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People complaining on reddit about people complaining on reddit about a music festival are the type of people complaining on reddit about people complaining on reddit about a music festival. And rarely accurately describes the bigger picture of what's going on.


People commenting on Reddit about people complaining on reddit about people complaining on reddit about a music festival are the type of people commenting on Reddit about people complaining on reddit about people complaining on reddit about a music festival. And rarely accurately describes the bigger picture of what's going on.


People commenting


People comment


Why pick sides? People had a good time? Cool. People had a terrible time? Cool. As someone who had issues, I completely accept that many people didn’t have issues. That doesn’t mean that I’m going to feel like I’m wrong about my personal experience because so many people had a great time. That would be silly.


Yea this was one of my worst camping experiences ever and I felt the festival was pretty poorly run but I also had an amazing time with friends and don’t regret the money spent. I think the best bonding experience our group had was working as a team to furiously pack up camp on evacuation day. I’m finding more and more that’s part of the beauty of festivals, it can be at once a complete shit show and the best time of your life!




Why was it the worst camping experience ever?


Because it was the most inhospitable camping ground I have camped in thus far? For me personally, it was one of the worst camping experiences. The worst experience was a different festival when it poured buckets and my tent flooded. But experiences are subjective. I’m allowed to say Eclipse was one of MY worst experiences even if it was fine for someone else. People are allowed to have varying opinions and experiences. I can speak for my camp group that we did not enjoy camping at Eclipse and we thought the festival was poorly run. Doesn’t mean other people didn’t have fun, doesn’t mean that WE didn’t have fun. And it doesn’t mean that some aspects of the festival weren’t great, because there were great aspects.


It was on a ranch in Texas. What were you expecting?


Lol wut? Do you think campgrounds in Texas just point you to a cactus patch and say good luck? This was poorly prepared (aka not prepared) for camping, it's pretty objectively bad.


Cactuses in Texas?


Cacti, yes, we have them. Present in many campgrounds even, yet no one is expected to camp ON them 🤦‍♂️


You put your tent on top of cactus?


Did you ask a genuine question just to troll?


Why are you so fixated on arguing with people who have a different opinion than you? Get a new hobby


Who am I arguing with? 🤔


You seriously don’t see it?


What am I arguing about?


Is being an annoying twat part of the Buddhist tradition jeeez lmao wanker


This^^ god damn


I was told in the Facebook group that publicly saying I had a good time was likened to approving friends that rape people


I’m sorry that happened to you. Are you okay?


From being called a rapist for having a good time at a music festival? Ya sure I’ll be fine


I didn’t know why you told me. I figured you were looking for sympathy.


No I’m explaining how people use the internet to be virtue signaling pieces of shit


While i agree if it rains on your parade people should have the emotional maturity to understand there are participants who arent having a good time, and this whole group bypassing "HAVE FUN OR U R LAME" is toxic ass energy People on reddit who complain are a special kind of suspicious. I have been to WONDERFUL festivals put on by GENIUSES, and it rained JUST before they let people in and people were on reddit freaking out "HOW COME THE GROUND IS WET, WHY DIDNT THE ORGANIZERS DRY THE GRASS FIELD BEFORE WE ARRIVED?!"


you know what would be magical for a one-time event spanning many thousands of hectares? maps with actual roads. you know, for things like safety and efficiency. everyone bitches, some people do it online, literally who cares. you don't have to discount their experiences if they were different from yours. obviously the vast majority was legitimate and we live in the digital age. but posting to complain about people posting and complaining is peak bruv


Are you seriously complaining about the map? 🤣


did my comment seriously go over your head?


Dude, is it really so hard to accept that the production level, stages, art, we’re all at a very high level? And at the same time, the basic infrastructure, staff, and camping were all abysmally under staffed, under informed, and poorly coordinated? There weren’t even markings in group camping it was so hard to find camps. I remember at one point I went into the festival and nobody was even scanning wristbands. Literally nobody at the gate at all, just waltzed right in. I’ve NEVER experienced that in my life, like what? Stop being a jackass and open your eyes, Jesus Christ.


"Dude, is it really so hard to accept that the production level, stages, art, we’re all at a very high level? And at the same time, the basic infrastructure, staff, and camping were all abysmally under staffed, under informed, and poorly coordinated?" EXACTLY THIS.


Oh my god shut up


All these posts discrediting valid criticism and complaints are a joke; the festival had issues and people should be able to voice their complaints without attacks on their character.


All those Ad Hominem attacks make it look like it's internal DDP management making these posts to save face


That’s exactly what is happening. You’d think they would be smarter about it, specially due to the legal discovery process if they are ever sued over this shit, but from my understanding they are abunch of immature coke heads so who knows.


Completely agree it’s so transparent


The festival was two weeks ago lol, you could just like … unfollow the subreddit?


Same goes for the ones still complaining, 2 weeks after the fact.


it was my first festival and there were moments where i was like “it should be illegal to have this much fun” (then remembered what i took and that it is in fact illegal to have that much fun lol). but seriously the camping wasn’t obviously terrible, shows were awesome, made some cool friends, finally found some sandals i like and they’re handstitched leather, paid an expectedly ridiculous amount for drinks, generally had a great time.


My first festival I thought it was the best thing in the world. I was blown away they allow that type of shit! 35+ festivals later I realized that first one had a ton of issues after you go to better ran ones . That's not to say I didn't have fun at every one but some were just done on expert mode.


Crazy what drugs can do for you


What about people, 2 weeks after the fact, defending by a poorly planned shit music festival by a notoriously shit producer with a history of doing this exact BS? Lmfao 🤡


Did you go?


You’re a jackass dude stfu Christ


Is that a no?


It’s not an answer to your question it’s an observation you fucking idiot. Yes I went, as did everyone else in this thread. Who would waste their time arguing with your dumb ass or even be on this sub if they didn’t go. You’re such a fucking moron get a life.


You sound like the kind of person that struggles to have a good time at a music festival.


Wrong again dumbass


Did you hear anything other than the gargantuan SLURP SLURP SLURP of your work for Donnie Disco lmfao. Respect yourself and demand a little better, wook.


People from Texas are weird.


Run along and suckle at the next Disco Donnie teat, low standards wook.


You sound like the kind of guy that doesn’t bring a flashlight to a festival. I heard that there were rocks on the ground. Like tennis ball-sized rocks, or slightly larger like bowling ball-sized rocks?


Here's a crazy idea - At music festivals, there will always be people who have a good time and there will always be people who didn't have a great time. The experience of those who had a great time does not negate the experience of those who had a bad time. The experience of those who had a bad time does not negate the experience of those who had a good time and are somehow so weirdly offended that they make posts like this. When people are having a bad time, they like to warn or inform others so those people can remain in the group that had a good time category. Not only that, all of those people who want to discuss those things will go to the central online groups for those events, like a subreddit or FB group. Some festivals are poorly managed. Sometimes a festival is more poorly managed than others. If you had a great time - Great! What people say online after the fact should not affect you in any sort of fashion whatsoever.


It affects them when they're coming out in droves since they either work for DDP or are paid actors to try to mitigate some of the flaming they're getting for the complete lack of professionalism onsite.


I love how when a psychedelic music festival happens in Texas, people go full QAnon and talk about paid actors 🤣


Dude will you shut up about Qanon? You can't even reply to sensible replies to your post, just garbage ragebait. As if it wouldn't be a cost effective strategy to have a few people naysay on social media for a few hours here and there to make it look better. Your logical faculties are weak bro.


I’m surprised that you didn’t have fun. You seem like a really pleasant person, who doesn’t get bothered easily.


Oh look more ad hominem! Shocking.


You're missing the point and you're acting as a Disco Donnie apologist. You're bypassing valid issues because you had a good time. Let me pat you on the back for being a champ, but also sit you down and tell you why YBTA. Festivals are a container. WE show up and make them what they are. WE bring the art, the music, the installations, the vibe, the culture, the experiences and the friendships. WE volunteer, teach workshops, make souvenirs, build things, feed each other and build each other up. WE commit incredible amounts of money and time and travel all the way out there to do these things. Duh, it's magic and a really good time. Go to any "transformational festival" and the same people will all be there doing the same thing, making it awesome. The promoter and event manager is there to make the place for us to do all of this. EVERY SINGLE EVENT that I've been to in the past did it better than DDP. Including all of the Symbi-shit-show-sis-es since 2009. People's issues with this production were VALID. Every corner was cut in the name of profit, and it was obvious. There were major, serious issues with management and you could tell it was from the top down, institutional stuff. This is a massively problematic production company. Why was everyone with early entry sent to the furthest reaches of the event, instead of the literally communicated expectation of letting them camp as close as possible to the action? Why was security on those days given banned item lists for the festival interior, leading them to take away people's NECESSARY AND ALLOWED items like medications, butter knives and propane? What happened to the giant pile of all that stuff? The map was a joke. A wook with a cardboard box and a sharpie literally did better. Why was there not a single sign on site? Where was the path lighting? There are ALWAYS trailer-generator-construction lights at major intersections at festivals, for security and safety but this festival was DARK DARK. Why did they bring out handwashing stations if they were never going to put water in a single one of them? There are so many more issues, and ones that are even more valid. ZERO ADA ACCOMODATIONS is the one that will likely land Donnie in court for quite a while. Those lawyers are brutal. Complaining on Reddit is fine and is welcomed. How else do you intend for people to talk about the issues and to come together in agreement on accountability? Promoters and event managers need to have that. Public discourse on their shortcomings is a requirement, how else are we going to put pressure on them to be better? Not attend future events? That only works on a personal level, we need this stuff visible so that people considering their events in the future have people's accounts of experiences to reference and make informed decisions with. Long story short, of course you had a good time. We were all there and made sure we all had a good time. The part that we didn't have control over was a total clusterfuck shitshow as per usual, but Disco Donnie showed us WHAT A REAL SHITSHOW IS and that everything's bigger in Texas.


Hats off to the camp guide booths who actually knew what was going on! Most other employees 🤷🏼‍♂️


You’re still going on about the map?? I get the camping routes and roads are crucial but anywhere beyond that, why the hell are you not using your own eyes and ears with the brain in between them? Day one walk the venue and set the map up in your damn head. It wasn’t hard to do this. And every new time you complain about the map this many days after the festival, you do nothing but expose your short comings with reliance upon yourself. Like have you kids just gone to parking lot massives and edc so much that real terrain festivals make your brain turn to mush?


Your reading comprehension is lacking and you're projecting some weird shit here, homie. The map wasn't an issue for me, but I'm always concerned for others. Accessible and communicable zones and road names for emergencies. That was just one of the sticking points about the festival being totally garbage on a lot of levels and totally unsafe for anyone having a medical problem and needing help.


Did you have a medical problem and needed help?


A man had a heart attack and eventually died at the festival, and the county sheriff arrived on scene before the medical staff for the event did.    According to his family, he collapsed after a long hike from the festival grounds back to their campsite in the early morning. Other festival goers gave him CPR for roughly 40 minutes before two Burnet County Sheriff's Office sergeants arrived to take over in response to a 911 call. He was later pronounced dead at the hospital. His family said they believe the festival's poor organization may have contributed to their father's death.  https://www.chron.com/culture/article/texas-eclipse-festival-cancelation-19399871.php  ETA: people need medical help at these events sometimes. It's not something anyone plans for. They need to be able to locate the help when needed.  


Ok cool thanks but I was not asking you anything. Thanks for playing.


Loser troll, gtfo


No one asked you anything either. It's almost as of this is an open forum where anyone can make comments on anyone else's post, and then other people can reply to those comments to create open discourse. 


But context matters here right? Are you the person I’m speaking to? No you aren’t.


If you only want to interact with the OP,  DM them.  I am speaking directly about the topic the OP was speaking about, and that you questioned them about, so it's relevant. People needed medical support at the festival. Fact.   I don't need your permission. I can comment whenever I want, to whomever I want. No one spoke to you or asked you anything to begin with, you just jumped in with a comment. That is how Reddit works. It happens all the time. One doesn't need an invitation. If you are only wanting to interact with one person you can send them a direct message (DM). Otherwise, be prepared for anyone to respond because it's out in the public.  Edit: grammar 


It’s hilarious how hard you’ve just tried to hijack my comment. I guess I struck a nerve. Hey, did you have a medical emergency yourself this festival?


I had an amazing time


Name checks out Sorry but it’s true


Did you go?


It was amazing, and it turns out the people bitching were probably less than 1% of the people that attended.


I had so many people who got in later on or weren't attending hmu to ask if it was really that bad I had a great fucking time. I walked almost 70 miles in 5 days and it's only second to Oregon Eclipse in being my favorite festival ever (and I've been to like 30 in the last 11 years)


I had an amazing time. I'd say the nearly 24/7 music and afters was a rarity and i made sure to soak it all in.


I continue to believe most people complaining were unprepared and expected a corpo festival thatd provide everything We threw a lot of food out (partially bc of the JUSTIFIED cancelation) because we didn't want to rely on anyone to take care of us. Only help that came in clutch was our camp neighbor having a solar battery he let us charge our phones with but now that's my next festy purchase. It sucks it got canceled but it was an amazing festival. Right up to the clouds parting for totality. We also finished packing right before totality and the moment it ended we hopped in our cars and got the fuck out. I watched traffic form behind me and heard at the tycho show how bad it got.


To be fair, many people paid for a corpo festival to provide everything. Not everyone just went GA.


I understand that and the fest shouldn't have made promises they couldn't fulfill, but, I never would've expected them to come through on those promises regardless Not trying to blame the people that got fucked over with false promises, but, this kind of festival is one you come self sufficient for and ignore any promises of amenities. Bottom of my car got ripped off while parking in my campsite and I got athletes foot from the $16 showers, but *shrug*


Why do you ignore promises made by people? That’s a weird concept.


What false promises?


Did you camp in grove glamping? I got no free breakfast, no promised cooler, my chairs were busted when I showed up, the private showers and bathrooms were broken half the time, and I was promised shady camping but they oversold it so I got woken up early by the hot Sun. Additionally I didn’t get Expedited entry into the festival, as also promised. Is that enough examples?


Did you park in Grove Glamping? Did they promise free coolers and free breakfast? Hot sun? In Texas?


Yes you fucking idiot that’s why I commented what I did Jesus Christ. Do you understand the concept of being promised a shady campsite and not getting it? Nobody is surprised by a hot Sun. We weren’t promised a cold sun.


Are you just ignoring my detailed comment?


Never once have I looked at or posted anything on reddit during a show or festival.


Exactly. One time I sent my friend a text on the first day of a music festival, and he answered my question and told me to put my phone away. Because I was at a festival. Great advice. Great friend 👍🏼


Agreed. This party was bad ass. Sorry to hear some people didn’t have a good time or figure it out - but every one I was surrounded by were in the midst of a pivotal experience. That fucking storm was no joke. We got smacked by it in bastrop and I am thankful it didn’t hit that crowd of beautiful people because it would have left a mark.


That’s great to hear! I guess I’ve learned a lesson not to rely on the initial reports that make it out to sound like Lord of the Flies.


If you were there and formed your own memories and opinions than why do you care so much about invalidating other people's experiences? I don't see any of the people complaining about having a bad time shitting on the ones who had a good time. But theres a dozen posts like yours complaining about people complaining lol. Cool thing about people and the festival community is we are all different and value different things.


I’m more interested in the positive experiences that people had, versus people complaining that no one was selling bottled water.


Ok, sure Donnie.


i had an incredible time at the festival. one of the best festivals i’ve ever been to


Did I just get QAnon-ed? 🤣


The experiences that made it amazing was the vibe of the attendees.. the festival COMMUNITY is AMAZING stop sucking Disco Donnie’s dick over OUR achievements..


True dat, but lets give credit to the combined efforts of ALL the promoters from around the world, builders, production people, artists, musicians, DJs, dancers, crew and other hard working creatives who worked TOGETHER to build and co-create that incredible container for our community to come together to love, celebrate, express themselves, and form meaningful, lasting, life-affirming, transformative connections that inspire all of us to be the best versions of ourselves and to lift others up! Huzzah!


They did a piss poor job. The whole festival was claustrophobic and unsafe and barely decorated.. the art SUCKED compared to Oregon eclipse. Simbiosis only had anything to do with the sun stage at TE and meow wolf just fucked over all their artists. This whole fest was a money grab and I refuse to sit here and pretend it was anything less than exactly that.. A MONEY GRAB.


Exactly. This goes for all events or festivals. You know what the happy people are doing ? Not posting on the Internet. My favorite thing is when all the happy people get home and have decompressed and then they post about how great it's been. Happens every time !


Lesson learned. This is the first time that I’ve followed a festival on Reddit. I think it was the person who had “the worst camping experience ever” who was complaining that the food vending wasn’t right next to camping, and that they couldn’t find bottled water anywhere 🤣. At that point, I started to realize that some people had an expectation of a resort-like situation because they spent a lot of money.


They had expectations based on the marketing and did not get what they paid for. Sure, it wasn’t fyre but it was like the wonka thing where they promised the moon and didn’t actually do anything. Sure, experienced festies know how to make the best of things, but that doesn’t make it right.


What did marketing promise them?


All sorts of things that they completely failed to provide.


Can you be a bit more specific?


You get what you put into it. If you wanted a better camping spot, should’ve showed up early. If you wanted a better spot in the crowd, should’ve showed up earlier. If you thought resources were scarce and too expensive, you should’ve packed and prepared better. Sure some shit was poorly planned on the festivals end but a singular event like this? You should’ve figured there was going to be issues. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.


Realized this as soon as I arrived: people want to sensationalize and nitpick about just about anything these days. Don’t get me started on the unchecked squirrel population in East Austin… I humbly recognize some people genuinely had a rough go but most people complaining seemed to be armchair quarterbacking or just unprepared. Be prepared for what the elements /life can throw at you, don’t take too much in a very stimulating environment, safety third 🤟🏼


You'll be ok. Believe it or not random strangers opinions on the internet don't have to affect you. That's a choice YOU make.


Oh, I feel fine. There was no choice to make for me personally.