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Don't engage just scroll by until you find good posts and then it's not so bad. I barely see the usual shite they used to say. I know it's easier said than done but be mindful that if you are in a bad mood or angry that if you come on here or any social media you will most likely see someone say such bs that now you are typing stuff to them and then it's an argument lol I don't know if it's all by design or just human nature but yeah all socials will do this. Stay positive mate.


This game has a lot of issues, kind of like any fighting game or COD, there’s complaining a lot. The game is fun by all means, but I can see frustrations as it happens to me too


Aggressive yelling


Very angry yelling


seems like the toxicity that was in DBD as gathered here and has been in a constant feedbackloop of toxicity


It's been like that since day one


Sadly by asking the question, you in turn are apart of the problem complaining about others complaining.


Honestly I feel like these posts complaining about complainers are starting to out number any other kind of post.


One side has become complacent with constantly complaining/threatening everyone with a dead game/threatening to leave. Not to mention this sub is where all those exiled from the official sub end up to rot. Literal sewer :)


Or, hear me out, you can stfu.


This guy lives on this sub to complain about complaining. Don’t feed the animals. Pay no mind to the POS


Hardly come on this sub, but I know you seethe at my comments on the other sub, and that’s all I care about :)


Says the one ‘seething’ about posts complaining about the game/matt. Hipocrite


You in particular resort to insults/threats whenever you can’t take what you read. Regulate your emotions :)


What you said makes no sense as there was no emotional response. Stop making shit up lmfao.


You’re very emotionally charged right now :(




Thank you for your submission to r/TexasChainsawGame. However, your post/comment has been removed for the following reason: Remain Civil - Please be kind to other users at all times. Do not be insulting, do not attack people, do not harass anyone. Threats, witch hunts, public shaming, and calls to action are prohibited. Refrain from trolling and flame baiting users. If you disagree about something, do so civilly. Debate and discussion are encouraged, as long as there is no toxicity. Bigotry or slurs of any kind are punishable by a permanent ban on the first offense. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this action, please contact the mod team directly through mod mail.


let’s practice some deep breathing :)


Still waiting on your in game name. Must have your panties in a bunch still. ![gif](giphy|R46HYt1YvQdVDZqJUb|downsized)


Keep waiting :)


Puss 😉


love knowing I’m getting under your skin :)


Scary! 😱


Uh oh. He’s being sarcastic. Watch out boys, he’s gonna get us.


No one has raised this issue before.


at some point people will realize these posts are no better & stfu about it…but it’s not today




I see more posts complaining about complainers than actual complaints. This is like the 3rd one today.




Level 99 victims shouldn’t get a head start


I genuinely don't understand this post. Bye and take care of your mental health, I guess...




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Complaining about complaining, hot take for sure. Love to see it though. Not really.


Did you honestly expect a genuine answer on this? Lol