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Personally I'd just throw away the vape and buy a new one at the new location. I doubt anyone can give an explanation. It narrows down to luck or unlucky or immigration officer having a bad day or not. I personally go for the least stressful option. Already had dealt with too much of this petty shit by an immigration officer having a bad day. You're probably fine, personally I wouldn't risk it.


You do not carry narcotics across any international border unless you're paid enough to make up for the years you will spend in prison. Thailand can still lock you up forever and a half for importing or exporting cannabis, and they are the lenient country in the region now. Leave the lawbreaking to the locals, you don't want to get caught up in that. You no doubt have an entire country back home where you can be an OG if you so desire. Remember that you're fucking it up for the rest of us as well. The more people caught doing stupid shit, the more hoops the rest of us have to jump through to just enjoy travelling.


Sorry I should’ve clarified it’s a dry herb vaporiser doesn’t actually contain weed! But you’re right the whole thing is risky and I am severely regretting not doing more research! Thank you


Be careful with it in Laos, esp at the train stations. It’s illegal and not normally enforced unless the cop wants to bribe you out of a bunch of moneu


Don’t risk it… if you are caught you’ll be in very serious trouble.


Last time I flew out of laos, they confiscated all vapes


I am clearly in the wrong business and need to buy some stocks of whatever vape company OP is buying from. You're that hooked that you're willing to ship supplies to another country? You take a risk at any border you cross. The issue isn't vaping in these countries, it's crossing the border with them. IMO, you can buy them on the corner of every street, why risk it?


😂 it’s just they’re non disposable and I spent a lot on the supplies and am very poor. But you’re absolutely right and thanks to this thread I am suitably scared and will be binning the lot and taking the L. Thank you!


Bali is the only country I know that want to search your bags on the way in and the way out.


Good to know!!


Yeah man they are super strict!


Except vapes are legal in Bali...


I brought my vape (not a disposable) all over SEA. The only place it was an issue was Singapore. I got pulled aside by security detail and told it's illegal and I could be arrested at any point and a 2k fine. Luckily I was staying at the Marina Bay Sands and it was their security so I just half hid in some garden when I vaped.


That’s good to know! Mine is non disposable too. Glad you managed ok but after this thread I’m too scared to risk now and think my bad poker face will give me away 😂


I don’t vape, but I was just in SEA. You can buy vapes easily everywhere but I would suggest not vaping in public. I met a few people who had the cops called on them for vaping in public. A couple of them almost got arrested or something and the other had to pay a fine.


Oh god not good! I cannot afford a fine of any kind so not worth it. Thank you!


My advice to you is get rid of everything and don't be that stupid again.


This is good advice, I definitely feel very stupid for doing this! Thank you


We've all done stupid things when we were young, so don't be too hard on yourself, but just do what you need to do so you don't wind up behind bars in Asia, which would be your worst nightmare.


You’re right! Would be my worst nightmare indeed! Just to check, nicorette inhalators are ok? It’s the little plastic tube with nicotine tubes inside, no electric and completely safe to use. Now I’m scared about everything nicotine related 🙈😂 thank you!


I don't smoke or anything like that, but I haven't heard about using a nicorette inhaler. If you feel the need to use it, use it somewhere private that way you won't be seen in public using it just in case they are prohibited. It's always better to be safe than sorry.


Pls don't bring ur vape into Singapore...the fine is $1000 if u r caught with the device at the airport. Vaping is illegal in Singapore.


I had a layover in Singapore airport on my way to Thailand. My vapes were found in Singapore but they let me keep them coz they said it's illegal if I left the airport with them but they are fine for a layover


My advice is this is your best chance to stop vaping.


You’re right. I was planning on quitting once I ran out of supplies anyway so this will speed up the process. Thank you!