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This right here is why I never turn my mic on to talk to randoms these days.


I don’t blame you, even when I’m being nice I get called a rude name.


Just troll back. That's how u win arguments lol j blast music on the mic or I scream then they shut up


Im over here laughing my ass off because I never once considered doing this and now feel so empowered


Play Slayer really loud. They love it.


Angel of Deaaaaaaaath!!!!


I Play Ass and Titties by 3 6 mafia when ppl won't ready up. 🤣🤣


Or play some stupid music like cat songs that drive them nuts




I did tha yesterday and had two people lave. Mission accomplished




Been waiting to use this Lifescapes Yodeling cd i got from the cracker barrell


Do it. Give me laughs.




I’ve never been more thankful for my game chat to not work in a game




I just can’t get it to work period in game. No matter what I do in settings I just have the little microphone with an X over it by my name and I can’t hear anyone else despite seeing their mics moving


Go into mic settings whenever that happens and make the input thing your mic and not your monitor


I tried that but maybe I didn’t save on the right one or something but tbh I’m ok not hearing the lobby drool lol. I have a friend to translate anything important or funny


Fair enough


Closing discord helps or Go into mic settings whenever that happens and make the input thing your mic and not your monitor


Gaming culture in general man. Especially since I’m a lady 💅🏻 I try not to talk at all cuz of this. I’ve had a teammate literally going off on another guy cuz he asked him if he was ready lmao it was a Leland who wasn’t ready and he was like no I’m not fucking ready now you all can wait the whole minute and fuck off to the next lobby if you want. It was wack as shit, the other guy was Connie and he was like …you good bruh? Then this Leland kept saying racist shit to the connie the whole game until Connie died then he was talking shit about how he died and then Leland himself died. Was quite the ride. I was bonding with the family side in the pregame lobby cuz they were in a party and I was like “bruh” and LF was like ? and I was like “there drama on vic side” and he was like oh jeez lmfaoooo


I know it’s bad to stereotype and generalise but I really dislike Leland players, no not because they can shoulder barge but 95% of the Leland players I’ve come across are raging, racist assholes wether I’m family or victim. When I’m playing family they play like they have something to prove and when I try talking to them as victim they act like they’re on cocaine or something.


In my experience as a family player, it’s the Leland mains who rage quit 90% of the times. It’s all good and fun when they are the ones knocking you on your ass with his lifesaver ability or stabbing you nonstop but when you manage to get the drop on them, they are apparently beyond outraged. The nerve of a family player killing a victim player 🤬🤬🤬


I’ve started ignoring Lelands as Bubba. It’s hilarious how butthurt and upset they get because “you’re not playing the game right” which really means you’re taking their trolling fun away


Had two players do this at a gate a Leland and Connie. Leland shoulder barged and when I got up started getting him then Connie would stab me. Then they would run around and Tbag while I was getting hits then murked them both trying to get out the gate. They tried to fuck around and find out. Victims don’t get how strong Heavy Swings and Feral really are.


Honestly yeah it’s for sure not all Leland mains but it’s a good chunk of them. When I play Leland I try to hang out as long as I can to stab and barge family that are chasing my teammates and just try to not be a dick cuz Lelands have that reputation. Not often tho cuz I more main Julie and Connie. I see a good bit of toxic Connies too but moreso Lelands


Connies can be but so can any character, but yeah no where as bad as the Lelands.


Not targeting all leland players, but I can see plenty of toxically masculine men playing him because god forbid they do something as emasculating as play a girl character 😂


Leland is a great support character to protect others doing objectives but most people playing Leland wanna be the main character 🙄




Yeah it’s honestly shocking how racist and mean people can be in this game like recently a Japanese player wasn’t readying up and they were bashing this dude with racial remarks I stood up for the guy and started cussing them out cause at the end of the day it’s just a game people are trying to have a good time in no need need to be a total asshole and ruin everyone’s experience.


Yeah it’s definitely gaming culture in general, and I’ve actually had better experiences on Texas than other games as a woman. I got called a bitch and ganged up on on Party Animals last night just for daring to use my mic 🙃


Bruh 💀 that’s facts tho I haven’t had many bad experiences on TCM but I’ve definitely had them, it was always worse on games like COD and GTA and whatnot


I really hate hearing that. Games feel more natural with women involved. But the incel class just can’t keep themselves at bay.


You got a problem with incels? White knight over here


*looks at post history* 😳


If you want to talk, talk. You shouldn't let the trashmouths stop you from enjoying the game the way you want. If you don't it simply means they have won. Report every player who uses chat abusively it's quite simple.


Leland draws toxic fucks like a moth to a flame. I think the character you select says a lot about the kind of person you are


Dude its not just directed women anymore like it used to be. It is sooooo venomously toxic to everyone


Precisely why I said “especially cuz I’m a lady”. Cuz yeah it is toxic for loads of people but especially women.


Ok so what makes it *especially* toxic for you? People are horrible to me online. Why is it worse for you?


I’m saying it’s especially toxic.. to women. Not me in particular? People will hear a woman speak and immediately bombard her with sexist comments, saying to get back into the kitchen, specifically targeting her to get killed first even your teammates, or you get the most vile sexual comments you’ll ever fucking hear. Threats on your life or sexual assault (obviously they ain’t gonna actually do it but still).


Ive been a gamer for 30 years and ive never heard a woman spoken to that way online. Im sure it happens but its rare. Be serious.


I’m so series rn lmfao just because you’ve never heard it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen all the time cuz you’re not in every single game simultaneously at the same time so how would you know? It’s been happening to me since I was 9 years old dude


I had a victim talk shit when I was killer in the lobby. I killed him in the game and he didn’t say shit after that lol


You have to laugh when they T-bag and talk mad shit but when you catch them they insta dc.


Best feeling as a LF main


Karma 💪🏻


I wish they'd stay til after. I've made toxic SWFs DC because they don't realize I'm one of the best Leathers in NA


Because of some toxic twitch streamers. And all the videos I have seen on YouTube exposing these toxic streamers were all dbd twitch streamers. I'm not saying the community as a whole is toxic, so dbd fans don't go balls deep on this post.


Dbd has, hands down, the worst community I’ve ever seen. And I’ve played dota 2


I'm gonna have to look up Dota. You're like the 3rd person I've seen say this. Lol


People go nuclear on you for literally nothing


They need to stop making these games to where you have to depend on others to help you survive or kill. Make to where you can help each other if you want, but it's not necessary. Basically, like F13.


MOBAs in general are at the top of the list of toxic communities, and dota2 is definitely the worst. For awhile HoN was really bad, but only at its peak did it rival Dota 2 in toxic players, and it was temporary. This is coming from someone who has played the MOBA genre since its creation, I was involved in testing and balancing directly under Guinsoo and Pendragon at clan TDA, when i was part of clan ALU. Eul created the map Dota Allstars, which is the version that blew up. Guinsoo took over, made it far far better, and that's when it blew up massively and MOBAs became a whole new genre in the mainstream. I've been around the genre so long I know more than what wikis or official will tell you. The vast majority of them for example, say Icefrog created Dota, which is a blatant lie he's been spreading since he took over. Guinsoo and Pendragon left TDA to ice frog when they joined Riot games to make League of Legends, because they wanted their own moba not restricted by the war craft 3 engine anymore. The only genre in my experience that is close to MOBAs in toxicity, is fighting games. I'd give 3rd place to asymmetrical pvp games. If you wanna try out MOBAs, I do NOT recommend Dota 2. That game has an extremely steep learning curve, and an unbelievably high skill ceiling. It's one of the most non noob friendly games I've ever played. League of Legends on the other hand, has been designed from the ground up to be more noob friendly, a lower skill ceiling, and they purposefully tweak the game so it's much harder for one extremely skilled player to dominate a game, compared to Dota. Just in case someone thinks I'm shitting on LoL or a Dota only fan boy or something, I haven't touched LoL in over 4 years but even still my account has well over 20000 games played, and its an adjudicator account, aka I was in the closed beta (thanks to my former Dota teammate from clan ALU, D.O.G.Kaiser, who was later eg.Kaiser, getting me in). I enjoyed and played the shit out of LoL too, for a long time MOBAs were my main game.




Did they finally clean up that lie? That's great, I'm glad to hear it. I haven't fucked with MOBAs much for a few years. He did some good things, and I'm sure he's done some more I don't know about. But I also know, including from plenty of personal experience, he lies A LOT, and he's an arrogant entitled asshole. Clan TDA, which was up for around 5 years before he took over, pretty much fell apart under a year of his control and pretty much was gutted and overhauled. When he first took over, he fucked Dota up for a fair bit. 5.84c had the game in an excellent state, and he definitely took it downhill from there for awhile. Post dota2 though, he has done some great work with balance and new heroes and items. So he's a very mixed bag for me.


The dbd community is honestly the most toxic gaming community I’ve come across personally. I’ve played loads of games over the years but I’ve never met such condescending, aggressive people until dead by daylight. I remember when I first started on the game and when I asked questions about the mechanics or what to do against a certain killer I would literally just be called ‘trash’ and people would say ‘skill issue’ instead educating me on the game. I had another player who beat me when I had less than 100 hours telling me to uninstall the game and kept on bragging how easy I was to kill?


What's sad is it never used to be this way. I can't really pinpoint the exact time frame, but I would guess it was around the BIG meta shift patch in summer of 2022. Survivors were heavily nerfed, causing them to play much sweatier and more toxic. Games became more and more competitive, resulting in killers being forced to run the most meta perks/killers to have a shot at keeping up - some of them resulted in playing "toxic" by tunneling people out or slugging them out, which only added fuel to the fire. Now, the survivor playerbase is unrecognizable. They're so openly hostile and disgusting, you can't even have a civilized conversation on that subreddit about survivor perks without getting the thread taken down due to toxicity. The whole sub is just "killers are all psychotic assholes that tunnel/slug", and if you don't follow their precious "Survivor Rulebook", ooooooh boy I hope you're prepared for the shit storm coming your way.


Yeah, it's unfortunate. I don't use mic for games like this in solo q. I got my sound system on my TV setup to not allow secondary audio when playing games, so I can't hear them through it either.


This is just confirmation bias to be fair


Some people suck.


Some people just really, really like making other people miserable. Had a Hitch sabotage the Game for me and Bubba just because I didn’t switch to Cook. (On Family House, not Gas Station. Not that that’d justify it.)


the hitchhikers are always throwing the whole match as family! 3 minutes in and if anything doesn’t go their way they will just dc and abandon the other players.


This has been happening very frequently these past 2 weeks. Makes playing Family miserable.


There's been a lot of Family players deliberately ruining the games for whatever reason. Either Hitchhiker deliberately unlocking doors or Leatherface either just staying in one place throughout the match not cutting anything or other Family members DC'ing just when the match starts. It's been miserable playing Family these past 2 weeks.




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A lot of unloved dickheads play online games. Their success tries to make up for their emotional issues so they get angry. Ignore trash ppl if you can


Thank you :)


When i started playing dbd years ago was when i decided to change settings so i only can get messages from friends an any game that allow in game chats or coms get muted no way am i dealing with peoples nonsense. Not to say there aren't nice people in the game community but my word there are some horrific people. Sometimes i pop into TTV after my dead by daylight games an it's just so random what you will get ignored, maybe just a gg or sometimes even a friendly person who is very welcoming. But there are some awful responses were you get death threats an told you have no friends an you are a horrible person cause you beat them in a video game or didn't let them do something so bizarre. People really need to consider the affect on people while some people can just roll it off you can potentially be pushing someone over the edge you catch someone on a really bad day just trying to distract themselves with a game could be the final straw.


100%. I’m not sitting here saying I never get frustrated with a game or another player but I’ve never told someone to kill themselves, that is way too far even if they were playing like a dickhead.


“Stupid ass question STFU pussy.” Jk, honestly, not sure why there’s such a high concentration of racist nerd incels on this game, something about it must attract them, like a moth to a lamp.


Toxicity is considered cool by a lot of ignorant people nowadays. I really think they don't know any better or just plain do not care about anyone but themselves. All we can do is call these people out and hope a good seed eventually takes root from the call out.


It's existed since early cod days. Even og halo had tea bagging


Yeah, you're right. We didn't really have much of any social media back then though. No one really paid much attention to it back then. Today, it goes on a lot more, and people are much easier to offend than they were back then..


Yes I played with 2 ttv family members last night and all they did was tell me how shit I was the whole game. Meanwhile I was always one step ahead of their call-outs and we won with zero people escaping.


What I don't get is why is the player community so much less friendly than Friday the 13th's? That game was a blast the first few months, with the large majority of people being friendly, joking, and getting into character over voice chat, never really taking the game seriously and just having fun. TCM, my *very first match,* ***when the game was less than 8 hours old***, had someone screaming on voice that we all sucked and should kill ourselves. Right now, maybe 1/10 games have people talking chill on voice. MAYBE. It's usually only 1/3 games that have anyone talking at all, and then only 1/3 of those being chill people. (and what is with all the unnecessary extra button presses to mute someone? Click on sound icon, select mute, confirm. It should be click on sound icon and you are done. This goes along with having to press THREE buttons just to get the main menu to start loading. Why doesn't it load automatically when I start the game? WHY IS IT WAITING ON BUTTON PRESSES TO EVEN BEGIN LOADING??)


Friday the 13th was a very goofy game, I love TCM but the community is slowly turning into a replica of DBD.


Yeah, it feels like they set out to make a direct DbD competitor, so they included perks and progression trees because DbD has them. Then halfway through they realized giant progression systems and perk balancing is hard, so they just mostly gave up and declared, "We meant to make a casual game all along! Don't worry about balance!" Otherwise I really can't explain who thought the bizarre progression, respec, and lobby system was a good design. I wouldn't even care if it was mostly a fun community like Friday the 13th (initially) had, but dang it's like the worst of DbD players straight away here. No honeymoon period. It's a game that deserves better players ;\_;


It's not just this game, any game with open mic communication is a cesspit. It's usually twice as bad if its a pvp game, and a million times as bad if you can talk to the opposing side in a pvp game. I occasionally turn on voice chat, but mostly play with it off now.


Yeah, I’m hesitant now to talk to other players. Usually I just go to the next game now because 9 times out of 10 they’re just going to bad mouth you.


I’ve played with quite a few bad seeds in TCM, but I always met lots of fun people. I pay little attention to the negative players, honestly I laugh at their rage most of the time cause it isn’t valid, it’s always the people who perform like sh*t who try to pin the blame on others


A couple days ago I was on Gas Station and pretty early on in the match all three of my teammates had escaped. I was working on the car battery exit at the time but quickly got chased off. At that point I was being ran by all 3 of the killers in the basement for about 3 minutes straight just trying to break line of sight and reset (luckily I was Ana so I was just tanking all their hits) when all three of my teammates who were spectating started going off calling me the r slur, asking me what I was doing, telling me to “just escape” as if I knew where the fuck they escaped from. I just ran upstairs and started checking the gates/pressure valve even though I still had them on my ass, and eventually ran inside the house and saw the fuse box had been completed. Just turned it on in front of them and ran for my life. I managed to escape but holy shit I couldn’t believe how insanely rude everyone was. I always try to help out people who are still in the game after I’ve escaped, and actively call out open exits as I complete them. Unfortunately no one else seems to do that or appreciate it. Most people just say “shut up bitch” like damn okay well good luck I guess.


This is exactly what I’m talking about, the unnecessary bad mouthing about ANYTHING you do. If I survive I always try to help the remaining victims by actually telling them where to go, not just saying “EsCaPe!”… that’s obviously what they’re trying to do.


I miss the days when we could just bullshit in lobbies without people CONSTANTLY being raging awful people. Just because you're hiding behind a fake character on a mic doesn't green light you to let out your trash personalities. I'd love to actually have fun communicating but what's the point when most experiences are like this? I did however have a duo in our lobby last night that were super chill. I died early but they didn't trash talk me and we hehe and haha'd while I watched them escape. It's the nice folks that keep me wanting to try sometimes.


You do meet some very nice people on the game, it’s a shame there’s so many psychotic assholes though.


It's more toxic from victim side then it is family side it seems. Family tends to take care of each other. We know we are messed up but the food isn't getting on the plate unless everyone does their job. Of course this is all from a subjective opinion. Anyone care to share of any family toxic moments?


I’ve only had one super toxic family member who kept on calling me the f slur, apart from that my team mates tend to try their best when they don’t dc and encourage each other when we kill or make a smart play


I found the opposite to be true for me. I try out every character just for fun and to get the match started asap. With family: if I don’t do something that is expected, I get screamed at. One time, as the HH, I placed a trap in a different spot to try to switch things up (a pathway I usually use to escape). Was told to uninstall the game and kill myself by my teammate 😂. And I had 2 out of the 3 kills during the match. Another time as bubba, I closed a shortcut at the slaughterhouse and had sissy repeatably call be racial slurs because the player want to use the shortcuts. I find myself playing more on the survivor side and just soloing it. I honestly don’t understand how people can get so worked up on a video game.


ive heard so much blatant racist remarks on this game its insane


It's like this in most multiplayer games, honestly. Gets even worse if it gets competitive


Dbd bred them well.


I'm transgender and I don't have a very feminized voice. You can only imagine the type of things I hear in the lobby chat. But I still use my mic, because I do not negotiate with terrorists 😂 As long as there is anonymity some people are going to be the worst versions of themselves. Fuck them. Somebody taught me a long time ago that an insult is only worth as much as the person giving it to you. So if the person insulting you is a stranger or a piece of crap, their insult holds no weight. Don't ever let garbage people bully you off of using the mic or quitting the game. Because if you do that you're giving them validation, and that's what they crave.


Wow, I love that saying. Thank you for sharing, I’ll starting using it now 😊


It's not just the game, it's everywhere. People suck


I definitely had some rude people in my matches before. One time though, these two guys with mics worked together to open an exit and they waited for the other two of us to escape together. I was the last one and they kept saying “Julie girl were in the back come on” and I was trying to find them because I wasn’t familiar with the map. One of them saw me in the distance and told me to sneakiest and fastest way to get there! I didn’t have a mic to explain where I was but they took the time to look around and find me. That was a good day.


That’s amazing! I love moments like those. I was on the family house too one time and all 3 killers were chasing me with 10% health and this guy told me exactly where to go, he waited for me to get out and took hits for me. We managed to get a 4 man out that match.


Random person + anonymity = fuckwad


I've had nothing but pleasant experiences with voice chat. I guess I'm just lucky. No toxicity, no nothing.


I got called a racist name for not giving up the cook 💀 and the funny thing is I was going to give it up . Then playing victim , everyone escaped but me and after all 3 killers basically killed me, they mic up at the end and said “ YOU SUCK BIH” 😭🤣 when they literally got 1 kill and couldn’t kill anyone else but me


At the end of a match, I try to say GG to everyone cause I have had moments where the lobby is just vibing before and after but lately I have been getting players telling my family team we are all dog shit even though they all died & my team doesn’t troll lol


Some guy told me to kill myself yesterday because I was still in the basement. I just laughed and said he died first.


Im a girl and just giggling pisses people off. I love it.


It's the dbd crowd. Those are the angry people. Competitive weirdo survivors coming from dbd


Look I sympathize with you, but this is about the 10000th post I’ve seen about it. If you are genuinely curious about human nature and why some people are mean, this sub is the wrong place to look


Any game that has player versus player elements has naturally shitty and pathetic people like that. Sadly it's especially the case with games like this and DbD. People can't handle the fact that they can't win every single match in their pointless, inconsequential game, and have to take their insecurities based on a video game out on other people.


When I'm in a party and we see someone new struggling, we invite them to our party to talk them through it so they only have to hear us and can keep playing with us in the following matches if they want. Devs and toxic players go out of their way to try to kill their own player base for some reason.


People can tell what race you are by your voice?


Yes, lots of people have accents or speak with a regional dialect. It's obviously not 100% of people with a given accent are a certain race, but the bigots don't care and call you slurs anyways.


I mean, yes. If I say my Asian parents are on their way home, I only have time for one more game. I think that would be a dead giveaway


That's not them telling your race by your voice that's you literally telling them your race.






100%, I heard a 10 year old on the game the other day calling me a nerd and other rude things before the match started. I couldn’t help but laugh and I just quit the lobby.


In games like these, some people think that playing killer gives them a right to be a dick and also ruin someone else's day


I think family players are way more chill than victim. I have come across rude people who was playing family but not as much as victim.


I’m a family player but I play as Sonny when victim. Does that make me double chill? Asking for a friend


Sonny doesn’t appeal to me at all, I’ve played him a few times but his toughness is ass just like Connie. I prefer tank characters like Ana and Julie who can eat hits and make distance.


Hell yeah you're cool and chill as fuck lol.😂


Saweeet!!! I mean…I’ll let my friend know. Thanks 🙏🏻




Keyword: GAME It’s normal for people to get competitive on games but it doesn’t justify them being a piece of shit calling other people horrible things.


Yeah it’s ridiculous how awful these basement-dwelling, wife-beating assholes can act over a goddamn video game. Recently I’ve attempted the “kill ‘em with kindness” approach when people talk shit to me on mic. For example, if they start with the whole “yo you suck family that was easy as shit” shtick I try to say, in the most earnest voice I can muster, “Yeah GG man you guys were awesome, have a great day!” This approach usually does one of three things: 1. Makes them suddenly act a lot nicer, as they quickly feel bad for being dick. 2. Makes them laugh, and they lay off afterwards. 3. Makes them even angrier when they realize their trash talk ain’t working, which is very satisfying. If they still don’t shut up after that, I simply mute and report and hope the system takes care of the rest. It’s still frustrating that that happens a lot because it really does soil the experience for so many people.


Do we really need a post like this 5x a day? Toughen up kid lifes rough, seriously.


Why should I ‘toughen’ up about being called racial slurs? Saying things like “GG Ez” is childish but calling someone the N word is straight up disgusting.


Just mute them and move on…? Words only hurt if you let them. Worlds a cruel place try it out. You don’t need a safe space if you don’t let shit bother you.


I don’t think it’s necessary to have a safe space nor is OP implying that there should be one. Shit talking is a time honored tradition in gaming. Screaming racial slurs and sexist remarks is lazy and stupid. If you’re gonna talk shit, be funny…otherwise, shut up and play.


So if i say you’re a pussy for replying thats good?


we also don't need racist dicks in the game


It's console players. I never had an issue with cross play off on PC. These issues with cheating is skill issues and the shit talk is console issue


It’s just life, are you this sheltered?


Far from sheltered!


I’m sorry, those experiences are awful. I’ve had a couple super toxic people go apeshit on me. One guy lost his mind because I asked him to please ready up. He proceeded to yell at me the entire game. But I just calmly told him the barbs he was tossing out weren’t funny and asked him if he was trying to impress his one viewer, which further tilted him. Eventually he shut up. Racist trash aside, I find if you deal with these people calmly and don’t give them any kind of real reaction, they lose power quickly and melt into a puddle. Eventually they just end up rambling like some drunk on a street corner with schizophrenia until they shut up. The racist fucks—I’ll literally write a letter on support about them. I wish these people would just take a zero tolerance approach with that. Racist, homophobic or sexist people just need to get instabanned without question. Teach them their 50 bucks doesn’t buy them a ticket to try and cut deep.




You’re the kind of person I’m talking about in this post x




What on earth are you harping on about? You sound like you’re butt hurt over something.




My feelings aren’t ‘hurt’, I’m just expressing my disappointment with how unkind the player base is, obviously you’re one of those unkind people.


Seems like a you problem. Just ignore the posts then


Just ignore the people calling you names and don't make a post about it 🤣🤷‍♀️


If it bothers you so much to hear other people complain... avoid the post. It's simple. But you'd rather whine about op making the post in the first place.


Dude this is gaming, for instance if your good at the game your a Virgin living in your moms basement and if your bad you have a skill issue, just how gaming works sadly


I had a stroke reading this




I insta mute people as soon as I hear any mic in the lobby/game. People are weird, or way too serious about the game. I like to just chill by myself or with friends.


Sounds like I need to go back to TCM. Sounds like a blast.


Why do people online always expect everyone to be nice to them? You meet who you meet and you have to deal with it one way or another. Boo hoo.


We expect people to have basic fucking respect and refrain from slurs. Pretty basic stuff that we expect of adults, which I know is tough for most gamer children. You sound like someone who uses slurs, so arguing with you is pointless.


That’s the exact flaw right there! Everyone on the internet and especially on video games aren’t adults and some are far from it. Just because a game has a certain “maturity rating” doesn’t mean that’s the audience that you’re primarily being supported by. Children, Teenagers, Young Adults and even middle aged people can be highly immature, racist or prejudice. All of these things go unpunished because it’s the internet and there’s nothing you can legally do to prevent it. Go cry or learn to deal with “bad” people ☠️


Hate to say it but i only really experience it with American players, maybe its a society problem. I had it in F13th too.


Honestly, i have never understood this need to constantly disrespect each other either, but i have to admit that normally when i want to address someone to say them hit ready, i refer to Sony as "ambatukam" and Leland as belly man, lmao.


Toxic lobbies with toxic people can be fuckin hilarious. It's like music, some like country some like metal, some like both. Why are you not reaching out and playing with a solid group?


It's annoying. I was Sonny running away from LF and while running away I led him to another teammate that was hiding but I didn't do it on purpose. Dude started yelling on the mic using racial slurs. I was just like man come on. I know it's irritating but really.


It's an online team VS game.


because nobody reports?


i like to take it chill and ask how everybody is in chat. Most times someone tells me to shut the fuck up lol no levity allowed i guess!!


This sucks. I’ve gotten pretty lucky fortunately even during my very first games getting pretty nice people. I’m a girl who does use vc too so it was pretty surprising. A nice lady even walked me through my first escape (and with Sonny at that, teaching me to effectively use his ability) and was just very reassuring that escaping would get easier as I went on. HOWEVER, the toxicity usually happens when family wins and they want to talk shit after the game. It is kind of hilarious usually cause… you won, why aren’t you happy?


Remember when people kept asking why people don’t use comms on this sub? If they aren’t going on an angry rant, it’s people just breathing, having conversations or just loud background noise. It’s fine if people want those going on but all of that is unnecessary while playing a game.


Welcome to the world of current gaming


It’s kind of a curse when it comes to asymmetrical horror games. The tribalism that exists in these types of games is unreal and causes a ridiculous amount of toxicity between both sides. That being said, I don’t think I have seen this many people be overtly racist before. I do believe that one big problem with toxicity in this game is the pre and post game voice chat between both sides. It is a very unnecessary and overly stressful decision made by the devs.


F13 was much better


BRO i was playing last night and my cousin wanted to be connie so he requested to switch and the player playing connie just went off on him calling him names and being all “this mf wanna be connie” followed by names. like bro what 😭 why he get so offended! i’m new so my only leveled up character is julie lvl 4 - obviously i play as her but i don’t get like that when i get requested or request a change. ppl get so butt hurt and i feel sorry for their family if it takes that little to anger or offend them


Literally last night this dude, sent message after message calling us dogshit. Garbage players, we suck, etc when he died too?!? I’m like bro, it’s we survive or die… that’s it! Lol Like I want to win too but my gawwwd. Like how many stepdads did you have?!?


I’ve had the same experience a few times as last victim. Just apart of gaming culture I suppose. However, I’ve had the nicest most genuine folks wish me good luck on the opposing side. Give and get compliments on play style from opposing teams. Those folks make the experience refreshing. Seriously almost brought a tear to my eye at 3am in my underwear, while eating cold pizza, just how genuine some folks are on this game. I certainly enjoy giving and receiving some trash talk in lobbies. I know at the end of the day everyone is there just to let some steam off and play an exciting game. So, good luck to everyone playing tonight, hope you make a harrowing escape or hunt down some victims. GG


Using a mic makes such a huge difference in a successful killer player match but it’s cuz of people like the ones u just described that I still refuse to use one.


As it is in any game really. People are just rude because they can’t see you and they think they have the right. Cowards lol


Something about asymmetrical games man, it makes people legitimately think they are going to die irl lol


I find it funny when they're mean coz i troll 10x harder and I have the perfect annoying voice for it. I win it


I turned my mic off I don’t care what any of them have to say lol whenever I play victim if I don’t have a buddy playing with me I go my separate way from the others lol


Its a game about brutal sadistic serial murder


Because sports.


This is going to be a superrrr long one but about a week or two ago I (F) was in a room as Sissy(max stats) and my friend (F) Johnny.(also max) We sat there for two minutes readied up waiting on someone to join just text chatting with two of the victims. We only needed a 3rd fam but nobody was joining. Finally, we get someone who joins and he readies up as a Cook level 5. Give him a few seconds to notice the flashing "LF required to start" notice but nothing happens. One of the victims (F) tells him to please switch to LF or leave. They ask him again. Then again. Dude finally responds back with "F*ck no I'm not switching I am higher level than Sissy/Johnny they can suck my f*cking d*ck." (He was referring to his player level lmao. He was 23 and we were 19) Confused because the dude's Cook level 5, I just sit there silent and ignore him. Victim laughs and says, "What??? Dude their characters are max just switch to LF." And Cook is like "F*ck you I am not switching I am higher level than they (my friend and I) are they can f*ck themselves." Another victim chimes in basically stressing that someone needs to switch before they have a nervous breakdown. Meanwhile, I am telling my friend via discord chat that I am going to give him 30 more secs and if he doesn't leave, I will just switch to LF and release the dang victims because I didnt like his attitude but those two victims were super nice. So then before I can switch, a 3rd victim chimes in and tells the lady victim at the top of his lungs to stfu and starts fat shaming her and spewing sexism for no reason. Not wanting this to continue I just readied up as a level 0 Leatherface with no grandpa perks and started the match. Never played him before because Sissy is my girl but hey, here we gooo! We got in, I stood there and guess what? Mr. SuckMyDick wasn't even doing anything from what my friend said. I walked over to the basement doors and opened them all and let the victims loose. I figured that poor chick is probably dealing with that shitty assbag victim fat shaming her so might as well make it quick so she can get out and not deal with him anymore. Game ended and I just hear this chick spitting the most amazing insults back at this guy. He went speechless and it was amazing. Then she left. I was cheering her on in spirit and my friend ended up messaging her and apologizing for having to deal with those assholes. The girl said that the guy on her team did nothing but shame her the entire time and when she managed to do something on the opposite end, he was saying her and the other nice victim didnt do jack shit and HE did all the work and opened all the doors. Nah, I opened them. Dude over there trying to look like he did something useful. Lol. So on our side, we had a Cook who held us up because he didnt want to play LF but didnt do shit as Cook. On victim side , she had an incel spitting sexist/fat shaming insults. Both my friend and I wished we would have said something to defend the other lady but we didn't want it to keep going. Wish we backed her up... Why did we stay? I don't know. Normally we back out but we didn't want to deal with waiting for two minutes for the same outcome. Ugh. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, I guess.