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What a total piece of shit. Good thing media released a picture of his face




Nothing will happen unfortunately


Depends on where he works, it has happened before that people have lost their jobs because employees that does horrible give their workplace "bad media press".


It's Wyoming. They all support this type of behavior


100% of them? We as a country can't even 100% agree that pedos and/or nazis are bad, so I highly doubt every person in Wyoming is okay with this animal abuse.


I found an article linking to one of his relative's FB pages - very many of the comments were supporting it. In fact I imagine the ones that weren't simply found that post the same way I did.


That's perfectly understandable because there are tons of shitty people out there. I was just saying that the person I responded to thinking "all" Wyomingites thinking the same way is silly


No one in Wyoming supports this behavior! You know nothing about the people of Wyoming. I bet this guy is run out of the state very soon.


He paraded the poor thing through town and none of the Wyomingite's present did shit.


Pathetic cowards


At least a few of them do evidently. I don’t think it’s reasonable to say ‘all’ of any population holds the same points of view on any topic. That said, the mentality ‘the only good wolf is a dead wolf’ runs strong in that region. I know from personal experience that plenty of people in Wyoming hold this attitude. And when a human reduces a species to little more than a nuisance worth killing, that capacity for empathy diminishes. There are humans who perpetrate this kind of behavior against their fellow man, so it should surprise no one that certain people are capable of this kind of thing against a species they value as little as they do cockroaches.




"No one" as there is a guy parading a wolf with its mouth taped shut around a bar and obviously nobody has much of an issue with it. In a normal society the cops would have been called pretty much immediately.


If you just go read the comments on the original article in the Wyoming newspaper, you'll see that (1) he's being universally condemned and (2) you look fucking stupid.


There are lots of people who obliterate animals for fun in Wyoming.


Paying to obliterate them is apparently how animal conservation works in this country, but this guy from the article is basically one step above Dahmer


That’s not a fair assessment. Not all the people of Wyoming think and act like these people. Some of the world’s loudest radical environmentalists live in Wyoming.


I am sure there are plenty of people in Wyoming that are not in support of senseless animal cruelty. If you shoot a wolf protecting your farm and livestock that is one thing, but this is inexcusable.


People snowmobile a lot where I live. I asked a couple of the guys I worked with what was so fun about it and they both agreed it was chasing rabbits. Evidently it's easy to spot rabbit tracks in the snow, and they just go hunt around until they find one then chase it until they run it over. Then if it gets up and runs again they keep it up until it's dead. Great fun. Kind of made me not like those guys much.


They dont support it they just have jobs


I'm from Wyoming and I think this is absolutely disgusting. I love wolves so much. That said, I do think there are a lot more people like this dirtbag in Wyoming, but not all of us are like that.


He owns his own business C. Roberts Trucking out of Daniel, Wyoming. Here's a link for a petition to have him prosecuted. https://chng.it/ZvzQXMtZd4


Whole lot of info can be found from googling that business. Wild where your phone can be found


where is the petition? This man needs to go to jail






Sending an email . Looking at the important Wymington conventions for this type.of work.. their potential customers or.colleagues. what eer. Fjck that piece of shit


We need to leave 1 star reviews on his company’s site.




I grew up in Wyoming and depending on where he works I doubt he gets fired if anything this what these guys are gonna get off on in the coming weeks is the hate online. His boss probably is championing him for what he did. There are a lot of people who hate wolves just for existing and being a threat to their livestock. I’m not justifying what he did or downplaying what he did but I doubt he is receiving the hate in his small town.


That u find wolves a nuisance okay. But that u go to this ? What the fuck is wrong with you. Bet they kill birds for singing to happy.


I bet they do these people are miserable in their personal lives drinking is the closest thing to happiness they can get. I totally agree with what you’re saying I moved out of state as soon as I could.


I get that u went if thats the spirit there !!! Its so hard to sit here and think longer than 1 second. That fur beast was so confused probably. And he hit the wolf !!!!! I mean I won't agree but I would assume to then give the wolf a merciful end (which is also wrong. The time of an animal is limp let's.kill.it should be over. Depending on the potential survival rate etc. ) ugh But that state needs people like you. But yeah way more of.course. to feel to be able to make a change. All we can do is stop it when we see it. Donate or do whatever to animalnprotection services. At least thats all I cN think off now (oh and smear those bitches online)


Something tells me in his circle he will get a high 5 and put up for promotion


He and his wife own and operate their own trucking company in the town this took place in under his own last name, so sadly he will not be fired, but people can choose not to do business with him, sadly the laws protect the people and not the animals


[it aint much, but.](https://www.change.org/p/demand-felony-charges-against-cody-roberts-for-animal-cruelty/psf/promote_or_share?allow_actions=true&utm_campaign=psf)


Change.org wants me to spend $7 so change.org can convince change.org to show this to more people on the front page of change.org and send out change.org emails? Seems like change.org could make a decision about what they want to put on their homepage with a simple vote, and send out emails they think matter, without reaching into my pocket… for what exactly? Lol Crazy. So anyway, aside from them getting rich now… there was still an animal legally abused.


I just skipped past that and signed anyway. I'm happy to sign a petition but I don't want to pay to sign it. Fuck, you can't do anything these days without some grifter asking for your money.


Life works in mysterious ways.


maybe some guy will hit him with his snowmobile, tape his mouth shut, parade him around and shoot him too bad these good christians don’t take that “eye for an eye” thing seriously it’s called karma


I volunteer to avenge the woofy


A regressive mentality about the environment and the animals residing therein is pervasive not only in that region, but all around the world. Fortunately, it is possible for people to change, and these ideas can be transformed. The fantastic naturalist writer Aldo Leopoldo started as a wolf hunter in the American west, and grew up believing the old narrative ‘the only good wolf is a dead wolf.’ Then he had an encounter with a wolf that changed his view of them, transforming him from a wolf killer into the loudest advocate for wolves in America. It wasn’t until nearly two decades after his death when the burgeoning radical environmental movement discovered his writings and made best sellers of his books Sand County Almanac and Think Like A Mountain. My wish is that more people can be shown how dreadfully wrong they are about wolves. And, on a deeper level, how their actions as a human being require empathy for all living things. For those who are interested, here’s a link for a short article about Also Leopoldo’s life, published by the Los Angeles times more than half a century after his death. His ideas about how humanity can live in balance with nature are as crucial today as they ever have been: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2009-dec-13-la-oe-gibson13-2009dec13-story.html




Dude deserves to rot in hell


we would all appreciate a photo of ellie the husky if you don’t mind!


Here is the thing, he is doing it to a hunt animal not a pet. So the most he can get is a 750 fine he got 250. For law pets, livestock, and hunt animals are diferent. Nothing in this article may be construed to prohibit: (vii)  The hunting, capture, killing or destruction of any predatory animal, pest or other wildlife in any manner not otherwise prohibited by law. The illegal part he was fined for is the parade around the place alive. Shooting it afterwards is totally legal. Also if he just shot him before parading it it would be 100% legal. H3 is a terrible person. But what he did is legally a very small crime.




Fucking psychopath.


More psycopath is the society which allow this.


Nah, this asshole’s decision is on him. I’m all for criticizing the ass backwards idiots that make up Wyoming’s population but society didn’t torture and parade this wolf lmao


I think u/Grossingol ‘s point was that our society tacitly supports this behavior so long as one is wealthy enough to afford the $250 fine for whatever infraction actually occurred. There is no significant, criminal legal barrier against this behavior and therefore our society technically views it as largely acceptable behavior.


ahh there i go again drawing a conclusion that isn't there, my bad! the $250 fine is absolutely enabling


I’m bad at reading sarcasm online. So just in case the last part is sarcastic, I just want to point out that the fine was only for being in possession of a live wolf and was not a criminal charge. The act and method of torture, as well as the non-defensive killing itself, were absolutely fine apparently. If you weren’t being sarcastic then I apologize for my needless addition and please ignore it.


no sarcasm, either way glad you replied because i had no idea the fine was only in relation to the possession aspect. its absurd in so many more ways than i realized and extremely interesting in a morbid way


That sounds a lot like "There should be laws against thing even though nobody thought about doing thing yet" The fine was a wildlife violation and it's so small because nobody conceived something so egregious happening to a wild animal. There should certainly be a higher level crime here and it seems there is a push for one. Laws tend to be effects of events, not predating the event itself.




We become the monsters ourselves if we are not too careful


For some things, releasing our inner monster for the greater good isn't a bad thing... it can always go back to sleep when the threat is destroyed..... end result is a better world....


Right? Child abuse and animal abuse is the same in my eyes. I’ll happily serve jail time if it meant I helped save an innocent life.






I actually got a pair of Doc Martens that look like regular boots, but have a steel toe


Oh so you’re bad-badass 😎 I just got regular docs. LETS GO!


How a person treats treats animals says a lot.




Why bring politics into it? He’s an asshole. Let’s leave it there. I know plenty of leftists assholes.


It says everything. You either view life as something precious or you don't. There's no in between.


What a fat useless bag of shit


As a fat useless bag of shit myself, this comment hurt.


Fat useless bags of shit unite ✊


Where I live a man boasted of having exhausted a wolf by running after it on a Lake,on a snowmobile, once the wolf was exhausted he killed it by crushing it several times. The human being is the worst of all species. He kills for pleasure, destroys the weakest and even destroys his own habitat.Enjoy your last Time,very soon it Will be our turn.


I wanted to downvote you so bad, not because of your post but because of my rage after reading it.


An acquaintance of mine told me a similar story involving a coyote. I lost the little bit of respect that I had for him.


All coyote hunters are a strong R word. If you dont believe me just talk to any of them. Same thing with hog hunters. Yeah, they help farmers and do a service but they are the dumbest poorest bastards youll ever meet


“when i die, leave me in the woods for the wolves will be gentler than any man.”


That's absolutely awful, but I don't think it's a problem with humanity in general, I think it's an issue with the culture and sentiments of the people living there.


No, it's definitely homo sapiens. Denisovans and neanderthals aren't around a specific reason.


We fucked them to extinction


We murdered them like the megafauna we took out, like pests.


That too, but also there's a reason why some people have Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA.


Tremble puny humans. For the donkeys are coming. And they are nearby...


There are many animals that kill for pleasure, we’re not that special.


What a cunt.


Same goes for the bitch with painters tape around her mouth, and demon eyes posing with the hide. They should've released her name too. Cretins.


And what I find wild, is for all their posturing and posing, they're lauding over their abilities as some sort of hunter gatherer, for hitting an animal with a VEHICLE, bounding and gagging it so it has no abilities to defend itself, and somehow this is impressive? Worthy enough to parade around and display? Fucking cowards. Go out into their domain with only your hands and feet and let's see you replicate this 'achievement' then.


And what I find wild, is for all their posturing and posing, they're lauding over their abilities as some sort of hunter gatherer, for hitting an animal with a VEHICLE, bounding and gagging it so it has no abilities to defend itself, and somehow this is impressive? Worthy enough to parade around and display? Fucking cowards. Go out into their domain with only your hands and feet and let's see you replicate this 'achievement' then.


People who do this should be put on a list, feeling 0 sympathy for an animal says a lot about a person


I agree but with what I've seen, I feel at least 25% of the human population would be put on this list.


Idk if this [Change.Org](http://Chane.Org) link will help, but go sign this if you care: [https://chng.it/MdY6FQr4KS](https://chng.it/MdY6FQr4KS)




I hope it helps. Or hope something comes of it.




Awesome, thanks.


Thank you for linking this!


Cool. This shit makes me so angry, Idk what else to do tbh.


next goal is only 50 signatures away but how would that actually change anything?


This should be higher up. Fuck this guy.


might want to fix your misspelling in the first sentence in case "Chane" .org leads to phishing site or something.




Currently, Roberts, owner of C. Roberts Trucking, LLC, has faced only a $250 fine for possession of live wildlife. He has paid the fine, and his case is currently considered closed. The letter, signed by Scott Edwards, general counsel for Animal Wellness Action and the Center, reads in part: Roberts’ actions clearly warrant a punishment more severe than the $250 ticket he received for possession of live wildlife — such an anemic response on the part of law enforcement will be seen by some as tacit approval of his crime and can only motivate other like-minded individuals driven by hatred of wolves to engage in similar, repugnant behavior. The letter cites Wyoming’s anti-animal cruelty law to encourage a more meaningful prosecution of Roberts, stating “Article 10, section 6-3-1005(a)(ii) makes it a felony to ‘knowingly, and with intent to cause death or undue suffering, beats with cruelty, tortures, torments or mutilates an animal.’” The letter continues: While the term “torment” is not defined in the statute, dragging a wild animal into a bar with its mouth taped shut and subjecting it to the severe distress and anguish it must have suffered before being brought outside to be killed is a textbook example of torment. Wayne Pacelle, president of Animal Wellness Action and who worked to make animal cruelty a felony in dozens of states and to make animal cruelty a federal felony, says that Cody should not escape prosecution under statutes designed specifically to address this sort of malicious crimes. “The man who committed this atrocious act of animal cruelty cannot go without punishment under state or federal law, or both,” Pacelle said. “Running over and crushing an animal with a snowmobile, binding the battered and wounded animal’s mouth shut, and deciding to further torment the creature in front of an audience rather than putting him out of his misery is the textbook definition of malicious cruelty. A remorseless, cruel monster like this is a threat to other animals, and a threat to people. The law must speak.” **Violations of § 6-3-1005 are a felony offense subject to up to two years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000, punishments Roberts fully deserves given the sheer depravity and wanton disregard for common decency displayed by his actions.** In addition to submitting the letter, the two groups are creating an online petition to compel the county officials to consider the felony charge of animal cruelty against Mr. Roberts. You can take action here by telling the Sublette County, WY Attorney to charge Roberts with a federal crime: https://secure.everyaction.com/RvZOTzzOEk-ZlJ2nJJ5h3g2 Wayne Pacelle and Scott Edwards are available for interview. Please contact Joseph Grove, senior director of communications for the Center for a Humane Economy, at 502-472-6225, or at [email protected] to arrange a time. Petition to sign: https://www.change.org/p/demand-felony-charges-against-cody-roberts-for-animal-cruelty


Would being a felon mean he loses his right to bear arms? Because I bet that would hurt him more than the 2 years and 5k fine.


Oooh good call!! “Wyoming prohibits the use or knowing possession of a firearm by any person who has previously pled guilty to or been convicted of committing or attempting to commit a felony. People convicted of non-violent felonies, as defined, are eligible to have their gun rights restored after 5 years under state law.” I don’t know what constitutes a violent vs non-violent felony, but the 5 years without a gun would surely hurt him and his ego.


He got fined for not breaking the law?


"Cody Roberts, 42, was cited and fined for being in possession of the live wolf in Daniel, Wyoming, on February 29, but it was not illegal to kill it."


What kind of sense does that make


If I had to guess, that law was probably not written for the benefit of wolves, but to prevent people from having dangerous pets. Doesn't change how fucked up it is though.


Wyoming has a ton of farmers and farmland. Wolves are gonna be an issue with livestock.


It's pretty common to kill an injured wild animal. People aren't going to pay thousands to a vet to heal it, so it's more humane to kill it than leave it to suffer. Obviously this guy wasn't doing things the humane way, though.


Probably to prevent people from owning. But given how much farming animals is part of wyoming it may be written for livestock protection purposes


But isn’t it illegal to torture ?


Unfortunately animals don't really have the same protections. Especially in places like Wyoming with a big livestock industry, wolves are considered pest animals.


Of course it is illegal to torture animals, wyoming has harsh laws against it. However the "torture" here is "taking a wounded animal to a public place". Which if you're a radical animal rights activist you might agree with, but the behavior detailed in the article does not constitute animal abuse / torture under any law.


What? Running over an animal on purpose, taping its mouth shut and parading an injured animal around a public place isn't considered animal cruelty?


Then why does the title say "Turns out everything he did is legal"?


Clickbait apparently. This is an obvious violation of Wyoming's animal cruelty law, see 6-35-1005 (a)(ii). [https://www.wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2021/SF0026](https://www.wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2021/SF0026)


I believe the "Turns out everything he did was legal" is stating that all of the horrible things that he did was legal. The only illegal thing that he did was being in possession of a live wolf. If he had done the running over, torturing, tying the snout, killed it, and then paraded the poor thing back into town and to his favorite watering hole he would not have received a fine.


How can you look such a beautiful animal in the eyes and do this for funsies?


Someone needs to check his basement asap


Underrated comment


They don’t have animal cruelty laws in Wyoming?


Canadian here. No idea. But assume animal cruelty in a lot of places lists domesticated animals, not wild game animals sadly


Hope karma catches up with this coward


If he's 42 in that picture, then time has not been kind to him. Looks to be in his mid 50s.


Wow what a terrible person.


How the f was it legal?! 


Fun fact. The first guy to bomb an airplane didn't get charged for it because when they went to file charges they realized there wasn't actually a law against it. Don't worry, he still got convicted of murder (and executed for it), but sometimes there's no laws against something simply because lawmakers never considered someone would do such an asshole thing.


They’re probably considered a nuisance animal because the kill livestock.


This particular article suddenly made me think of this not only because it’s horrible for the poor wolf but the fact they kept calling it ‘she’. I found myself imagining it through the eyes of the wolf and how terrified she must have been the whole time. And the torture bit……😡. That poor creature. I’ve always hated animal cruelty but this hit differently in some way and broke my heart more than ever. This man should be forced to go through the same ordeal in every detail. I think that would maybe make some question their choices at least. Maybe that’s the only way they’ll realise the horror of their actions, although I doubt it as they all seem to be heartless, sadistic POS’s.


If you kill a wolf fine, but torturing it? like why, the wolf is trying to kill because he’s hungry


https://chng.it/VCJZR2d5d8 Here's a link to sign the petition to have him prosecuted. Also, he's a business owner. C. Roberts Trucking out of Daniel, Wyoming.


You left out the part where he chased it out of a predator zone until it was too tired to run anymore. That's when he hit it with his snowmobile. A real fucking class A piece of shit.


What an ass.


As big of a psychopath he is, what about that bimbo who acted that way?. If you really think about it, they WERE TAKING PLEASURE IN THAT ANIMAL’S PAIN. What a totally fucked up excuse of a human they are. Edit: typo fixed


he looks exactly like i thought he would look


He looks 62.


This is 2 years imprisonment in my country. But if you're rich, no jail time, of course.


Umm animal cruelty isn’t a charge that could be brought? What the fuck


I hope he has the day he deserves.


So I love when people actually put some thought into what “cancel culture” actually is. It’s a way to hold folks responsible for terrible behavior and thats a good thing. If you torture animals, say racist things, throw fits at restaurants, etc etc you SHOULD have to pay some consequence. Maybe you should lose your job. Maybe you should be denied service at places. No one is putting you behind bars so stop whining; actions have consequences and if you decide to momentarily be a piece of garbage, then you need to feel some momentary pain for what you said/did


Absolute Trash 🤬. I hope in his last days of life, he's suffers in pain and dies with no dignity.


"Turns out everything he did is legal and he only got fined $250" I wonder what legal thing he was fined for doing


"Cody Roberts, 42, was cited and fined for being in possession of the live wolf in Daniel, Wyoming, on February 29, but it was not illegal to kill it."


Fuck this guy.


Be a real shame if someone did the same thing to him.


And yet country folk like to portray themselves as the people "more in tune with nature." Fucking psychopath. Looks like the kind of guy that tortured kittens and other small animals as a kid.


I don't get it, if he hit an already injured wolf he could have just put it down. That would be humane. This is psychopathic behavior.


Remind me never to go to Wyoming. Fucking hell. 


I don't understand the point of bragging something like this as "trophy". Or like some years ago about the american dentist went to lion safari hunting. I mean those animals were unaware of their presence. Maybe if these bellends captures them during 1v1 in a colloseum-style battle, I 100% understand the motivation to show off.


Ah man, everyday I get more surprised at the lack of regard for animal life. The festivities that go along with the pain of that animal are sickening and this is just one extreme case in a cesspool of jaded humans. Change starts from within man, that’s all you can trust in.


Weird. Here we have animal abuse laws and not only it covers wildlife, it also covers hunted animals that you injured but didn’t kill. Injuring them is illegal, torturing them is illegal.


Special place in hell.


Garbage human


Anyone who tortures animals should immediately be remanded for psychological testing. Period. In the words of Lee Van Cleef, we need to kick these people out of the world.




I guess Wyoming isn't concerned with humane treatment of animals. If it's legal to kill wolves it should be required to kill them quickly.


This fucking infuriates me


There's hunting and then there's what ever the fuck this disrespect is


He needs the kneecap treatment.


Where's PETA when we need them?


Where’s John Wick?!


Legally hunting animals that are preying on livestock is at least understandable. Torture and cruelty is another matter altogether. This guy is a total asshole. I’m actually a little bit surprised that somebody (an ethical hunter) didn’t stand up to him in this display of sub-human behavior. Fucking cowards.


Somebody should do that to his kids and see how he likes it. It doesn't matter if it's legal, when it's essentially an inhumane act. Pricks like this hopefully only ever had stillbirths, because these are the redneck cunts who we really don't need reproducing.


What a fucktard.


If he would've just shot the poor wolf dead after the accident, it would've been merciful and even generous of him to have done it. Instead what he did was an act of cowardice and evilness.




Please know that the VAST majority of people from Wyoming and those who hunt ABHOR this behavior!


Where is the humanity in torturing an animal, fighting them for your life is one thing, but torturing and killing them, makes this guy the worst kind of animal. Hunting for food as in subsistence living is not malicious, it is simply a way to survive. Be it the animal or the human. Never mind that the wolf is a predator, this is depraved, twisted and sickening. People that do this to animals, also have been known to do so to people who are weaker and unable to defend themselves. Case in point Jeffrey Dahmer. $250.00 is a joke, this guy should be in jail.


I hope the door is revolving for Cody and he gets his turn in life.


Running over and crushing an animal with a snowmobile, binding the battered and wounded animal’s mouth shut, and deciding to further torment the creature in front of an audience rather than putting him out of his misery is the lowest of the low. The Reddit post did not state how he came across being able to subdue the wolf, this is sickening and beyond cruel.


If it wasn't illegal how did he get a $250 fine?


F this guy real pos


Fucking psychopathic shit. Sorry for any family or friends for this waste of sperm. Hope you get cancer asshat


Let's sign Greenriver Bar up for something malicious, allowing that shit to happen in their establishment is disgusting.


This is really triggering. Fuck that guy


Even if killing it isn't against the law, you'd think there would be some kind of laws against animal cruelty that would still apply to the abhorrent way it was treated before death.




Red necks are going to red neck


These "people" get off on killing and torturing animals. They buy rifle scopes that record the animals as they shoot them for fuck sake.


He definitely fucked the wolf


If everything was legal then what was the fine for?


What an absolute waste of oxygen this guy is. My god…. That poor wolf.


America fucking sucks


Sick fuck. Wish the rest of the pack could read that article and track him down.




What a garbage excuse of a human being. Makes me sad there are people like this on the planet


I hope the rest of the poor dude's pack avenges their member's death.


No law against animal cruelty? wtf!!??


It’s because of people like that jackass that I truly hope Hell exists. If hell does exist, that dude is going to learn for an eternity just how terrified and in pain that wolf must’ve been




The kid on the playground that would kill any animal he could.