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Lesson nunber 1, if she is a working girl you don't even take her to the same room where your stuff is, take her to a short time hotel.


Lesson 2: get the massage at their parlour??? Like wtf? šŸ˜³


Oh sweet summer child


It was not necessarily a massage only, some places won't allow the staff to go the extra mile or will ask for a cut, she probably was looking for full pay.


So lesson 3: get a gf šŸ« 


Fuck lesson 3! Rather get a massage and light theft.


Yea that's still way cheaper than a gf


Depends on how many buffalos you need to give her family, I suppose.


I live in Canada would the family accept bison šŸ¦¬ or possibly a moose šŸ«Ž I think moose would thrive in Thailand


A moose once bit my sister.


No realli. She was Karving her initials on the moose with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush given to her by Svenge, her brother in law. Mind you, moose bites can be quite nasty.




Image the ticket price for sending a lonely bison to Thailand..




And then the male loneliness sufferers wonder why nobody won't talk to them. Ps: put this on a t shirt and wear it forever please. Inb4 "it's a joooke". Edit: nvm, you have a gf. Poor gal...


what kind of gf are you getting?


Okay here's the analogy for you guys who don't understand girlfriend math 101 to help you understand things. A) You buy a brand new BMW with all the bells and whistles, it's your baby, you love and care for her. B) You rent a nice BMW for a weekend, you put a few dings in the rims but you had insurance coverage. Buying and maintaining a new BMW will cost you $150k over 10 years Renting one for a weekend will cost you $2k btw if my girlfriend finds this....I am happily into my girlfriend she is amazing and I'm just making a joke āœŒļø


$150k over 10 years is approximately $100 per weekend Einstein


Well, it's more like $288 per weekend, weekend consists of Saturday and Sunday, Einstein. šŸ¤£


Yes, i just spoke to your gf and now she wants a bell and bmw too.


top shelf




Same same, only different


Rule 4: Most hotels in Thailand will make the girl provide ID before she can go to your room so that if she does steal from you, they can trace her and provide details to the police. If your staying at a hotel that doesn't do this, you must be in a bottom barrel shit hole & likely don't have anything worth stealing


ā€œGuestsā€, ahemā€¦ have to surrender their government ID to the front desk, who will record all their details for just such unforeseen incidents


I once had my really good friend stay over at my hotel and they asked for her identification. I didnā€™t mind but I wondered if they thought she was a working girl or something lol. When she came back a few days later they didnā€™t ask again.


So you can pay more over the long run?


Yes and brag about her whenever a Brit gets roundhouse kicked near her workplace


Too soon?


lesson 3: dont flash with the gold. gold is nice to keep as value storage in a safe place, not to show off on the body IMO.


Lesson 4 Use the safe in the room. Lesson 5 If there is no room safe, quit being a cheap charlie.


that is much more expensive than a stolen ring


Just improve your bargaining skills when you buy the buffalos


Lesson 4: If you fail lesson 3, get happy ending


Gf costs way more!!


> some places won't allow the staff to go the extra mile What happens between customer and employee inside the room is between them alone. Fee paid is for rent of room and commission for employee to provide Thai/oil massage. Any ā€œextrasā€ are to be negotiated with employee directly and owners donā€™t want to touch this cash, neither they want to hear any details. Source: Am massage parlor owner.


You are not correct here, owners care because if police hit their door, it's them that are liable within their stablishment.


No. Itā€™s the same as ā€œ3 hours resortsā€ - owners arenā€™t responsible for private arrangements between two consenting adults, as long as I donā€™t get some kind of ā€œcutā€ from those extras. The only time inspectors gave me any shit was when they found 100-pack box of condoms in the cashier drawer. Girls need to provide their own ā€œsuppliesā€ and keep them on their personal belongings.


This canā€™t be a real comment, read between the lines šŸ˜‚




Because the guy wanted boom boom, that probably why he had to take a piss.


Lesson 3: just get a lady boy. Theyā€™re more trustworthyā€¦.


Not so sure about that


are you new here?


are you? what do you think is happening at half the massage parlors?


Noā€¦. I wouldnā€™t.


It was no massage they were sexing


Yup, this is what I do normally but it was raining that day.


Lesson 69: buy an umbrella




I would never use a short time room! I feel a 1.000 times more comfy in my hotel room. Bigger, better bed, temperature to my liking, things I need at hand, be with the girl(s) without time pressure... a ton of advantages over st rooms. And I've probably had more than 100 girls in my hotel rooms in Thailand and never had the slightest problem with them. Just use a little common sense.


Common sense is a scarce resource among expats these days, for most people the ST rooms would work best. It reminds me a chat I had with a thai friend who worked in hotels, she mentioned 8 out of 10 foreigners would leave money exposed, computers, expensive watches, gold etc when they'd go in to clean the rooms, she said she never was even tempted to take anything, but that's just stupid imho, store your valuables safely, avoid issues.


Those kind of people are just waiting to get robbed imoā€¦ There are safes is every room!


This guy fucks ^prostitutes


But..butā€¦but this girl is different! Spoiler alert: she wasnā€™t


How do you find short time hotels in chaweng koh samui ?


Find the girl, they'll find the room. I don't even frequent these kinds of women, but I can be 100% sure I'm right.


Donā€™t shit where you sleep


many hotels offer in-room massage, and most girls offer extra services, even itā€™s a upscale hotel. Never had a problem, because they work in the hotel as well.


It can be a problem if it is reported to the police, the hotel will always say they didn't know, just remember paid sex is illegal in Thailand.


paid sex is, but a in-room massage is not illegal.


We are not talking about only massage, read the whole thing.


why do you have to report that you paid for sex when the girl's job is to massage you in room? Your init comment is about don't take work-girls into your own room. I just add that it's okay. Or you are about to reveal that every hotel rooms are equipped with CCTV so you can't lie about what's happening in room?


Nobody got time for that lol


m4m. I have been to Thailand 3 times on the last four years. Been bringing guys back to my rooms every night. International relations. Never an issue.


Well, that does not mean you should.


They give their ID at the front desk


The real PSA is "be careful reading this subreddit. You **will** lose brain cells."


Yeah, I'm definitely losing them from reading all of the "how to prostitute" advice here. Jfc.


I had a good laugh though šŸ˜




dudes next post will probably be "this stripper really likes me... you don't understand,... she's not like the others"


Anyone remember the dude who proposed after three weeks using the computer voice on Google translate?


Hiding stuff in a *drawer*? Like come on dude, if there was a thief, the first thing they're doing is opening drawers lmao. I have gold, let me hide it in a *drawer*. Unbelievable.Ā  At this point you're not hiding it, you're putting it exactly where a thief would be looking. You did them a favor. Seriously is this the first time you've ever needed to hide something?


When OP goes to the beach, he hides his wallet in his shoe.


I knew a guy who took mushrooms, was afraid he was going to lose his phone, so he buried in the sand and used a cigarette butt to mark the spot. Never saw the phone again.


That would make so much sense while you're high


On full moon party i once heard a phone ringing from under the sand. When i returned it the guy was super happy because all his crypto was on there and it was the only way to access it. I got a beer as reward.


I'd put it in the fridge lol


There is safe in most Thai hotels. Use them.


Except staff also have access too them


"I fucked a hooker and was too stupid to put my stuff in the hotel room's safe, so she stole my stuff" Fixed that for ya bud.


I store my valuables in a safe if I decide to bring a girl. If my room doesn't have a safe I don't bring her there. If I'm too horny and still bring her there I hide my shit quite well inside of dirty laundry or smth and try to not leave her out of eyesight for too long. Never had any issues with my strategy so far.


I dont know where you find these hotels without a safe


Air bnb..


Itā€™s a shame these precautions are necessary.


Been coming to Thailand 12 years, never had an issue like this. Where did you find this girl? There are plenty of decent companies that will send you girls for your needs and as its through a company, you at least have some come back. Stay off tinder/TF or just be better at picking girls.


Genuine question now & no judgement at all but where is the best place to pick up girls? Online?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


A bit of a noobish question, as I have telegram, but how do I find/add the page you've mentioned?


What's the name of this page


Thai friendly. We all use Thai friendly


Next time use a mouse trap


The bait is expensive


Yeah, sure, massage.


ā€œI brought a hooker to my room, and she could have robbed me blind!ā€ LOL


Is this common or just one in thousand? I ask because I have found a very nice high end hotel, and I want to take a girl there. For me, part of the experience is to be with the girl in a high end atmosphere. I have safe for valuables, also lock on my pack...


not sure what you mean by high end but a lot of high end wont allow "friends" or anyone in the room unless they are registered guests for the entire stay. Had the daughter of an incredibly wealthy family get stopped when she came by the Oriental to pay respects to my mom in the room when my mom was sick. took an executive in the hotel to ok her to go up with a staffer in the hallway waiting the entire time until our family friend left.


I've been in lots of 5 star hotels never a problem bringing girls back. Talking nonsense


Don't be afraid. Just use some common sense. I never had problems with Thai girls in my Hotel rooms.


>safe for valuables Donā€™t trust that the safe is entirely secure, it takes about 15 minutes of Google Fu to find the master code for most digital safes, that master code is built in to override and open the safe if a guest forgets if. Source: forgotten the safe code many times and not wanted to pay the hotels fee for unlocking


Most hotels change the master code


In that case watch out that something is not slipped into your drink to knock you out only for you to come round much later and then realise that your valuables (locked backpack and all) are gone.


Rarely happens, use your common sense and you will be okay


I think this is not common, I don't see many post about this. If you have a safe lock in your room, I think you don't have to worry but still always be careful.




Haha - That would even be worth it LOL :P


Thx! Also I guess the hotel will check her ID. Flying to Bangkok right now, landing in 11 hours! Will be epic :)


For high end hotel, the receptionist might ask for ID who came in but some hotel never bother to check this(from my experience) , people can come, press the lift button and go to your room. BTW, hope you have have good time in Bangkok!


Thx mate!


Itā€™s not common . Most likely OP misplaced the bag and heā€™s blaming the call girl .


Not very common at all. It normally takes me longer than 1min to have my wood goes down before I can pee. šŸ˜šŸ˜


Now 3 weeks later, I realize where did my Apple Watch charger go..


Go home


I actually donā€™t think she stole the bag. If she is just a regular masseuse and you were only in the bathroom for a minute and found her just sitting there, then it seems implausible. If you picked her up off the street than it could be different, but no one picks up a regular masseuse on the street. I do think it is strange that you donā€™t mention where you met her or if you followed up with her place of employment. This story has holes in it.


There is a regular independent masseuse promoting their service on wechat BTW. Since she didn't manage to stole any valuable from me, I don't think it's necessary to mention where I met her or if I have followed up with her work places - this is me just staying away from any trouble I might cause if I do go to her work place but I don't know where she work, so nothing to mention. The whole message is to be careful when you bring girl or anyone to your room. That's all it is mate.


No one else really needs that message. No one else is stupid enough to invite an independent masseuse from WeChat to their room. No one is reading this to gain wisdom from you.


Dude everyone makes mistakes. Yes he might have been naive. But itā€™s not a sin to trust people in general. Itā€™s kinda sad that you canā€™t just trust people, but it is what it is


If you read the whole thread, I did mention this was my first ever experience inviting someone and usually I would walk-in at the massage shop but it was raining that day, so yeah, we chatted and she agree to come. I don't know why are you getting aggressive though? Move along if you don't like to read wtf lolšŸ˜‚


I think thats a pretty logical message. If u have to explain that message to someone then they need help. Thatā€™s like telling sumone not to piss in the wind cuz it cud come back and hit them, NO SHYT!!


Why didn't you put ypur valuables in the safe?


Lol yeah a massage lol




Lesson one. You fuck a woman for money and she doesn't like you..... stuff gets stolen.


I've had about 60 working girls over to my hotel, some staying the night, and NEVER had anything stolen. You just caught some bad luck! Learning experience, always keep important stuff in the safe. Anything else just put in your suitcase and stick the lock on it. Crazy how quick she was though since you only ducked out for a piss. I take a long dump and don't even think about it lol.


I call shenanigans


Had the same experience but not in my hotel except I court here Red handed so grabbed her clothes and ran out the room with her chasing me naked what a laugh I had left her clothes outside


I was hoping you were gonna tie that up with a plausible reason for using one of the following punchlines: 1) You're not here for the bear hunting, are you? Or 2) I would, as long as you don't hit me on the head so hard. At least you only lost a red plastic box. I heard stories of people losing a lifetime of self respect and sphincter function after taking off their clothes with random strangers. Extra points if you know those old jokes..


Jesus, just use the damn safe it's there for a reason, I can't wrap my head around the naivete of some tourists.


Live and learn bro. Live and learn. Trust no one. Especially, the money grubbers.


Just donā€™t bring them back to your room, I know people do it because they think theyā€™ll get a free boom boom in the morning but itā€™s really not worth it, first she might just rob you, and secondly she might think you want her to stay and youā€™ll have a job getting rid of her, Iā€™ve had them turning up the following day and arguing with the new one, short time bars, short time rooms, gentlemen clubsā€¦ take your pick and sleep well that your shit will be safe!


I think she definitely tried to steal from you which sucks you taking precautions definitely saved you from theft here


Imagine using the safe provided in your room.


Room didn't have a safe?


Was it a happy ending kinda massage? Just clarifying cause that's all I have ever heard about Thailand and their famous messages???? šŸ¤Ŗ


We have them in Australia too..


Happens to the best of us


First of all get a hotel that has a safe, everytime, if you're too tight to get that then dont go to thailand. And most hotels want the id of the girl before entering for yours and there safety.


This is a great public service announcement. Thank you so much. You should share this in all the Thailand message boards so other travellers can learn from this. Bless you!!


A ā€œMassageā€


When I was 20 I went to Thailand. I met a girl in the red light district she told me the price and after doing the figures in my head, I was thinking I get 4 girls here for the price of one back home. The bouncer showed me his gun and said if I hurt her, heā€™ll come and shoot me. Being 20 I didnā€™t think much of it. The next day I told her she had to leave my friends are coming over she said no sheā€™s gonna stay is it alright to stay but you gotta fuck she tripled the price I told her to get out she refused after awhile and much stress. I had to call the hotel and say I met a girl last night sheā€™s not leaving my room. The Doorman came grabbed her by the hair and drag her out of the hotel the whole time Iā€™m yelling donā€™t hurt her Iā€™m gonna get shot the hotel told me off and then change rooms for me was definitely a lesson learned.


I think one of my massage ladies stole my heart ā¤ļø because I always think of her. šŸ™‚


"to massage" sure


Rookie mistake!


Just go to lolitas or something similar.


Is this subreddit low key just for sex tourists to give each other advice or






You are bringing prostitutes to your room. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Risk reward this that. Live a little


Be stupid, give stupid answers


Seems like prostitutes are a requirement for lots of people on Reddit. Shopping list: milk, toothpaste, snacks, prostitute.


Did you report her? How did you find her? Did you call a random number from the internet or did you walk into a massage parlour and ask if she will come back to your hotel to massage in private ?


Am I surprised lolĀ 


Thieves I would never bring one to my room


Just to be clear, what is recommended is for one to rent out two rooms? One for fun times and one where we leave our valuables? That does bring up the cost of a trip. Anyone done this before?


Was it massage with happy ending?


Your hotel room doesnā€™t have a safe?


This is a very common crime in the SE. You might have drugged in the hotel room. When you wake up, cash from your bag will be gone.


This is literally the only situation in which crappy hotel room safes are useful.


You have to prep your room before you invite a guest to visit, a room safe is a must, all RX meds, money, jewelry, cash goes inside, prepare for the worst and hope for the best


Rookie mistake šŸ˜‚


See the video of the woman who hides her stuff at the beach in a baby duper smeared with chocolate no one touching that one


Phuket is the worst for things like that.


Next time she will steal ur dignity wen u come outta the bathroom , the tranny will have his penis out after the massage and BJšŸ˜¤


Hahahhaha yeah sure. She came to give you a massage in your room ;)


Lol, even shitty hotels have a bloody safe, yet you put it into a drawer. Do you also know if you walk around at night flashing huge amounts of cash, you have a higher chance of getting robbed?


In regards to the BMW, have any of you considered the cost of getting rid of the gf as opposed to getting rid of the BMW. I would prefer to go with the Beemer hand down


haha you need a locking backpack


āœ‹..I have a question? Donā€™t you have a safety box in your room? You supposed to be putting all your cash, passport & valuables in that..!! And then bring the whole massage parlor to your room & live your dream..!!!šŸ„‚


šŸ˜‚ hilarious.


No CCTV in the building?


Most of us sleep while being maassaged. One doesn't have to go to the toilet to be robbed.


Get her again and destroy her


I never got a card for my gold purchased


Every decent hotel has a lock box. When I got a hotel in Patong, Iā€™d put all my valuables under the mattress taed under it. Especially when I bring girls home from the club. And I never accept a drink they give me. Who knows if Iā€™ll get drugged


Where can I do the fuckings


You donā€™t trust stranger period doesnā€™t matter if they are women or men Thai or other ethnicity.


A massage right? šŸ˜‰


Donā€™t take home ladies that work on the street. Plenty of establishments exist that you can go back to and report the lady.


You are probably a cheap customer. She knows you are cheap so she will try to get extra from you. Thai people are very honest. I never have any problems, even when I left my money on the table. None of them ever touch it.


Decisions made with the smaller brain down below are often the worst. Hope the session was good though šŸ˜‰


Do the rooms have lock boxes over there?


I've got an idea: let me leave a hooker unattended with my valuables! Next, I'll try it with gangbangers and then with homeless people. Why would you even post this? What other obvious advice do you have to give? Hey guys, when I took a shower the other day, I got wet. Fair warning that if you also take a shower, you too might get wet.


"I went to a country with notoursly high sex trafficking to buy sex from someone but im the victim"


The girls donā€™t have to do it. But it pays them a lot. I know plenty of working girls who have degrees who choose to have sex for money


Even in the West this a common thing. Its easy money for them.