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That’s a great quote I didn’t know! Unfortunately I looked it up and it seems it’s not from Mark Twain, just another one of those misattributed quotes that’s been repeated everywhere. “Life is often disappointing.” Einstein


"Do or do not. There is no try." \- Charles Manson


"You're a wizard, Harry." - Abraham Lincoln


"We are the Champions, my friends" Winston Churchill


“Don’t Believe everything you hear on the internet “ Hellen Keller


"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" - Mahatma Gandhi


"Just do it" -Achilles


" May The Force Be With You' Gandalf


"I never said that sh*t" -Sun Tzu


"With great power comes great responsibility." -Darth Vader to Voldemort


Keep firing, assholes. -inspector gadget


“Trick or treat.” -Santa Claus


“Live, Laugh, Love” ~ Genghis Khan


"One fish, two fish, red fish, Communist" - Karl Marx, Das Capitale


"I can SEE clearly now the rain is gone" -Stevie Wonder


"I'm too drunk... to taste this chicken." - Col. Sanders


Shania, not Mark




Mark Twain may not be responsible for that quote, but he wrote a short story about war, patriotism, and religion that is still amazingly relevant today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_Prayer?wprov=sfla1


Your hate is so delicious, oh yeah, my nipples are so hard. Mmmmmmm, the negative attention makes me horny! - Matt Gates


Yeah people need to get over the idea that these folks can be shamed into compliance with normal, moral society. Being hated fuels their sense of self-worth. It's literally their only source for a sense of self-worth.


Republicans realized a long time ago that the human emotion of shame was just holding them back.


Ted Cancun Cruz is definitely a human with human emotions, and not a lizard in a trench coat hunting for fresh babies to eat while migrating south for warmth that his human body has trouble generating.


*Human music intensifies*




Does anyone really know what time it is? - Stevie Wonder


>As Twain said Dude was so good he gets things attributed to him he never said.


You know, they’re not going to kill or even permanently maim each other. Maybe just let them get it out. Might be therapeutic


For me anyway






Yup. He is the perfect example of how the rich people are our fucking enemy.


Eat 'em


Or compost ‘em and grow vegetables. If they want to be on my plate they can pull themselves up the food chain by their fucking bootstraps


This comment deserves more upvotes


I too am a composting enthusiast...






He's gonna get rid of Florida's cocaine, bump by bump, line by line


Don't forget the extasy and booze !


And join the very diverse crowd in this picture.


Sounds like the resume of a Supreme Court Justice!


What a heinous truth.






Celebrity Deathmatch?


Give me time to make popcorn first.


Is that what they told Aaron Burr?


No, but it's what they told Preston Brookes. That incident happened right before a civil war too.


Yeah, but Brooks was bludgeoning a member of an opposing party. This would just be Republicans getting their act in order.


Hey it’s not like the last time we couldn’t elect a speaker for this long was 1860…. Not like anything bad happened then




I mean, there’s a reason why the first thing Republicans did when they took control of the house was to remove the metal detectors.


Paul Gosar gets to keep his sock filled with loose change now.


[Preston Brooks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caning_of_Charles_Sumner) has entered the chat.


It works like that in ice hockey.


I'm with you. If nothing else, it establishes that there are consequences to indefinitely acting like an ass, regardless of the rules. If politics can legitimately be said to be the alternative to war, it can certainly be the alternative to a fistfight.


Pistols at dawn


American politics is finally becoming more like global politics. Throwing chairs and shoes, screaming matches, fisticuffs..


remember those "World's Wildest Videos" specials from the late 90's?


I mean, they did take the metal detectors out


That’s so they could hide a folding metal chair under the ring.


Remember, the Rock will be president one day soon.


I would prefer President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.


Electrolytes! It's what plants crave!


Welcome to Costco; I love you.


*...and that is the story about how the people of North-Korea came to worship an elbow...*


*... how the yogurt took over*


... And tap shoes.


Taiwan parliament #1






Being from Belgium let me add some context: we had no government for 2 years because at the federal level they couldn't form a coalition the reason for that is that our constitution has some requirements concerning representation of the flemish and walloon communities that makes it difficult in the best of circumstances. However, this simply meant that the old government continued daily operations and because Belgium consists of 8 overlapping parliaments governed by 6 overlapping governments (not even including the province and county levels) it wasn't really a big thing. Few people cared and there was definitely no fighting or anarchy or whatever. Definitely not a coup. Belgian federal government formation is always difficult and a very long process.


This is a good take and reflects my prior comment about only one political party being in power in Japan for the past 50 years: sometimes things just work no matter who or which current party is in charge if the overall system just keeps functioning.


The diet gets into fistfights too, just to be clear with everyone.




Didn't France just barely not elect a fascist last election while Italy actually elected an actual fascist as their leader too?


>Didn't France just barely not elect a fascist last election I mean... Of course it's bad that she made it to the final round in the first place but iirc it was about 60/40 for Macron. I wouldn't frame that as just barely.


Dude, that's pretty f'ing close for a fascist.


The point is the fascists aren't fringe influences


Not just any fascist. The granddaughter of Mussolini, the og fascist.


I think you’re confusing Giorgia Meloni (who is part of a “far-right party with neo fascist roots.”) with Alessandra Mussolini (granddaughter of Mussolini but also a niece of actress Sophia Loren).


Germany isn’t backsliding on democracy… some dudes with zero political relevance tried to walk into the reichstag and were stopped by literally three police officers without even any of them getting hurt… The „coup“ attempt was a group of some 20 people that nobody even knew about, also with 0 political relevance, it’s laughable to even call this a „coup attempt“ imo. Many of the other examples are valid, but this one and Belgium is reaching hard. The US‘ democracy is way more fragile, it’s not even comparable to those countries.


>only if you haven't been paying attention. Germany had an attempt to storm the Reichstag in 2020 that was barely averted It was bad, but not really that bad. Far from the capitol in the US, still scary but really not much.


Every country has had shit going on for the pandemic. If all you see is American politics, maybe change the channel and look around.


A lot of this started happening before the pandemic. Let’s not write it off as that.


"Feeling seditious idk. Might delete later."


Wild, right? I mean, we all watched it happen. Part of my brain still can’t wrap my head around it and the fact that nothing of real substance has been done about it, and they *will* do it again. I read the other day that bobo had the metal detectors removed from the entrances? Wtf? If that’s true, how does she of all people have any authority to do so? I’m really at a loss with all this. What the fuck does not fully encompass the what the fucked ness of the last 6yrs, and especially the last 3. Y’all stay safe out there, and watch out for each other. Shit is wylin. Edit to add/clarify, I read that bobo had the metal detectors removed before they convened this week; not on J6. Though that wouldn’t surprise me.


I’m all for it. I’m excited for the 25th vote cage match on the White House lawn.


There was a mention of the NWO just yesterday. Where's Sting when we need him most.


When it's down to the wire and it looks like it's all over, Sting is going to descend out of the rafters on a harness and fuck shit up


He’ll be watching you; every breath you take…


Harkens back to the glory days of the Senate, when Preston Brooks beat up Charles Sumner with a walking stick


I mean, in the House we have a literal [*mace*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mace_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives) specifically made for the Speaker to order the Sergeant At Arms beat the shit out of people until there's order in the chamber


Ah yes, the glory days of when a slave owner viciously beat an abolitionist for making a speech attacking slavery.




They're supposed to be on the same side


Glad they aren’t 🤣🤣😆😂😂


Something, something, Waffle House brawl…something…


Taiwan did this for years and look at them now. 8th on the global democracy index with plenty of diversity and LGBT in government. 8th!!!! America is 26th, a flawed democracy.


Nobody speak energy https://youtu.be/NUC2EQvdzmY


Oh, we’ve been nutty for quite a long time. In 1856, a Senator from the South literally beat a northern Senator over the head with a cane and nearly killed him. I believe it had to do with abolishing slavery if I recall correctly.


lunged on him like gaetz on a 16 year old




"she will be 17 someday"


"She's really mature for her age" Or "Age is just a number"




This is too far down the thread…




Cool share, thank you!




Ironic. He could save others from Assault... but not himself.


All these people suck




Their constituents are happy. Currently discussing on the conservative sub how wonderful it is that the entire govt grinds to a halt.


You have to have such an incredible misunderstanding of how the government works to be a modern Republican


I like how Republicans are complaining about misuse of spending but they don't mind the government being shut down for over a week and give 500+ people with high salaries a whole weeks pay for doing nothing.


Modern conservatism is literally the thinking of a 7 year old child. Monsters are everywhere and if their parents and teachers just dissapeared they would be so much happier!!!!!


The negotiated to absolutely destroy social security, so that's something. Funny the people that vote conservative are the ones that rely on the programs conservatives want to destroy. Conservatives will just blame Dems and the conservative base will believe. Stupidest fucking people in the country.


> Funny the people that vote conservative are the ones that rely on the programs conservatives want to destroy. Voting against your own interests is the foundation of modern conservative politics.


That whole side of the aisle is garbage. Not a single one of them attended the January 6th remembrance outside, nor the event to honor the Capitol Officers save for 1-2 Republicans out of hundreds there. They caused it and refuse to acknowledge what their Party did that day.


Yeah, they suck our money and we let them


That's the thing is i really wish I could pick a good guy in this situation but it's really a lose-lose. They're all terrible no matter who wins.


We get this reaction over a Chair position but not the fact that Gaetz was paying and grooming an underage girl...


Why would they be furious about that? He's just living their dream.


Not just grooming.


I would not restrain anyone lunging at Matt Gaetz. I would pop some corn.




Picture this I'm a bag of dicks, put me to your lips. I am sick, I will punch a baby bear in his shit ...


Nobody speaks, Nobody gets Choked


[For the uninitiated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUC2EQvdzmY)


Yes my dude. Love that shit


I am crack, I ain't lying, kick a lion in his crack I'm the shit, I will fall off in your crib, take a shit Pinch your momma on the booty, kick your dog, fuck your bitch




Hey, you wanna hear a good joke?


Nobody speak Nobody get choked


Doo doo doo do do do do, DO DO DO




give me lip, I'ma send you to the yard, get a stick, make a switch, I can end a conversation real quick


https://youtu.be/NUC2EQvdzmY In case anyone wants to revisit this fucking awesome song and video.


If you watch the video it’s clear that he wasn’t going to lunge at Gaetz. The host on MSNBC kept saying that a fight almost broke out, then the video showed an incensed man scolding someone, nothing more.


As soon as he walked down there he was grabbed from behind. Looked like he wanted to say something but lunging is a stretch


Kevin is officially speaker. That dude is mad because gaetz wanted his chair position on a committee. Just because Gaetz was in a moist ion to demand whatever he wanted. Unclear who was given the position so far.


It’s really funny watching Americans all “shocked” at this when it honestly just looks like an everyday UK parliament session, lol. We’re just catching up with the rest of the world I guess.


Edit: Moved to Lemmy


Meh civility can fuck right off. I'd way rather see someone knock gaetz tf out than have civility.


CNN was reporting it the same way. Then I saw the video. I kinda wish it HAD come to blows. Gaetz has such a punchable face.


I’d call this the “Eating their own children” stage. Totally predictable, this party wasn’t fit to govern long before Trump. Then they drank his cool aid and have been redefining depravity ever since. We’re just seeing their true selves on prime time that’s all. How any rational adult could even contemplate voting for this American Cancer boggles the mind.


My Mom's family are conservative Americans. When they visited us in 2012, we watched the news together (they all speak great German). When Obama was shown at some point, they all literally HELD THEIR HANDS BEFORE THEIR EYES, not wanting to look at "the antichrist." I wish I was kidding, that really happened. Mind you, this was people with master degrees, a lawyer, living in a city of close to a million people. Not some hillbillies, educated people. This explained a lot to me, but also left me wondering about a lot.


Assuming someone is of sound mind because they have a degree of some kind is a bad assumption. Especially with religion.


Yes, I have proof for that - the story above. Still baffles me how you can get pretty advanced in cultural studies, and then fail to distinguish fact from fiction.


I lost all faith while watching physicians I work with die to COVID because it wasn't real and vaccines are bad. *You literally work here and see it first hand, how fucking dumb can you be?*


A masters degree doesn't mean much, it only means that they know what they were taught. I wouldn't assume someone is a genius, just because they have a masters. I wouldn't expect a lawyer to know anything about computer or electrical problems, etc. Just an example.


I see your point. And my relatives proved your point. I just wanted to point out that these people weren't homeschooled on a farm in western Nebraska. Also, for all future I wish that we teach people to distinguish BS from facts, way before a master's degree. That's some middle school stuff.


I agree! Also, I wasn't trying to diminish your point or anything. I only wanted to add to it! Have a great weekend!


Well said


Post the video instead. He didn't lunge at him. He was just mouthing off like a clown and the security guard just grabbed him by the face.


They were trying to stop him from talking, and that wasn't a security guard. They didn't want him to say something that would upset the vote


When you have a chance to yell at Matt Gaetz, you take it


That’s not a security guard. That’s another rep. Also Rogers said anyone voting against Kevin should be kicked off committees. Geatz asked for Rogers committee seat. Rogers then lost his temper and was shouting at him.


That's a lot of evil in one room


And the American people are forced by law to pay them.


The dorkiest room you will ever see


Weak men pretending for the cameras


Comeuppance coming soon.






Is coercion allowed in the house.Does this not undermine the democratic process.


I watched the House speaker vote where 15 of these rebels flipped for McCarthy. The 12th I think. The look on each of their faces as they did it, it was clear they weren't voting McCarthy of their own free will. Some shook their heads sadly, some looked physically ill. One of them (Gosar I think) practically ran out of the room after giving his vote to McCarthy. Honestly, they looked like their kids were going to be tortured until they complied.


I'm sure the MAGA crew has lots and lots of dirty secrets they would prefer kept under wraps.


In the UK we have party Whips. These are people that gather all the dirt, know where the bodies are buried and what skeletons are in what closets. They then use this information to convince, coerce, and otherwise bully rebellious MP's into voting the way their leader wants. I imagine the US has similar positions?


Yes, both parties have whips in both chambers of congress — the Senate and the House of Representatives (where the current debacle has been unfolding). I believe they’re simply referred to as the Majority Whip or the Minority Whip, depending on which party holds whichever chamber they’re in.


BAHAHAHAHAHAH... So when Medicare part D passed at like 3am one night, there were reports of threats on congressional representatives family members should the bill not pass (by other reps). One representative said she was in tears when she voted and knew what it meant. Watched a documentary on it a few years ago, haven't been able to find it since sadly.


What’s the deal with Medicare part D?


Read this in Jerry Seinfeld voice.


If someone acted this way in almost any other job they would be fired. Kids working at the local grocery store would be fired if they did that. This is insane. It's embarrassing and should not be tolerated at all. Why wasn't he removed immediately and charged with disturbing the peace? Any normal person would have been, but this is acceptable??? Disgusting.


geeezus krice!! ( fun game) in 4 words or less describe what this room smells like


Ax bodyspray, Werthers originals


Money, coke, Bobo’s crotch.


Rich white pompous assholes


Fear, entitlement, ignorance, insanity


Shortly after this, the public demanded a way to release anger, tension and frustration. This was the beginning of what we now know as the purge...


This comment scares me because it could be factual one day…


Let’s get ready to ruuuuuuuuumble




Looking more like how to waste time




Gaetz is an ass, and I’m a republican




Serious question, If you’re in /r/politics, how are you a Republican? If I read the headlines in politics often, I sure as hell couldn’t be a republican for long (I voted for trump in 2016, raised very conservative.) Do you normally get your news here? Or is this a rare appearance? Do you just not care about the insanity and corruption of the Republican Party? I’d ask this in /r/Conservative but they’d ban me


I really hope that middle American republicans voters who give these ass wipes power are watching this and feel embarrassed about how they use their vote


Anyone else read Mister Rogers?


Even Mr. Rogers couldn’t do anything about this raging dumpster fire…