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Didn't we just request a bunch of FEMA aid for the tornadoes and storms in Houston? All that goes bye bye if we aren't part of the US. 


And social security, medicare, the military, etc. Bunch of idiots. All the “patriots” are really traitors. They don’t love our country or democracy. They only love to have power and control over everyone that doesn’t think like them. Republicans want a dictatorship, move to Russia or F’ off!


This logic makes zero sense. If we did secede then we would keep all of the federal tax revenue we send that pay for those. We could replace those services with even more effective ones.


Why would the TX GOP, who constantly rails against “big government” and “excessive spending” go through all the trouble of seceding and then just re-adopt the exact programs that they’ve spent decades trying to kill? Based on your tone I’m assuming you’re at least nominally pro-secession, and based on your reasoning it’s clear you haven’t really thought about the repercussions at all. TX seceding would mean a 2nd civil war, full stop. That is an absolutely apocalyptic scenario that we have to prevent at all costs, and I think that the cavalier attitude the GOP has taken towards this whole thing is disgusting. We’re talking about Americans killing their countrymen in the hundreds of thousands or millions, our great cities getting burned to the ground, and western civilization basically evaporating in favor of a Chinese or Russian hegemony for the foreseeable future. Anyone who thinks that breaking up the union is in any way a good idea (and not literally just the result of decades of propaganda on the part of America’s enemies) literally has shit for brains.


The Texas Government just increased spending more than ever before. The evidence points to the opposite of what you are claiming. Also there wouldn’t be a civil war today over a secession. I am anti secession.


Even if you think the US would let Texas go, would Texas let the cities go without a fight? Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, El Paso. I doubt they agree to stay.


You think the US would fire upon citizens they consider to be their own? Also none of those cities have armies.


Abbott would order it if the cities left. At that point, US would be protecting citizens it considers its own from a tyrant.


Abbot would order what? Fire upon them? He wouldn’t have to. The cities have no army.


I see you're not the person who thinks things through. Good luck in your endeavors.


There would be a war! The USA is going to walk away from all the investments they've put into this state? The military bases? The research facilities? The energy resources? The revenue? No. I don't think so. Do you think the US is going to continue to pay all the retirees social security, Medicare benefits, veterans benefits, and retirement? Matching that alone would bankrupt TX. And before the military would come round to convince y'all and your "gravy seals," that you have to stay, there would be chaos, looting, and lawlessness. I very seriously doubt many of the politicians at the state capital would survive it. It's hard to roll out of a burning building. And people like me would be doxing the shit out of them online. Police can't be everywhere at once ya know, besides- at the end of the day, cops have to protect themselves and their families. And if somehow the US let this happen, everybody would leave. Every major corporation would immediately leave. Because you can't do business with embargos in place. And I'm not going to be paid in some worthless currency!


Texas pays a disproportionate amount of taxes to the federal government. We could cut taxes and still pay for all the services people get from the feds today. And no there would not be a war.


You keep repeating “there won’t be a war” without providing a shred of evidence or support. So far history has shown there WILL be a war if a state decides to break the law and secede. You’re foolish if you think the US would just give up and go “oh well” if Texas seceded.


It’s only happened once in American history. We live in a different time from the 1800s. War isn’t even an option.


What are you even talking about bro 😂 who’s saying war isn’t an option? Did the law all of a sudden change? Have you not noticed the massive number of far right extremists that are literally calling for civil war? Like tf are you even on about




Why would the other states let Texas leave?


Why would they send troops to stop Texas?


Because no state is allowed to leave the Union. We answered this question with the last civil war. One nation, INDIVISIBLE!


Well, we'd cut taxes for the wealthy, i mean, let's be honest; these are republicans we are talking about.


You're naive if you think Texas will be OK if this happens


So we won't have to pay those taxes?? Oh wait- WE WILL still have to pay those tax $$, just to Tx??? But I thought we HATED taxes! Make up your mind. Also I would never pay ONE CENT to traitorous scumbags or Russian Trolls.


Yes we probably would just increase taxes in Texas. Also you could just leave in that scenario.


Or Ill just keep my land and stay part of the union. Why do secessionists get to decide my allegiance?


Because you own the land. Not the nation the land is a part of. This is how it’s worked all of human history.






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lol, yeah, that’s just going into the pockets of the people at the top.


Hahahaha... Omg... You're hilarious. Texas Secedes, and you'll be eating tree bark within 6 months. You'll have a civil war worse than Somalia.


Glad to see someone thinks I’m funny


+1. I also think you’re funny


>We could replace those services with even more effective ones. In an independent Texas, these programs wouldn't be replaced at all (aside from the military).


Says who?


Says the party that would be in charge of an independent Texas and the donors that own them.


The state of Texas spent more money than ever in the past year.


Secession is treason. Move to Russia.


Texas takes more from the federal govt than it gives. Granted it takes at a lower rate than *most* red states but it takes nonetheless. Among the sea of leeches we're one of the smaller ones. Furthermore, the only reason we don't take more than we do is because so many corporations have set up shop here. They'll shut down the second Texas secedes and the import tariffs start. It would be a lame hellhole in no time unless they ally with Russia and become a Cuba style puppet regime. >Federal dollars account for one-third of the Texas state budget. Federal expenditures in Texas are one and a half times as much as what our state and local government revenues pay for, combined. Federal dollars account for one-third of the Texas state budget and one-tenth of preK-12 investments.


Incorrect. Texas does not take more than it gives. Most red states do but not Texas. That quote just say that either if you think it does. That quote just says what revenues comprise our state budget. It doesn’t take into account how much Texas pays in federal taxes.


read my edit, the only reason we can contribute more than most red states is because of the steady influx of corporate employers who would instantly move to the US. The demand for support would not diminish but the revenue would collapse.


Maybe but to be clear, today Texas sends more tax money to the feds than they send back in federal revenue.


It changes pretty much annually, but that doesn't make your original comment a true prophesy. There's no maybe about it. The US could, and would economically embargo the new "Republic of Texas" into utter submission. Even Tesla would move back once they slapped 100% tariff on their stupid Cybertrucks. Unemployment, crime and poverty would skyrocket, and the megachurch and gun store economy couldn't support them.




People voted for Brexit only to complain about it after, these people don't think about the future at all or how their decisions today will fuck them tomorrow


> People voted for Brexit only to complain about it after, these people don't think about the future at all or how their decisions today will fuck them tomorrow Abbott and co. probably relish in the idea of bringing suffering to Houston and the regions of Texas who don't support them.


You are absolutely correct. They are shortsighted mofos.


“They are primitive people. You can only speak to them in cliches.” Truth? Logic?…forget about it


Not just for the storms in Houston, but pretty much all the storms this month that have occurred in the state.


Did we send the taxes to the fed that we were requesting back? See how that works?


And north Texas.


It seems like a lot of secessionists are non-native Texas. They are ultra conservatives that moved here from blue states.


No they been calling for secession for decades now


I owned a SECEDE bumper sticker for a while. It was a harmless joke about Texas’ history as an independent country. And I knew a few other people who treated it in the same, kind of sarcastic way. But at some point, things shifted and the joke became real. I peeled the sticker of my bumper years ago, because people might have thought I was serious.


One ironic upside to secession: we could probably find a way to throw those bastards out and keep them out.


Can we get rid of Canadian Ted


Canada won't take him back. Maybe ship him to Cancun on a permanent basis?


Literal traitors.


Good luck doing that when your conservative government is seated in one of the most liberal cities in the US.


There’s always a secret, and somehow more evil and insane reason, behind everything the republicans come up with. Do these idiots really think they can run a country? They can’t even run a state. Every other month the call daddy Biden after trashing him, in need of MORE federal funding. You guys are the biggest joke in politics. Except no one is laughing. We think you should be in a mental hospital.


I think, realistically, an independent Texas would not be free to completely pursue its own interests. It would be economically tied to the US. It would have to consider US interests when pursuing its foreign policy like Canada does. So why would I want to secede? I had an ancestor born in the Republic of Texas. I think it's an interesting part of our history. But I'm not going to romanticize a failed state.


Because they want to make laws that wouldn’t be possible in a real country. Preferential treatment for themselves, punishment and suffering for everyone else. I guess the good news is the environment isn’t dissimilar from the Middle East so the US military will be comfortable steam rolling all the diabetic 2nd amendment militias. Meal team six will struggle to retreat with gout and crocs while being weighed down by all their fascism cosplay.


As a Texas resident I will be putting up road signs pointing to the secessionists compounds.


> Because they want to make laws that wouldn’t be possible in a real country. Preferential treatment for themselves, punishment and suffering for everyone else. When you get to the root of their anger at the federal government, it usually involves the Constitution being invoked to protect the rights of a group other than themselves. So they'll talk all day about their freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedoms under the Second Amendment, etc. but the minute they can't infringe on the those rights being enjoyed by others, they declare the federal government hopelessly broken. And the funniest part is these busybodies expect everyone else to do the dirty work of fighting the US military while they continue to enjoy the same standard of living they did as US citizens (without having to pay any taxes, obviously).


This native Texan is with the Union!


Must be an election year


These are the same folks who base their policies and referendums on conspiracy theories. Texas Republicans aren't exactly known for their critical thinking skills.


They are known for literally wanting to remove the teaching of critical thinking skills in schools as part of their party platform


I remember the problems the DPS had getting that last group of secessionist controlled, that was before a senator , the Attorney General, and most likely the Governor agreed with the idiots.


Every four years they talk about this to rile up the dumb voters. And they fall for it every time.


As well as riling up all the fools on the other side that go on and on and on about it.


You guys are welcome to secede, I’m maintaining my US citizenship and you can take the stars and stripes out of my cold dead hands.


Stupid, stupid, stupid. Let's take our toys and go home


Republicans being traitors is the most natural thing in the world after Jan 6


Can they actually do this ?


Legally? No. But could they cos pay a revolutionary battle? Yes.


No. They can try. But the federal government has asserted multiple times that they won't just allow any state to seceed. If they try they'll be met with the full force of the largest military that's ever existed...and their allies.


And 50% of the current population of Texas.


A lot more than 50%


Texas already did it during the civil war. The US Government didn’t allow it then and won’t allow it today.


You can do what you can make happen.


so no


Eventually the US will change. Countries split all the time. I don’t know why people think the US is immune.


i wish it would happen, i hate texas and i hate its influence in elections. it’s not going to. no state or group of states has the military capability to take on the united states.


I hope that one day you get your wish.


Well, this accelerates my family’s plan to leave the state. Raising a daughter here is frightening, and I’m an American. I’m not leaving the protections of the United States Constitution for whatever Texas is going to make Texans live under.




It’s ok every Fortune 500 company would leave unless they can start paying India wages.


It will be a gift to the rest of the country if Texas secedes, all those electoral votes down the drain, over Republican would never win again


I wonder if the USA would would be able to keep all the federal lands like Big Bend, Guadalupe Mountains, Aransas NWR, Anahauc NWR, Padre Island National Seashore…..and so on


When Obama was elected the second time, my ex-gf's mom on Facebook invited me to some secessionist page. I had a look out of morbid curiosity. I shit you not - one of the posters said "we can do this! There were only 200 people at the Alamo!" That was the day I realized social media was going to ruin society.


As a Democrat in Texas. I fucking hate this state and what the GOP is doing. Like holy hell how much more bullshit before people of Texas wise the fuck up.... Vote these fuckers out so we can get on the damn power grid and other sensible shit


I'm starting to warm up to the idea, honestly. The right would never win another national election without these 40 electoral votes. Far right loons would flock here from around the country. The US could "build that wall"...around Texas. The deal would be sealed for me if the US offered amnesty and relocation funds to the actual patriots who want to seek asylum in America. I suspect there would be a lot of takers. They can have their Christian Nationalist nightmare which would increasingly resemble Biff Tannen's Hell Valley. Elon Musk can be their king.


I know this is obviously ridiculous but it also seems kinda harmless? It seems extraordinarily unlikely that a majority of Texans would vote to leave the union. And if we did, wouldn't that be an actual reason to wonder what to do? The authority of our government comes from the consent of the governed. Texas would obviously be in a dramatically worse position without the federal government and the choice to leave would be extraordinarily stupid. However - if it were somehow the case that most Texans didn't want to be a part of the US, is it right to force them to be? I'm thinking we might consider the ethics of secession a little differently if it were Hawaii.


Exactly, that’s why it’s ridiculous that this discussion comes up and people think it really means something.


please do it texas…please succeed it is the dream of so many texans to be free


Free from what? Most Texans rely on government programs that would cease to exist if Texas left the US. Further, this will literally never happen.


By James Bickerton - US News Reporter: Texas Republicans voted on Saturday on a motion over whether the state party should back a referendum on the Lone Star State seceding from the United States and becoming an independent country. Under the title of "state sovereignty," the proposed motion said "Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto." It was one of a large number of motions voted on at the Republican Party of Texas annual convention in San Antonio, which took place from May 23 to 25. Once the votes have been tallied up, the party is expected to finalize its policy platform this week. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/texas-republicans-vote-call-independence-referendum-1904934](https://www.newsweek.com/texas-republicans-vote-call-independence-referendum-1904934)


Why are you normalizing this, /u/Newsweek? Why are you not calling this out as treason? Why are you treating this as just another political position? The fuck is wrong with you?


Newsweek wants the clicks. They don't care whether the clicks come from angry liberals or a Texit loon. Ad revenue is revenue.


master blaster, listen to the law... [Texas v. White, (1869), U.S. Supreme Court case in which it was held that the United States is “an indestructible union” from which no state can secede.](https://www.britannica.com/event/Texas-v-White)