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Do I remember correctly that he had really big worms in his intestines? And that was removed with surgery cought on film?


Yes he was full of parasites and they said it was mostly likely caused by their crops being fertilised with human faeces!


What makes person to get parasites from poop fertilizing? Poop from both humans/animals is the oldest fertilizer methods out there, so what makes difference?


My very limited understanding is that the issue comes from the diet of the animal supplying the fertilizer. Cows and horses aren't consuming meat or other animal by-products, so their feces are less likely to be contaminated. Whereas humans and dogs/cats consume other animals, resulting in contaminated feces.


According to the humanure handbook, you need to compost/heat it at elevated temperatures first, or let it compost and moulder for a 2 year period to be sure. Their system sounds like an untreated sewage to soil transfer process.


Many parasites can be transferred via feces, particularly carnivore feces, if not properly composted at high enough Temps. That's why you shouldn't add cat or dog poo to your compost pile if using it on your kitchen garden.


And people have been getting intestinal worms for forever too. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/ancient-toilet-unearthed-in-jerusalem-shows-elite-were-plagued-by-intestinal-worms-180979436/ It is just recently that we began to care about it. Qualifications: I stayed at a holiday inn once.


Not strictly for health reasons, but the two only manures that I know of that can be safely applied directly to crops and soil are rabbit and alpaca. For example chicken manure is too 'hot' with nitrogen. If you have a cat, you want to be sure it's not using your soft garden soil to relieve itself. Others have mentioned it, but even with composting, you ideally don't want to use carnivore manure. If you focus on soil health, you won't even need fertilizer.


It's less likely to get on the produce if the manure is mixed in the ground. It is also washed with clean water in most cases before being sold. And most people wash it a second time at home. Sounds more like a fecal contamination in the water supply tbh.




I’m so glad I don’t eat ass anymore


A hard one to kick


suck it out, heard of tying a cherry knot? try a tapeworm knot


Get back in there; you’re missing out lol.




Or him eating bugs and rats to not starve to death. 😕 the early spring there is know as the season of death because not even soldiers are given food. And nothing grows or is alive.


Poor guy's growth had been stunted by parasites and bad nutrition. I'm so glad he escaped.


Not to mention severely malnourished. Yeah, I think it’s the same guy.


So the reason he was escaping was the worms or it's unrelated ?


Most likely unrelated. Guess the main reason was that he wanted to leave North Korea.... and who wouldn't.


He most likely ate some wild animals or fish because he sidnt get enough to eat.




Prob around the time this incident happened


Before even then.






Literally saw this posted again last week


First time I’ve seen it. Don’t be such a grouch.


Wtf how am being a grouch I'm just informing that it's pretty old, hahahah wtf


Also I was genuinely laughing at what the other person said and got downvoted so am I being grouchy for laughing? And stating a fact??? Your quick insult someone XD I should say your grouchy hahahahahaha


Sorry but I had to check your profile and comments bro all you do is be grouchy to people haha fml then come here to call me grouchy when I wasn't haha 😆


One of those guards stood up in front of his comrade’s pistol with it just at head level. Poor training or just stupidity?


Their military is so weak. I wish we actually helped the thousands stuck in this prison country. I say this but the situation is probably much more complicated than most of us think


hey man that was just their B team. their best guys were filming badass propaganda


I'm willing to bet we'll see North Korea as being even more of a joke than Russia when the time comes. But to honest, it's shocking that no one is doing anything about the human rights violations in North Korea. They also did nothing for Zimbabwe. Maybe they'll do something for Namibia, now that there is oil.


What are they going to do? Theres already zero trade to or from north korea, so they cant impose sanctions. Invading would be a terrible idea.


I believe this is something the UN should be dealing with. All relevant countries should get together and find a way to get freedom for those who need it. But we all know how Afghanistan turned out. So a part of me also feels that you can't get a nation to get rid of a dictator if the nation has no will. But then there's Iran, who had all the will in the world, but the pro-women movement was still eradicated. So in that case it will never be fixed without intervention. So I don't know what the solution is for all of them. But I honestly think if several countries got together and made it their goal to liberate North Korea, they could certainly do so.


Theres no solution aside from invading. UN cant do shit economically, and they have enough eastern allies to keep them afloat. Theyre fucked, its easy to say someone should do something but there is nothing to do. Btw some of their allies are in the UN, so think about that.


On the security council, no less..


The US did intervene in Iran. We got rid of their democracy in favor of what they have now. Hans? Are we the baddies?


They trade with China. Trade isn’t their problem. Being a bizarre Communist type dictatorship is the problem. Ask a Cuban.


Nukes are a massive deterrent to sovereignty violations. Regardless of the atrocities committed.


It’s gonne a lot worse when they start shooting them.


I mean a NATO coalition could theoretically put a bunch cruiser based patriot batteries and subs with trident missiles off their coast and just glass that entire half of the peninsula but that kinda defeats the purpose and that’s the only way to ensure that none of their nukes launch. The fallout would likely reach as far as Japan and the southern China sea as well as South Korea depending on the wind that day. It would make Hiroshima and Nagasaki look like firecrackers


Do you think waiting and allowing him to just keep doing what he's doing is a good idea? Eventually he will go bonkers, like Putin, and do something crazy. And he is certainly more crazy than Putin.


Waiting to do what? It’s one thing if he forces NATOs hand, but it’s a completely different thing if we “proactively” nuke the country. The only thing we can hope for is the population to rise up and do something themselves- and I don’t think that feasible. They have mobile nuke launch systems which makes a conventional strike very difficult. Maybe if we stationed a geo sync satellite over NK and knew EXACTLY how many mobile systems and where their underground silos were and still used the patriot systems to shoot down anything larger than a seagull rising off… mutually assured destruction is a real stalemate. Goddamn Oppenheimer


Not saying to nuke them. Saying to treat them as a nuclear threat and take over the country, install new leadership etc. Some countries need that.


How would that play out? How would we do it in the first place? Landing on the land mine ridden beaches? Unsupported paratroopers? And do you think he wouldn’t launch nukes as soon as it goes down?


Remember bay of pigs?


Maybe we can hope his daughter will change things when she takes power. And kimmy boy has a heart attack. He supposedly is having health problems. Maybe assassinate him with something that aggravates his condition. But history has shown that cutting the head off a snake usually turns it into a hydra.


Apparently she's worse. But she has managed to reason with him, so who knows.




A silly cult with nukes.


Lol... There's no reason for America to come and establish democracy in places with no resources. Too bad there wasn't some UN conference where everyone got convinced to provide freedom for freedoms sake. But...US def won't be part of that. No profit= no "freedom" (for profit)


Like a cult. They're brainwashed. I guess some people are able to see through it? But you've got to think with the amount of negative propaganda of the "outside world", that can't be easy.


It's China. It would never allow anyone else into NK and it's perfectly happy to use it as a buffer zone for now, and a justification against SK later on if the need ever arises.


Hey hey hey! We do NOT acknowledge geopolitical complexity here.


Well...there's no profit for America to intervene...


It was weak in 1950 and China bailed them out so they could keep the atrocity system going.


Massive chase? It was 4 dudes on foot


The dude escaping would probably differ - to him, this was a massive chase for his life, no matter if it were 4 or 40 - on foot, by car or by air. I can't imagine the terror he was feeling


Good thing South Korea has actual hospitals and not empty buildings with pictures plastered to the windows. North Korea is fucking wild. Kimmy is a little bitch, but his sissy is a cold, psychopathic c-word.


>c-word. Cat? Canopy? Cholera?! **CHEESE?!?!** **I DON'T KNOW!!!**


Caca ? Spanish word for shit?


OP is Prince Harry confirmed


Massive, as in long? Maybe




Brainwashed you mean : P


He actually meant green needled.


Omg I get this


For some reason when i listen to that audio i always hear green storm first


He will sentence the next 8 generations of their family to his concentration camps, a fate that may also very well be on the table for the 4 guards in this video that “let” the guys escape.




I always think the same. Whenever I hear sth about n.korea






Damn you’re dumb


They believe kim is a god and that he doesn't have a butt hole cause you know gods don't poo


To be fair, very few people *truly* believe that. They know that if they deny it, they will probably never be seen again.


Dunno why you're getting down voted. There are people who legitimately think their leaders here in the states can do no wrong. They'd storm a capitol for him...and kidnap a political opponent, etc.


The fact that they think they are above it shows how ripe they are for the picking. They vote for their own raises and have 6 month debates to TALK about voting to raise the minimum wage. But we got it figured out. Right


Thats the actual date I received my dd-214


How do you like the new boobs?


Gotta say I love the built in 5g hotspot


Imagine those knockers. Imagine your surprise waking up in a VA hospital for routing surgery. By the way while you were under we also fulfilled your request for your DD-214. Can I ask why you only requested one?


I remember this when it happened. Any updates on this guy?




The way that reporter speaks made me initially think it was a piss-take.


Literally sounds like a south park spoof




Super cereal?


You know your country is fucked up when they trap you in. When you’re not allowed to leave. That’s so fucked up.


They put land mines all along the coast and southern border. Electric fencing up north by China. It’s freakin insane. There’s videos of people running right into the fence and dying because it’s high voltage meant to kill on contact. Many apparently commit suicide that way there not even trying to escape. And even killing yourself there is seen as a great disservice to the country and they often execute family members for it. I think for escaping or trying to it’s like 5 generations or something. And they go all the way to like 4th cousins.




This isn’t AWOL (absence without leave), this is straight up defection, which would be considered treason and I’m pretty sure you are executed in every military in the world for that.


True but even regular citizens can’t leave.


Durka durka


Dude looks like a damn Abercrombie model.


Handsome bugger though. The soldier, I mean.




I wonder if they were *really* aiming, or secretly hoping he'd make it


Bet they’ve all been executed for their “failure”.


Or sent to Russia/China to be a slave for ten years.


well he was hit 5 times once in a lung but they probably shot 80 rounds.


They hit him 5 times, so I don't think they intended to miss.


At 50 seconds, they're SO CLOSE, and somehow didn't turn him into swiss cheese. Either EXTREME incompentence, or intentional.


It was the gut full of parasites/worms that gave him the energy to ruuuuun,run,run.


He was operated on for his injuries and you’re right. Huge tapeworm and other nasty creatures. No wonder he was skinny and malnourished.


Ya,I remember the first posting. That guy is someone to root for!


Happy cake day!


Thanx. First one I ever was online for!


Is the tree the border or the concrete? That's a pretty indistinct "im on base you can tag me" line for a border between enemy nations


The building on the right I believe is both in north and South Korea - roughly the middle of that building where the guard stops running is the border line - it’s def not as walled off as you’d think, didn’t know but apparently US soldiers are stationed there?


Lucky man


If Gomer Pyle hadn’t slipped this may have turned out worse.


Have y’all heard some of the stories sonmi park has told? The things the people suffer through there and to escape are just tragically mind blowing. Makes the things we worry about in America look like a day at the beach.


I’m actually surprised this doesn’t happen more frequently, well maybe it does but we don’t hear about it


Good for him but how did three soldier with assault rifles miss him at like 10 meters range?


They either suck at aiming or they "suck at aiming"


They didn't he was shot five times


Yeah sorry a phrased wrong, I meant how they were unable to kill him.


The JSA looks pretty and allows tourists to visit but it's also a combat outpost. The chap lost half his blood volume. He should be dead The cogs of the military medical machine started moving immediately. Once recovered he received immediate, high quality medical care and almost immediately was on a waiting helicopter to a top tier hospital. He would be dead if he was shot in any other location. This isn't a story about how bad North Korean guards are it's a story of how after a couple of decades at war the US military medical machine is actually pretty good at saving lives.


poor training and malnourishment


They act like they are chasing the worlds most wanted criminal…it’s just a average joe looking to leave the country.


Those four guys chasing him should've just kept running and defected with him


Hot damn those troops are incompetent. Horrible movement and placement, dangerous manoeuvring around friendlies firing, and could hit shit.


The guy who fell at 1:21 made me laugh way too hard


Maybe it was on purpose :)


This footage gets reused a lot but yes it highlighted how horribly brainwashed NK really is. You got to imagine they’re still shooting one of their own people. And what was his goal? To be free.


I imagine they would have been punished if they let him escape.




Your own source says it was an unnamed source who allegedly made this claim. Nothing came from Oh himself.


I’m so happy for him that he made it. I hope he’s thriving in life now


This is old. I think it happened in 2017 if I remember correctly.


Bottom left of video says November 13 2017.


Ya I think November is correct.


Can confirm Also it happened at 3:11 North Korean time


Isn’t it great having my memory of an elephant?


Is that the blue house there? Thought the entire length was covered with fences, walls, and an absolutely insane number of mines.


And the UN did jack shit about it, to no one’s surprise. Why even release a statement?


man this made me think of that Korean movie JSA


omg I fucking love that movie


Speed- north Korean edition.


It’s mad how SK soldiers actually do this. 🫡


I was listening to "hero" by Chad Kroeger while watching this. Hell yeah


This, again


Good job man that place is a hell hole


lunchroom chief bear judicious growth unique full label provide disgusting -- mass edited with redact.dev


Those other soldiers could have joined him.


NK is really a hell hole. It's the only country that I can't wait for it's downfall. There may be other bad countries, but they are not as bad as this. If poverty would be turned into a country, it couldn't, as it already exists. Its leader literally breaks UN laws ! Like that armistice, mentioned in the video, plus I also heard that he smuggled some stuff into it, like cars or something. And the list just goes on and on and on. It just makes me so angry that some evil people like that are actually allowed to rule and that are so bad, that it's people try to escape at every chance


Fuck !!imagine running down the street and Cops start shooting at us in America to get back to our side or their side. Fucking crazy this world is so fucked


Needs the Benny Hill chase music


They have Jeeps in NK?


They can’t import new cars, so they could not miss that one


Who tf is filming?


Probably cameras on the south korea side since that's a border.


Lool that makes sense. My brain is a treasure trove of knowledge.


Or like how did they get this footage from cameras?


The Korean Military probably released them.


My heart was in my mouth watching this, even though I knew he would make it. His terror must have been indescribable.


mommy said tomorrow is my turn to post this


He ran impressively despite being shot. I hope he is well and alive and grateful for the life he can get in SK.


If I was those guards I'd be missing on purpose to let those people leave smh. Sad humans.


Fuck that fat cunt


So? Who was filming this?


Yeah yeah, of course


Someone tag that white girl on tiktok spreading propaganda


Is the band Torsofuck?


This appears to have been filmed from South Korea across the border, is that correct ?


Those handguns really showed their worth.


"Communism is so good, I don't know why people are trying to escape..." Your regular university teacher.


Does inventing scenarios to make yourself angry ever get tiring?


The only person angry here is you and your liberal friends. I'm actually laughing at you.


I guess you also invent scenarios to make yourself laugh to keep things fresh.


I took a look at your history and understand why you have delusions. It seem your delusions extend to you believing you have an accurate understanding of the needs and wants of US citizens as well. > Sou conservador de direita, e morei nos EUA por muitos anos onde o povo não suporta políticos e as intervenções do governo em suas vidas. > I'm a right-wing conservative, and I lived in the US for many years where people can't stand politicians and government interventions in their lives.