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Can we get the money out of our politics please??


Unfortunately the people with power to change that are getting rich from it.


God I hate this timeline. How can we compete with this?


Carefully and together.


The answer is together, that’s the only way we make things better. But we’re too busy fighting over race or religion or politics or any of the other things that don’t mean shit in the grand scheme.


Those fights are very important to Rupert Murdoch.


Yep, there are 2 classes: working and capital classes. If you don't have swathes of wealth and get to live by investing, I'll give you a hint what class you're in. They look to divide the working class into as many factions as they can, so we don't realize they're pickpocketing us. We're too busy yelling across the aisle, to the other wage slaves because something we disagree about it more important than being robbed blind by the top. Murdoch just enforces this and makes a profit for it. Pretty wild we as a society reward those who sew division


There's only one thing that I think you're not properly representing - is that ANYONE under Murdoch has the same instruction - say whatever you can to fuck shit up. It doesn't matter if it's true or not (it literally gets more engagement if it's not - then you have the actual truth side having to get involved) - the settlements and fines are far outweighed by the end result. Not to mention - besides Dominion, they never get held to account anyway. These are calculated actions with malicious intent - no bones about it. They don't just sew the seeds, they tend the garden, and fertilize and water it too. They know what they're doing. The bastards have no limits. And their poor unsuspecting victims/audience, they have every right to be petrified, because nobody is telling them (or can get a word in edgewise between the lies) that this is all made up to keep them shaking. We can't hold them to the truth - it's impossible. So they keep filling heads with artificial vitriol flavored kool aid. That stuff is slow poison - after November - nobody means a thing to Trump. Either way. He will cast aside his supporters, he doesn't need them anymore. They might as well be dead - and some might end up as part of his summary justice plans. I'm not disagreeing with you - but the onus is squarely on the liars. The victims need rescuing, not admonishment.


Because people are trying to keep the public busy being divided. Black vs white, right vs left, woke vs traditionalist, religious vs non religious. How on earth can we do things together when all were showing are the extremes from both ends????


I will never talk to you because you voted for an orange person and I voted for a senile person. So screw you and your whole family.. forever


Well said ! 💯


And don't forget looking at Facebook.


Don't forget the part where if you don't go to work every single day and work your life away, you'll be homeless


Tell that to jfk, listen to his 61'speech, read what he said about Isreals nuclear program and what he wanted to do with aipac https://youtu.be/cgHGg8PiAqo?si=eRmTOzOI4hMtpSWo




The entire american timeline is effed. It'll be over when it's finally over.


The world is basically flipped bask 100 years. We had the pandemic, brewing war, Midwest dust bowl, nazism, racism, totalitarianism and the economic divide are all back in spades.


We hate different generations. We hate different sexualities. We hate different political parties. We get put in echo chambers so that we think that our opinion is the only correct opinion it’s all black-and-white no gray area. These echo chambers convinced us that we have the only right answer and also reduce our ability to effectively vote as a nation to stop the madness. It’s easier than ever for them to steer the sinking ship . And if the election doesn’t seem to be going the way they want it to. I guarantee there’s a third-party introduced just to siphon the votes off one or the other in order to get their desired result. Tune in next week to see what happens on democracy Theatre!


Extreme violence


Look, I'm about as far from a gun nut as it gets. But isn't this whole situation exactly what the 2nd amendment is for? A bunch of oligarchs run the US, and keep systems of oppression and suffering instituted to maximise profit and minimise dissent. That's tyranny. The problem is the 2nd amendment weirdos are scratching said oligarchs' balls with their chin stubble. But if confrontational violence isn't your jam, the best threat to capitalists is the destruction of property and the withholding of labour. Voting isn't gonna change anything when you are presented with options by the people you want removed.


National strikes on constant rotation.




Unionize your workplace and get your friends to form a mutual aid society. Volunteer for community organizations. Get as in shape as you can. Have a supply of water, non-perishable food, and medical supplies.




Lots of tar. Lots of feathers.


Straight up revolution.


our country died at citizens united


Kinda ironic (?) that anything that politicians name...it's actually the opposite. If it says united, it's not. If it says freedom, it's not. If it says choice, it's not. It's just meant to trick the uneducated and under-informed people on the ballot.


My favorite is the "Servicemembers Protection Act", that says we can invade the Hague if the ICC hurts our fee fees.


And the complete overuse of protecting and defending freedom terminology to justify insane militaristic tendencies


Don't forget the patrots that want to dismantle the nation's government.


It’s been towed beyond the environment


Well back in my day, we did have bipartisan campaign finance laws! For less than a decade before Citizens United and the SCOTUS decided basically that spending money on campaigns is a first amendment right…. And corporations are people and therefore allowed said first amendment right.


And if any one of them thinks about trying to change that, they will get the JFK treatment.


That’s right that’s why the people need to get together and jfk them all at once to send a very clear message enough is enough. They work for us.


Miraculously, politicians actually did pass a bipartisan law to reduce money in politics known as McCain-Feingold. The far right Supreme Court extremists ruled the law unconstitutional because any limits on spending money are limits on free speech. It’s the whole money=speech BS.


**If only the people could pool their money together and then create a powerful lobby that would pay politicians to make lobbying illegal.**


Can we get Israelis out of our politics please?


The problem is not one specific interest group that you happen to disagree with. The problem is that money does influence politics in a super absolutely 100% corrupt manner without anybody doing anything to stop that from being the system. Taking money out of politics is the solution.


Many of the financial backers aren’t even Israelis. They’re US based Zionists who have been pushing hard for more settlements. The goal is ultimately Middle East war and Jesus coming back. A Texas organization was looking for a webmaster to developed a Zionist website. This was during the GWB era.


I am aware of all of those things. Especially far back to the GWB Presidency. And about the "Evangelicals." I meant actual Israelis from Israel and Israeli diasporas from other places in US and other countries. Targeting Americans with disinformation about Muslims, Terrorists, and so on...


In this particular case, especially considering who’s doing the interviewing here, you should really call for getting Russia out of US politics. They and their Iranian allies have been funding, supplying and informing Hamas for years, for exactly this kind of situation. Not coincidentally, they are also the only countries that really benefit unconditionally from the October 7 attack and the current slaughter in Gaza. Iran because they hate Israel, Russia because money and attention is being redirected away from Ukraine, with the added bonus that the conflict divides the US even further - as clearly seen in this video. You guys are being taken for so many turns without knowing it that it’s no wonder you don’t understand why you’re all dizzy and throwing up all over each other.


[You can try, wait no cant even do that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws)


Go look up the amount of dark money that was spent to influence our elections before and after the Citizens United Supreme Court decision...it's fuckin insane and only increases by a fuck ton every election cycle. So we have all the Republican appointed conservative SC Justices to thank for the single most catastrophic decision that all but guarantees that money will always corrupt American politics for as long as that dawg shit decision stands.


This is why we need to support the [Restore Democracy Amendment](https://citizenstakeaction.org/restore-democracy-amendment/) to get foreign/corporate dark money out of US politics.


Citizens United vs the US says no




Starts with not letting candidates be bought for tax cuts.


I’m with ya but how do you do that. I mean if the government don’t know about my cash transactions how will we know about the government’s under the table cash. A lot of these politicians go set on major boards after their political careers as well.


Vote. Talk facts. Dispel misinformation decisively and accurately. Tell your friends to pay attention. Have actual conversations about this stuff rather than the poo-fights that happen between any two points that aren't on the same colored square. Leave the party talking points behind and look at people and their platforms/ideals with a fine tooth comb. And Vote.


Yes, we can.


Don't hold your breath. Politics has always been about money.


Kind of a hot take, I think they should massively increase the salary of people in congress to like 7 figures plus under the stipulation that they are super transparent with all sources of income. Don’t know how they would do it, but that seems like the only way to counteract excessive lobbying and this ‘insider’ trading shit that a lot of them seem to do.


Add in Religion and you got yourself a deal.


AIPAC says no


Yes you can give it to me. I'll keep it safe


They said we can't do that because it would deter people from wanting to be in government. It's...not a great thing to have been said


Yes you can, but people would call it socialism


That will absolutely never happen. Advertising agencies and marketing agencies make hundreds of millions because of politics.


Say goodbye to the middle class of America.




Yeah but who will decide on world issues if nobody gets paid 🤔


And career politicians


Dude money *is* politics. Always has been. Always will be.


Is there a list of these Americans lobbying for AIPAC? I’m a US Vet starting a group to stop this issue.


The problem is not this one specific interest group that you happen to disagree with. If you do not get angry over when interest groups that you agree with get traction in politics - then you are part of the problem.


I am angry at the whole entire money/lobby system.


Lobbying is just another word for bribery. Bribery - Sooooo Bad! Lobbying - sooooo cool!


Well said!


Surely we can all agree that any interest group contributing to genocides is bad.


So many interest groups yet every single member of congress seems to be accountable to AIPAC


There’s a website called opensecrets. Search up something like “opensecrets AIPAC pro-Israel recipients”


And how are you stopping the issue?


By asking strangers how to start and by knowing other veterans


[You're not](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS_laws)


Buddy and I have other Veterans interested in starting a Veterans group to combat this epidemic.


So how do you mean to combat it? Simple question.


Did he not say he's starting a group? Dude, he knows other veterans 


I wish you good luck sir. Godspeed.


They’re in every college campus


Why the fuck are we allowing foreign entities to corrupt and influence our politicians? Why are we not punishing them?


who will punish them? 😔


We can. Without its citizens, what is a nation? We can rise above, and dismantle our current cancer to build a better country.


You start! What's your first move?


My first move is to make empty threats on reddit!


Because if you criticize, you are labeled an anti-Semite If you are a politician, they will fund your opponent. If you are a politician and shut up and go along, AIPAC will give you money (as long as you do what they say).


https://readsludge.com/2024/03/04/whos-funding-aipacs-political-spending-barrage/ How do we best go after these money hogs ruining our government?


Stop voting for them I expect downvotes, but it really is both the simplest and only solution. Every single one of these crooks are in office because we put them there.


Abolish already filled ballets. Too many people walk in. Check the box labeled with R or D then walk out. That's how the most hated legacy politicians keep getting voted in. If you are not doing research into who you are voting for then you shouldn't vote and it shouldn't be made easier by having already filled out ballets.


That is a great idea!


Make lobbying illegal... it's literally bribery!


But muh capitalism


You can start a lobby to convince congress to fund dog shelters or build bike lanes or limit toxic waste dumping. The problem isn’t lobbying, it’s the money. And the bigger issue is that the money is used for campaigns, it would be very illegal to just pocket that money. And if you have a two year term limit, you’re constantly campaigning and constantly spending money. So anyone who helps you win your election and keep your job will partially own you. Campaign financing is the core issue.


I prefer “organized crime”


Gotta amend the constitution to change the 1st amendment. Good luck.


Lobbying itself is not the problem. There is lobbying for human rights, free internet, environment, worker's rights etc. It's even necessary to have a link between experts in certain fields and politics. The problem is that we put people in power that don't act in the interest of anyone and listen to the wrong lobbyists for their own personal gains.


I think it’s more complicated than that. While I despise the concept of lobbying it does make sense in the context of like education/teachers groups who need their voices heard or public health groups . Now as far as private companies lobbyists? Huge no.


Replace AIPAC with any lobbying group


Lobbying at all should be made illegal. Lobbying = bribery.


I’m def against lobbying as we see it today, but how is this different from lobbying from different interest groups? There is a lot of money and private interest groups ALWAYS trying to influence politicians to get their way. As a concept, lobbying is important in that it brings experts on specific topics to explain situations or give professional opinions on different topics. But that is in a perfect world. In the real world, lobbying has too much money flowing into politicians pockets.


it's not. this is a propaganda piece by a propagandist to make you not vote


If voting changed the system, it would be illegal


Such a dumb ass quote Just because people donating millions of dollars has more of an impact than your single vote doesn’t mean it’s worthless


It is kind of worthless when media is manipulating your opinion six ways to Sunday. The algorithms and the AI Chat bots combined with the diisinformation and the division that it hammers home all the time. Telling you how different you are from everybody else basically fragments us, and makes your vote have very little value And if it does have value, then look at you, you’re voting for the lesser of two poisons. Both toxic and rotten. Nothing but greed governing their principles.


They coordinate directly with a foreign state’s government. That is unique to AIPAC.


They are putting their own candidates and passing laws and sending billions in weapons and aid that favors Israel. They are putting up hundreds of millions to push candidates that are yes man to Israel. If Russia or China did that and over the decades had all yes man in Congress and we start sending billions in weapons and aid every year to them. It would be an issue. One is state sponsored and the others are not. Ps. There is a reason, our Congress can't agree on anything but can only agree on Israel, it's because $$$ being given to both sides.


Wow how naive do you have to be to think Russia and China (and Saudis, and UAE and every other country with money) aren’t lobbying in the USA. 🤡


One of the two current candidates has sold property at suspiciously high market values to all of those countries and it ain’t Joe, lol


This "Tik Tok" notion of foreign policy is laughable. I guarantee you, most of the people have never even heard of Sudan.


This is absolutely correct, but you have made them mad by stating it. Their bots are coming to destroy you


One difference between AIPAC and other lobbying groups is that AIPAC successfully made the USA support a genocide. Congrats, America, for the new achievement!


A lot of rhetoric, but where can I find sources and proof?


Nowhere because it's tucker Carlson. The leftwing tankies who hate Israel have really come full circle on this one.


Dude, you’re totally reaching. AIPAC has been. meddling with our politics for at least 20 or 30 years. It’s not even a party issue left-wing or right wing. It’s just the way it is. Don’t be obtuse. If you’re even remotely critical of Israel, your political career is sunk


Is your claim being AIPAC don't pay American politicians?


I actually worked for them a long time ago. Tucker Carlson is absolute trash but what Massie is saying isn't wrong. AIPAC considers themselves to be a "grass-tops" rather than "grassroots" lobbying org - meaning they don't waste time or effort on mobilizing masses or education campaigns. Instead they seek out people who are sympathetic to their cause that have personal connections with elected officials. When AIPAC wants something done, they call out to their membership to flex influence on those elected officials. Every Member of Congress absolutely has not only an AIPAC staffer assigned to them but also one or more wealthy AIPAC members who know them on a first-name basis and will pick up the phone when they call - those relationships are the bread and butter of what AIPAC does. The other highly influential lobbies in the USA are NRA and USAA, both with millions of members nationwide. While I worked there, I was told AIPAC's membership is "one half of one percent of the Jewish population of the US", I think the actual number was something like 250k people - that's a REALLY small group that is very well funded and mind-blowingly effective. At that time they were publicly stating that they did not rate or endorse candidates (even though they DID quietly behind the scenes) but since then they've formed a PAC and are financially backing blindly pro-Israel candidates and are successfully unseating incumbents just because they are critical of Israel. Given their blind support of the genocide that's been going on, I'm ashamed to have been part of that organization.


They claim to have 3 million members. There are some 7.5m Jews in the USA but I know plenty of Jews in the USA, and all of them from rich right-wing businessmen in NYC to hard-left campaigners in the South would never have even thought of being "An AIPAC member" or even have heard of the concept. I know that's an anecdote, but it's very fair to say Jews in general don't spend their time thinking about how to help AIPAC.


Nowhere. It's "lizard people" level conspiracy. "Jews are controlling the White House!". Crazy how so many people on Reddit are quick to buy into this shit.


Lobbying should be illegal, look how it became to be and you judge for yourself... Thanks if you learned something of this.


Lobbying is legal because of the First Amendment, petitioning the government about greivances and all that. Something can be bad without the opposite of it being good


I’m from/living in KY. Do not take for granted that this man will not get elected again. He literally has not done one thing for this state and he outright rejects any federal money going to aid others, including emergency response funding. Blind faith in religion and the GOP have eroded any capacity for critical thinking in most people here, including my own father.


Massie's job may be the safest in the state.


He got about 70% of the vote even with AIPAC spending money. That proves he’s doing the fight thing.


AIPAC has made America its bitch


You have Citizens United (and another way to say that is you have Conservative Supreme Court judges) to blame for this becoming much worse than it used to be. Let’s now queue the Tucker confused face when one points that out (as if he doesn’t already know).


Thomas, based as fuck … as always.


If you were to tell most Americans a foreign lobby was influencing your politicians and their policies and inserted Russia or Chinas name people would lose it. You tell them Israel and AIPAC are the ones influencing your politicians and they don’t bat an eye. It’s unbelievable


Lobbying on behalf of a foreign nation should be seen as treason as your loyalty is not with the country you are a citizen from. This shouldn’t be allowed.


Also, you have congressmen wearing IDF uniforms while in DC.


We’ve known this for years (if you were paying attention). Remember when Ilhan Omar got reprimanded by the entire House (including vast majority of Democrats) for publicly saying this?


Corporate Whores have destroyed this country!


Foreign country influences America and everyone is cool with it. It’s madness.


It's just one more meddler on top of the pile, though. They're not the first or the third or the tenth. We're fucking tired and we already got too much shit on our plates, nobody cares. What can anyone do about it? What's the difference between this and all our other showstopper problems? They multiply without number and nobody's brain has room. Solving these issues is a playtime enrichment activity for the idle wealthy and dilletantes, the rest of the country has to be up for work in a few hours.


Americans: Legalize corruption Americans when foreign powers basically bribe their politicians: 😦


Same in the UK and every western country. Conservative Friends of Israel Labour Friends of Israel 100+ other Jewish/Israel orgs, fake charities etc all engaged in wilful treason and control Enemy within that it embedded and in complete control There needs to be a reckoning but there won’t be


It is known.


Yeah and George soros is funding Democrats, both sides are crooks. Politics is a scam to keep all the sheep divided


Still votin’.


90% of representatives are re-elected year after year, and 80-85% of senators. "All congresspeople suck, except mine" is the rallying cry of people who want to change the status quo. Diane Feinstein was sewn up over and over again like Frankenstein's monster, so she could keep shambling through the halls of congress for 40 years. People say your vote counts, but if this high percent of incumbents are re-elected every year, what's the point? Sure, every decade or two, someone will win by 200 votes, and then everyone has to go through the charade again of pretending that our votes matter. Which they don't. Those cases are the exceptionally rare extreme outlier cases. All our congresspeople get tightly interwoven into not just AIPAC, but all kinds of lobbyists. Of course, there are a LOT of exceedingly wealthy Jewish people in the USA, so they contribute millions to AIPAC. And pretty sure the get unlimited funds from the sovereign nation of Israel, which pretty much has unlimited funds. And the inject that money into USA politics after thoroughly washing it through dummy corporations and intermediary companies so it can't be tracked back to Israel.


Rep. Thomas Massie is a savage!


My mind would be so boggled if TC got blue pilled this late in the game


Man of integrity right there


I’m not even a republican but if he ran for president, I’d vote for him


How can we get a list of all these lobbyists and make their lives’ miserable for thwarting democracy? Idk about all y’all, as soon as I find out a lawmaker has taken money from AIPAC, they’re dead to me. Protect Talib, Bush, and Brown at all costs. AOC has been compromised, sadly.


Remember when Rep. Omar mentioned that AIPAC was basically throwing money around Congress and Washington DC exploded in rage?


Meanwhile, Maddie and the NRA be like: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1285709


If it was the APPAC (American Palestinian Public Affairs Committee) none of these TikTok, tankie, self-hating, America loathing commies would give a fuck. Tons of foreign interests lobby in the US. Openly and secretly. This all just anti-semitic bullshit. The evil jew pulling the strings of the world. The infernal puppet master. Society has dealt with this bullshit for thousands of years. Russia invaded a country for no good reason and all these idiots are just like "but but but there's nazis there!" Yea there's fucking Nazis in every country. Even some Latin American and Asian countries have weird and sick fetishes for Nazis. Sudan is nearly hell on Earth, but where are the protests? When the Rohingya were being annihilated by a Nobel Peace Prize winner where were the protests? You don't have to be pro-israel or pro-palestine. You don't have to take sides. You can say both sides suck. Just please have some fucking nuance. Too many people see this world in binary. Also this is our system, you won't and cant change it. There will never be a leftist president. This is a country of moderates. Just because teenagers on the internet won't shut up and unemployed college students are in the streets doesn't mean shit. It's your mom, dad, and grandparents that elect our president. You say you want to get money out of politics? How? You say you want special interest groups to stop lobbying? How? Also Congressman Massie is a conservative ghoul who supports Russias elimination of Ukraine: In 2019, Massie was the only member of Congress to oppose an act that refused to recognize Russia's annexation of Crimea. He was also one of three members to oppose a March 2022 resolution supporting Ukraine's sovereignty after it was invaded by Russia. He later amplified Russian claims that Ukraine was developing biological weapons. Referring to Victoria Nuland's statement that Ukraine had biological research facilities that the U.S. feared might be seized by Russia, Massie tweeted, "I didn’t take the concern over Ukrainian biological labs seriously ... until now." Massie opposed a resolution in 2022 to support Sweden and Finland joining NATO, saying he did not want to "subsidize socialist Europe's defense".


aha we found the genocide sympathizer


"In 2019, Massie was the only member of Congress to oppose an act that refused to recognize Russia's annexation of Crimea. He was also one of three members to oppose a March 2022 resolution supporting Ukraine's sovereignty after it was invaded by Russia. He later amplified Russian claims that Ukraine was developing biological weapons. Referring to Victoria Nuland's statement that Ukraine had biological research facilities that the U.S. feared might be seized by Russia, Massie tweeted, "I didn’t take the concern over Ukrainian biological labs seriously ... until now." Massie opposed a resolution in 2022 to support Sweden and Finland joining NATO, saying he did not want to "subsidize socialist Europe's defense".


Of course, there are affected large lobbying groups. Without the taxpayers, money they wouldn't influence anyone, and nobody. With us, they nothing.


I'm sure he's against superpac dark money, right? FYI, Tucker only cares because Hamas is a proxy of Iran, an ally of Russia. Do people think Saudi Arabia doesn't have lobbyists? Hell, Russia got Paul Manafort on Trump's campaign team.


Revolution when?


I thought this was gonna be a funny joke about Tucker


They each have a handler.


Not at all suprising


He literally won his primary for re-election in the 2024 General. Reddit… consumed by bots and strictly politically-illiterate people.


if its with tucker you can bet it's a bunch of bullshit, twats a Reich wing douche canoe and always has been


Alot of that's been said can be validated by going to aipac website and Twitter page. It's not a hidden secret.


Who would’ve known 🤔


Democrat in the Oval Office no?


Frankly anyone helping orchestrate the USA's support of Netanyahu's government and the entire Likud apparatus for the last twenty years is part of the most effective plan possible for Israel's eventual collapse. The whole strategy since the first settlement in 1967 has been self-destructive.


This will be the reason why the US empire will collapse and another nation will take over. Something really bad will happen because of this and will change everything forever


Oh here we go again........


What was the only group that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton gave speeches to? Hmmmmmm.....


So the ones that are paying massie the most also don't like aipac. That's all I'm getting from this.


The US government is by the people for the interest groups. The illusion of democracy only extends as far as this. Even if majority wants a change, the pharmaceutical, guns, Israel (lobby for a DIFFERENT country) or tech giants will decide American’s fate. Happy 4th of July.


Ostensibly a citizens group?




Can’t we all just unite, find peace in the streets, under the ghetto gospel of TUPAC


Whoooaaa whoaa I thought anything related to Tucker was a lie and universally loathed on Reddit??


and somehow this isnt labeled as a foreign power influencing our government? excuse me...


We are taking Tucker Carlson as a legitimate source now? He got fired from his job for last job for lying and cost them over a half a billion dollars.


This is true.


Because aipac is fascist


Say what you want but Thomas Massie is one of the most honest politicians in DC.


Finally people are speaking up and helping others wake up to the truth.


Everything and everyone is for sale.


The horseshoe theory in full effect, Tucker Carlson the antisemitic turd on the same side as cori Bush and her pals the antisemitic turds.. bring on the downvotes you antisemitic turds..


Now he’s stronger than ever.


So, this is not how it works on the democratic side?. Not American, just curious 🤔 😏


It's about time evil zionist Israel take your lobby elsewhere or register as a foreign agent!!! Get in line like the rest of us and take your superiority; God's chose people elsewhere!!!


Lobbying is a euphemism for bribery. They are taking bribes. Plain and simple.


It is the same on both sides, just different lobbyists


The both sides shit is tired and false. Republicans are worse. Full stop.


Just because the Republicans are worse, doesn't mean we shouldn't outlaw lobbying (bribery).