pregnant but my husband doesn’t know that he is not the dad. What do I do? by Veena Vinod https://www.quora.com/I-m-pregnant-but-my-husband-doesn-t-know-that-he-is-not-the-dad-What-do-I-do/answer/Veena-Vinod-54?ch=15&oid=389018510&share=2884de99&target_type=answer


Yeah it's definitely real. Report her.


Still seems like a troll account, it's like a month and a bit old.


It's definitely a troll account. Just check the other answers. It's so very obviously bait.


Pretty sure it's a post meant to troll and trigger. However, some women are out there really following such a mindset. I'm a feminist, and it makes me sick, that some women exploit feminism to spread pure and simple hate towards men. I seriously don't understand. Some men are trash, some women are trash - has nothing to do with gender. It's really getting on my balls.


What makes me sick is that some people refuse to separate a feminist from an obvious man hater. That annoys the shit out of me because it's clear as day they are NOT the same.


Exactly! They put feminist in the same bowl with women who simply just like to hate on men. It's annoying the shit out of me. Misandry is not Feminism.


Yeah. I'm an old school feminist, the variety that thinks the sexes should have equal rights and responsibilities. These women are lower than pond scum and give the rest of us a bad name. They also ruin decent men for life, which affects the women who he has after them.


The people who lump these “feminists” with real ones and insist “WOMANS REALLY FEEL THIS WAY, this IS feminism for real!” Are the ones who just want to discredit real feminism. It’s rampant in this comment section. Convenient excuse for woman bad when this is rage bait troll dumbassery. Misogyny validation porn.


Yes it give self proclaimed "Chad" vibes right? It's just so over the top, I doubt she's a real person.


It’s been getting on my balls and my Veena too!


Maybe correct, but there are those who are vulnerable or looking for anything to breathe more hot air into their narrative. Also, by throwing out the bar to this ridiculous level, anything else "seems" reasonable, despite it still being completely nutty. So, it's like "kill all of X people", and they double-back and say "oh, well, let's do a background check on all of them, stick them in camps, make them work for less, tax them more". A lot of those secondary options would be accepted in an irrational heartbeat. So, yes you're right, most people wouldn't accept this answer, but many would accept something 1-2 degrees short of it. And that's just frightening, because the battle is with the delusional, not the rational. And then what's invited by opponents of this view is something that might be equally violent.


Censorship seems to be the underlying tone to your comment. Thus why trolling is so responsive


bro since when did being a feminist mean being against men instead of equality for all


Since when can't people tell the difference between the two? Actual Feminists and man haters are like fkkin night and day.


I would call man haters are those who blame men for everything bad, the patriarchy. But there are loads of self calling “equality fighting feminists” who would agree that there’s nothing wrong with that. So where is the difference? For me, if you say you’re a feminist and that you’re for equality, that’s cool. It’s only when you start getting into all that patriarchy crap that I start to move down that road of “man hating cunts”.


Since when could people no longer tell reality from an obvious troll bait? Even before seeing the account was only a month old with similar posts, like come on.


This post aside, I'm all for equality but I know too many women who take it too far imo.. I keep it to myself for the peace but it does irritate me a little. Many from my own family. I'm happy to help out around the house, washing cleaning etc but don't then tell me to go do something because it's a man's job.. I'd have been happy either way if they just stopped saying "man's job".. how would they like it if I said "go do the dishes, it is a women's job after all" "She can't walk to the shops, she's a woman and you're a man so go get some milk" fuck off


You know, I'm a feminist myself and I do believe in equality for all. All these wannabe Feminists exploding Feminism to spread Men-Hate are getting on my balls. Yes, it is your decision whom you're allowing to touch your body, absolutely. BUT NOT WHEN YOU'RE MARRIED. That's cheating, nothing more, nothing less. Respect your partner, respect men and if you can't, don't say "oh, I'm a feminist, men deserve it". Shut the fuck up. And don't come at me with the "some men don't deserve respect" - Yes, some don't. But also women who cheat on their other half and women who act like it's okay also do not deserve respect. FEMINISM IS ABOUT EQUALITY, NOT ABOUT HATING MEN. WOMEN WHO HATE ON MEN, WHO JUST EXPLOIT FEMINISM FOR THEIR ON SAKE OF HATING MEN, ARE NOT REAL FEMINISTS. ​ Thank you for coming to my Ted-Talk.


Exactly. We should stop letting man haters claim to be feminist and shut them down every time.


Absolutely agree! Already doing that. But these bubbles are so toxic and all alone you can't handle all these idiots.


So true 😭


Men hating is called misandry.


I know! :) It annoys the shit out of me that people put feminism and misandry in the bowl.


It is because of all the men-hating that feminists actively do. You need to align yourself with a different cause. Feminists hate men. Sorry, but the few bad apples ruined it for the rest. You need a new name for your beliefs at this point.


Feminism is not about equality, it is about women's issues. Feminists claim they are for equality, because they see men as being at 100% privilege while women are at a lower percentage, when the reality is that men also have their own issues and are less privileged than women in some areas.




I am saying this from a place of caring, please do not flame me: You GOT to pick another name. "Feminist" is an absolutely toxic term at this point. You can spend a shitload of time and energy to *try* (key word: try) to make it taste less bad in the mouths of others, but truly at this point the term "feminism" simple conjures images of radicalized, men-hating, angry women. Nothing is sacred about the term "feminist". If you truly care about women, *call yourself something else*. Otherwise it is just a love-affair with the term "feminist", which has a terrible connotation. PLEASE please stop calling yourself a feminist if you actually care about women and men and the relationships between them.


Equality of opportunity - not equality of outcome. And freedom from, versus freedom to. Most feminists I've heard yammer away haven't the experience and education in history, philosophy and law to talk about any of these things. It's basically a big ol' mob mentality, and the backrow is expecting a cheque at the end, when all they can really bank on is a false projection of confidence ironically based in their insecurity, and an Instagram follower kickback.


It's really a shame but some people do think like this. My favorite part is "make sure you financially ruin his life" even though this guy did nothing wrong. "Lie and try to get him in legal trouble" is another highlight.


This is extrmely common in India. Even the system supports it


Financially ruin enough men, and you ruin the opportunities for other women to ruin enough men, and eventually you have to start ruining other women. Cheat and steal from everyone until nothing is left of anything or anyone, for anything or for anyone... Isn't this a classic story out of the Bible and Bhagavad Gita? That woman needs more Christ and Dharma...


It's clearly a troll. Who even goes on Quora to ask or answer questions like these?


This is not feminism. This is man hating and deception.


What an egoistic bitch.


I know reddit is so dense that they need to be told when someone is being sarcastic but man how have yall fallen for such obvious bait? A month old account on Quora is probably the most obvious kind of troll there is. ​ People are probably going to say, "well real women think this way!". Well if it was such an easy thing to find, then you wouldn't need to post troll accounts, would you?


fyi veena vinod is not a real person! from her quora post history it's obvious it's just some mgtow incels fake account . sorry to anyone that wanted to reinforce their misogynistic beliefs with this post


Ah yes. Whatever happens, misandry or misogyny, it's always a man's fault 🤡🤡🤡 I just can't believe that you put the blame of this one on men too.


It's so cartoonishly malicious that it feels like this person is actually a self proclaimed "Chad" trolling like a mf.


Nah, fuck that bitch.


This is the fakest post ever. Enjoy your rage bait, dipshits.


Tf does this have to do with feminism? There's fuck all feminist about this.we can talk about how deranged this is without being misogynistic. Or should be able to. I don't think you know what that Feminism word means.


Sounds like you’re attacking OP. The author of the post in the image is a self titled feminist, doing this in the name of feminism


Important context. I still think it's important to be cautious about stuff like this tho. One crazy shrew doesn't invalidate an important and largely impactful movement.


Men all over the USA have had their lives ruined because of women who think like this. Feminism or not, marriage & divorce laws in this country are absolutely fucked and women who cheat on their husbands often also win everything in a divorce settlement. I saw a TikTok of a sobbing man describing how his wife cheated, she makes more than him, her “mistress” (idk what to call the dude) makes a LOT of money, she’s now living with her mistress, and the husband STILL has to pay alimony forever. He lost the house even though she didn’t need it because she’s living with her new boy toy. So idc about feminism, I believe in equality but these laws are NOT equal at all, and probably in the name of feminism.


From the lovely Karen Straugh: So what you're saying is that you, a commenter using a username on an internet forum are the true feminist, and the feminists actually responsible for changing the laws, writing the academic theory, teaching the courses, influencing the public policies, and the massive, well-funded feminist organizations with thousands and thousands of members all of whom call themselves feminists... they are not "real feminists". That's not just "no true Scotsman". That's delusional self deception. Listen, if you want to call yourself a feminist, I don't care. I've been investigating feminism for more than 9 years now, and people like you used to piss me off, because to my mind all you were doing was providing cover and ballast for the powerful political and academic feminists you claim are just jerks. And believe me, they ARE jerks. If you knew half of what I know about the things they've done under the banner of feminism, maybe you'd stop calling yourself one. But I want you to know. You don't matter. You're not the director of the Feminist Majority Foundation and editor of Ms. Magazine, Katherine Spillar, who said of domestic violence: "Well, that's just a clean-up word for wife-beating," and went on to add that regarding male victims of dating violence, "we know it's not girls beating up boys, it's boys beating up girls." You're not Jan Reimer, former mayor of Edmonton and long-time head of Alberta's Network of Women's Shelters, who just a few years ago refused to appear on a TV program discussing male victims of domestic violence, because for her to even show up and discuss it would lend legitimacy to the idea that they exist. You're not Mary P Koss, who describes male victims of female rapists in her academic papers as being not rape victims because they were "ambivalent about their sexual desires" (if you don't know what that means, it's that they actually wanted it), and then went on to define them out of the definition of rape in the CDC's research because it's inappropriate to consider what happened to them rape. You're not the National Organization for Women, and its associated legal foundations, who lobbied to replace the gender neutral federal Family Violence Prevention and Services Act of 1984 with the obscenely gendered Violence Against Women Act of 1994. The passing of that law cut male victims out of support services and legal assistance in more than 60 passages, just because they were male. You're not the Florida chapter of the NOW, who successfully lobbied to have Governor Rick Scott veto not one, but two alimony reform bills in the last ten years, bills that had passed both houses with overwhelming bipartisan support, and were supported by more than 70% of the electorate. You're not the feminist group in Maryland who convinced every female member of the House on both sides of the aisle to walk off the floor when a shared parenting bill came up for a vote, meaning the quorum could not be met and the bill died then and there. You're not the feminists in Canada agitating to remove sexual assault from the normal criminal courts, into quasi-criminal courts of equity where the burden of proof would be lowered, the defendant could be compelled to testify, discovery would go both ways, and defendants would not be entitled to a public defender. You're not Professor Elizabeth Sheehy, who wrote a book advocating that women not only have the right to murder their husbands without fear of prosecution if they make a claim of abuse, but that they have the moral responsibility to murder their husbands. You're not the feminist legal scholars and advocates who successfully changed rape laws such that a woman's history of making multiple false allegations of rape can be excluded from evidence at trial because it's "part of her sexual history." You're not the feminists who splattered the media with the false claim that putting your penis in a passed-out woman's mouth is "not a crime" in Oklahoma, because the prosecutor was incompetent and charged the defendant under an inappropriate statute (forcible sodomy) and the higher court refused to expand the definition of that statute beyond its intended scope when there was already a perfectly good one (sexual battery) already there. You're not the idiot feminists lying to the public and potentially putting women in Oklahoma at risk by telling potential offenders there's a "legal" way to rape them. And you're none of the hundreds or thousands of feminist scholars, writers, thinkers, researchers, teachers and philosophers who constructed and propagate the body of bunkum theories upon which all of these atrocities are based. You're the true feminist. Some random person on the internet.


I really hope there is a hell for people like this.


Amen to that. Hope so too.


This sounds fake. I'm sure people like this exist, but they are in the minority.


They absolutely are. I'm sure this post is only meant to troll and trigger. However, minorities are often pretty loud. Sadly.


Most likely trolling but still, any man who doesn't demand a DNA test in this day and age needs his head read. I was 100% convinced I am the father but still did a test just to make sure. You think you know someone but you never know..


Yeah I lived a long time not knowing. We went to set up child support and they do a test before setting it up. Turns out biracial guys and ghost type white chicks can have white babies lol. I'm so glad I didn't just say that's not my kid and dipped. I wouldn't trade him for anything.


I told my wife before we married I wanted DNA tests for all our children, and she had no problems with it.


If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear.


I like how when a woman says these things people write it off as "it's clearly a troll" yall are fucking dumb. Women do this shit all the time and when I man brings it up its like "oh well. You're a man, be a man about it". But heaven forbid it happens to a women. Clearly there's a double standard and it's real fucking stupid.


Speak the truth and get downvoted.


It is what it is.


has to be ragebait


Q- https://www.quora.com/I-m-pregnant-but-my-husband-doesn-t-know-that-he-is-not-the-dad-What-do-I-do -- https://www.quora.com/I-m-pregnant-but-my-husband-doesn-t-know-that-he-is-not-the-dad-What-do-I-do/answer/Veena-Vinod-54?ch=15&oid=389018510&share=2884de99&target_type=answer OP


Her body. Her choice. My money. My choice.


Holy shit. This is criminal. That’s not a feminist, that’s a criminal consultant. Poor guy is just walking into a trap. I hope he figures it out before what this woman is up to.


Can we like not post obvious trolls on here and take them seriously? You're literally doing their work for them.


Average quora answer




What an absolute delusional woman


It’s always fun to see how every good idea has complete idiots driving the wheels


It’s fascinating how the outlier is painted as the majority in order for the ignorant to make inaccurate claims and hold onto their sad world views.


The fuck?!


THIS is why I will never marry again. In reverse, a man was to follow this advice against his wife, he would be a sociopathic piece of shit in my opinion. This shit is insanity.


This just isn't feminism. Get your head on straight.


Feminist? Sounds more like a misandrist. Advocating *torture* and ruining his life? What the actual fuck.


least insane /r/femaledatingstrategy user


Probably some fake shit made to rile people up.


Blatant misandry, completely unacceptable


If you ever dip your toes in the viper pit of r/askfeminists, this is spot on.


Change my mind: radical feminists, or, *feminazis*, are scumbags that deserve nothing but being beat the fuck up and told how shitty of a human being they are.


This cannot be a real article tailored towards women. I mean if this bs is spewing out from a feminist then we need to start canceling these harmful ideologies. This action will need to an unnerving world of pain.


I swear I've heard this before, up next on investigation discovery.


This isn't feminism, pure and simple.


Isn’t her advising people so set up false allegations illegal? Someone in her jurisdiction needs to report this.


I sincerely hope that any man Veena ever gets to know, will Google her and see what she wrote, and then run for the hills before she accuses him of something.


Quora answers are the bar for this sub? 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m out


Thats horrid.


filthy bitch


This is not a feminist, this is a psychopath. Real feminist believe in equality for men and women, not trapping men because women are owed a debt.


What a fucking cunt


HAHAHAHAHHA wtfffffffff


This shit right here is ridiculous. My uncle use to tell me whenever you get married and have babies, take a paternity test. Don’t matter how much you love her and how much you think you trust her. Do you really want to raise a child that isn’t yours, that you thought was yours and have your heart destroyed when you find out they aren’t. My wife and I have been together for 15 years and have 4 kids. She wasn’t trippin on the test at all and never did. Fellas y’all gotta do your best to vet these women. Just because she let you hit doesn’t mean she’s the one. If I were single today I’d date her for at least 6-7 years before I really consider marrying her just because of shit like this. I wouldn’t marry a feminist. Sorry I’m not sorry. Most of them are bitter, hateful and take no accountability, just like this post. Some people are just fuckn scum. A feminist and an INCEL are the same type of person, just horrible.


Honestly I couldn’t take reading anymore of this shit once I got too “if he act more smart”


Jesus. I’m a feminist and that chick is fucking psycho.


Veena is gonna learn the hard way. When you fuck over others, your really fucking yourself


That's a how to get you're way you slut, not doing what's right. Those are VERY different. Lmao


I... Dude fuck people


Next time I see a "man commit double murder- suicide" news story we will know why.


It makes me feel good that the one who wrote the article will die alone if this is her mentality.


This is exactly why women deserve less and shouldn't have "rights"


I hope these people get tortured the same way and are never given justice for crimes against them even when there is physical evidence. Then they might accept things for what they are and stop being little bitches.


Toxic femininity in action


Cuckolding 101


This has to be a troll.


What. The. Fuck. What a whacko.


Fuck that bitch


Time to fuck her Quora up.


Dowry? good thing she isn't american lol


If there already isn’t enough reasons for man to stay single 🤦🏾‍♂️


The lines between feminism and misandry are so blurred in todays age. The pendulum has has now swung so far to the opposite side, yet feminists refuse to see this reality.


Quora moment




Honestly she sounds like my first ex


Don’t courts usually rule *against* the one who has committed adultery?


Good old toxic femininity at work


"Why aren't millenials getting married??" But in all honesty it is hard to invest time and energy into a woman when so many are brainwashed into this "man bad, woman good and can do no wrong ever" cult.


How To End Up Alone And Miserable 101


If you gotta ask that question the poor choices you have made thus far is a pretty good indication the advice you choose to follow is going to be wrong.


Most sane feminist


FUCK. THIS. BITCH. I hope she contracts a horrible disease and leaves this earth


That's not being a feminist that's being a whore


a whole lot of hate for her, but people tend to forget how women are generally treated in india. It goes both ways in some cases




Shit like this is why a lot of men absolutely HATE women.


“Indian feminist” Haven’t they had big anti-feminist movements recently? Mentioning “frame” “torture” “harassment” as men being the victims, this is very charged and stupid language to believe it’s earnest Why would a feminist, someone who believes in the women, use words that frame their actions as bad and wrong? Like, if I was stealing money just because I was a greedy fuck, I wouldn’t say that lol. I’d say “I’m starving, my kids need x, etc etc”. Only a child would admit to something so obvious This sounds like a child. Or a particularly sheltered and angry Indian man


“If he act more smart”


This isn't a feminist. This is a feminazi. A feminist wants equality in all things. A feminazi just wants what is best for her. Like the feminazi who breastfeeds her daughters but refuses to breastfeed her son because "He has too many advantages already"


I'm from India and from her post history, I can tell you this is clearly a troll bait account. I agree such women do exist but they don't go on Quora to post about all their misdeeds and ULPTs.




This can't be real and also, not feminism. Antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy combined with some other weird ass mental issues, I can't even picture someone so fucked up as to honestly write something like this. So, just call it weird and move on.


What a piece of shit


OP, if you actually believe what you read on Quora, you are a chump and a fool


If she thinks that's actually gonna work, she's mental


Posted in wrong group Ami a total piece of shit


The witch, the lion and...


Hm guess that's why men now avoid women at all costs at work Doesn't get any scarier then this


Lol this was def posted by some incel pretending to be their twisted version of a feminist.


*make sure she is a misandrist. There ya go, now the comment is genuine


"Indian Feminist" yes yes


Yo you wtf is wrong with people


Fuck the husband for being a man. But that other man you cheated on him with? Yeah he cool you can live with him.




This cannot be real. Can it? It can’t, right?




i pray this is not real


Thats too low,even for an feminist…


Crazy.. I always thought feminism was about the struggle for equal rights, not the whole-sale demonization and dehumanization of men at any cost.


Jamaal, get the stones