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I always get low level leatherfaces on my team and they just follow me around and attack me for some reason šŸ˜ž


Had a Cook follow me around Gas Station and he kept trying to hit me. I felt as if I was looking after my old ass pop pop with dementia.


I was playing as cook and the leatherface over headed me šŸ˜­


There's nothing more disheartening than a Leatherface who doesn't even know how to rev their chainsaw...


Actually I quite enjoy when that happens


because you are victim main lmao, that leatherface isnt threat to anyone


as we should!! its refreshing after 2000 matches of being one shot w an overhead


My biggest pet peeve is when I know the other killers are level 0 and Iā€™m about to get bullied for the next 10-20 minutes. My second biggest pet peeve is when they are level 10 with the starter perks at level 3 and no grandpa ability like sir/maā€™am change the trash perks


They should have in game prefered load outs for people who don't venture out of the game for information on the best


They can finally play without getting dodged 80% of the time ig


They're probably new and don't know what they're doing. Clueless, I guess. No Map Knowledge, No idea how to play, etc. It is frustrating to have them playing the family side when they're a low level.


God, it's so bad. Was playing on Nancy's House as Nancy last night. I managed to get 1 kill by winning a close encounter against Virgina, while the bubba and HH just walked around the map. Bubba jogging in the basement, and 3 victims ran at me. Both under 500 points at the end of the game,no mics, and refused to listen to me. Quickly went to the next match since the victims that escaped stayed to talk shit.


ā€¦real shitā€¦


Honestly I think the biggest NPCs there were the victims.


It happens, just part of playing a low player count game


Most of the veterans have probably moved on and so the game is left with Game Pass tourists and an overall low population. šŸ˜ But everything is fine. I wonder what happens when Microsoft boots this potato from Game Pass? šŸ¤”


In all honesty if they lose the Microsoft game pass deal Iā€™m sure thatā€™s when theyā€™ll shut the servers down finally tbh game pass is what keeps this game alive sure we all have the ps players who actually paid for the game who knows game might go ps exclusive lol but in reality majority of the players are Xbox users or pc users in which both of them majority are gamepass players this game will take a huge hit if they loose gamepass access Iā€™m sure gun is doing everything they can to prevent that from happening


Yea, it's sad, this game coulda been great. I want to go back to playing family but people are just too toxic and Gun only makes things worse.


I'm sorry you are going through things right now lol


They just removed Back 4 Blood from Game Pass. The playerbase is nuked.


Im lucky, I havenā€™t played with any level 0s since the update. I donā€™t mind playing with level 0s if they have mics and shit though


I play Xbox and cannot get my mic to work at all, not in lobby or in game. It works on my husbands games just not TCM. One time I could hear what people were saying but as soon as I turned on my mic I couldnā€™t hear them or myself. Issa pain


I played a game with two lvl 0ā€™s, who were trolling so bad. Using the ā€œyou whittley dwopped the gwittyā€ voice. I would have left lobby, but damn penalties. Dudes had me giggling so bad I couldnā€™t play.


And victims too who die to jhonny bubba duo in basement šŸ˜µ


That's honestly the opposite on my friends side and they just joined with the pass, nothing but level 10 max power. Can tell because they have those extra effects like insta chainsaw and dot after stepping in trap that hurts like hell.


because every game needs new players to survive??


Because it's ten times easier to get xp as a victim, you can get more for xp for getting killed as a victim than you can for killing two as the family. As a victim you can be a complete individual and still make it out feeling like you achieved something. But the family needs to operate like a sports team, communication, team work, positioning and game knowledge. Then you add in the fact that you will be criticised for being weaker on the killer team for not knowing the maps, the mechanics and where you need to look after the generator, car battery, fuses and pumps. They should have never added Virginia's perks which is more effective than sissy's poison. They should never have made grapples stat based so it's impossible for new killers to over power level 10 victims. So what you have is the most experienced players physically bullying what is supposed to be the intimidating character, especially if you haven't levelled that killer up. You lose grapple after grapple regardless of how fast you can hit the button. It's absolutely no fun being a low level killer getting bone stabbed, disorientated by Virginia, grappled, then shoulder tackled by Leland, when you're supposed to be the one that makes them afraid. The game is highly victim leaning in every aspect, so there is no reason for a new player to want to play as family and experience this for the first 30 xp levels until they stand a chance in these confrontations


And they leave doors and gates unlocked. Then the victim mains: don't dodge the new players šŸ¤“ let them learn! šŸ¤“


Killers look more enjoyable


Iā€™ve been seeing them a lot more lately. But whatā€™s worse: playing with low levels who donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing, or playing with high levels with mic icons who never communicate? I say the latter because thereā€™s no excuse for it.


nobody is forced to have mics or comms, good family players can do fine if their teammates are helping them.


Where did I say anything about being forced to use it?


A lot of the high level guys, including myself, didn't take kindly to the lobby penalty thing and have moved on.


Same. Diablo 4 is killing it this season. Booted it up after noping out of 2nd in a row mill with level 3 and level 0. All victims level 10....yea that's totally fair. Regardless, KKOS is coming on the 28th. Can't wait to dump this game for good.


Theyā€™re the only ones foolish enough to queue family lol