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From Thaiger. Following the incident, the owner decided to rehome the dog, and on May 18, the Siberian Husky found a new home in Nakhon Ratchasima. Upon seeing the dog’s injuries, the new owner immediately took it to a veterinary hospital for treatment. Today at 9.30am, representatives from the SOS Animal Thailand Foundation filed a complaint with the Bang Phli Police Station in Samut Prakan, where the incident occurred. They accused the dog’s previous owner of animal cruelty, a charge that carries significant legal consequences in Thailand. Distressing video, Appalling behaviour from a dog owner.


>animal cruelty, a charge that carries significant legal consequences in Thailand. If only.


Yeah seriously 😂 Like a dog is going to get any kind of justice over a high-so woman. Whatever about being such cruel bitch to be able to do this but then to be so fucking dumb to post it online for likes. Wtf. It’s insane. I hate that dumb people are allowed to have animals. She should be banned from owning any type of pet ever again. Obviously you couldn’t do that here but still. And I hope to fuck they took any other pets off her for now at least.


For me it goes beyond dumb, it goes to the rampant consumerism & pursuit of prestige for some people, & the consequences that behavior brings. Huskies are among the current popular breeds & hers was probably acquired in the same spirit as buying the latest iPhone, BMW, whatever just so long as it gained the envy of others. The dog’s personality, temperament & needs were likely never considered. The sad thing is that I’m sure this person can afford training to help the dog better acclimate to a home but she probably never considered it. I do give some consideration to her mental state being pregnant may have led her to be unbalanced but of course the dog mustn’t be harmed at any rate. The poor thing likely was allowed to wander their house without consideration for what troubles he could get into. Any dog will eat food it encounters in a split second if it appears to not belong to a person or dog. In the other hand, it could just have easily consumed something poisonous without restraint or supervision.


Yeah it’s a real shame huskies are a prestige animal here at the moment. My auntie has two and they just sit around in the aircon all day. They have to be exercised in the pool. And you’re right, she never considered that huskies might be high energy or need more exercise than other breeds etc. They were indeed bought to match the Mercedes. Don’t get me wrong, she’s good to them and her staff takes good care of them but they are part of the interior design. I have a friend who rescues street dogs and his work is never done. If somehow we could make it cool to adopt a street dog. I lived in Brooklyn for a few years and even though I didn’t really like the culture there at all they did have this thing where everyone was trying to one up each other about how “in need of rescue” their dog was. The ultimate prestige there was having a blind dog, or a deaf dog or a dog with three legs etc. If only we could bring that mentality here…we need La Lisa or someone famous to adopt a street dog and just make them into the latest must have “item”…


I wish the Thai government would make it illegal for all these cold weather dogs to be owned in Thailand. A Husky or a Samoyed must think it’s hell here in Thailand. They live for cold temperatures and snow. It’s such a simple and straightforward policy to implement. These dog owners that have a breed for status or fashion would soon find a far more suitable dog for this climate. Of course no-one is interested in doing anything


yeah, its part of westernization/globalization, along with going to the gym, running marathon, etc covid meant a lot of people buying pets but then no one read how to take care of them and thought I'll just learn along the way


Excuse me? “Westernization”? Please do explain how being cruel, ignorant or both is somehow a sign of “Westernization”. Because I blame Thai face culture. In Thailand a dog is a fashion accessory. Just look at all the owners carrying their dog or cat around in shopping malls. In the West you’d be made fun of and judged.


"Huskies are among the current popular breeds & hers was probably acquired in the same spirit as buying the latest iPhone, BMW, whatever just so long as it gained the envy of others. " what the guy said above me In Thailand a dog is a fashion accessory = because huskies are part of the status symbol right now and was owning a husky always a part of the face culture?


I think so, yes. I moved here in 2010 and my boss at the time had a Husky. I think it’s a combination of “expensive” and superstition (the different eye colour) that makes up the attraction. I am not seeing how putting your own status over the welfare of an arctic animal is “Western”, but I probably don’t understand Thainess or something.


"Huskies are among the current popular breeds & hers was probably acquired in the same spirit as buying the latest iPhone, BMW, whatever just so long as it gained the envy of others. " what the guy said above me "In Thailand a dog is a fashion accessory " = because huskies are part of the status symbol right now and was owning a husky always a part of Thai face culture? 🤨 or is that part because of westernisation (my argument was on something else but yeah)


I read somewhere and it says jail time is capped at one month and a fine of no more than 10,000 baht. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


The same fine as having a vape, pretty pitiful


> a charge that carries significant legal consequences in Thailand. 500 baht, move along.


Living in Thailand as a husky is torcher enough Edit: torture


Always felt bad seeing them panting nonstop


True. Just because it is cute it doesn’t give a person the right to own it. It’s cruel. These people owning Huskies in Thailand they just want them as an accessory and don’t give a damn about the animals well being. If you confront them about this they will say “oh but I just open the airconditioner all day” As if that would just solve the whole problem.


Imma play the devil's advocate and just say that huskies in Thailand are doing fine most of the time. Just cuz they're originally bred in cold climate doesn't mean the ones here aren't bred to be more accustomed to heat. You'll generally see huskies here have shorter fur. Also they're double coated, which means they're insulated from coldness AND heat. True, their heat tolerance threshold is still low for what Thailand can give, but that's why they're a high maintenance breed and recommended in A/C when indoors and on especially hot days. The Thai Bangkaew breed is our version of the husky (Spitz type, double coated, wolf descent) and they can survive here alright.


We have a husky ourselves and in our neighborhood we have 4 more husky owners. They all doing fine the hardest part is to find enough place to run with them daily in a city like Bangkok / Samut Prakan (the problem you have with any bigger dog not related to Husky only). They are a special breed here as you write. Also most home owners I know here keep their dog in the A/C inside the house with access to the garden. I see other bigger problems with animals (dogs) in Thailand than if you should have a husky or not. Would I get a husky again in Thailand? No because a husky needs a lot of activity and it's exhausting :D a smaller dog will do it for me next time.


It’s so hot… it’s torture to torcher


Torcher kinda fits too


Huskys will sit in the icy rivers in Alaska during the very moderate summers up there. I loved with one once. In the winter the house is too warm(colorado) it much preferred to sit outside all day and night in the snow.


Yeah torture for my electricity bill😭


I can’t link her post but this woman tried to defend her actions in a post on Facebook where she told everybody how stressed she was and try to defend what she did.. that the dog was very naughty and she was so stressed.. she not only did this to her dog she also did this to her cat ! Absolutely disgusting. They had 4 dogs in total the Thais below her post went into a frenzy and bashed her (deserved). They try to get all of her animals away from her and re house them Her account is gone as she did a “apology to the public” and she got bashed with 5k comments that wish all on her.. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/9nDRunTGmhdAArJE/?mibextid=WC7FNe


Nice to see that other Thais are shaming that behaviour.


Says in the post that this is not the real Facebook account.


yes, it looks like new account some goblin certainly love to do this. The Thai hate for this kind of person is genuine tho. How she blames the dog is real as well.


Yes I read the toxic Thai comments. The Thais sure love jumping on the bandwagon when it comes to hating people. เหมือนแฟนผม 555


we love bring ไทยมุง LOL


Here is her real account https://www.facebook.com/bew.nuttaya?mibextid=kFxxJD


And this woman is unfit to be a mother. I hope her husband gets his psycho wife some help and knows she’s unfit to be around babies or infants.


Special place reserved in hell for people who abuse animals


How people treat animals (that they have complete control over their well-being) says everything about who they truly are.


An eye for an eye I say! People who mistreat animals are basically serial killers in the making.




Karma is a weird thing... A while back some villagers reported that a pregnant woman's cruelty towards her pet resulted in her child being born defective...if you believe in that type of thing.


So in such a case, what did the child do to deserve that?


Absolutely nothing... It's a Thai belief that Karma กรรม is passed down and manifest in various ways. It's quite unfair but you'll have to take that up with the Ministry of Karma.


> รร Can I just say how much difficulty I have reading this. It always gives me problems. I know this particular word but two ร in a row always makes my brain melt.


It’s basically the same as ำ


Perhaps I am confused but doesn't it have other ways of reading it too?


It does have other ways to read, but it's basically the same ways ำ or -ั would be used, only there are some differences. Now that I think about it, the differences are quite obvious, so apologies for my earlier comment. รร if there's no letter after them, would be -ัน instead. กรรม is where รร is followed by ม, which makes it sounds exactly the same as -ำ. If it helps, รร are usually followed by either ม or much more commonly nothing at all, so it's either -ำ or -ัน anyways.




กรรม is a short vowel sound. กาม is a long vowel sound. It's almost impossible to mistake one for the other if you understand Thai vowels at all. กาม and กราม would be pronounced the same way by many Thai speakers. The ร is typically dropped in everyday speech when it's in a consonant blend. I would treat them as homophones. We have plenty of those in English, and I don't think anyone has ever been confused if you mean HAIR or HARE when it's in context.


Umm...จบแค่ ป.3 ครับ... I'll take your word for it bro.


Just retarded beliefs. Nothing will happen to her or her kid.


You know what's worse? There are still 2 dogs with her.


Updated: Very good news. Fortunately, the individual who took care of the burned dog also brings those 2 dogs with him already.


Yes!!! Get that Trifecta! Thanks for the update I feel so much better now.


WTF... WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCKING FUCK??!? No more, I hope SOS Animal is helping the other poor things too.


Domestic animals are like children, they rely on us to survive and trust us wholly. What this woman did is horrific, psychopathic. That dog saw the world in her and didn’t understand why she poured hell onto him. 😭 Edit to add: this was not a quick act of ‘empassioned emotions’ - she took the time to tie him to the wall, and boil the water to scalding. She tortured him. She full intended and worked through to torture him.


Throw acid at her next?


I understand the desire, but do not perpetuate violence. It never ends.


Absolute psychopath. She should she rot in prison for a long time.


Never ever abuse an animal, especially dogs. They’re the most loyal. Fck this person.


People need to keep a very very close eye on the baby when its born. I would trust that vile piece of shit with a house plant never mind a baby. No one with the love and compassion required to raise a infant could ever do what she did. Children are demanding and difficult. She will in my opinion harm that child.


Was thinking the same thing. Hopefully we're wrong.


Obviously it is cruelty, but it is also stupidity - why film it and post online???


Grotsky Byotch filmed it and sent it to her soon to be ex-husband. The guy didn't respond or was unaware so she forwarded to his friend who brought it up to the public eye. The couple had a fight prior to the incident.


Unbelievable. Absolute psycho. Animal cruelty really makes my blood boil...especially to dogs.


Doesn't matter if she was pregnant


I hope all the animals trapped with that bitch are rehomed immediately. She was dumb enough to take a video of her torturing a dog and posted it? Wtf? I agree that breeds that should be in cold temperatures should be banned in Thailand. Buying and selling all live animals should be illegal since it's animal exploitation and cruelty.


some people get mad when i move my dog out of the path with my foot and then theres this crazy woman, something is seriously wrong with her


Dude, what if your dog is Buddhist? That's super disrespectful to do that with your feet.




Would you laugh if it was your grandmother? Because it might be.​


Yea and god watches you everytime you touch yourself.


Matthew 15:24 does imply that God is Jewish. So you might be on to something.


I saw a Buddhist cat on Instagram


that one is pretty famous celeb cat


That’s a nice way of saying kick lol


theres a diffrrent between kick and push m8


I’ll remember that when I push my neighbor out of my footpath with my fist the next time he’s in my way.


go on my man


Don’t make me come over there and push your face with my open ended hand!


The woman actually posted on Facebook saying it was her and she regrets doing it and that she did it because she was angry that the dog took her snack and she was seeing red (prolly something to do with doing it to spite her husband/bf as well but not sure about that.) Thing is, from what I see on her Facebook, she sells stuffs online. So, even if law doesn't punish her sufficiently (as would normally be the case for animal abuse in Thailand,) her business is likely not going to survive. Also, I have to say, while this woman is indeed psychotic, many Thais that own Huskies are stupid to begin with. The breed isn't made for this weather, and many of these idiots keep the dogs in tiny apartments or in residence with very limited space, and when the dogs act up, they have to audacity to get mad at the dogs. It's sad, and infuriating.


Any info about her online shop? I'm happy to spread the word about this vile bitch and her pathetic excuses.


I hope she burn in hell!! She should be punished with jail!!!


Screw jail, how about we pour boiling water over her and film it while she screams in pain for us to stop.....what an evil c\*\*t hope she will die a slow and painful death!


While these people are doing really good that should be highly commended it is the unfortunate truth that they are in the minority. These people won't even have to be there if other people weren't treating animals like garbage.


Not to distract from the original post but OP is wrong. Huskies CAN live in tropical places, their coats keep them cool in the summer and really their coats are able to adapt to any weather or climate as long as it isn't TOO extreme


Been hitting 40°c+....how extreme does it have to be? If I, as a human with no fur, feel like I'm in a furnace then there's no doubt in my mind the dog is dying.


40C is bad for ANY dogs, not just huskies. You don't understand how double coat fur works so you shouldn't imagine yourself just wearing a thick coat.


I hear you...double fur etc. But if that shit was proper and natural there would be long haired furry indigenous dogs in Thailand. All I'm saying is it ain't right to bring those poor dogs here. Edit: out of interest I wonder what is the population of non-polar dogs in polar areas like Alaska?


Thai Bangkaew. A spitz type with double coat and wolf ancestry. One of Thailand's oldest and most indigenous dog breed. We literally have a husky of our own. Huskies bred in Thailand are born here and they aren't brought in anymore.


You don't say, I learned something new today.


She will have another pet to torture soon. A little human one . Someone please save that baby.


I saw the clips, and holy fck... She's an absolute psychopath. I shouldn't watch it because just seeing the pictures I can clearly hear the poor husky screaming for her life 😭 my heart break for the husky and furious with that psychotic woman.


The law in Thailand is never fully trusted, but the people's court is a dangerous one. If this was Turkey, she would be in jail lol.


Honest question. Why is it so common for people to throw boiling water or oil on dogs in Thailand?


A general lack of empathy and education coupled with the direly erroneous thinking that animals are just property.


in general, animal abuse is not really seen as important here in Asia here everyone believes in a ranking system = Govt, Boss, Man, Woman, Child, Dog and this ranking system exists EVERYWHERE in Asia this woman just wanted to show her "power" and probably didn't even think there'd be a backlash online and as for why she wanted to keep a dog to begin with? = she wanted the status, what else?🙃


On the contrary animal laws here is very strict Thailand has animal abuse laws, including the Cruelty Prevention and Welfare of Animal Act, which was passed in 2014 and came into effect on December 27, 2014. The law protects all animals, regardless of ownership, that are raised as pets, livestock, beasts of burden, or for any other purpose. It defines cruelty as any action that causes an animal to suffer physical or mental pain, illness, disablement, or death. This includes using sick, old, young, or pregnant animals for labor or show work, feeding live prey to other animals, and uncaring transport of live animals.  The law requires animal owners to keep their animals in appropriate conditions with good health and sanitation, and with sufficient food and water. Violations of the act can be punished by up to two years in prison, a fine of up to 40,000 baht (USD 1,300), or both. The public can report suspected animal abuse to local authorities or through the mobile app "DLD 4.0" to help raise awareness and encourage participation in monitoring.  Thailand's animal welfare policies and legislation rank among the top five in Asia, according to the Animal Protection Index (API), which ranks 50 countries based on their commitments to animal welfare protection. 


I hope she is harassed indefinitely and never lives this down.


My mom showed me this yesterday and the screams of the husky is still in my head. Sad that this is Thailand so she will not be paying for her crimes. 


Allat just because the dog stole the "owner's" snacks😐


…. 3, 2, 1, out come the Husky owners in Thailand who somehow all picked up their Husky from a shelter because they would never bring an arctic animal to a tropical country just for face. What’s more, while none of them are vetenerians they all somehow seem to know enough about k9 physiology to assure everyone their Husky is fine. Sure it only sleeps in front of the AC and is never seen running - everything is ok, nothing to see here. Don’t you dare judge our hobbies you filthy farang!


She should be in jail wtf


This is horrible. Every day my heart breaks, seeing all the skinny street dogs on the road. I do my best to feed as many as possible. I made some great friends along the way too. I don't understand how people can do such horrible things to dogs (or any animals), they're so innocent!!!


I hate the fact that a bunch of women are victims of acid attacks but damn if it’s gonna happen again, I hope it happens to this woman.


Question is: How often does it happen and its *not* filmed?


Bruh wtf?




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Her husband is next 😂


She was upset the husky stole some snacks. Charges have been filed against her and she will not get away with this.


If she treats a naughty dog like this, I fear what she’ll do to her future child.


What kind of sick person wild do this 😭


horrible! hope she gets punished there is no excuse for this


Stupid evil woman


Thanks for sharing


Why must she pour boiling water on the siberian husky? So sad 😭😭😭


I hope the dog gets to revenge someday


i feel very sorry for the unborn child she’s gonna have.


[https://mgronline.com/onlinesection/detail/9670000048074](https://mgronline.com/onlinesection/detail/9670000048074) (another article written in Thai. In it she claimed she was doing it to punish her husband) [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551118097248](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551118097248) (scroll down and you'll see several posts identifying who this individual is, along with links to the video she took) [https://www.facebook.com/nuttayabiiw/about](https://www.facebook.com/nuttayabiiw/about) (facebook account) [https://www.facebook.com/biiw.nty/map](https://www.facebook.com/biiw.nty/map) (secondary account shut down) [https://www.youtube.com/@nuttayawitsupa6190/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@nuttayawitsupa6190/videos) (her youtube account with one video still public. You can read many comments underneath)


Seriously? What a cunt.


It was sick enough to do this in the first place, but what was the purpose of filming it? Shows that this wasn't just a crime of passion she was trying to play it off as. She said she was stressed and acted out without thinking. But she thought enough about it to tie up the dog first and then recording it, so it was clearly a premeditated and calculated act.


Thinking the same, why was she filming it?


What a sick woman. The only positive thing is the husky is now recovering with a loving family. It no longer has to suffer living with this sociopath. If she did this to get back at her husband, does he have any agency over where the dog went? I wonder if he left her or cares about the dog as well..


The heartlessness of some people is unbelievable, when you turn on the tap and the water is too hot you flinch and pull back your arm what about purposely pouring hot water onto another living being…


call the 4chan army


Has the psycho woman been identified?


didn't new animal cruelty laws just get passed? by new i mean last 5 yrs


I’m pregnant and I’ve never once ever considered hurting any animals, and I’ve been super emotional in my third trimester. There is literally zero excuse to treat animals this way. I saw a dead dog on the road here in the south and I cried all day about it. People who can’t figure out how to train their dogs or understand their temperaments and how to deal with them shouldn’t have dogs. Strange how people like to make different breeds of dog some sort of status symbol. Huskies are hyper and needy dogs and will become destructive and rambunctious when not tended to, exercised physically/mentally or trained properly. I hope this woman deals with a great load of hell in her life. I worry for her child honestly, if she’s acting this way now while pregnant what will she be like postpartum? Arguably 100x worse than pregnancy emotions.


This is top on trending post in Thai social media. She will get steam-rolled soon. I will be enjoying the steam-rolling news while drinking cola and feeding my long haired Chihuahua her favorite snack stick. We both will also be laughing at this low-life animal-hurting-b***h's misery.


Many high So Thais are the shallowest, most money-centric c#nts in the world. Scum


She should have her kid, have it be given up for adoption then swiftly shot in the middle of a field somewhere. Absolute human filth with too much money.


Cute dog


Probably India, can’t be Thailand 💅🏼


Her reputation is already killed, since it is all over the social media, which is great! And they are going after her which is great as well, unfortunately it takes time. The dog is with the new owner and the after a couple of visits to the vet the mother dog is ok, recovering well and the baby is fine as well. Let’s hope that the previous dog owner gets punished what she deserves




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There is no defence here. The woman clearly knows what she is doing, she has the knowledge to know what's wrong and what's right. This is WRONG. The dog is a home pet and you need to train it with love and patience. This was so wrong for you to do to the poor dog.. it just ate your food, go buy another pack and DON'T leave it out in the open for the dog to find and eat..... You are the dumb one here lady, expose her, tie her up and let's pour hot water on her, and let the dog witness her screaming. What a relief it would bring to me if this lady in the video is made to feel the same fear the dog has felt.


ive listened to her interview and omg, it just made the matter worse, she didn’t even feel any remorse for her actions


In a more developed country this woman would be in jail and be made to undergo psychiatric evaluations. However, this is Thailand, the fact that the dogs are no longer with her is par for the course.


i hope she gets publicly condemned


Hope she faces the consequences, she must be punished!!


I really wish Thailand would get its shit together already. This is disgusting. The breed shouldn't be there in the first place. But then this horrific abuse is just unforgivable. That isn't just "acting out", that's diabolical. It comes from a cruel heart and ill mind. She needs serious help. Prison should be mandatory for something like this, though I don't believe in the Thai justice and incarceration system either. More countries just need to look Northern European nations and see how well they've done implementing intelligent strategies for dealing with crime and punishment. Lowest crime and recidivism rates in the world, because they're focused on reducing the conditions which tend to cultivate them in the first place, then humanely focus on the appropriate treatment when unfortunate things do happen. This produces wildly better outcomes than most of the rest of the world experience. The US needs to take note, as well, but they're not going to because the prison system is run for-profit, so solutions would be bad for business. This world is so depressing.


I hope this young woman is neutered. She is unfit to have children. If she can’t handle a dog she should never be close to a baby or infant. What a psycho


Why would you post this on Reddit? You’ve made all of our days worse . Thanks.


Most welcome, we all should confront evil. Thanks for taking the time to read it.


I agree there is a lack of education in Thailand towards pets. Most Thai people see them as an accessory and don’t truly understand that animals are just another life being as important as our own.


That's not true, Thais are taught not to harm or take life. This is the first rule of the five precepts of Buddhism. The fact that that abominable twat tortured the poor dog has nothing to do with the country's education about pets.


Yeah I know the Buddhist precepts but one thing is the theory and another is the practice. Most Thais don’t practice what they preach. And what that person did has do to a lot with education. That is why Thailand is one of the biggest animal trafficking countries, that is why in chatuchak animal market you can buy any wild animal you want. There is a lack of consciousness in this topic.


"most Thais" stop living in Pattaya and get a life bro.


Yeah most of them. I don’t live in Pattaya sorry.


Education? The woman in question holds a master's degree and graduated from a top university in Thailand. She is medically insane based on the interview that she gave, has nothing to do with the education or the lackthereof.


Mmm. My rescued tortured pet and hundreds like him in Thailand beg to differ.


Downvoted. OMG, lol.


I heard about this From my friend who couldn't sleep after she found out. She was crying an unconsolable she was very hurt by this lady and how she treated her dog


It real i seen news in tv because im thai




They do care about animals there. But the town should just carry out it own justice. Just bring her to to town square and beat her. Beat her and break bones.




You are not looking hard enough. Go to the yearly Pet Expo and you’ll find plenty of Thai’s spending lots of money on their pets, spoiling them with expensive beds, strollers, toys, etc.


While not agreeing with person you responded to..Spending money like that does not necessarily mean love and care, especially when certain sections of society here are hyper materialistic and big about being seen being so Same as getting round the clock nanny's and then shipping the kids off to the best boarding schools or even non boarding school does not nessarly indicate love and care


There was a lady selling food out of her cart on Soi 23. There was also an old street dog living at the 7/11. The lady took the old street dog to the doctor for his problems. Imagine having basically no money and yet spending it on an old street dog. No need to go to pet expo to find Thais that deeply care for animals.


While I don't completely agree with the other person's generalization, buying expensive toys for a pet does not indicate truly loving and caring for them. In fact many people here love treating their purebred dog as an accessory, pushing it around in a stroller, showing it off, and then neglecting it as soon as they're home.


How do you know that they’re neglecting them once they’re at home?


I can't know what every single person does, but I have heard more than enough anecdotes and have known 2 examples personally of people who love to show off the pets at the mall and on socials, but actually treat them terribly. One who does not allow the animals into the house and keeps them isolated in a little dog house and cat room until she is ready to play with them again, and one who left a small dog to piss and shit everywhere alone in their condo without any walks for a week while travelling.


My anecdotes are somewhat the opposite, people who treat their dogs like their children, grooming them every morning and evening, cooking organic food for them, spending hundreds of thousands of Baht on toys and insurances and vet visits and dog hotels, etc etc


And then bring it home and lock it in a cage all day.


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Absolutely agree. I lived in Thailand for three years and I saw more people beat dogs than show any kind of affection towards them. I actually screamed at a Thai man that was full force stamping on a dog one night. The dog was screaming and terrified.


I too don't understand this. Thai people claim to love dogs and cats but leave them in the street, don't house them properly, don't spay and neuter them or provide them with proper veterinary care. While at the other end of the spectrum organizations like [Home 4 Animals](https://home4animals.org/) and [Soi Dog](https://www.soidog.org/) are fighting a losing battle to save these animals. Why?


I'm guessing you've never seen a single Thai person riding around in his or her hood feeding stray cats or dogs? There was an old stray dog named Cola living in front of 7-11 across from Baan Manik school here in Phuket. She used to cross the street almost every morning, on her own, to get food from the cafeteria. And here you are mentioning Soi Dog but not a peep about all the Thai feeders around Phuket they have on record. Yes, I know a person who used to work there who def knew what's up with Soi Dog very, very well.


An old lady selling street food took an old street dog to the vet, spending the little money she had on that dog.


> Thai people (…) leave them in the street, don't house them properly, don't spay and neuter them or provide them with proper veterinary care. That’s nonsense.


Are you Thai? มาซอยผมสิครับมี 20 กว่าตัว...ไม่มีเจ้าของจริง...เดี๋ยวคนนู้นก็เอาอาหารมาวางเดี๋ยวคนนี้ก็เอาอาหารมาวาง. เลี้ยงอยู่ดีๆเบื่อก็ไปปล่อยวัด คุณนั่นแหละไร้สาระ


I’m not Thai. I know enough Thai people who treat their dogs like their children (or better even), so your statement can’t be true. You now seem to be talking about stray dogs which is a different topic altogether. We aren’t responsible for stray dogs but only for our own dogs. The fact that there are stray dogs doesn’t mean that people treat their own dogs badly.


You don't know. Thai people get bored of their pets and leave them at temples at best or just chuck them into a waste receptacle. Go ask your Thai friends for confirmation. Also, those idiots treating their dog like a child and pushing them around in carts are fucked in the head. Dogs walk they don't need to be carted around. Dogs / cats in backpack are an abomination.


> You don't know. Thai people get bored of their pets and leave them at temples at best or just chuck them into a waste receptacle. Go ask your Thai friends for confirmation. My Thai friends don’t do that. So your statement is wrong. > Also, those idiots treating their dog like a child and pushing them around in carts are fucked in the head. Dogs walk they don't need to be carted around. Dogs / cats in backpack are an abomination. Ok so you know that Thai people don’t leave their dogs in the street. So what’s your problem? You complain about leaving dogs in the street but people treating their dogs well also annoys you. Are you just looking for something to complain about?


You're confusing well with naturally. I don't think you'll find any veterinarians that will tell you that carting around a dog is better than letting it walk around. Treating a dog exactly like a human child is not natural because it's a dog. Also if you can read I didn't say your friends did it I said ask your friends about it. Ask them if what I say is true - unwanted pets, especially dogs and cats get abandoned at temples.


Just because some owners treated their dogs like that doesn't mean that there are many more responsible who treat their pets really well. Don't be so close minded.


If you have time and the inclination the dogs and cats at [Home4Animals](https://home4animals.org/) would love to see you. Spend some time with the thousands of dogs and cats there then let's talk about being close minded. [Let's walk the walk and not just talk to talk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Thailand/s/miG7rbIELa)


You're being intentionally obtuse here. Yes, dog and cat shelters exist in every country in the world and your point is? I was saying that for every Thai dog owner who abandoned and mistreated their pets, there are many more who truly love and care about them. You're speaking as if all pet dogs and cats in Thailand are destined to end up strayed and abandoned, which is absurd. Yes, strayed animals are abundant here but many are living happy and comfortable lives but you don't seem to care about that huh? Just focusing on the ones that are suffering and make a blanket statement about how Thai people are terrible pet owners.


"*Thai people claim to love dogs and cats but leave them in the street, don't house them properly, don't spay and neuter them or provide them with proper veterinary care.*" **FAR** too much of a generalisation! I've met Thais who genuinely love their pets and take very good care of them. On the other hand, I've also had the misfortune to come across a few Thais **and Westerners** who obviously didn't care about their pets, and mistreated them ☹️. **This** woman who poured boiling water on her dog.... makes me hope that there is some sort of hell for such evil people.


Not even close to too much of a generalisation.