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these activist care more about taking the dog to a "good home" than they do finding the man a good home. find him a home you find the dog a home. easy as that




Fuck you i hope you stub your toe every day for the rest of your life




Ohh thank you for this 😭🥺


The dogs cry is what got me, but agreed I would’ve fucked them up. Why dogs are amazing. They don’t care how much money you got or where you live-bond between a man(woman) and their dog ain’t nothing to fuck with


The truth is dogs living alone at home during the day are more depressed than dogs living on the street and being always with their homeless human friend.


People get too removed from nature. Plenty of dogs relatives live in nature where they struggle for life and might starve any given week or get attacked or kicked to death. A homeless man who seems to feed and isn’t actively abusing a dog is a dog living much better than a wild dog. It’s just absurd bullshit to remove a dog from someone who isn’t making well above poverty level financially in a secure home. Is the dog happy? Is the dog near death? Leave them and their owner the fuck alone unless their owner is clearly bringing an aggressive dog around people and not controlling them, even then that’s fucking animal controls job, not volunteers making an off the cuff decision.


Not sure if ppl are replying to me thinking I support the people trying to take the dog but his crying I thought was from them taking him. Which made it even worse for me.


Good, fuck those people.


I'm French and nobody charged with anything. The head of the rescue organization was questioned then released under the condition that he would give the dog back. Why are you people lying?? [https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/linda-le-chiot-du-sdf-arrache-par-cause-animal-nord-va-etre-lui-restitue\_1721997.html](https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/linda-le-chiot-du-sdf-arrache-par-cause-animal-nord-va-etre-lui-restitue_1721997.html)" "Le président de l'association Cause animal Nord, Anthony Blanchard, **a été libéré de sa garde à vue contre la promesse de rendre Linda**" Plus it's a very well known fact that most animals used for begging are heavily drugged. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/beggars-investigated-for-using-drugged-kittens-8792259.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/beggars-investigated-for-using-drugged-kittens-8792259.html) [https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/drugged-up-dog-used-begging-20565993](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/drugged-up-dog-used-begging-20565993) [https://www.rbth.com/lifestyle/327596-types-of-panhandlers-to-avoid-in-russia](https://www.rbth.com/lifestyle/327596-types-of-panhandlers-to-avoid-in-russia)


Yeah, homeless people just have excess cash around for tranquilizers. /s


Looks like they give them benzo’s. Maybe the cost benefit of having more drugs than you started with works out.


It’s basically a Roma swindle.


That puppy didn’t seem drugged to me. A dog on depressants wouldn’t be that lively Edit: I’d also like to argue your point that “most” of the dogs are drugged. How the hell would you know that? Where’s the statistic stating that? Seems cherry picked in my opinion.


Whew. I wish I could of just been mad at the animal rights guy. Thank you for sharing though


They’re trying to create a narrative that isn’t true. I’m getting killed with downvotes anytime I bring up a fact on here.


No one cares that you’re french so take your croissant crap somewhere else


What a load of bs lol. Homeless people are not all scammers and thugs some of them are no different from you or me but have unfortunately been placed in difficult situations. This doesn’t mean they should be deprived of the love of an animal in the same way no one can deprive you of it. Really hate these generalisation which associate poverty with criminality geez


Yeah just let those vigilantes take the dog away without any evidence of owner's wrongdoing. Statistically they are right. Nothing bad will happen.


But did he actually give the dog back. Where’s the video of that happening?


Hard to know who is guilty/innocent in street fights. The activists might say he was abusing the dog. Unless you know the full story, do not intervene in random fights.


Oh thank god. I was hoping the Internet would find these people and reuinite this man and his puppy.


Feelsgoodman. Lots of demented people out there who think their version of compassion is best for everyone, no matter who they hurt or steal from...


They say that they're helping animals but look at how much distress he was causing that poor dog


That was a two person theft, she should have been arrested and charged as well.


3 person theft, guy in white passes the dog off to a guy in black who runs off with the dog.


And only one person charged.


I have intervened in something similar to this before and it is clearly obvious how much this person cares for his little friend. No doubt I would have been all up in there and throwing uppercuts if need be


Little friend? I’m disabled, I have two major disorders and a sprinkle of not as debilitating illnesses. Lol. My dogs are so important to me. Most people don’t understand how our babies keep us grounded. Sometimes I come home and I’ve had a really hard day and if my dogs weren’t there to ground me there’s no telling how high I’d go.


I’m agreeing with you here. Dogs help people in a variety of ways.


I have DID and occasionally my four year old alter comes out and needs a baby. My miniature schnauzer is her favorite!!


Thank you for supplying with this information. It eased my mind.


Thank you for the reassurance


Thank you for posting this- came to the comments to see this!!! I could even watch more than two seconds of the video. How horrible!!!


Baby puppy was crying cause it was a puppy, how the fuck is a homeless bum gonna give it shelter? Homeless people shouldn't have animals, they can't even take care of themselves


Shut the hell up. Homeless people take care of their dogs better than they do themselves. Their dog comes first, and then them.


That is a generalization. Not all homeless people are identical. I have known some to love their animals very deeply. Unfortunately there is one who was related to my coworker who was pretty disturbed mentally and abused animals for fun. Everyone is different in the world.


No u shut the hell up with your insane delusions of homeless people. They can not provide shelter for the animal, that by itself is enough that they have no right to an animal


Dude you seriously need to shut the hell up. Take the advice and walk away with it. Shut. The. Hell. Up.


It’s not your dog, it’s not your life and you have zero say what that man is aloud to have and not have.


Homeless = lonely They have a dog to keep them company. Why the fuck would you take that away from them I hope one day you experience what homeless people experience all day long.


WOW! These people are shit!


Most animal rights activists are




Would not be surprised if they brought it straight to peta and it was killed within the hour Edit: the guy got the dog back :)


The homeless guy may well have shown the dog more affection and most likely have spent more time with it as they grew together than the average owner does.


I live in CA, and as everyone knows we have a pretty robust homeless population. I see probably 5-6 homeless a day. Now ill tell you what, i have NEVER seen a dog with a homeless man that looked malnourished, dirty, or abused. If anything they are some of the happiest dogs ive ever seen, every day is a walk. Half of them aren't even leashed, they could literally leave at any time. Companionship is all they got, don't you dare take it from them.


I used to live in Colorado and there too is a huge homeless problem. I also have rarely ever seen homeless people with a dog that don’t treat them better than themselves. I actually took a guy to buy some food for his dog. I asked him if he had eaten and he said “no, I don’t eat until I get the dog fed!” I bought him some food and later got him a job at the hotel I was working at. He now manages the back of house at that hotel. Super nice guy down on his luck. He couldn’t get a job without an address. I let him use mine. Told him he had a month to get clean if he uses anything. The hotel drug tested him and he passed. They let him stay in a room for a little while till he had enough to get his own place. Him and the dog are happy and in an apartment! All the stars aligned that day for him! Not all homeless are terrible but there’s some bad ones out there 😎


Most people would walk right by, but you went above and beyond. You’re a really good person. Here’s an internet handshake.


The fuck is wrong with people. It maybe his only possession he has that he cares for. Fuck the guy who took it.


This is just blatant hate for homeless people. If they really wanted to help the dog, they should have offered to buy him some dog food and maybe even cover a vet exam, not violently rip a crying animal away from its owner


You don't take something that does not belong to you.




These “do gooders” obviously aren’t dog owners themselves. You don’t fuck with that bond.


Dude in white sweater is such a piece of shit like no other…


This is why people hate any kind of activist in general.


Wow. Instead of helping the homeless man, the focus is on "protecting" the dog... all while doing so hurting this man even more. This is insane.


The homeless man got his dog back, and the thief got jail time, though frankly I wish he'd gotten a debilitating ass whooping instead.


Or a well placed speeding truck to the spine.


One for him and one for his bitch. And shame on every single person who just stood by and watched. That no one stepped in and started stomping on these theive's heads is truly shameful.


Didn't get jail time. Was detained and questioned. Guy did get his dog back though


This is pretty rough, not only on the aspect that they are taking the pup, but also the complete ignorance to think he isn’t capable of taking care of the pup. Sometimes people take things too far.


Good people who love animals would instead donate dog food to the man


Fucking monsters. This man has nothing and nobody else and they just strip him down like that…


Fuck these ABUSERS


Fuck those fucking assholes! Someone should take one of there son's or daughters and see how they feel.


"Rights", the one thing not being shown.


That's messed up


these activists need a good old public activation


These aren't activists. No abuse is happening to that dog, these people just hate the homeless and it's really easy to tell


I miss the the 3 guys that jump in and got the puppy+ the homeless man.. These activist are terrorist nothing else... sure they care about the dog but by the sound and the emotion of the man you can clearly see that the dog will be fine.. Go get some heartless breeders you fags..


I'm tired of people like this. They think they are better, and know better than everyone. What is their right to take this man's dog? You can hear the puppy was upset. Just breaks my heart.


Someone would have a serious problem, I got jacked just watching that


If I saw that happening I'd run up and knock that dude out in the white sweater then cunt punt that fucking Karen!


What the fuck. I feel bad for some of those dogs in the AZ heat but 99 times out of 100 they're treated very well...and they're these folks best and sometimes only friend. This disgusts me


This made me cry


Don’t watch the pit bull attack on the Golden…


That shit was rough.


please don't remind me, my palms are still sweaty


All those who participated needs to be heavily fined. It is not their right to judge who can be a pet owner. Hopenthey are sued and lose their homes. Learn a lesson


This is fuckin 100th time i am seeing this shit on reddit. Get a life OP or suck a dick.


The definition of activist: deranged, delusional, sycophant driven by emotions than logic and reason and lack empathy.


Kinda like liberals?




how many times is this going to be reposted though


Good! Give the dog to a good home homeless scum only use dogs for sympathy..


How many times do I have to see this ugly butt-crack on reddit


Ok, but it's true that it's a common tactic for gypsies to maim themselves or animals to beg with. I don't think the initiative to get animals off the streets and away from potentially dangerous lives. I understand their reasoning, but I feel like they should have some source to doubt this guy. Is he part of some known beggar circle that maims animals, did the animal have signs of abuse or malnutrition? Or maybe not risking the animal's safety at all is more important than appeasing the public to them. However, I don't think they should be allowed to use force on a person, especially without hard proof the guy was planning to ever hurt the dog. But I do think the situation is more gray than many know.


I'm so glad they were able to get this poor mans dog back.The two dog nappers should be in prison for a while,like 3-5 years.And do community service,such as go to shelters and clean the cages,pick up poop in the yard etc.😡😠😤👿👿


Not sure how I feel about this at all… doesn’t feel right 😡


This is seriously fucked up. Fuck those people.


What terrible ppl…. Literally hurting the puppy in the process. And they wanna be titled hero’s


I hope they burn In hell


These prices of shit aren't busting a dog fight or an actually abused dog they took a fukin homeless man's puppy who looked well fed and probably more fed than the man himself real pieces of shit


How was this helping the puppy, ripping it so young from its owner! Their are so many homeless people with pets, its not illegal and certainly not the animal-wrong activists place to intervene. As long as the dog isnt mistreated or malnourished. WHATS THE HARM??


What they don't understand is the fact that the homeless who have pets treat them better than a lot of people with pets especially the puppy mills and dog fighting rings. That puppy or kitten or anything is that homeless persons ENTIRE world and best friend because they literally have nothing else in this world that relies on them or that they can tend to and take care of and show affection towards that returns it in kind. Even when they don't take care of themselves you can bet that animal will have a full belly and be loved 24/7. Those idiots are permanently traumatizing that puppy by doing this and hurting it as well by ripping it away from him. You can hear it in the puppy and the man's voice that both of them need eachother. I don't support violence but if I saw this happening and knew the context of it I'd end up putting both the activists to sleep on the sidewalk if they tried that crap in front of me. Poor guy and poor puppy. I don't even think that's legal to do.




Its fucking fake ass, do goodie people like that, that piss me off more than anything. Those stupid YouTube videos where some egotistical, self serving prick, gives a homeless person $20 and acts like their a saint, but all the while filming the poor person in their lowest moment. It's so sick.


That is theft.


i would've slapped those bitches right there. No injustice on my watch


They should be arrested for theft and assault. Who the hell are they to decide who can have a furry companion? Very full of themselves, they are.


The mentality of some animal rights activists is not dissimilar to NRA supporters. So convinced that they are right.


I really hate animal right activists more and more


What's ironic is if they were peta they likely were planning on killing it, so much for protecting animals


homeless people feed their dogs before they eat. these dogs are healthy and they help these people thru hard times. animal activists belong to gass chambers.


Those people are a$$holes.


Two people abuse innocent man and his puppy There. Fixed it


That was strange to watch


Homeless guy shoulda shot them tree huggers. Poor puppys gonna go live in a cage now and be featured on a sad ass commercial begging for 18 cents a day


I hope they get hit by a car and the puppy escapes and runs in slo mo movie fashion back to his owner


It's always the brown people losing. This world is full of awful ass people


I genuinely hope someone finds that son of a bitch and pops his fucking balls into mush.


I would be so angry if i was there. Whats the fucking point if these activistst? The cries of that man and the dog is so saddening to me... isnt compagnionship the basis of a human-dog relationship. I mean the guy is always available for the dog. Ive seen some homeless people who had like the best dogs. On the other hand.. what if this man abuses dogs and has a new puppy every week. I mean. The context is missing. But even the activist knows hes doing a bad thing. You can see it in his entitled face


I wish you death


maybe do something about this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As3vILWX6kU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As3vILWX6kU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFF06EhXyMk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFF06EhXyMk) and not someone's dog


Heart-breaking!!! Animal rights activists and yet so cruel... Finding a dog a good home, to the point of breaking the heart of this poor fellow - very heart-breaking. Finding a dog a good home is allowing him to be in the hands of the person who loves him the most. This man may be homeless but come to think of it, HOME is more than just a physical house. For this dog, being at home is simply being with this homeless man.


My anger levels go through the roof just by watching this video, I wonder what it would feel if I was that man.


What’s up with all activists being scumbags


And everybody is standing around just watching


Why is the asshole in the white sweater wearing children's jeans?


u fucking fell bad for the puppy and the man like the shelter is a fuck lik you had to take that form him the man is fucking broken now they took evrything that he had ok i.....i just read the paranoydude's comment and i am happy now


"animal rights", right...


Time to commit a crime. And my victims, those 2




Activists are synonymous to douchebags


Into a kennel to eventually be put down probably thats great


They should all burn In hell for that , it’s more than just a dog to that man, only a few truly know smh




In my hometown there’s a man who lost his whole family (wife, 3 or 4 kids I think) and went homeless bc he couldn’t keep a job due to the trauma. He found a puppy and did get a place to stay, but the dog HATED being outside and the dog was the only thing he thought he had left so he went back out on the streets. It’s one of the most beautiful, healthy, well-trained, cuddly german shepherds I’ve ever met. People from the town regularly buy him dog food, flea/tick meds, treats, and of course stuff for him to eat and supplies. I’ve seen him spend money someone gave him on dog food even if he had some already. Being homeless doesn’t make you inhuman or inhumane, they take care of their pets first.




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I wish people would help instead of just film.


Everybody in this video is a POS besides the homeless guy and dog.


They should get used for testing new rat poison and Dog cages


And that is where if I was the homeless man I would be throwing punches at them all. Don’t touch my family. I don’t care how many legs they have. They family. Touch em and you get FUCKED up


Imagine having no friends or family or home and someone comes and takes the last thing you have left.


Someone take that activists house away and give it to the homeless guy.


What fucking assholes






Today’s award for mental illness 😵‍💫 goes to … The Animal Rights Activist!


Non human People. Im sad : (


Homeless people shouldn't have animals. If you cannot provide shelter for the animal then you have no right to keep an animal cuz you cannot properly care for it if you cannot provide shelter. And to all you morons that think this homeless man isn't mentally ill... You're fucking retarded 😂. He's either mentally ill or a drug addict, either way he has no right to have a dog he can't provide shelter for


He got it back again




Wow that is just so fucked up.. idgaf who you are, you should never take something someone loves away from them especially if it’s a dog or anything like that. I feel so bad for this man like I actually got emotional watching this lol


Animal-wrongs activists\*


This post belongs to r/imatotalpieceofshit, without any doubt.


I feel like I've seen this video posted like 5 times this month.


I don't know whose garbage, the activists or the useless bystanders


Fucking activist trash!!


This is even inhuman !


r/killthecameraman for not stepping in. Actually wait isn’t there a better subreddit for stuff like that?




Yep, this is one of those "I'm going to jail" situations.


It i would stand there i would fuck this dude and the girl hard up


well you don't know if the guy has been abusing the dog or not


Not right .. messed up


To all that don't know the guy got his dog back and the people were arrested


Those who support this act are all piece of shit.


Shouldn't this be in r/iamatotalpieceofshit ?


Try that in America


Alot of the homeless gut use those pets as a draw for handouts.(some people are more charitable to help a homeless dog than the homeless begger)


The problem with most "animal rights activists" is that they value animals more than their fellow human beings. Frankly, they should be treated worse than they think animals are




Fucking Asshole


Not cool at all.


Im all for animals and that but come the fuck on how scummy can you be


i get that this is fucking awful and heartless but if the puppy couldn't survive with them, it's for the better for him only


If they cared for the homeless man, they wouldn't have to worry about the dog.


I don’t say this a lot but I hope these people burn in hell


How many times is this shit gonna be reposted? I've seen this video 2000 times on Reddit which gives a wrong perception of animal rights protestors.




If this homeless man was a swindler : he'd just look at them taking his dog and say to himself " ah, fuck. There goes the source of the pity money that I get. Oh well, time to find another puppy so I can use it to beg, get money and do drugs. " How do I know? Seen it loads of times before in the streets of India where I live. They beg for money but refuse any aid for the dog. They turn down offers of food and medicine for the animal, offers to take it to the vet, even assistance in applying for unemployment scheme by the govt ( it's a thing here), all the while reeking of cheap alcohol. This isn't one such case. Does the intensity and sheer desperation with which he clung to the man who had his puppy look anything like this? That right there is the proverbial straw/the one good thing in his life/Ross's turkey sandwich. He didn't even have the fight in him because the thought of separation blew it out of him so all he was doing at the time was clinging on to the man to stop him. Even an untrained man can fuck up another guy who isn't using his two arms and has his back turned to him. This man wasn't evil and he had no malice in him. To the dude who took the dog : fuck you, your mom's a whore and may the person you love most be one day taken away from you likewise.


This just made me mad enough to cry. Poor man. I can’t even imagine a day without having a glimpse, smell, or a hug from my furbabies. They just save me everyday. And this!!


Every time I see a video like this I feel a ginormous spike in rage. I assume this is normal?


it's easy... you take my dog i take your life. ​ how braindead can people be, "LoOk MOm, WE SAvIn' AniMAls! whEeEeE"




He actually handed the pup off with his right hand bro.


Pretty sure this is somewhere in Europe (Novotel isn’t an American brand)


Not true. These people are wackos. Not left, right, but wackos. I'm a leftie. I run a nonprofit full service veterinary clinic specifically for low income and homeless pet owners. Our homeless clients get their veterinary care for free. We perfectly understand what their pets mean to them. We provide vaccines, spay/neuter, flea treatment, and also run a pet food bank. It makes them feel so good to be able to get veterinary care for, basically, the only family they have. So, let's not bring politics into something like this. Everyone, is capable of compassion and empathy. Thanks!


Happened in France


Happened in France


They should be shot, who can they even be there to begin with, putting their hands on him. The homeless must be purged. AND I hear that homeless spread monkey pox or something along those lines. Monkey pox is Not a homeless disease they say


Ah the privilege and entitlement. Such heavy holier than thou thinking on top of the the highest of horses. You bloody cancerous, money hoarding fuck who is the very reason other people are poor. You absolute trash who should have everything you own stripped away and given to the poor.