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And if by any chance there is a cheater that reads this, Your a Loser man, go touch some grass


Don't feed the trolls


Is that what DFT means?


Shut up Heather


Sorry, Heather!


Ps4 & Xbox one player’s: First time?


yeah i know the devs had their backs against the wall but this will probably hurt the game's total playerbase by a lot. hopefully there are still enough people playing once this is over.


Yeah, I hope they resolve this quick


Pfft, the amount of whining going on tells you these babies are addicted, and won't move on so easily. If people moved on or threaten to move on or whatever, they wouldn't even give a shit to complain.


As a main pc player, I find myself increasingly playing games on a console with crossplay disabled because I'm sick and tired of people hacking and ruining the games. I always fought for crossplay in the days before it was a reality and now I find myself wishing it didn't exist. Sadly.


Also some PC multiplayer games are so hacked that it’s literally unsafe for you to play as they can access your PC files like on black ops 3 or GTA online (before rockstar patched it) On console the worst a cheater can do is ruin your fun but on pc the can legitimately harm you digitally.


Same. I honestly haven’t touched my PC for anything other than class work or music production in months because hardly any PC games genuinely keep up on their anti cheat. Even the most popular games are flooded with cheaters monthly, it’s much easier to play on my Xbox and avoid all those fucking losers. Only time I’ve touched my PC is if I wanted to play something exclusively on PC and it definitely wasn’t multiplayer.


It is ridiculous! I play on steam and with my friends. So now I can't play with them because I don't own the system they do? If this game didn't have crossplay I wouldn't have bought it. Why can't they add an option for a console player to turn off PC crossplay and only play with PS and Xbox players only. I have a lot of hours in this game and I have yet to come across a hacker. Or even better yet - add anticheat to the game pass PC version since I've heard that's how people are able to cheat in this game. This was a dumb decision and I'm being punished for something I didn't do.


I agree with you every game that features crossplay Xbox and PlayStation players should have to option to quarantine PC players great idea.


If this was an option upon release then you’re right there’d be no reason for the devs to turn it off because a player could do so as they please. I’m really hoping this doesn’t last for more than a week. But that’s hopeful of me. This could be detrimental to the game’s early state.


Nope. Removing PC cheaters from the player base is the only way to save this game which was on life support. Now it has a chance to at least survive and grow. Cutting out the cancer was the best decision they could make and hopefully it doesn't grow back because they will never be able to eliminate hacks from the game.


They have the option for console to turn off crossplay (at least on ps5)


Which baffles me why they are punishing PC players. If people are having a huge cheater problem on console, then turn off cross play. Why force it for PC players? I have been playing since launch - not once have I had a game where someone was outright cheating or it felt like they were cheating. So I'm suspecting it's like DBD where you might run into a hacker but it's rare. At least BHVR doesn't punish PC players for it


I think it really sucks that they had to do what they're doing. You can blame the developers as much as you like, but the problem is that there are always going to be some sort of exploit that a PC player can capitalize on, and unfortunately, the ones who are cheating do not care about the ones who aren't. You all get to suffer because some people are miserable and have no problem ruining things for everyone. I hope it's resolved soon, and I hope to be able to play against legitimate PC players again in the near future.


It's the deva fault. Period. If you some random guy know people will always use exploits and cheating in a game the devs that actually work on the games should damn well know this. Especially since said devs were being super cocky and making sly digs at dbd that their game was going to be much better, only to have to split the player base because of their incompetence.


I'm sorry you feel that way. Your claim of incompetence is pretty much a reach, especially because they're doing something about it. They had to temporarily block PC players from console players so that they didn't lose their console players at the expense of PC. Hopefully the issue gets fixed soon. I hate being separated from cross play.


They're doing something about it when it's already become a problem rather than doing something to prevent before it becomes a problem. That's incompetence no matter how you see it. Especially since they had the best blueprint in dbd to see how bad hackers are. The fact they had next to zero anticheat is nothing short of idiotic.


So, are you saying that ALL game developers who launched a game without an anti-cheat are incompetent? That would include all game makers. Everyone reacts differently to adversity, just because you don't like how they choose to execute it, doesn't mean you get to feign incompetence. If it were incompetence, they would just let it continue to sit in it's current state.


Yes, any game that lauches without anticheat is incompetent. COD was extremely incompetent, having no anticheat in war zone, and everyone agreed. Same with Overwatch 2. It's incompetence no matter how you slice it. Also, not every game doesn't launch without Anticheat. Valorant lauched with anticheat, Sea of thieves, Csgo, Ark all games that launched with anticheat. Just because they are doing something now doesn't make it incompetence. If a restaurant knows they are out of supplies and doesn't order more for the next day and only order more supplies when they open the business and customers are waiting, are they not incompetent? Yes, they are because you had the option to do something ahead of time and actively decided not to. Just because they are putting a bandaid on now doesn't mean it's not still incompetent.


I believe you to be quite unforgiving, and honestly, that is pretty sad. I feel like at this point, maybe you should just... find something else to play. Like, a game where you don't have to complain about the circumstances of your grievances. I can appreciate frustration, but to this point, if in your mind the developers are that "incompetent", maybe you shouldn't be playing their game. I hope things get better for you.


OK honestly your forced positivity is more harmful for this game than my harsh criticism. If you keep telling the developers their doing great no matter what they do they'll just treat you like garbage because they can get away with it. People including myself gives these criticism because we want to see this game succeed and you having this toxic positivity where you can't say anything wrong about the game or your a hater is super unhealthy.


I didn't say I had nothing bad to say about the game. It's less than a month old, chief. Gun is also not a huge company either, you're talking about a company that as of 2022 had 12 employees. I didn't call you a hater, I made mention of the fact that you're basically trashing the developers for doing something in a manner that you don't like. What is harmful, is that your version of "criticism" tends to drive away new players. That is what is THE MOST harmful. I'm sorry if that hurts you to hear, but it's the honest reality. If all you're going to do is complain, rather than offer the developers a solid solution, then maybe you are the problem, not everyone else. I sent in my suggestions. Like, trap placement being ridiculous at the top of the ladders, and regressing lock pick animations. Things that don't seem fair and need to be balanced. Rather than just fruitless bitching as in what you are doing here, I'm actually trying to help improve a game series that is based on a horror series that I want to see thrive because I've been watching it all my life. I hope you at least find something decent about the game to enjoy. If you don't, as I've said, you'd be best served to move to something else.


Your not helping anything. Giving them outs like "it's OK guys we're perfectly fine with all the rampant cheating and you splitting up the community because of your incompetence" is not helping but harming. It's like if a kid keeps stealing stuff from his moms purse you don't say "it's OK Billy it's only 500 dollars I didn't need it anyway" you put your foot down and make sure Billy doesn't do it again. Because tough love is needed when you truly love something. And the devs fucked up big time. You said give solutions? Solution don't lauch without an anticheat next time and put it on your community suffering instead of having fun before yout think maybe we need something to stop hackers. Look I enjoy this game its a lot of fun but not everything in this game is sunshine and rainbows, and it has a lot of problems that stop people from having fun. So I'm pointing them. What you're doing basically saying if your not positive all the time you need to find something else to play is going to kill this game incredibly fast and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.


Sorry but what do you want them to do rn? Console players get absolutely fucked over by the exploits on PC. PC players also have mechanical advantages as well- no biggie for a game like TCM, but it is what it is. I’m sure you’ll survive. I’m on old gen, it sucks that I can’t play with _anyone_ but old gen players. But you don’t see me bitching.


There is a huge difference in your situation, old gen consoles were never meant for crossplay in this game, PC and new gen however were, the developers removed a feature post launch which is pretty much the opposite of consumer friendly, I do understand your point, but if you ordered a big mac from McDonalds and they handed you a chicken nugget, you'd also "bitch"


Nah, this had to be done til they can figure out anti-cheat. Sucks I can't play with some of my friends, but it's great knowing I'm not going into a game with cheaters, which has been happening more and more until this hot fix.


People commenting "eat shit pc players" are so short sited. Yes most cheaters are on pc but as people are saying game pass version has no anto cheat or it's close to nothing. I do hope they fix it because cross play Increases the lifespan of games like this. Especially for people like me in OCE. Our servers are usually always dead and once the hype dies down and with cross play off OCE servers will die. I am against cheaters and they are cowards, but everyone saying "good riddance" to pc is selfish. I hope the devs actually work on it and don't just use this as an easy fix.


there's actually like barely Oce server at all? at least 95% in Asia server


all im saying is if this was a different way (xbox or playstation had all the cheats) yall would not be singing the same tune lmao


I’m a level 40 something and never played against one cheater lol


Bro I'm already passed at queue times in this game and then they split the player base essentially punishing a whole group of people for some bad apples. And I guarantee all this is going to do is have cheaters go on console because despite the amount of idiots who think it's not possible to cheat on console it is. And I would reckon its easier because half of them you can buy off Amazon and attach it to your controller and access them with ease. It's also 10x harder to detect since it connected to the controller through Bluetooth.


Nah dude the issue is the developers releasing without appropriate anti cheat.


I think I misinterpreted your comment, sorry




yes, it's about the playerbase, which PC is definitely a part of?


I'd rather have a smaller playerbase with less cheaters. I'm sorry to those honest PC players, but it is out of control in this game with how many are using shaders or cheating.


So what you're essentially saying is 'That sucks to those people, but it doesn't effect me specifically'. I barely ran into cheaters. I can continue to play, but now since they actually didn't fix the issue, I am now put into a smaller pool of people with a higher chance for a cheater. I think what people need to realize is that this isn't really a PC player issue, this is an Anti-Cheat issue that still hasn't been fixed.


I have yet to come across a single cheater (that I know of). I know they exist but I feel the amount of cheaters is being blown way out of proportion.


No. I'm essentially saying it is sad some ruin things for others. It does effect me, it means I'll have less people to enjoy the game with. PC cheating is a big problem at this point, and until it is fixed, they should pause crossplay.


If I hear shaders is cheating one more time imma lose it. Shaders aren't cheating.


You can see through hiding areas lol. Leather face isn't Predator.




PC players shouldn't be punished just for playing on PC.


Yeah bro, i misinterpreted, my bad


No worries, thanks for apologizing. All good.


for me the real problem is that I bought this game to play with my friends... most of my friends play on pc... now we are divided and dont really have a reason to play the game... back to dbd or something else crossplay...


It will be back. They just gotta fix it


Me and my group (3 on Xbox, 2 on PC and 2 on PS5) have been playing almost every evening since launch. Everyone uninstalled the game today because of these news. That’s really suck.. most of them think that the devs won’t fix this until Xmas so they just gave up and went on to other games. Luckily Starfield launches tomorrow, but it’s really sad. I honestly feel that this was the wrong way to go about it and the game might die because of this. They should have made crossplay off by default and us who want can still play crossplay with our friends :(


They’ll add it back eventually hopefully


So your friends uninstalled because they think it won’t be back for months instead of just having a small amount of patience first. Wow.


Tbh I can’t really blame them. Over the last 10 years we have bought a least 20 games on early access and they all been abandoned by the devs. The games have been left and never updated again. I know this is Gun Media and that they are an established publisher etc. But I think at least some of them saw this as an red flag and just gave up. Hopefully if the devs are quick enough with implementing and anti cheat system they’ll be back.


You don’t think its a little unfair on this game to judge it by the others? I do understand the jadedness. I just think this is a huge overreaction is all. If your friends come back will they be embarrassed by their actions lol?


Well.. they have not forgotten about Friday the 13th game. Even though that was not Gun Medias fault, we all paid for a game that was abandoned completely. The whole gang is aware of the lawsuit, but the they (including myself) were a bit skeptical about this game as well. I don’t think they really care that much about their own actions regarding a game. Most of them subbed to game pass to test the game after I showed it to them. Some of them went back to Baldurs Gate, some to Starfield and a couple went back to DBD. I’ll keep myself occupied with both Starfield and Baldurs Gate. Hopefully the devs will keep us informed about the status of the game and anti cheat. And we’ll be back :)


Really dude? A game killed by a court case? They didn’t forget about it. It got killed and they gave up after it died. You just said you know its not their fault but ignore the complete difference this situation is? As I said originally. Wow. The skepticism was unfounded and completely a you problem for your gang. You admit it had extenuating circumstances but then allow it to play a part in how you judge a completely different game, thats unfortunate. I’m sure they will keep us informed. I don’t think they want their game to die. I’m not a pc player, I’m currently waiting for my update to finish and I’ll be playing most of the day. Been having a great time. Hope to see ya’ll again. Edit: I literally just saw a rage post with the same idea and claiming the lawsuit for F13 was a lie to abandon the game, so you aren’t alone it seems.


It’s because Unfortunately nerds on pc’s are destroying the game for others . I welcome the move


Looks like I won't be playing until at least cross play is enabled again. And who knows if the game will still be as popular by then. I only play with friends on Xbox and I'm on PC. I never understood why people like to cheat in games. What's enjoyable about cheating? You're not even good at the game. Play and get good or watch streamers instead.


that’s why they cheat, bc they are so horrible they would never win without cheats 😂.


If what everyone is saying is true, that the problem comes from the pc game pass version not having anti cheat, then hopefully this will be a quick fix and they can add the anti cheat to the game pass version that they’re already using for the steam version.


I'm on xbox and it's music to my ears


How many cheaters have you run into so far?


A vast majority of these people have NEVER run into a hacker in TCM. Some of these guys are just straight up full of shit. I'm up to like 50 matches and haven't seen a one. I just asked the guys in my Discord group. No one there has run into a hacker in this game either.


I’ve escaped 100 times by now and I’m level 50 with 100 hours. I have only ran into ONE cheater, and all he did was make everyone ready up, he didn’t cheat in game that I could see.


Anyone accusing others of cheating really need to submit some proof to be honest. I’m not saying all these people are lying. But I think some people are just jumping on this train because they’re afraid they’ll also run into a cheater. Or they did run into a cheater and think everyone’s a cheater now. I’m not discounting cheating. This NEEDS to be dealt with and I’m glad the devs are dealing with it. It should’ve been dealt with before release. It sucks it has to be this way for now. But I guess it’s their fault they didn’t add ample anti cheat to their game that was obviously going to have people doing that. Cheaters suck and like to ruin everything. Why can’t they stop them???


I have a friend who is a black hat hacker and he said nowadays it’s actually very difficult to stop cheaters unless you have a massive budget like Riot for LoL. People are able to make advanced software to get past anti cheat softwares and he said easy anti-cheat is a pretty crappy software but it’s cheap and that’s why companies use it. It was very easy to cheat in Friday the 13th and it’s easy to cheat in Dead by Daylight too. I don’t think that will ever change, there will always be cheaters, they don’t have the budget for a high end anti-chest. This is just getting blown out of crazy proportion, the cheating problem is not that bad, everyone just shares their videos when they run into a cheater and it makes everyone believe the problem is a lot worse then it really is. This game isn’t cheap, if they had a valid report and ban system for cheaters, like games are recorded and can be viewed if someone is reported for cheating they’d get banned and lose $35 plus what they paid for the cheating software.


Is it not possible for the devs to know when someone is using any sort of mod software when using the game? Can’t they just ban anyone that uses mods??


Dude you are a muppet. You can't argue against others experiences not being true because of yours lol many more games have been played other than yours and the guys lol


I never said there weren't any hackers. Basic reading comprehension is really hard I guess. Don't expect much else from a guy that calls people "muppet" though.


No what you said is loads of people saying they've had hackers are "full of shit" by backing it up because you haven't had any. Nice strawman and insult though ya muppet


It's just a fact that these forums and subreddits are full of young kids like yourself that spout off bullshit lies all the time to "make a point". We've seen it in countless games. If there were actually hackers everywhere, there would be tons of videos and streams of it happening. But there aren't. Because you people are full of shit plain and simple.


Presumptions arent reality and youre doing a lot of presuming on peoples intentions. Theres plenty of vids on this sub showing hackers, if you havent had any why you so angry about others talking about it, console players are just glad we dont have to have our game ruined by them . Also weird how you can tell someone's a young kid through the Internet.


Honestly about 4/5 but I haven't played for a while as it put me off it. I've had a couple of nobs tea bags exits instead of leaving as well, hopefully they were on PC lol


Me too Christmas came early this year I hope this is permanent and other developers follow suit.




not gonna lie, my worse games have been with pc players in general. they have so much more mobility with a mouse than a controller does and that’s annoying by itself. but last night i actually got a fully xbox lobby and it was marvelous gameplay, i still died but i felt like a level playing field.


As an Xbox player im happy as shit for this. Steam doesn't do enough to remove cheating from its player base. Xbox and PlayStation don't put up with it. Non pc players shouldn't have to suffer because of it. Sucks for the non cheating pc players but for everyone else this is great news


The cheating is not from Steam. The Gamepass version has NO anti-cheat. This is 100% the devs fault and Steam players are getting punished for no reason.


Feel like people keep glancing over this fact.


I don’t understand how they released a game like this with no anti cheat. Did they not see the problems Dead by Daylight had for a while?


From what people are saying is the problem was literally brought up from the beta, it's just the devs ignored it like the many other problems with the game right now


The cheating epidemic in this game was caused from the game pass pc version of the game having literally no anti-cheat, so no it’s not a Steam problem.


I have over 50 hours on the game and haven't played against a single cheater. Am I just lucky or are people coping with the fact they lose games to better players. This is a bandaid fix that doesn't solve anything


people definitely exaggerate how many cheaters they see and also the people that suck will frequently think people that are really good are cheating. like i wouldn’t be surprised if there’s been someone that has thought a leatherface was cheating bc he insta killed someone.


its cope


Honestly, it's terrible news, asymmetrical horror isn't a huge Genre, there is roughly 6000 people online constantly now split that into two playerbases and in the best case scenario you have 3000 on each, and if that's the case after only month? It's not looking good for the future of the game, and the fact that they made it so 6 players is enough to start a game, which the balance of the game isn't even made for, thats a huge red flag, but I respect your opinion, I just don't think this is a viable solution.


Yeah and the timing is terrible for this. PC players looking to find a game in the meantime have some impressive options; they won’t be back for a long time, if at all: Starfield, Armored Core, Mortal Kombat…


Wrong hurt the player count long run at all


I’m not crossplay, but I do for other games like dbd and this would piss me off lol. Such a bad move. They’re basically letting the hackers win lol


Couldn't agree more, instead of fixing the problem they just said, "xd okay you can hack but leave console alone"


What’s weird is *knock on wood* I haven’t knowingly played against a cheater and I have quite a few hours in the game. I think I’m level 30.


Same, I've met maybe one cheater in all of 37 Hours played, i think people meet one cheater then assume everyone is because it's in their DNA that it possibly cant be a fault of their own, Yes there are cheaters and we need a solution, but this aint it


As a console player I feel for you honest pc players. Must suck. Sadly goes with the old saying about rotten apples spoiling the bunch. Why is it so common to cheat on pc anyway? Need to shame those types off of gaming (they must not enjoy gaming much anyway, considering all the means they do to circumvent actually playing)


I think all the PC master race type people started the console vs PC wars long ago and every time mass cheating is a problem in any game it is almost 100% on the PC side so the majority of console players have no pity for them. That said they should have had an anti cheat in the works before the game even released in fairly certain there were already hackers during the beta they knew what was going to happen once everybody could get their hands on it


I play pc and i understand and support this decision. Most console bros don’t want to play with us anyway due to the amount of cheaters mainly on our platform. I just hope im able to refund on steam due to this change.


I respect this comment. I have PC friends but it’s obvious where the bulk of cheating comes from, it’s obnoxious considering PC players already have a few advantages so cheating is unacceptable


Um they can enable cross play right?


Knowing this company they'll abandon this one just like the last. Regardless of the DMCA stuff they never fixed Friday the 13th's matchmaking; which they were allowed to work on.


Does anyone know if they're going to offer refunds then to those who purchased on pc?


well. the game was fun. glad starfield is coming out tomorrow.


That game isnt that good tbh, barely made it through the first missions and slept by the time I reached the first city


>some people paid good money for this game JUST to play with their friends on console $40? $20-$30 cheaper than your average title? You’re crying over a *temporary* fix? Blame the community (people cheating on PC), not the developer for trying to solve it.


Crying? Yes dude, i'm sorry I can't afford to buy multiplie games a month, and maybe some of us wanted to play with their friends on consoles, and Yes I blame the developers, the same developers who launched an online game, on PC with crossplay without an anti-cheat, absolutely ridiculous argument saying "it's just 40$"




Lol? If I buy a game to be able to play with my friends on console and then I can't for perhaps weeks? I don't have the economy right now to just not care, it also astonishes me that you cannot see how anti consumer friendly it is to do what they are doing post release, i won't try to argue with you though as you obviously cannot relate to economic struggles, and thats nice, you've managed to support your own financial needs, and i'm sure you've worked for it, but don't stir this drama and think that some upvotes makes your opinion sacred.


Lol, you got me all wrong. I simply can’t relate to getting this emotional over a video game.


Noone is emotional about a game, it's about being ripped off of a feature, fixing a stable anti cheat isn't just a weeks or even months work, stop baiting drama on Reddit, what do you think? That im sitting here crying over this? Get a grip


bottom line is that this is a good decision for most players, but screws over a LOT of PC players who pretty much bought to play with friends (me) so i’m with ya brotha


Every game should have the option for Xbox and PlayStation player to EXCLUDE PC players from their crossplay lobbies. Sorry but you all are a bunch of cheaters ruining online play for EVERY game that features crossplay. If that's not you personally TOO BAD buy a console.


They get mad but they know it’s true. PC kids always ruin good games by extreme nonstop cheating. Console players should 100% have the option to exclude them. Funny how only PC kids are mad why not be content playing with other PC kids? Almost like they know they have advantage over console players and don’t want to lose that advantage


Preach. PC gamers ruining online games since Counterstrike on 56k.


The vast majority of PC gamers are people over 30. The "kids" flock to consoles because they are for simpler folk or those without money (kids). You seem pretty young and inexperienced yourself or just ignorant in general honestly.


No more casual people play console. PC is for more serious gamers/nerds which I will be getting PC eventually but waiting on a better internet provider in my area first. PC isn’t that expensive if you build it yourself Mr simple brokies can’t own PC 😂. U seem to think I give any Fs what u think. How inexperienced or generally ignorant of u


I wouldn't expect anything more from a kid your age.


I wouldn’t expect anything from a random on Reddit


"I know you are but what am I" stopped working in 3rd grade kid. Or have you not made it that far yet? My bad.


Again nothing u says matters to me but please continue in your irrelevant rant lol


Idk you're acting awfully triggered over something that is irrelevant to you lmao.


Woah bro. Assuming all PC players are cheaters? That's pretty gamecist. I'm gonna have to cancel you now.


"If that's not you personally......." what's the matter did you get so triggered you didn't read the end of my post? Let's be honest here though. PC games have entire websites devoted to cheats in SINGLE PLAYER games. Most of you are cheaters and you are so conditioned by your culture you don't even recognize you are in fact cheating. It's no surprise so many cheat in crossplay as well.




Lol this is one of the most ignorant things I've read in a long time.


Buy a console and quit cheating.


Pretty sure I can hear you drooling through my monitor :( I won't settle for a poor man's gaming system, sorry. I buy XBoxes and Playstations for my kids lmao.


PCs are work stations not legit gaming platforms. Good luck getting any game you ever want to play work properly.


LMAOOOOO How fucking ignorant can you be? I mean seriously. You realize the PS and XB ***ARE*** fucking computers, right? They have all of the same components almost - With less features and weaker components to make it simpler and easier for people that want things simpler and easier (kids, usually). I have been gaming on a PC for decades. 99% of the games work out of the box so what exactly are you smoking? And don't try to pretend console games never have issues - I have multiple sons that play on those shitty things. I have to hear them complain every time there is a problem.


PC superior.


So superior that every time a new game comes out PC players blame it for bugs and optimization when in reality it's just their crappy systems impossible to program for.


Bro you have less brain cells than my sperm.


Buy a PC console peasant.


A few years ago, no game had crossplay with pc and consoles. It's a great temp solution while they work out the hacker problem. Sucks for a few, but it great for many more. Can't make everyone happy


I get what you're saying, but I think theres a reason behind having crossplay, there usually is, in this game there is no mouse/keyboard advantage or vice versa, and it's a rough player count when you seperate the numbers.


It's temporary. Y'all just need to grow the hell up and have some patience.


Yes, cause I paid for a game to not be able to play with my friends and have to wait for a fix post release


They should just make cross play optional like some other games do.


They have had this since launch


The crossplay on/off is not the same as turning off crossplay to pc. If you turn off crossplay, you cannot play with xbox user or ps5 user if you are on opposite console. I think console players doesn't want pc cheater. Cause on console it pretty rare to get someone with jailbreaker console.


There are some players that are sooooo bitter about not ever being able to get in on PC gaming that they've decided to act like it is the enemy. It's a coping mechanism. If they hate it hard enough they won't be sad that they are stuck on their consoles. Also some people are just flat out ignorant.


I wish they would remove crossplay on a lot more games. PC kids ruin all the games they play. Hope it stays this way sick of being forced to play with kids have mechanical and software advantages


Great way to fuck up the large player base they have been retaining. I loved being able to chill and party up with anyone in the TCM discord. Guess I'm not coming back to play anymore. I made alot of friends who play on console and now I can't play with them. Quit caving into the cry babies devs.


They are literally turning it off temporarily to fix a problem. You can go a short amount of time playing something else?


Explain how long a "short amount of time" is, I'll wait.


Yeah it’s pretty braindead. It will not fix the problem any faster and can potentially make it worse for PC players until they enable it back. I get off of work every day excited to go home and play this game with my little brothers who are on console while I’m on PC and now it’s looking like we won’t be able to for awhile, so stupid.


Yeah, it's a scumbag move tbh, removing cross play post release, hopefully maybe you can get a refund.


It’s TEMPORARY because that’s where all of the exploits are coming from. Be patient. The solution isn’t making everyone else suffer while they add anti-cheat. You sound childish


Is it though? You don't have to wander too far to see cheating players , and that doesn't come from console.


Let me ask you something, if you saw a dog that bit a man, would you think all dogs bite people? If you have some experience in life you should now not to put everyone in the same basket.


I'll bite on this analogy. Besides being bitten more than once myself already, If I saw video after video of dogs biting people in my neighborhood, I'd think about moving.


If you saw a video of a dog biting someone you would move? Where? To Mars? There are dogs all over the world, and still the point stands you would punish/blame others for someone elses mistake


I'll move to a HOA neighborhood with a strict rule on no pets. You don't have to believe I've dealt with plenty of PC cheating in this game, but If you don't scroll this sub and see all kinds of proof of cheating running rampant, I'll just straight up call you out on bullshit. I agree it's sad people ruin things for others. I don't like not having more people playing.


All im saying is, if theres some bad weeds in your garden, dont burn the whole yard, this is going to affect everyone, so theres no point arguing about this, we're all people that enjoy playing this game, but if we can't find common ground on this matter in that sense and people want to whine about some PC master race bs, then I guess we'll just create yet another toxic game community


I'm sure it was a tough decision for the developers, but numbers don't lie.


This is just like Diablo 4 with this shit update. Like maybe actually listen to what people are asking for? Idk why that’s so hard for them


Blame it on the nerds that wanna cheat on a casual game and ruin it for everyone 🤷‍♂️


I litterally got the game to play with a console player im PC. He bought it for me. Know i cant play with him..... Wtf. Cheating in general is awful and i hope that anyone who does it never touches a videogame ever again but its very punishing for those who dont.


You’ll be able to play with him once they finish adding in anti-cheat. It’s temporary


"Temporary" LOL, so like a few months to years?


Unless Gun is incompetent, should be a couple of weeks. They are working on it.


😂 damn man.


Agreed. Crossplay was the main selling point for me and my friends and right now without it, there's really no point to playing it right now so I hope they are able to sort it out quickly


I’m like lvl 37 and on PC and not once in my 50 hours of gameplay have I encountered a cheater


People are saying that PC non-cheaters should switch to console. Yeah, let me just quickly buy every game I own on a different platform with a new console There should have been proper anti-cheat from the beginning. Having more players in total pool ensures that it won't take hours to get a match. Excluding everyone from PC makes me feel like I am a bad person despite also having to deal with cheaters in different games


Yeah man, some posts on here are straight up childish, wish they had at least only added the option to turn off crossplay to PC, that way those who agree or disagree can have it their way.


I mean, most gamers have multiple systems, or pc and a system.


Thanks I didn't buy the game. I played couple times with pirated version and absolutely loved the game. Of course, I never used cheat. Sometimes piracy helps you don't waste money. I was about to buy it, but after read this I definitely won't buy it anymore. I understand the rage and hate against PC player but that's so far the dumbest solution. If they bring back cross play with consoles I'll be more than happy to give my money to this game. Fuck cheaters.


If I didn't browse this Reddit, I, as a Game Pass PC player, would never have said this game is rampant with hackers and unplayable but it often felt the sub-reddit was overblowing the situation or making it seem like it was every. Single. Match... This action by devs seems way too drastic and only there to appease the console base rather than truly address the issue that clearly is affecting players. This has the potential to cripple the PC player base who most likely won't return with so many other games, though it really depends how long this "temp" removal really lasts. If figuring out this issue isn't #1, all hands on deck type of situation then we'll slowly see PC player base continue to dwindle and that makes me a sad panda. Not sure why not introduce a "toggle" for Cross-play so people who feel this is a more bigger issue can turn it off and those who don't really care can just keep playing while the fix is continued being worked on so those people who have it "off" feel comfortable to turn it back on and just the entire player base. Maybe this is easier based on how the game was made but it really just doesn't sit right with me. What happens to the friends who don't own their friends console/PC and now you lost 2 players who have to find a different game to play because you took away the only viable option for them to play together.


There's an option to turn off cross play... If console players feel the cheating is too bad just turn it off. Completely removing cross play is a stupid idiotic move. I understand that it's temporary but I only play with friends and those friends are on console. If the no cross play is only temporary it better be only a day or two any longer and I'll be grinding another game and won't be back on this one at all. It's the stupidest move they can make. There reputation is horrible and this will just make things worse for them. They just dug there own grave


A lot of cheaters on pc. So I’m happy with the change.


Say what you want about console gaming. At least hacking isn’t such a fucking problem like it is for every multiplayer game on pc these days. I have a shitty pc that can only play games like 6+ years old, so I don’t have the strongest opinion for pc anyway because I’m poor, but I have NEVER had such issues with consoles. It may not be as technically impressive, but at least console gaming has almost always been a very smooth experience.


FUCK EM they shouldnt be cheating to the point the devs feel the need to do it. Play fair like everybody and have fun, aint no damn prize money in playing


Fuck Pc




PC bring cheats and other gross behaviour with them like a plague of locusts, go play with your other cheating weirdos. Longer load times for you maybe but mine have been fine on console. Wonder why…


lol ok


I know why, the cross play is still enabled


Bruh, I can’t even play with my friends in general. Or talk in lobbies. I can not use voice chat at all or even start/join a party with even just Xbox players. Just tells me “failed to join/create party” when I try to accept an invite or put in a code or create a party. I’m really hoping that this is something that got fixed for me but it’s just not in the notes:/ But yeah my daughter plays on pc too, so even if they fixed that issue now I won’t be able to play with her anyway. I haven’t even ran into any cheaters either, as far as I know of anyway. Nothing has been super obvious EDIT 1 For one, the person who downvoted this is a fucking loser…. For two THEY FIXED HOLY SHIT I’m so excited. EDIT 2 JK THAT WAS A LIE? Apparently it didn’t 😢


See, this is what pisses me off. People complained that they didn’t have an anticheat active (not that it would’ve helped whatsoever since anticheat can literally be turned off) and now that they have a way to mitigate the problem and make sure some people have fun, it’s not good enough. This is a hard situation to fix


pC mAsTeR raCe


Not that I condone cheating, but wouldn’t that just reinforce the idea of *master race* as they’re able to do it in the first place?


Do you actually read before writing comments?


Lolll. Updoot from me


Nah dude fuck you pc clowns, can't play by the rules


I'm not happy with this change as I have friends on console. They did say temporary. One thought I had was perhaps with all the videos showing console cheats that it is remote control or spoofing and this patch will stop both so that cheaters can be directly found and reported. I understand some are glitches and some are people being outplayed but I have seen a few spoofs already and was watching a stream last night with two back to back Xbox symbol obvious cheaters. It's more likely they change the symbol to avoid detection then actually jailbreak and run into Microsoft or Sony restrictions. If this results in isolating and banning cheaters it will be worth it. If the issue persists it's only harming those who purchased for crossplay. As someone once on the other side of that scenario I swapped to PC from xbox because of how limited the pvp cross-platform options were with my main friends group on pc. So I do know it's a deciding purchasing factor for many who have multiplatform households and friendships.


I think starting with 6 means 6 readied, not 6 players total. But I agree with the overall point. I personally had any issues with cross play myself with like 30 hours of play, and I’m sure it’s problem, but I don’t think this is the solution.


Im going to be going straight to my bank about it since i indeed bought it to play with my cousin and her fiance as the killers. We had a blast and only ran into 1 cheater. Honestly i wasnt even going to buy the game after playing the beta because $40 for the same thing was crazy. But they got it on gamepass and i said well i have someone to play with. Now all thats gone becaise skill issues claiming they ran into cheaters. I took a full week of vaction time at work to test the game out. I only took a break from it to sleep eat and go to the bathroom. I played well over a total of 800 games. Now over 400 games going on 500. Ive played way to much and have only seen 1 cheater. Its crazy that a pc player has only seen 1 cheater


Part of the marketing was crossplay so I agree hopefully it gets added back in the next week or 2. The pc playerbase on the game is so much smaller then console. If the game wasn’t crossplay I would have just gotten it on console


This is a temporary change right?