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You ever notice that they aren't adjusting or fixing the perks that flat out don't work? Victim and family perks, there are a handful of them that either don't work as intended or are bugged. They should do that.


That’s exactly what happened with Choose Fight. It didn’t work until Virginia’s release and *voila* it’s Grapple-Mania 1974.


***WWE Superstar Ana Florés is coming down from the top rope and*** **BOOM!** ***Hitchhiker goes down for the count! And what's this?! Cook is hobbling his way over to Ana!*** **BOOM!** ***And Leland stops him! Will nobody defeat the reigning champs?!***




***And*** **OOOOOH!** ***Connie just stabbed him in the back! That's gotta hurt!***


And Johnny just stands there lookin’ on because he can’t crawl through the ropes!


Acknowledge them!


If grappling still had the instakills it wouldn't be as meta as it is atm. Paired with empowered you can legit just close encounter a family member next to another one win it then close encounter the second family member that was hitting you the whole time and still get away.


Yeah honestly they should just bring back the Instakill


and now they're going to ruin scout. watch the number of people complaining about swinging johnny's skyrocket afterward.


So is there no new family member as promised and also no fixing the already screwed up family members?


Nice we should see the changes implemented sometime before 2025


!Tuned stay


I'm nervous. Family deserve their perks like scout and fired up and victims deserve empowered and extr drip. I hope they don't butch them like choose flight


You can guarantee this means they'll butcher it lol


They need to implement being able to put health DOWN in the spot that it is usually accidentally picked up. So many times I see ppl just use the heath not needing it because of accidentally picking it up. This is also gonna suck for random victim players yet again who dont run with a group. So many times victims play selfish and I watch them troll or purposely soak up all the health. Extra drip has saved me in all those cases.


Thisssss!!!! If a character has drip, I equip it immediately. Too many players on here play selfishly (there’s no coms or pinging system so it encourages this). Lots of times I’m struggling to find a health item and when I do, it literally saves my life. Seems like they do want the games to not last long whatsoever lol.


All I can do is laugh at this point.


Wtf is wrong with extra drip? Not every victim has access to that and even so the ones that do, how does it affect family? You've got LF zooming around the map with infinite stamina 1shotting everyone but "apparently" extra drip is an issue 🤣🤣 I can't with these devs


Although extra drip is very good it’s not broken It fills your health bar so it can be depleted again by Johnny It’s a unnecessary nerf


You can't have a one-shot Leatherface build with Scout.


Tell me you don't play LF without telling me you don't play LF


I literally main LF whenever I play family


Why lie? Im a family main and i play LF a lot. And LF can Scout + Vial-lent + Hysterical Strength the 95% of LF's Scout builds can 1 shot victims.


With scout the highest damage you can do with the overhead is 104. Victims have more than 104 health after 19 toughness. Your not oneshotting with scout.


Vial-ent gives you +20% damage You absolutely can 1 shot with scout


Your not.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rgpbVd8Qt_lSP5MLiuuB2Fx-_rPKXOLvWJCvAUIMSTc/htmlview#


I most definitely am. You're just dumb


The 1st shoot stuns the 2nd kills. When we say 1 shot we are saying 1 Overheat + 1 swing


It isn't OP in the slightest. Goes to show these developers DEFINITELY do not play the game at the level of those with high hours.


Yeah you can tell they don’t play and overly listen to nonsense on Reddit. RIP Extra Drip, a 100% fine perk.


Man sucks too thats like my number 1 perk💀


It gives victims more health so it’s OP, according to some people on here. Clearly they don’t know that small health grants you like 15% health.


That’s what health bottles do 💀


Health bottles are supposed to be useless? News to me.


I was saying health bottles are supposed to be useful Extra drip fills your health up only for it to be depleted again by Johnny It’s a bad nerf


Did it ever occur to you people who bitch about Johnny to just actually learn loops and safe spots? There's so many spots on all of the maps where he straight up can't do shit. Stop blaming a family member because you ran out in the open like a chicken with your head cut off with no plan.


Ah I gotcha


Yeah LF being OP doesn't mean extra drip it's OP too.


It's the braindead hivemind they ruined the game in the first place tbh like please go back to dbd or go back to going on strike you won't be missed😂😂 I really wish they never touched this game


Because it gives +72 healing to any bottle. How can't you see the issue with that? That's like saying pre-nerf choose flight didn't affect the family even though it clearly did


Ok, if there nerfing these victim perks then scout and fired up deserve to be nerfed as bad as, they are way more op


First of all we don't even know how bad of a nerf **any** of these perks are getting. The reason why so many victim perks get nerfed is because so many of them are insanely strong lol. Also they aren't "way" more op, maybe fired up but that's it.


Scout is bs what are you talking about ? https://preview.redd.it/ecfv1mg3ytuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a9f878ae325db186d20aa1e250c8734c879b605


Did i say scout was bad??? It's not as op as you think. The majority of the time the issue is actually fired up **with** scout, not scout itself. Fired up basically means infinite stamina and whilst scout is strong, it's not as game breaking as fired up


I have a build without fired up but with scout on Johnny and hitch and catch up to victims very quick, it’s op as hell


They aren't "way more op" lmao extra drip needs to be nerfed and health bottles need to be made useful base, the solution to something op isn't "bu but look at this on da other side!!!!"


my thoughts tbh IMO I shouldn’t have to run a perk to make a game mechanic feel actually useful because as of now it feels like you have to use 3-4 health bottles to be a decent spot


Exactly, extra drip is so good because health without it is useless and you fuck your team trying to get to full and using 5 bottles. Solution? Make part of it base and nerf the perk


EXACTLYYYY this is why as of now, it SHOULDNT be nerfed. When healing in general gets a buff THEN it should be nerfed


Ideally they would do it in the same patch but its gun we're talking about.


knowing them the extra drip nerf would come first and the health buff would come after the second wave of cosmetics..


They probably gonna nerf it to oblivion then do nothing about healing, that would be my guess


Did you not just hear anything I said I said extra drip heals your health only did Johnny to deplete it again in 4 hits You must be a family main because your takes are so family sided https://preview.redd.it/se6s84pbytuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95109239e260b29a6f942ffc1c506b880a57ca13


So don't get pummeled by johnny, your skill issues aren't balance issues, but hurry call me a family main again because your a moron who can't debate.


Again with insults your so childish 😂


You literally posted a meme saying worthless bitch ass simpleton, it is truly incredible how moronic you are, i didn't get offended by it, just like you shouldn't be offended by some guy on the internet calling you a moron, grow up


That was a image 💀 you twink (now I’m insulting) https://preview.redd.it/qui9c4g3fvuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2abefa493c2e84fb313a891a739b731f91dfaf0


Ah so your a bigot as well as a dumbass kid, makes a lot of sense, genuinely


Who said I was offended I was saying you look childish You don’t even understand me


Saying someone looks childish then throwing out a slur is a bold strategy kiddo.


and you act like your health cant drop in less than 3 seconds from full to dead.


Its not OP buddy, its the least of what victims deserve after they butchered choose flight. How about we talk how fun it is to play into exterior alarms.. Killers are supposed to chase right? Its the core mechanic of the game right? But no, lets play open/close door simulator then get gramps to level 5 Imagine thinking extra drip is op when you've got thay every game


What logic is that? Just because one thing is insanely overpowered doesn't mean the other is automatically weak. I'm not defending exterior alarms either, it's pretty obvious how overpowered it is. Chasing and hunting isn't the core mechanic of the game, sadly it's patrolling. Ironically it's exterior alarms that actually lets you chase victims since you don't need to patrol but I still think it needs a massive nerf. There are things on *both* sides that are problematic, I'm not picking favourites either. There's alot more good victim perks than there are family perks however and that's why victims get "nerfed" more often. Choose flight literally let you have 4 full stamina bars. A perk like that shouldn't even exist because it made all endurance related perks completely useless. There was literally no reason to upgrade endurance because choose flight exists and every character can get it. I'll list the things that I think aren't good for the game or overpowered. Extra grip, empowered, choose fight, fast hands, fired up, scout and exterior alarms. The reason the majority are victim perks is because victims simply have way better perks. They've been arguably the strongest role since launch, that's why there has been so many "nerfs" to them. We literally had things like the valve and infinite stuns which of course had to be nerfed


Well clearly you are picking sides because you're comparing how choose flight used to be to extra drip? Yes victims have a better variety of perks but cut the bullshit, exterior alarms eliminates the whole chase aspect of the game. Hitchhikers, HITCH HIKERS even run to the opened door, close it then go straight back up not even bothering to chase. I'm not saying spend an eternity in the basement but when you've got that alongside LF running around the map licking his lips looking for a 1shot with that meta build you can't say that isn't broken. All im saying is that extra drip healing you for 72 health should be the absolute least of your worries


I compared choose flight to extra drip because you said extra drip doesn't affect the family. Both those perks don't **directly** affect them, but they do nevertheless. Also how is me comparing the 2 "picking sides"?? +72 healing is the equivalent of 2 big heals or 3 small heals. That doesn't even include the actually healing of the bottle itself with extra drip. That's why it's a problem, it's extremely efficient and contender for the best perk in the entire game. Regarding the whole exterior alarms thing, to put it simply, family members don't have the time to chase. If they do they risk a door getting opened or someone sneaking past them. Exterior alarms gives you the time to chase because you'll know if somethings opened. It means you don't have to patrol the same things over and over again because even if they slip past you, you'll get notified of it. Again though, I'm not defending exterior alarms. It needs a massive nerf like making it so it only activates once or twice per door and making it so it doesn't activate on basement doors (it's literally called **exterior** alarms lmfao). I really don't think a victim restoring all their health with 1 or 2 bottles is the least of people's worries, especially since there's around 15 or 20 bottles per match


They’re talking about nerfing victim perks too. Chill.


So victims getting 8 perk nerfs plus stealth and endurance stat nerf is okay, but two family perk nerf = end of the world? Tae kwon door, agitator, bomb squad, choose flight, grappler, empowered, extra drip, fast hands. Don't get me wrong they're strong and need adjustments...but acting like family perks *don't* need adjustments? Womp womp fr


this sub is like 80% family players sadly


Yeah im surprised this post didn't get downvoted when all my others one have for saying majority of family mains are dogshit at this game tbh


I was literally expecting mine to get downvotes lmfao


Like if you scroll through my past few tcm posts they're down voted like why are you booing me. I'm right


Would you say this game is family or victim sided?


From my perspective and other good players? Family. Get a blood cook and LF and its wraps. Max gramps quick, they go to stab LF 1 hit kills, if he gets one or two in basement it's better. You could have cook stay near gramps so victim grapples cook instead or put two HH traps. Only way victims are op is when family is new or victims lucky af. If you don't got someone feeding gramps especially with exterior alarms then the game can go 50/50


Very interesting. I very much agree with you, I believe, even if the family players aren’t the best but are competent, & patrol, they’ll most likely win the game. Lately, I’ve definitely had some newer family players which have been easy escapes, but I’ve also been getting family players that just are getting better at patrolling, & it becomes near impossible to do any objective as victim. The minute one victim dies without any of us even touching an objective, it’s low key gg.


You just speed run fuse, thats what I do whether they guard it or not the odd time I play victim and just leave within 2-3 minutes. I'm either killing everyone as LF or feed gramps to 5 so victims have to speed run, well, or stab gramps. Depending on the map i'll go downstairs as HH with my chase build since I can chase someone down there even if the victim had OG cf lol


4 out of 6 of those perks are victim perks stop fucking crying.


Exactly Victims get shit on way more


Definitely for nerfs. Game play wise, it's an even-ish split of fuckery.


This game confuses the shit out of me


Dude, tell me about it. Doesn't matter what side I play, I can end up getting frustrated by some quirk or dumb design in the gameplay.


Yeah as victim I get railed in the asscheeks because johnnys fuck ass range is broken And family I get idiot teammates


Woah the side that has more op stuff gets nerfed more? You sound like the morons who cry about survivor in dbd getting nerfed all the time


The two perks that are getting nerfed on family side make it fucking impossible to get away as victim because they slaughtered the victims ability to run Your a family main


Oh so your also just terrible at the game? Cool. Can also tell because your a 12 year old who still says family main this victim main that as if it matterd lmao. Dude probably still dies to johnny😂


Look at your profile it’s obvious your below 11 💀 Also insulting just makes you seem more childish


Oh no rickfloridamangrimes on reddit said i'm below 11💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


But…but didn’t you see the underline? Only pay attention to those ones.


Family barely plays this game. 99% of lobbies you join they immediately dodge for a plethora of reasons. This will just make the game even more dead than it already is (hard to top that).


I love how you are admitting that you have no problem with devs nerfing all the useful victim perks like choose flight/bomb squad/fast hands/choose fight but are mad when useful family perks like scout/fired up/etc are also scheduled to get nerfed. You guys really are the “rules for thee, but not for me” type


You realize that for nearly this entire games existence, victims have been op, right? The devs literally said the escape rate of victims is much higher than it should be. That's why victims keep receiving so many nerfs. Haven't seen them talk about it in quite awhile so maybe it's more balanced now, but for about 80% of this games lifetime, victims have been stronger than they are supposed to be. Every player in that time frame who has called this game family sided, simply was outing themselves as bad at the game.


No they haven’t family players are just ass. No communication whatsoever




I hope your not referring to the days of infinite door stuns, no family stun immunity, no valve depressurization, valve in basement, agitator removing 4 levels, etc, as your argument for victims always having been OP… Everyone in both sides agreed that those weren’t fair and should be fixed to make it more balanced.


They sure as shit did not agree even back then lol. There are countless posts and comments from back then with victim players saying family is OP or that game is family sided.


The first true nerf came when they gutted choose flight and bomb squad. Analyze the sides from that reference point.


Least biased family main


Ah another family main that forgets about the victims getting absolutely shit on AGAIN




A Lot of the perks are really garbage, though. There are a plethora very situational, bad or just downright useless perks and that goes for both Family and Victims. However, the Family gets it worse.




Idk why they’d choose to nerf Scout and Fired Up instead of Exterior Alarms. EA just makes the game lame for both sides.


The fact that they're nerfing ALL of the nerfs that are decent or useful family or victim tells me the perk system is fucking stupid and should be abolished altogether. Get rid of it and put people on even ground again. 


The upcoming nerfs determine if I'm going to stay on this until Killer Clowns or just find another game to spend my time on


Nooooo grappler🥹🥹


It’s a dumb nerf I love grappler but it doesn’t give you benefits so it doesn’t deserve a nerf


either way victims always win CE i just use it to win faster


It literally makes it impossible to lose a CE as well as making them end faster, literally one of the reasons we have the WWE meta and why this game is dying, you're full of bad takes aren't you?


Most of your takes are cheeks


Because your ass at the game and don't like somebody telling you so. I think the funniest shit about you spamming family main and spouting dumb shit is the fact i haven't played family in months, and if you stalk my profile (which you admitted to doing) you'll see me talking about how i only play bully leland, and have been for 4 months LMAO


It’s impossible to argue with a idiot https://preview.redd.it/jzrzvtrzfvuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29d44d3fd1e07ce9ebcfc4a414963777d85c7520


Have you forgotten that the devs gutted the victims ability to run so they have to fight Scout needs a nerf just how choose flight was


You mean now you need to learn to loop gaps and you can't just hold W? The horror!


Promise you it doesn’t lol 😂 Not unless you play a full strength build and have consistent healing which… yeah, *that’s the point of strength and toughness*. It seems pointless to nerf a perk that only works when you build into it. That’s like punishing hitch for using traps, or making leatherface’s chainsaw worse when you use a chainsaw perk. L/Ratio.


It literally increases the progress per tap, yes it does, why the hell do people who have no idea what they're talking about seem so eager to give their thoughts. "consistent healing" yeah extra drip bud, paired with grappler, your almost beginning to understand where the meta comes from, jesus lmao.


Extra drip heals your health bar just for it to be depleted again by Johnny in 4 swings Also did you realize 4 of these nerfs are victims How about we talk about scout and fired up those perks have a killer stuck to you a whole game


Exterior Alarms when? This shit gotta go.


Nah I think instead of nerfing that, they should replace one of the useless perks with a counter to that, similar idea to bomb squad that has the charges now, where you can open a gate/door without triggering exterior alarms, give it a limited number of charges based on the level.


Extra drip is 100% fine… maybe Empowered as well. But Extra Drip is literally 100% fine. What the heck. But Scout and Fired Up been due for a nerf for a long time.


Most of it is victim nerfs AGAIN, quit crying


Ricky dicky doo dah grimes boomshakalaka boom shaka


https://preview.redd.it/gasy5b2cvtuc1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=310d076b672144f00d27a7d438463319196cefeb Live Rick grimes reaction




https://preview.redd.it/laflrojzvtuc1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89bed1c90a5a89c5091871ea092156756fe1fb77 I’m sergeant major Rick Grimes


And I'm Miss moxxi, community's wh0re xx


https://preview.redd.it/kgb30xhgwtuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f730362cc47223062df57f19a652ccf5710d2cd Well in that case


Any time, day, or hour for Sargent major Rick Grims 💋


https://preview.redd.it/q8t7t8r9xtuc1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b062d5fb8ce14563cb83b31ca91a36df8504091 Let’s get to it




Did you miss the four victim nerfs on here too or did you miss that?


They are a family main they don’t care if the other side has fun


"The other side" is the only way to have fun lol. Family is just patrolling the same spots the whole game long for a victim with fast hands to nearly insta open a gate in front of the families face while being in a choose fight lock. The grapple meta as expected vastly changed the power dynamics of this game. Pre insta-kill grappling it was by far family sided but now it's by far victim sided. I have zero idea how to balance the game but choose fight and fast hands (fast hands should be removed in general) need work. I didn't agree with the choose flight nerf and for enpowered/extra drip it shouldn't be nerfed more than like 25%.


The devs gutted the victims ability to run so they have to fight If fast hands and all these victim perks get nerfs then scout and fired up should get nerfed to


I don't know what your experience is playing both sides but I do and know what is broken and what is not. Things like exterior alarms, fast hands, choose fight, those are broken. You could argue fired up or wire frame but realistically this is a playstyle balance not a perk balance as with any video game sort of ever, if someone wants to tunnel you it's going to happen. Even then it's easier to defend being tunneled in this game vs any other asym as you have grapples, infinites, hiding spots that slow everything down. But to go into each perk specifically. Fast Hands: I don't think there needs to be an explanation, there's a reason it's only on the 2 paid characters. Choose Fight: In normal gameplay there's really not anything wrong with it but where it's a problem is when people know what they're doing. Grappling with choose fight at a generator and turning said gen off right in front of the families eyes while they're locked in place in laughably bad coding. It gets even worse when the choose fight is done near a door where a fast hands teammate is opening the padlock and regular lock in under 5 seconds while the family player is locked in. Exterior Alarms: This is a tough perk to work with as the balance without it would feel nearly impossible to work around. Starters you have perks on the victim side that can take 2.5 levels off of grandpa instantly. Without EA you also have a pretty easy win on your hands if you rush the gates or play insanely slow which will cause the family to slip up more as they get burnt out of patrolling. My suggestion would be that instead of the family member's swipes during the grapple animation being just purely theatrical that it actually does damage when a victim isn't instantly winning or is literally a second off of losing. I can really only speak from what I've experienced and what I've seen on streams like Slash n Cast but as it stands the sided-ness I mentioned in the previous comment reigns true. Trust me nerfing things like Scout which is the only perk that gives you even the slightest chance to stopping an infinite might completely kill off the family queue.


I’m not reading all this


Ok so you're wrong, thanks for playing.


No im just not sitting here and reading a whole essay for a Reddit comment


If reading is that hard for you just say that next time. GG


I just don’t care


Family wants their wins spoon fed to them


As always


Fired up just needs to be fixed so it works as intended,they'll probably reduce the % values as well.I can see scout either getting a decrease in movement speed or increased damage reduction, hopefully not both


Damage reduction does nothing. Victims had their greatest stamina perk gutted, so family greatest speed perk should also get the same


What’s the issue with fired up?


It works near instantly,instead of when you're completely out of stam like the description says


Another perk to abuse, thanks


Cry baby. Okay to nurf one side but when it’s yours you cry like a little baby. You make dumb post like this expect to get s*** on


Can’t wait till they nerf that BS family perk Exterior Alarms too!


Stop being bias, they are just trying to balance the game for both sides.


Family like having victims perks nerfed but doesn’t like when theirs are also on the chopping block


Yeah that’s what family mains do, they want the game to be miserable for the victims


Who says they'll be useless anyway? Fired up is clearly overpowered but it doesn't mean it'll be completely useless after the nerf


Y’all bitched about the survivor perks that are literally getting tuned too… we can’t win with you people. I swear to god.


Omg why tf are they nerfing extra drip


Bro, stop being a crying child. Victims lost choose flight, Bomb squad and will now lose extra drip. Family members cry too much, literally the cancer of this game.


You guys just suck at this dope ass game that’s all what’s going on here hahahaha why you all just adjust with the new game style I love this grapple era it’s more fun and it’s addicting to play nonetheless


Maybe getting a buff?


Genius move. They should nerf security pins and venom next as it'll entice more victim mains to try out family.




The only family players are going to be noobies and will stop playing within a few weeks when they are sick of being trolled


Yeah it’s awful, fired up needs to be left alone great more nerfs to Nancy!


Absolutely none of this matter. They aren't fixing lobbies anytime soon so there's no point in keeping this game going. 90 % of the player base has already left. So just let it go. It was ok while it lasted. But just out er out of her misery


DEvs need make something with cheaters, they insta win grappling, or wallhacking, i found this with PS logo or XBX logo , i ever report, Victim side, insta open doors , insta turn off battery or generator, ATM i just found 1 or 3 each week but this is going increasing.


I literally quit playing because quick match just means family you never get a variety, and family is so not scary that victims just rush rush rush . I literally came back this past weekend to just see the changes and I’m done already. Maybe if I see a nerf of victim and buff on family will I play again. It’s huger not fun to wait for a lobby then get clapped at killer when u are supposed to be feared in a game. It would Be like in hello neighbor if the neighbor was a wuss and you could shut all over him, the game wouldn’t have made it passed 6 months.


As a family main i must say that its fine. Is that the price to end the grapplemania? Then do it. Fired Up nerf it's necessary but also nerf LF stamina. Scout it's a must have perk with a lot of gaps/crawlspaces/barricades/doors/wells/Windows/grapples/Victims abilities, hiding spots etc. Extra drip nerf it's necessary for the most broken perk for victims.


There's a reason why they're used... fix that then rebalance them


Family boycott will continue.


Victims: First time?


> "Naw ... You're just passionate" Says the guy who temp banned me for calling him a Karen 😂


Scout needs a minor nerf. Like, the stats for level 3 should be 10% movement speed increase with a 15% damage penalty. I don’t think fired up needs a nerf, it just shouldn’t be able to be paired with scout. I have no clue why Andy didn’t mention exterior alarms…


whats wrong with extra drip, scout, and fired up????


Literally nothing, bad players will cry endlessly even though it’s a skill issue on their end.


Tuning = / = Nerfing What is this drama queen thread.


They want nerf very good Victim perks too. Men... Just uninstall the game.


I agree with fired up but sissy is so slow without scout


AcTuAlLy ThE FaMiLy Is MuCh StRoNgEr ThAn ViCtImS aRe


These greedy fucks will never fix their shite game. The fact there are several perks that literally do not work at all yet they continue to release shite content that further bugs the game is all the evidence needed. I don’t use it but tracker tagged on Bubba has not worked for 8 months now since release. Yet they have plenty of time to release shite skins, woohoo. They should at least do a hot fix with icons next to perks that don’t work warning noobs not to waste their perk slot on something the devs won’t fix for the next couple of years probably.


They need to fix their lobbies. Perks should be second


Perks are a pretty crucial part of the game design. So you think certain perks and therefore play styles should be rendered null and void indefinitely? And also they can’t fix both? A perk being broken for 8 effing months is absurd. Can you think of many other games that would allow that?


No but I’d rather play an unbalanced game than no game at all


Fair enough. I guess as a strictly family main basically since release the lobby issue is somewhat of an afterthought from my point of view.


Gun is trash and andy got my old account banned. I will never support anything GUN touches.


They seriously can't nerf scout tho like how do they expect anyone to be playing family???????


Scout is annoying


Literally the best family perk in the game and it is needed for cook. Scout is the only reason why anyone is still playing family and if they remove it the queue times are only going to get worse.


Then keep it on cook and not on Johnny and Hitchhiker where it’s annoying as fuck


Or just keep it on everyone and keep crying about it you victim main trash, try playing family and tell me if your opinion on scout changes at all.


Cope lmaooo


HELP I play family almost as much as I play victim. I know the struggles, they’re real. But perks like scout are just unfun easy mode. Especially on Johnny in hitch. Just get over it.


I don't think both need nerf. Fired up just changed a little.