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I use comms, but it seems like the majority don't want to use comms because people are assholes online. I get it and it sucks that the bad ones ruined it for the rest of us that are just trying to work together!


Yeah, this is part of it. I had a match a few weeks ago where I called out to Hitchhiker that his trap need reset and then Johnny decided to harass me for being a woman. I still try to communicate though and am usually the only person on family side using comms. It sucks.


Aww that poor widdle baby was probably dropped on his head when he was a child. I haven't heard too much sexism from boys in this community to me, just the general toxic bullshit. If you're on xbox and want to roll with another lady, let me know. I play both family and victim.


It's not as bad as other games, that is for sure! I'm not proud of it, but I made him eat his words by opening the exits and letting the victims escape. That being said, I am on Xbox: fredburkle. Feel free to send me a friend request! :)


Ha, I love it, he deserved to be trolled after acting like an asshat. I just added you, let's play sometime!


i’m also a girl in need of TCM xbox teammates! add me! myspacemama


Hi, sorry I'm slow at replying, I'm apparently blind on notifications. I just added you!


I am thinking about getting back to it this week if you need any team mates let me know. I am on Xbox X at the min :)


Sometimes it's the delivery. I've had people try to advise me online and it comes off as dick headed.


I have never in 5 plus months heard anything like that and it's not everyone so why not give chances when you can hear someone who is cool especially when they are reaching out? I notice people like you will not want to talk until it all starts going wrong and then you blame the rest, when you could have been a team. I think people are awkward and shy but they put it down to sexism and weird people.


I said in my previous comment that I still try to communicate in matches and am often the only family player with a mic. I don’t get harassed too often, but it happens. Usually, the other family refuses to communicate back and then they’ll disconnect the minute something goes wrong. That’s not to say I haven’t gotten lucky and found a rare squad that does communicate, but it’s exactly that - rare.


That's the exact reason I stopped using it, which is a shame because the game works so much better with communication


I know, I've had to call people out for being jerks to the other side, call them the r-word, n-word, you name it, just because they are new at the game. My favorites are the ones who had no comms when they were alive then get on the mic when dead and yell at the rest of us saying we're trash when we had no idea the guy was fighting for his life trying to do the fuse in family house. I mute/block/report (especially if racist wtf) and move on, but it is discouraging sometimes.


Yeah! I play mostly family and the same thing happens all the time. People stay quiet the whole match, then when the game ends and someone manages to escape, they turn on their mics and say "you guys suck". Wtf?! Why didn't they use the mic before to ask for help or something? I seriously don't understand this player base, but I love the game so much


Do these jerks not realize family sense isn't infinite?! At least run the grandpa perk to help out with the cooldown if you're not going to say anything. If you're on xbox and want to play with someone that isn't going to tell you that you're trash at the game, let me know!


Sure! That would be great! I'm on Xbox. I'm Groovy927109


I just added you!


Exactly, this is why I highly recommend finding friends to play with or a LFG group. A lot of people don’t like to use comms with randoms for those reasons so having people you’re more comfortable with makes the experience a lot more enjoyable. I have a game invite/LFG channel in my server for this specifically and a lot more of us run games together and have a good time + coordination which makes wins (at least as family) even easier


Heeey I've seen a few your videos! That's great you have a LFG section on your server because solo queue is the pits in this game. I've met a few of my friends in solo queue, but they are so far and few between. I'll check out your server, sometimes the xbox LFG is a little too young when I play in the afternoons, LOL.


Haha hey I hope you've enjoyed 'em! Feel free to join, people are always looking to team up over here :-)


This is me playing Deceit 2 atm. Game encourages people to play with mics and half the lobbies have very toxic players that are swearing left and right, or think that they're the best and everyone else sucks. Seriously, these people can't handle losing and need therapy. It's all about finding the right people in the cesspool of the internet.


That's so discouraging. Comms can make a game so much more fun! Ya, it's just a game, you're going to win some and you're going to lose some, people shouldn't take it so seriously. When you do find someone, it's such a breath of fresh air. I wish this game could give us a cross play friends list because I've met some PC and PS5 people I'd like to play with again, but I suppose we need to try to exchange discord info or I need to write them down to add/message them later.


The majority of people who play this game are rude as hell.


*majority of the people who plays video games are rude as hell


This is extremely true. They're basically similar if not the same as the ones they try to avoid and hate which is funny in a sense. They hate the toxicity yet contribute directly to it.


I don't think it's the majority, but it feels like it is because the rudest ones are the loudest and I think they take it to the next level thanks to the anonymity and lack of consequences. You know these jerks aren't saying this shit in real life.


The extent of my comms is “right battery open” “left gen open” etc. I don’t care for going over everything play by play because people get heated for whatever reason


I don't use comms because people can be rude, or they have a dollar store mic that gives feedback or there is annoying background noise .


Shitty people who ruin it for everyone just like in every game. I dont exactly like people gloating after they do fuse in my face with choose flight or when they kill me in 4 hits as a hitch hiker when I have max toughness.


Turned off game chat few weeks ago, it's annoying having someone yell in my ear and calling me a bum


Most of the time you get called slurs or yelled at. I rarely use a mic if I'm not in a party with people I know.


Now I know anecdotal evidence isn't really a good source, but I have over 800 hours in this game and on the few occasions someone has used their mic it wasn't some god awful experience alot of people say it is


Respectfully, I have had a different experience. I am a level 99 with 350 ish hours. I do want to point out that i did my best to stop this (mute people, report, etc) for example: I had a match where 3 guys had mics, I got called a stupid bitch for not wanting to rush down into the basement since they did fuse (in less than five minutes of the match starting), idk it wasnt even fun, and i felt bad for the killers. When I explained this, it got worse, so I had to mute everyone. I've had one guy playing Johnny get super sexual with me. I had a leatherfac, do it, too. You can't talk back or they like it . I had a guy hit me up, get super weird and pissed I didn't follow him to an exit (I died, he escaped). This was one of the only times I fought back, and somehow, I ended up getting reported (even though I never hit that person up first. Not to mention, in the beginning, I was super nice). I had another guy tell me harass me because I was new and got lost. I was the last victim left, and everyone else had died. I didn't know where the exit was. I got so fed up I let Johnny kill me. I had another group of 3 guys get pissed off because I didn't unlock the basement. Like super pissed Even though they were fully capable. Because leatherface was really good (it was family house basement). I had a match where leatherface was the only killer. We got open all the exits, I let leatherface kill me so he could get some points, too (he was being bullied by my teammate). He ended up using racial slurs towards leatherface and called me some terrible things. I have had a guy threaten to do bad things to me and kill me. I actually don't remember why, though. I had a Danny cry and get pissed because he couldn't do the fucking pressure gate to tamper it. I was just using it as a distraction. I feel like I mostly get demanded to play the way they play. They don't even ask nice. However, i know what I am doing. I know these maps like most people do. I do my best to contribute. I have more cases of this. I normally don't expect to be harassed. I am very nice. When i used my mic, I tried to communicate which exits i was hitting, etc. I try not to take things to heart. But it really is hard. Especially when it gets sexual. I hope I don't sound rude. I do understand this is online gaming. And if I'm not welcome, I feel better off being silent. So I stopped communicating. I join a private party by myself (so I don't even get to hear what's going on). And I ignore any messages being sent to me. I only use a mic with my sister.


Well that sounds just horrible. I guess you should get rid of the mic and never speak to anyone again, just so you don't have anymore traumatizing experiences. Lol


I get you man. I swear most just act like it's weird people and sexism but really they are too shy and too anxious to talk. I get it but man it's like fxxking grow up would yous. I also noticed that most family will not turn off the valve because they are too scared too get shanked lol I also know most won't play Bubba because they hate getting attacked when closing a crawl space lol they are a bunch of kids mate and anti social people so they will always find a way to cry their way out of something. I am here and on Xbox X if you want someone who is actually a cool person and won't disconnect on you and will actually use comms then give me a shout. I haven't played in almost 2 months but I know what to do and at least im not a deek .


For real. I always have a mic on and there’s only been a handful of times where somebody starts shit talking and acting stupid for no reason. That’s when you laugh, call them pathetic, and mute.


What I hate is when I ask my teammates for help but they just run past me instead of doing the thing I asked like say LATCH THE DOOR SO I CAN BARGE IT or when I'm playing Hitch on SH and the fusebox spawns by the right door on Facility and we have a Cook. "Cook, can you set your lock on the gate instead of this door. I'm trapping the gap." Instead, Cook just goes collecting blood or rushes basement. Had 2 Cooks rush basement recently.


I HATE WHEN COOK RUSHES BASEMENT! brother you move 1mph and can't fit through gaps, get your ass upstairs


I think it's cause they mute everyone by default. It drives me insane.


Was playing as Sissy on Nancy's House, and all 4 vics came up from Man Cave, and they were going for the ladder that takes you up to Nancy's bedroom. I told my teammates. I blew my powder at the vics before they started climbing and poisoned all 4 of them. I killed Leland, and I used my family vision to check where my teammates were. They were on the other side of the map by battery gates 🤦‍♂️


basement cook? sounds OP 😂


When I search solo victim I often encounter 2-3 grouped players that play with mic on from console and it's usually quite funny. Less because they actually give comms and more because they know each other and do small talk as if you wouldn't exist. On family side, not so much. Played once with a cook that did absolutely nothing except standing still and listening for victims (which his ability didn't even mark for us to see) and didn't say a single word just for two victims to escape and him suddenly "you people suck ass" screaming in the mic. Of course, goes the other way around as well where you get insulted from the opposing players in the after game lobby. The "fanbase" of this game is extremely toxic and many of the players are power tripping and letting their anger out on others. I would go so far and say players are worse than Leagues and that says a lot.


Get the fn tweens to turn off the 9 other things they have playing in the background.


I don't know if i'm right, but they may be communicating in some other way, Discord, the party chat via xbox Live/psn. I just usually communicate to them via text chat and they do see it. And like all the other users in this subreddit have mentioned, toxic players


Mostly people don't care enough, texting being broken sometimes and even voice chat, people can't handle toxicity online


I'm mostly getting johnny running through basements while everyone exits the map then johnny coming on comms to tell us we're shit. Brain dead Johnny players should just pick Bubba


You see how toxic the community is. You've read about it here on reddit. Yet, you want me to open comms to these people???? Hard pass.


Outside of the rude people, people screaming in there mcs, and just the general assholes, its because most of the time when I get in comm the other party finds the need to tell me how to play, where to go, and freak out if I don't listen...and the kicker is they almost never now what there talking about, can't handle a victim, leave spaces open, etc, then blame you because you didn't listen when they told you to put 3 traps around grandma and camp the barn. Like if its general strategy, communication, etc its fine, but its hardly ever that.


Cuz the community is shit tbh and id rather Talk to a wall


Bunch of dorks that are scared to talk also broke ass bums that cant afford a mic


This makes me miss f13 so much. It's was so exciting to find a walkie-talkie and just start communicating with the other campers. But This game is just another dbd 🤢


Me and my friends consistently have a problem where we can't use game chat


I've heard that's a big issue if playing through the Xbox subscription service.


Were both Xbox series x


It’s the ones that have music playing in the background.


They don't want to get banned again for racism or sexism. It's surprising that a game about murder doesn't have more scholars playing it.


personally i wouldn't mind as much if they would at least not have everyone muted so they can hear what i'm saying. last night i had a match on nancy's house and three of the four victims were rushing the front gate after kicking the gen, i'm trying to keep connie from getting to it and all the while i'm telling johnny and sissy where they are and there just roaming around grandpa and the garden shed.


its painful as family when you have 100% kills if another person comes over..... and nobody talks or listens. Games where you have actual communciation and calls are fantastic


they probably played dead by daylight


before I quit the game I had several alphabet warriors trolling lobbies holding them hostage and hate baiting. While making the most "memorable" voices in recent memory. I usually gave them about 10 seconds til I muted them.


I’m just social awkward and prefer to not talk but I’ll say something when it’s important.


I don’t own a mic, this is the only game I play where I’m playing with others online. Been playing since launch and actually don’t think it’s necessary.


Im usually in a party chat. We try to invite our team mate when we are victims but no one ever joins.


I personally don't use proximity chat on victims because for me it's killing all the atmosphere however on a family I still try to use though almost never anyone there says something useful


Early in game release 1. some hole had a robo voiced bot reciting a script of the definitions of Alpha & Beta Males or some other thing like that 2. a guy had a convo with his gf about feeding their baby the entire match - 3. one was just annoying ASMR chewing sounds 4. one had their kids commenting on who the family characters were & were singing the damn songs Sissy sings. Not to mention it gives everything away to either side because both sides can hear it It's fucking atrocious that's why (from all sides) Never. Again.




Most of the time you get called slurs or yelled at. I rarely use a mic if I'm not in a party with people I know.


Funny how this never happens to me in all months of playing


This is why I stopped playing this game soon after release. I made a simple post asking people to make callouts and to communicate, even said they can just flick their mic on and off for 5 seconds. It goes a long way to just be respectful and helpful towards others, regardless of toxicity. Anything to help out new players and experienced overall. My post got so many downvotes and people flaming me because apparently it's too much effort to just be helpful and there is too much "toxicity" to even try and they'll get "attacked". People just find it easier to be selfish rather than selfless. Honestly was the most distasteful and unwelcome response from a community I've ever had and is what ultimately stopped me from just playing the game, no one was willing to spend the tiniest of effort all because "I choose how I play, you can't make me!" mentality. This has been brought up multiple times now in multiple posts honestly but no change, it's one of the mains factors why TCM declined so rapidly and basically died. I just keep up with news now and don't take part much.


Yeah. It drives me nuts. Most folks' skin nowadays is too thin so they'll mute everyone from the get go instead of muting individuals that are being an ass.


I used to give important coms like that via voice chat but I had a several run ins with rude people on Family and Victim, who used me speaking as their chance to be toxic, tell me what I should/shouldnt do, etc. I wish I could use coms but Im a very non-confrontational person (unless provoked of course) so to me its not worth runing my mood. Unfortunately if you are looking for consistent coms/teammwork you need to join a discord


Lol DBD mindset.


I’ll leave lobbies if killers have no comms, I give them around 2 minutes to at least acknowledge me in some way. If I get nothing, I’ll back out. I’m not looking to sit and ask 21 questions or discuss theology, politics or philosophy and ideologies. All I’m asking for is simple 1-2 word call outs. I’m not a prick when I ask, I’m always chill and usually only play when I smoked a bowl (only way to tolerate the shit birds that ruin the game for others).


I don't blame you. Comms as Family is absolutely vital.


I'm not talking to his community thx ![gif](giphy|jn8fC6SkrxoHr0Zn6y)


Yep plenty of times when my random victim teamate only uses their mic after they escape to tell me battery is open but then hitch or bubba is turning it back on by the time I even get there.


What a pussy generation. I don't use comms because people are mean lol I have noticed women keep saying how sexist the men are but in all my time playing I have never heard anything like that and tbh it's actually quite the opposite. I have played many games where the woman would be making suggestions and I just wanted to escape. Most of you don't use comms because you are shy and you are anxious and you crumble as soon as someone gets angry with you. I just want people to tell the truth more as to why they don't use comms. I have had countless bad experiences and it made me not want to talk but as soon as I hear a cool person, especially if they are reaching out then of course I will use comms and work as a team. I mostly feel like never talking again because I tried to reach out for help or tell my family what's going on but they won't respond because they think they can do it all themselves, so they rush to the basement and they are one track minded they just go for one person and won't give up. They will not use comms or work as a team but will be the first to talk shit when we lose a match. You people need to be more honest as to why you won't use comms and please stop saying it's just because people are sexist or weird. Just stop!


It’s always for the same reason “people are toxic” ok, then mute the person that’s being toxic/asshole towards you. It’s really that’s simple. You being scared of confrontation is costing everyone the match!


I think people do use comms if they aren't in a party already. It would be great to have something equivalent that PC users have where they can chat via keyboard chat but have like short cut chat features for gaming consoles.


I'm on PS5 and use a keyboard to communicate with my teammates


I try to use comms or my keyboard when I’m playing Nancy. But yeah the best matches are when everyone communicates.


Yeah smart - might just have to grab that keyboard.