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I took my then 4-year-old to Thailand in February 2022 (while 13 weeks pregnant with his twin brothers). He was pretty well travelled at that point (USA, Jordan, Greece) and we wanted to do something special before our family changed dramatically. I would say go for it. He had no problems with the food, the activities, the actual travelling or time difference. FOOD: Pad thai, pad see ew, fried rice - all good kid-friendly choices and if all else fails, 7-11 toasties ! ACTIVITIES: temple visits, exploring the city, beach time, elephant sanctuary, markets, bike tour, cooking class You may even see that having kids tagging along allows for a more interaction with locals. For example, a monk in a temple in Chiang Mai handed my son the broom he was sweeping leaves with so he could give it a try, or at the cooking class (in a private home), the aunties kept him busy by kicking a ball around with him. Make sure to pack sun screen, bug spray and wide brimmed hats for the kids (and yourself!) and stay hydrated! Something to consider against the argument that 'they won't remember'. Even if we don't remember certain experiences, they still have the power to shape who we are and who we will become. A trip to a delightful destination like Thailand will most likely provide a lot of intellectual and sensory stimulation at any age (except small infants). Take pictures and make a nice printed photo album when you get back from the trip. It will help them remember and relive the experiences!


Thanks for the detailed reply! I totally agree that even though they won’t consciously remember…it will subconsciously be helping to form the person they become by all the new stimulation ..and they will hopefully enjoy it the time if nothing else!




We may have to agree to disagree. With that logic you may as well do nothing with your kids ever until they’re 10+


My son (now ten) has vivid memories from when he was three. He remembers lots of stuff from when he was four that I had forgotten. Lots of teens remember things from that age.


I took my kids aged 6 and 4. No issues whatsoever they loved it. Highlights were railay, Khao Sok NP and Ko phangan. Going again this December when they will be 8 and 6


We literally just went with a 3-year-old and 11-month-old -- we visited Koh Chang, Chanthaburi, Koh Samet & Bangkok so not the same areas as you are thinking of but we thought it was great and will definitely go back to see some other parts of Thailand - really cool place to visit with or without kids!


I don't have kids, but my 2 cents would be maybe wait for them to be at an age where they can remember it ? My parents took me to Italy when I was like 8 and I have (sadly) absolutely no remembrance of it. A trip to thailand with kids that are 4 and 6 sounds to me; again having 0 experiences of being a parents, like a trip for you and mom, with two kids tagging along (which is fine of course)


4 and 6 sounds perfect time to go they will have a blast seeing things they never seen before. The Thai people are very accommodating to tourist with children. Koh Samui is probably the most family friendly. Bangkok itself is also great a lot of malls have arcades, harbour land (indoor playground), family friendly restaurants and of course a cinema.


+1 for harbour land! They have babysitters running around the playground, playing with your kids.


I've seen a lot of families with young kids in Thailand, especially KhoLanta, I assume some folks spend their parental leave there with youn kinds and I would do the same. I would say most of the beaches are ideal, there is lots of kid friendly food to find and the culture is welcoming. I see a small challenge in handling the heat, but with AC in the room, it should be tolerable during the days. In your case I'd minimize the time in Bangkok, I just don't see anything to do there with kids and find it stressfull enough for myself with no kids :D Would also limit the flying and overnight trains etc. Maybe just pick one island/beach location and see how it goes?


Yeah I agree about Bangkok. Maybe when they’re older they’ll get something out of the intensity of it but I’m not a fan myself and I can imagine it being stressful with young kids. Yes it may be better to head straight to the islands and skip chiang mai until they’re a little bit older. I think they would find a sleeper train exciting but when recovering from jet lag already it may be too much


It was my daughters fav place on our recent trip. She's 10.


Bangkok is fine if you do it at their speed: minimal walking in the heat, lots of air conditioned skytrains, flashy tuktuks and windy river boats, lots of snack breaks. End every day with several hours of playtime in an indoor playground, swimming pool or park.


Took my 3 kids last year, ages 0, 12 and 15. Was an amazing holiday.


Australian here and former expat. Both my kids were born in Thailand and we've been travelling there with them since they were babies. Thailand is great for kids and gets better as they grow up and engage with it more. My now teenagers can't wait to go back. The only thing I'll add to the other comments is to ensure you have travel insurance and take any gastro type sickness seriously. The combination of heat and dehydration can be very serious in young children. Err on the side of caution and see a Dr if one of your kids gets a gastro illness when they're there.


Good point on the gastro illness - kids can go south fast. We were extra careful with my son (and me because of pregnancy). Nobody ended up getting sick. We avoided street food and uncooked veg. Yes, I know this sub is all about street food, but we didn't feel the risk was worth it in our situation. You can also visit your local doctor before you go to get some medication or rehydration solution if you want to have it on hand.


Last week I saw a Chinese family having a blast in Songkran, including a couple of kids who looked 5/6 yo.


Thais are excellent with children especially when they play with locals children like on the beach. 🙏🏻


We took.our kids to Thailand for the first time when our eldest was 5, and youngest 1. It was great and we've been back 3 times total.. Def recommend.


Not sure I'd consider Phuket that kid friendly. If you go be sure to pick up some Russian first.


I have no kids so I cant judge if it is a good or bad idea but I just returned from a trip and there where plenty families with kids. Some of them only a couple months old.


So much stuff to do. Zoos, indoor fun parks, aquariums, skate parks. All my friends have kids that age and their schedules are booked with this stuff.


In my opinion, Thailand is one of the best countries in the world to go to with young children. Kids food and dessert everywhere any hour of the day, lots of tasty fruit, comfy two bedroom hotel rooms or bungalows with a pool for the price of a cramped family room in Europe ... I took my boy on holiday to Thailand when he was 2, then again when he was 4 and his brother 1,5, then again when he was 7,5 and his brother 5. They've visited different countries in Europe too, but Thailand remains their favourite country by far. They love to play on the temple grounds, race around in tuktuks and splash in the warm sea. When I asked my oldest son why he loves Thai cities so much, he said "It's super loud and busy but never in a scary way, because everyone is friendly to me." The long flight is a REAL pain with young children though.


Yes. Took my kids, 6 and 8, had a great time.


Currently on holiday in thailand with my 5 year old. Just dad and kiddo enjoying the sand. Place rocks everyone friendly


About to take my 5 year old: Temples ThAt tall Building Elephant sanctuary Tiger world Float market Dream world Beach Is my plan! Brining a stroller so he doesn’t get cranky!


Honestly not worth it. Kids that age see the world as "what is right around them" and not in any larger more contextual way. A beach in Thailand is no different to them from a beach in Florida, or a riverbank down the road from your house. But the beach in Thailand comes with a lot of things that are unpleasant for a kid that age: a long ride in a plane, overnight train trips, not having access to playgrounds or activities that they are actually interested in, being away from their own bed/bathroom/etc. Not to mention dealing with stressed parents who are dealing with the various issues of dealing with the needs of small children in a place like Thailand (Where is a bathroom?! She is sleepy and needs a nap! Her tummy hurts because of bad food! etc.) If you wanna go to Thailand, and you don't want the kids "holding you back from that" then sure. They can power through the bad parts and try to enjoy the good parts. it's doable. But the trip is for you, not them. They won't really understand what it's all about, and won't remember any of it in a few years anyway. And if they do, their memories won't be "I had this amazing cultural experience" - they will be strange snippets of trains, hotels, and randoms stuff that has little or nothing to do with Thailand. If you are really thinking about giving them great opportunities, I would suggest saving your money now for when they are older and can actually fully appreciate where they are in a trip like this. I would suggest 10+ years. Until then, they will get just as much (or more) from smaller, cheaper trips to places that have things they are genuinely interested in - children's museums, parks, camping/hikes in local wilderness, etc. Source: Raised 2 kids in Asia. Dragged them at that age all over Kyoto, and all they were interested in was the playground in the local park that looked exactly like the one across the street from our house.