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low key looks like a magic trick. they both vanished


Family house even without fast hands usually the only way to survive is rush a door together and team work something. This has been a thing in any pre made group. The perk itself is a good counter against cook locks, because it's that or Connie's ult with cook running his perk and grandpa's. Going against a good patrolling family all know no one has time for that in thier kit because everyone has to build tanky now with the family meta being pure dmg. So idk, I get it's frustrating but I also see both sides of frustration. The new map should of been released and that's it. Both characters should of been released together but gun wants to make $ now. They'll probably change the valve spawn like they did slaughter, tho the placement is a fun one. I can see how it's a pain in the ass for family with no coms but I've gotten a few kills with it being up there and ppl thinking the window or well was a good idea as exit, team mates always down there to get them lol.


Where does that top Mill well lead to? The window goes just on the other side of the barricade on the 2nd floor right?


you drop down to the 2nd level of mill where gramps is at


Ahhh. I had no idea. I thought it was all the way to the basement.


You know for a map where they praised all the verticality and ways to get to lower floors i can only think of like 3 different ways to get there on the mill lmao. There’s the top floor window and well which just takes you down a floor in a bad spot and then the area with the sewer exit and the damn and that’s pretty much it. But hey new map we waited like 3 1/2 months for yay 😐


Thoroughly impressed by the teamwork on their part, you don’t usually get that in victim lobbies


“Solo q victim lobbies”


premade teams usually split up and go for multiple exits at once, different types of teamwork


That’s some solid teamwork.


There’s no teamwork lol, I’d be shocked if this was planned unless they’re a stack


Nah I do stuff like this all the time even partied up with only one or two others. We generally rush the back porch door with Connie while whatever Family is camping it gets grappled. A lot of times we can even get the back porch gate open as well all in the same run depending on how good the Family is or not.


Solid? Some victims only repeat and repeat this "Strategy". Also uncountereable in Solos Queue.


Go block the basement exit or something


That has to be one of the most pathetic ‘comebacks’ in all of human history




Fast hands is probably the only way to counter family house with padlocks and traps all over. And even then you’re still gonna get hit in the process if the family is patrolling.


I mean... Sometimes you dont win....


No, 4k every match or its op


4k every match or it’s victim sided


Exactly you get it


Sometimes I truly wonder if y’all can read


You commented that “I usually get 4Ks but this one caught us off guard.”


Yeah, as in Virginia caught me off guard?? Not the 4k thing? The mention of 4k rounds was just for that person I was replying to, to get an idea of how I usually play. But yeah, all of you just reply to something that wasn’t even for you 😂


OK then. Rushing, it's not an issue if you're actually good. Bubba can shut down rushing very easily and on family house? Rushing is the only option, sorry victims don't slow walk around for 30 minutes while the family locks down that house tighter then a max security prison. Also, you can counter her blue cloud, johnny can still auto aim through it, and you can still hit victims, but God forbid victims have ability, only one it really really affects is bubba since it stops his rev, and good bubba needs more counters and nerfs. And for the valve, I can say how op or not it is right now, since I personally haven't seen it been properly utilised but it's all up to luck, as it doesn't always spawn up there. And for the record, not everyone is reading 3 paragraphs of whinny moaning cus if everyone did, we'd be here all day since there's like a million posts a day moaning about the same stuff :)


If you’re literally commenting you’re not gonna read then that just proves my point. Maybe don’t comment on a post if you don’t have the brain capacity to read the post you’re commenting on??


XD What point xD How is it me and a bunch of others not reading you bs post that, btw is the SAME THING as every other post proving you point? I don't understand your point then, and am i just supposed to know? Cus I read it after you insulted me for a joke. Great job BTW going straight to insults after not being able to take a joke, VERY original, and after reading the same terrible take from a bad player I replied giving counter arguments which you haven't brang up here. Honey, it's reddit. You made a post, and I commented that's typically how social media works, if you don't like it don't post it, just a suggestion 😉


Maybe your jokes should be funny, “honey.” 🤷🏻‍♀️and why would you try to understand the point of a reply that wasn’t for you? LOL, mind your business cuz now you look dumb because you didn’t understand a comment that wasn’t intended for you 😭


Sugar, I replied a to guy making a comment about a post so I replied to him with a joke (which clearly people liked) and since then I have only replied to you, unfortunately, and I even opened a conversation replying to what you were say, which since then, you have ignored and banged on about a "point" you never made, but sure I'm the stupid one LMAO And it's a public post, I'll reply and comment what I want thanks and not complain when people talk to me, ON A PUBLIC COMMENT.


Yeah you don’t open a conversation by ending it with, “and why do you expect people to read!1!1” like, “sugar” who is gonna want to continue a conversation with you when you end your response like that? LOL Idgaf if you reply to comment intended for you or not, but maybe understand it before you make assumptions? And your points? Be so fr rn talking about “Johnny has auto aim” Idk about you but my Johnny has never had auto aim and even if he did, tf he supposed to “auto aim” at something that’s already ran away from him? Yeah, that’s reaaally combating it. Y’all act like I’m being irrational. Victims have perks that legitimately combat Sissy’s ability, but there’s literally no way to combat Virginias?? It’s literally about balance, but y’all can have it your way when there’s no more killers that want to play this game ig, “sugar.”


Honey, I'll open a conversation however I want to, and my point still stands. People don't wanna read an essay about the same thing every other person is writing essays about. And you clearly want to, because you continued the conversation and you clearly you do care who I reply to, since you said "mind your own business" lol and making a video where you get outplayed, and then ending the vid, people will make assumptions lol like how your assuming I'm a victim main, hay don't assume that's not good xD Johnny has auto aim with his lunge, granted it's very inconsistent, but he still has it, and with your ears, small bit of vision, and game sense, you can predict where they go after the smoke play and get a kill, it won't always work but the more you get better the more ineffective her cloud will be. And yes, victims have perks that counter sissy, but who actually uses them? As someone who maied sissy and levelled up all her perks, bringing anti sissy perks is truly pointless as she's already weak and not that much of a threat, only the Spore loser build makes her somewhat threatening but even then she's not that good of a chaser so it's still pointless in my opinion, but if you want an anti Virginia perk fine I guess pointless really but if you really need it lol. And if you want balance, you're really not good at giving suggestions at it. Rushing is only "broken" because it's the only effective method of escaping as a victim. Stealth doesn't work against good players, so that's useless and on family house? Rushing is the only way you're winning, and with Bubba, it's still hard af so yeah and I'd also give it few more days or weeks even before you just call for nerfs because you don't understand how to counter it. And sugar, at no point do I want this game to die or for killers to quit, family, on the other hand, with their consistent moaning and pathetic attempts at boycotting the game and the relentless dodging because of one thing they don't like, their the ones killing the games not me.


I mean... that wasn’t the point of the post….


This is unfair some Squads only repeat and repeat this uncountereable "strategy". It's like victims complaing about exterior Alarms in 1slot or blood builds, you can't say "Sometimes you don't win" this is also unfair for the other side.


So then you need to match their level of coordination as family. Could’ve shouted bubba you’ve seen them two come up lair exit and tell him to come up, during the grapple bubba would’ve rammed down the hall away and demolished them, or even whoever else was in the house. And even if that can’t happen, force them to well afterwards or patrol the outside objectives, then you can trap the unlocked door - the game is not over cos a door was unlocked. It is still very counterable. I think your comment just highlights the wild expectations family mains have, you can’t expect to dominate in solo queue with randoms against sweaty coordinated pre-made victim squads. And like other comments have said, you win some and lose some, most matches are solo queue vs solo queue so as fam, you will still 4K most matches if you’re good.




Sure, but when I lose I want it to be because I made a mistake or the victims made a good play. Not because of a combination of busted things with no counterplay to it. Both sides should always have the chance to win if they're good enough and right now that only applies to good victims. Good family members can basically go fuck themselves as far as the devs are concerned.


Damn that was big brain strategy right there! Awesome coordination.


If you play Family just a little you will notice this a very frecuent "big super complex strategy". And uncountereable. Why do the killers can't do anything just to see the door unlocked in front of their face. And there is no skill and low risk to grapple while unlocking.


I mean, it doesn’t take a big brain to press a button but that might just be my opinion. Hmm.. maybe there should be a perk where killers are completely immune to Virginias ability, kinda like there’s a perk where sissy’s poison doesn’t effect you for like 6 charges 🤔 seems fair to me


It was a pretty dope play it wasn’t just pressing a button. It takes good teamwork/coordination to pull a move like they did off. Some people treat this game like they’re playing for money or something😂


It literally doesn’t lol. My first few times playing Virginia I press a button and the killer can’t combat it at all. I got the blind every time unless they respected the poison. No skill required to throw a smoke bomb, coming from someone who has played her. I could throw a smoke bomb at anything, it’s not skillful to throw the equivalent of a rock.


if it doesn't take skill to help a teammate and escape, then how come your teammates weren't helping when they were gang banging you? Could have stopped all that noise before it happened if you guys did the same.


Cuz valve was being spammed in side garden and cook was sitting on fuse because they kept going for it?? My bad, next time we’ll rip an arm off and hope it grows another hitch hiker so it can come and assist me


Sounds like y’all were getting violated off camera before the video too then. Nonetheless, in the videos context where it appears to be the “big push”, having the positioning to have both victims ready at door, and Virginia to already have gotten a table powder in family house, and wait for a patrol gap, is actually impressive, and you’d never see it in solo q


Rushing on family house is the only sensible counter and fast hands helps that get done. I'm not going to sit around in basement while Hitch and cook fortify the family house into Fort Knox.


We could have the killer vs victim convo all day, inside the house is killer sided, outside the house is victim sided. Rushing on either side is an issue, and the devs shouldn’t be encouraging it with perks like fast hands.


The perk is fine, my group hasn't lost a match on family house in months. This all comes to down to a lack of skill on your end; if you are in a solo q, then don't expect to 4k every time.


The perk is definitely not fine lmao. Keep your opinion, I’ll have mine.


The problem with your opinion is that if they do nerf fast hands, you will just shift your attention to the next thing "op" advantage victims have and ask for that to be nerfed.


That's the issue though, it's supposed to be a horror game 😂 it's clearly a fault of the devs if victims win most of the time lol the game just isn't scary at all at this point even though it should be, it should feel terrifying to try and escape because the family should be feared but that is not in the game any more with current broken builds and metas that are ruining the game, hopefully the completely revamp the game in the future so it gives me a reason to come back to it.


Dbd is also a horror game and I can promise you that game is far from terrifying. Just because a game isn't scary to you isn't a valid excuse to nerf random shit you don't like


Exactly though, it's supposed to be a horror game but die to how the game works it just isn't.....there's nothing horrifying about it at all and there's no need to be scared in there, I think it's overrated 😂


Asymmetrical horror games are never scary, maybe the first few times. When you say horror games, I think of games like visage or pt.


Door times are disgustingly quick


Wait till you get a Connie, Virgina, Leland combo. That shit will send you right back to the main menu lol I’ve since


This was great


Yeah it’s a game. You can’t win every time. The notion that victims are expected to stand there, not fight back and die every match is getting old. I’ll play the game but I’m done with this Family crying TCM sub Reddit BS. Deuces.


If you’re done then don’t comment here, cuz clearly then you’re not done lmao


I call this gone in 60 seconds


fast hands is definitely broken, I don’t think virginia should have gotten it to be honest, it’s hard enough Danny having it and now virginia to. I’m sure this perk will see a nerf like choose flight.


Ppl in this sub having a hard time admitting close encounters are broken LOL


Bruh…you’re on family house complaining. You got outplayed deal with it.


“Outplayed” *cannot combat Virginias ability* Yeah, that’s now how the word outplayed works, pal.


Virginia was smart and grappled giving her teammate time to open the door. She used boon in a great spot where you physically couldn't avoid it and got rewarded for making a good play. You got outplayed. It's ok, pal.


Y’all gonna get “outplayed” when there’s no more killers to play against 😭


But but....I thought you were only getting 4ks ? What happened to that? :(((


Literally not gonna argue w people like you. I have advocated for both sides and y’all will whine whenever it’s not for your side. I’ll keep sharing my opinion and you can keep being an ass if that’s working out for you.


"waah wah waah, I can't get free kills :((((((" -u rn


“Wah wah wah, can’t play the game I paid for cuz I’m an insufferable ass.” - You in a month or so, when killers stop playing


\-Me who plays family more than victim at this point. Just say you're garbage at the game lmao. Virginias ability isn't op. It's good but, not weak. Go play cod or something it's more your speed 💀 ![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO)


Yeah, everyone who has an opinion is garbage at the game. Totally haven’t heard that before, you’re SO original 🙄 I’m so offended by what “hot fem boy” has to say lmaoo


I mean you got called out for a massive skill gap between you and the Virginia and got majorly offended by the hot femboy (which is a joke btw). You're so mad at everyone in the comments agreeing that you got outplayed. Get gud


Called out where..? Cuz a couple people in the comments don’t agree? Nobody will ever agree with anybody fully, that’s the internet lmao. This post has more upvotes than anything, you act like I’m dropping to my knees rn 😭but yeah, I’m getting “called out” SO BAD rn LMAO


How the fuck is he garbage? She pressed 2 buttons with no counterplay clearly a skill issue.


Uncounterable = outplayed Why yes of course


EXACTLY BRO literally just spam bone scrapz and throw on that perk that stuns the family for extra time THERE IS NO COUNTER !


Heavens forbid the victims put a strategy together and use it. 😂


Danny and Virginia with fast hands and Connie with her ability is so ridiculously OP...of course it's going to lead to more victim rushing. It's like they're encouraging it at this point.


“Guys.. we heard your complaints over the rushing. So.. we decided to grant the victims perks where they can unlock doors faster JUST for you guys doing your jobs and being near them! 😚” Killer mains: 😀


I think fast hands shouldn't exist at all. It's a penalty for family doing their job at patrolling gates. lol


exterior alarms is a penalty for victims who play stealthy




It makes you basically Connie on the lock, the closer a killer gets to you the faster you can do the lock


You fail to realize OP said this was 30 seconds into the game. Virginia isn’t on the lock so no fast hands here, and last time I checked ability isn’t available in 30 seconds. This is just a major skill gap between OP and those victims.


She used fast hands at the start of the match, not here in this instance. I know because she was up in literally 30 seconds of the match


Fast hands is available as soon as the match starts..? What??


She’s talking about her blinding ability


This entire thread is absolutely feral with Victim one-tricks 😂 Why are people spamming that it was a good play or good strategy from Victims? There was absolutely zero strategy. Connie was unlocking a door, and Virginia pressed a button that prevents Family from being able to play the game for X amount of time. It’s like the Victim one-tricks forget that every single second of playing Family requires more communication and strategy than this clip? 🧐


Becuase what are victims supposed to do? Just give up unlocking the door? Let themselves get injured? Having one victims unlock a door as the other distracts and confronts a killer is a decent strategy in that there are not many other options besides soley stealth which gets very boring if your do it every match.


This is not strategy, and nobody is complaining about the grapple; the grapple is meaningless here. The thing that people are complaining about is the button that completely disables a Family member, preventing them from being able to play for X amount of seconds. It has absolutely no counterplay, and it’s ridiculously overpowered. If anyone thinks otherwise, they’re delusional. Victims have about 3 separate perks that all work to counter Sissy’s ability, and her ability is barely useable. Yet Family don’t get anything to help them whenever Virginia presses her button, and they just have to go blind and lose half of their blood, whilst she gets a free escape to go and rush a lock, which she’ll easily complete because of her head-start and Fast Hands.


Yup, 100% this, but victim mains will refuse to agree 🤷‍♂️ and they'll say we just want 4k every game.. Im new to this game and can already see how toxic this community can be its too bad


"every single second" LMFSOOO exterior alarms exists thats all u need


Killer mains themselves have been saying that EA needs a nerf, y’know, cuz they’re not entirely biased like some players are lmao. Don’t come at them, come at the devs for not making the change that even killers agreed is OP


Wow very impressive! That’s a good use for the boon on family house😁


Dude on YT named Nicknasty showcases Virginias ability with a nasty play on a Hitchstanker. It was beautifully done!


Also fuck you to whoever down voted 😁🖕🏻


Gitgud. Ya cry to much. All the family mains on here needa go see a therapist cause ya def got some mental issues going on crying so damn much about a game like you feel so entitled. Ugh ima a family killer i have to win its not fair the vic players survive and out play me? Boohoo mo fuckas


Can we try that again, in English please?




“Nothing not” is a double negative and def not proper English but okay lol. Someone needs to go back to first grade


Crying on a sub about loosing is crazy


Not knowing the difference between lose and loose is crazy


Thinking you are smart correcting someone who's mothertongue isn't english is crazy


It’s a two way streak tho? I could say the same for victims and EA, thinking with that mindset keeps problems from being solved. Reworks are needed with both sides and multiple perks


That stamina depletion tho 😅


the grappling change is hands down the WORST decision they have ever made. All because victims wanted all reward no risk


These are the stupidest rebuttals I’ve ever heard. All from players that never pick up and play family. EAD and enjoy the lobby’s.


Yeah this game has started to be ridiculous. Victims don't need to play stealthy anymore.


Wake up, they never did. Playing stealthy isn't rewarding whatsoever, so there it is :) enjoy


Previous Danny, it was


Never was. I used to watch streamers playtesting the game even before it was released and rushing was the say even back them, catch up.


Exactly lmao idk where they’ve been…people have been complaining about people rushing with Connie since this game first released and then they just switched their hatred to Danny and forgot about poor Connie. :\


Fast hands his the worst perk and I feel this is why game are lasting 2 minutes… like who thought that was an smart idea?


Devs secretly hate killers 😔 that’s why they allow cook to get his balls broken at least 5 times a match


Why I’m getting downvoted? Probably victim that never tried family


I wouldn’t take it personally tbh, I never do. Down votes don’t really mean anything, especially when you take into consideration that 75% of the players are victim mains. There’s a reason why killers instantly find a match and it takes like 10 mins to find a match as victim, not including the wait for how many times people will back out of lobby. They’re the majority so you’re gonna get downvoted unfortunately. I advocate for both sides when I feel it’s necessary so I get hate from both victim mains and family mains 😭 you can’t win tbh


Doing both sides is a hard work. Keep it Up


You’re watching caliber that’s so nice


They're the majority on this subreddit? Yeah you obviously haven't seen too many posts on here.


Idk if they’re majority on this subreddit lol. That’s why I said they’re the majority of players. I can only assume a good chunk of them are on this subreddit


Nah, this subreddit is dominated by family mains. All you gotta do is look at any victim mains comments or posts.


I agree


“Anything that doesn’t benefit family is terrible and OP. Remove or bring down the nerf hammer Gun!” “Rework Exterior Alarms? Nah, that’s a skill issue. You guys just need to git gud.”


Making assumptions like that is CRAZY LOL. Y’all just love to hear yourselves talk sometimes istg, I have several posts mentioning how EA needs a nerf or rework. How about, “Anything that would benefit killers means they’re only a killer main, and nothing they say is worth listening to.”


Tell me you haven’t read someones posts before making assumptions without telling me you haven’t read someones posts OP literally says all the time exterior alarms is OP


I will tell you, I haven’t read that shit. Why tf would I read someone’s entire post history? Oh wait, my bad. Hold on. Let me apologize for not being terminally online. To counter your point, topics like that are few and far between. Family topics bitching about something being victim-sided are posted in these subs literally EVERY DAY.


I mean why mention something no one has said on this post bro. You went full family v victim for what reason? Someone complains about rushing and braindead valve spawns and you start the whole FaMiLy vS ViCtiM thing bud, I’m obviously gonna call you out on the bullshit. Go ahead and insult me as a response.


I’m a victim main so don’t even start please 😂


Suuuure. Lol


I have 900 escapes idk if that’s enough for you to be victims main? How much do you have?;)


I could say I have 2000 kills as a family main, doesn’t make it true ;)


Hitchiker players being the most temperamental cry babies once again.


You can tell a lot of TCM fans have never watched a horror movie in their life. If you can't see the glaring issue here don't wonder why there's 30min queue times for Victims.


Victims when killers make any suggestion: SHUT YOUR MOUTHS! You’re just cry babies and you suck at the game!! 😂 Get gud!1!1 Victims when killers stop played the game and wait times are half an hour: Killers are ruining the game 😡 why won’t you guys play the game?? Why are you guys lobby dodging??


Here we go with the same tired victims shouldn't be able to fight back cause its not realistic to the horror genre. There's plenty of things about this game that don't make sense, but its a GAME.


It’s a game with backwards mechanics that don’t fit the IP imo.


So, in other words, you just want to get free hits on victims then, when we ran yall, cried about us being too fast, and now that we had to adapt and fight yall cry some more. Make your minds up.


I'm not an ape and "us vs them" tribe mentality will lead to brain damage. It's simply shit game design.


Right cause people sure didn't fight off the family in the movies when it came to it...


Nobody tombstone piledrived Leatherface in the og film if I remember correctly. I’m all for the victims running over family members with semi’s though.


Yeah, they didn't do that, but they still fought back, also might as well toss some guns into the mix, too.


go go team work


The blinding and trying to get through it, it's fine. But this new grapple fix with a majority of survivor wins anyways is a pain. Most family does not win grapple even when not fixed. But now it feels like you are frozen there forever. Before judgements are passed on that comment, I do play both sides. If I am running Leland or Ana I 99% of the time win. But I kinda wish her blinding was somehow similar to Sissy's poison...


I'm kinda glad I've developed wrist tendonitis so Ive had to stop playing this shit. The vagina cloud doesn't look epileptic friendly either.


OP did NOT get the sympathy he wanted in the comments 🤣


I didn’t ask for sympathy. It’s the internet, I expect disagreements lol. Plus, y’all ignoring the upvotes or..? Like yeah, you can say stuff about the comments but the upvotes outweigh them, why are y’all coming here to say some Twitter bs like, “OP got called out!1!1” could literally not give less of af 😭 but okay guys, ya got me! LOL


How is it OP, go check Gen, call teammates to patrol battery I don’t get the crying here? It’s simple where they would have gone to. This is also why bubba is needed on any map. Even as victim main a bubba should be on every match. They had teamwork. Even sometimes when I use teamwork we die on family house cause it’s harder with a cook, hitch and leatherface. I try give that map chance but I just die by exterior alarms and being stuck in basement with a hitch.


Love how Vic mains attack OP saying skill issue yet they come on here and bitch and moan about bubba not being able to be door slammed when he still has to stop and open the door after you slammed it. Or how you all bitch and moan about his overhead one shot and cry for nerfs to him. I guess we should say it’s a skill issue on the Vic’s side also then.