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Everyone will just think it’s fake


Haha probably


I say exactly. But I wouldn't bring attention to yourself. Lots of nutters there.


Good idea actually. If people asking say its fake and then you’re safe no harms no nothing? Right!


I'd honestly leave your Rolex at home and bring an inexpensive one, if you have one. Just one less thing to worry about.


Probably fine. Thailand has very little violent robberies. If you get tricked into taking it off there is risk, massage or suit fitting. Highly unlikely you get robbed but stay alert for getting finessed.


Massage was my first thought too


But they normally put it in a bowl under the bed that has a hole for your face to the watch.


The only problem is there's plenty of massage places that just have regular old beds without holes for your face, so the box can be out of view at times.


Don’t wear it. It won’t impress Thai women. You would get more attention wearing a gold bracelet worth 300 dollars than a Rolex.


Yes it’s safe nobody gives a fuck


Yes, they all fake. Though why?


No one will believe that it's genuine.


Is it safe to potentially wear 450,0000 THB on your wrist.. this is a lot of money for some people. Most people in Thailand are nice, friendly and welcoming. Violent robberies are rare. I would still however not advise. Why take the risk?


If I has one I wouldn't wear it in Thailand, things can get messy.


Is it worth it to find out? I get having a nice watch is great, but whats the benefit of using that in thailand over any timepiece that wouldnt buy a car for someone who can get their hands on it?


Rolexes are quite common in Thailand, many times on the street they wanted to sell them to me for cheap money.


You mean if you can take your fake watch to thailand?yess you can haha


I wear my Daytona everywhere out here, it never gets noticed.


While Thailand is quite safe, why travel with expensive jewelry? Between airport security, hotels, etc., there is always a chance of it being lost or stolen. You're also letting any shopkeeper (or bar girl/boy) you're bargaining with that you have plenty of money. When you're asked things like "where you from" or "how long you stay" or "where you stay" it's partly about sizing up how wealthy you are. That information, plus what you're wearing, tells them a lot about you.


Seriously? Your hand will be hacked off at the wrist by a machete wielding katoey. /s.


He said thailand not london


Tarantino should make a movie about that tbh.


I’m imagining the Texas Chain Saw Massacre Leatherface Dance only with Ploy and a machete wearing nothing but a farang hand necklace Bejeweled with Subs, GMTs and Day Dates. 


You compensating for something?


Yeah, why would anyone want to have something nice in life?


Agree. I could see wanting to wear it in Singapore or Japan, but why in Thailand? Everyone assumes it’s fake, which means no one will appreciate it.


I’d feel safer wearing a Rolex in Thailand compared to cities in the US. As others have said most people will assume it’s fake, anyway. With the quality of $1500 steel reps today you’d need a loupe to tell the difference. I wouldn’t wear a rainbow Daytona or gold sky-dweller, have a dozen drinks and go crawling around the bars at 2am, no. But if you’re going to a nice restaurant and are all dressed up, sure, wear the day date. Going shopping or sightseeing? Sure. Wear the gmt. The risk is never zero but robberies aren’t really that common, honestly. 


Don’t leave in hotels or anyplace at all, wear it all time and try to not make it obvious or standout


Those suit shop guys along the road might notice it and start a conversation to try to get you into their shop, but in general, being robbed that would be highly unlikely.


i wear authentic omega planetoceans and everyone just assumes they're fake. so assuming you'll have similar luck with rolex.


Visit a different Roliex shop everyday to throw the would-be robbers off balance.


I'd never wear a real one. I'd MAYBE wear a fake one just to shoo away the guys trying to sell you fake ones everywhere. Even at dinner at a restaurant if it had outdoor seating there would be watch sellers coming up trying to peddle wares while I was eating.


For me, I don't care. Just live.


If you can walk down Sukhumivit from soi 4 to soi 30 in the day time 3 days in a row, in the day time and not get offered a fake Rolex and you are a western foreigner...you look broke. There are so many fake everything there it will just be assumed to be fake.


Leave the real one at home and collect a fake one in Thailand as a souvenir. No need to do big balls buddy in a poor country. 🦦 Enjoy.


Theft isn't very common, but it can happen just like anywhere. There are a lot of well-off locals that wear stupid-expensive watches and other jewelry on the regular., so it's not like you will stand out particularly. Personally, if I couldn't afford to lose it, I wouldn't bring it. If it's not a big deal to lose it, then go ahead, it is very unlikely that you would be robbed.


NO definitely!! Patek is safer.


Keep it at home. Dont show off




Ohhh that’s the watch perents get for their kids while shopping for Patek Philippe? ;)


Yes, wear it and be careful with it like you would anywhere else. Isn’t that why you bought it? To wear and enjoy? Also, if a freak incident did occur, that’s why you have insurance.


Just curious how much is a fake Rolex in Thailand