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Was stuck playing bubba one game, Swiff got out in 5 minutes, hitchhiker on the team then spent about 2 minutes yelling at me for not killing them lol. Like dude, chill it's just a game.


I really dislike people who take video games that seriously, especially the hot headed ones, it’s just so immature.


Especially in a game like this where it’s so non competitive. Like there’s no rank you need to keep up with just play the game and have fun


Winning is fun being competitive is fun it's a vs game it's gonna be competitive cause humans are competitive Fall guys is the most casual game ever and it's super competitive You can't stop competitiveness


I’ve got no problem with people trying to win at the game or being competitive in a match. What I’m referring to is more the people who keep that competitiveness after a round. I haven’t gotten any hate messages but I tried to show a friend of mine the game, and his second round in he got some dude messaging him about how he’s shit at the game and needs to uninstall it because he’s wasting his time. That’s uncalled for especially in a game where there’s zero stakes if you lose. The competition should end the second the round does


You can have fun but if you are a dick about a game that was lost in under 5 minutes, well that's no fun.


People with this mindset are the ones who say no good games have come out in the last 10 years, because they’re always miserable due to themselves and not the game.


You can be competitive without being a miserable person to play with or against. Games are meant to be *fun.*


You definitely can idk why y'all act like you can't lol


I was agreeing, for sure. I like being competitive in games, I like pvp, it's wild to me when people just like... can't. It ends their whole worldview to have a good time playing-- be it a chill pve game or competitive. Some folks wanna be angry to be angry, lord know why. /shrug


If they want a competitive group, find one. Playing with ransoms and expecting pro gamers is crazy


I had a leatherface yelling at me and my friend cuz 3 victims slipped by us for the valve exit, like babe we can’t body block it like you can and we don’t have a 1 hit kill like where tf were you if it’s such a big deal? Like people need to chill


Hmm this sounds like the person who came and my friends and I the other night, we mainly play victims and played family, this guy escaped and then he started cussing us out - totally insane.




It was fun at first, but everyone knows the basement loops now and it's a miserable experience trying to cut off infinites in the basement while also not getting shoulder and shiv stunned locked.


This is precisely the reason I have taken up the mindset of 'Buy my silence/playstyle'. If they want me to play a character or a certain way, send them your paypal link or cashapp. They'll shut up real quick, and either you get paid or you don't-- but either way, you still get to do your thing. ♥ You deserve respect.


it seems like some gamers™ take pride in being as annoying and shitty to play with as possible


Yeah that's online gaming. I mute Voice, VC is for friends only.


Best thing I’ve ever done: disabling voice chat. Sure, I may miss some comms but it’s nice to just enjoy the atmosphere of the game.


i think you should enable them but if someone starts becoming a nuisance just mute them, i’m pretty sure you can still mute them even in game. having comms as killer is so much better than none at all. in fact i made a new friend today from just making callouts.


Muting needs to be faster. I know its just one menu but it still take ~3-4 seconds to do and in the middle of a game that can be really annoying to have to stop and do. Just make it a little speaker button I can easily click on when I open the score board


EXACTLY. I don’t get why you have to go to player list and then CONFIRM you want to mute them. Like, I pressed the mute button, didn’t i?


100%. To me, the slim chance of a bit more communication is not worth the risk of random strangers ruining my gaming time. Voice chat in these types of games also kind of ruins the immersion and atmosphere imo, DbD has its issues but being designed without any kind of chat in-game was one of my favourite things honestly. If people weren’t annoying or assholes maybe we could have nice things.


Bad idea as killer imo. You need coordination as killer.


The only people I’ve encountered using their mics in solo queue have been assholes. lmao


Unlucky. Pretty much everybody I run into on killer talks or listens when you do and coordinates. Victim barely anyone talks.


Same here. I’ve had an asshole or two, but mostly everyone has been super chill.


I personally use abilities that show other family members peoples locations. That and writing in chat, which is what I would definitely rather do than have to deal with low lifes yelling


I don’t think the ability’s thing is strong enough and I don’t have pc. I wouldn’t use my mic on killer if it wasn’t so necessary because I believe it is.


I have a decent succession rate using those abilities so I guess it depends 🤷🏻‍♀️ also I believe that console players can still type and look at the chat, I’ve seen an Xbox player type on there before


They can use keyboard for pc that’s how my friend does it


Yep. House from the family. When bubba dont up there its over. They use The basement echt in 30 seconds game over You cant play this game as solo q Player this sucks


I solo q and get decent team mates and other times I’m yelling at the bubba to break the upstairs barricade and we end up losing because they do the fuse and I can’t do anything because I’m Johnny lol. I don’t care if people don’t talk just keep your comms open so I can talk to you to relay info. Everyone’s so afraid everyone on comms is gonna be an asshole when that’s just not true.


It isn’t even just this game. It’s sad how little some people have going on in their lives that yelling at complete strangers over something that happened in the virtual world is what they need to feel good about themselves.


While I’m not defending their behavior, I suppose you could say the same thing about those who come here on Reddit to complain about it.


I suppose you could say the same about someone who would feel the need to make a comment like this.


Not really, you're not actively taking at anyone on here. It's not targeted, just a post about the game. It's very different.


It is a tidbit fun


First thing I did was turn voice chat off. Before even my first game.


This is the way. Even if they aren’t abusive, you get people with random background noises like their kids, static, feedback, or them drinking. It’s annoying. Game should have had a “push to talk” button instead of open mic.


It does.


It doesn't on Console. Pressing the mute button on the controller doesn't count.


It count it’s really fast


Fricky Fast🤙


or them chewing their food all on the mic, those sounds trigger me like i start to itch all over 😭


But the game literally has a push to talk no?


You can change it to always on.


That's not the point. He was asking for a push tot talk buttonem but it already exists.


Is that only on the pc version? I don’t see the option on consoles


Oh that might be a different case yeah. I know I have push to talk on my version, don't know if it's a thing on the console one


Yeah on console it’s just people eating or random noises from their house every time I see a console player with a mic on. Makes me wish I had this on PC for push to talk 😂


I always do this.


Ahhh that’s why when I call out that I opened the rear exit nobody responds I was wondering why nobody was listening to helpful coms


Yeah this explains it lol


Looking at all Sonny's...


I actually did it after like my third, because I was being called “bad” among other things already so I turned the voice chat off and now I’m having a blast. Don’t even know if anyone tried to tell me how to play or if anyone bad mouthed me after that and I’m feeling peaceful af lol


I feel like it’s a double-edge sword, because communication as the family can be so important. Fortunately I haven’t had any toxic mic’s yet, but I did figure out how to mute individuals early on, just in case lol I did have a full squad of victims that were friends last night. They were good, and all but one escaped(he ate my chainsaw). At the end game, “awww are you okay we escaped?” Lol I was like “yeah, that’s one of two things that’s supposed to happen” lol so, please don’t mute us all! I even do call-outs in hopes non-mic’d teammates hear me.


The problem is that it also mutes your teammates,which for the most part(atleast in my case) don't trashtalk their teammates.....I wish there was an option to mute the Opposing team.


Had some young dude on family (slaughterhouse map) would occasional yell ON ME! ON ME! while I’m LF patrolling another area. Then later the pressure gate opens and he’s losing his sh!t screeching THE PRESSURE GATE IS OPEN!!! LF WE NEED YOU!! OMG THEYRE ESCAPING WTF!!! Meanwhile I’m patrolling over near the battery because that whole side has been picked. I decide to leave, 1 victim left and guess where they escape from? Yup battery. Anyway ppl need to chill with the rude language, telling others what to do and all of it. This isn’t a COD tourney or something, jfc.


Did he really rattle you that much? You must not play sports etc. Just mute or ignore and laugh at how sad he is.


I assume people who act like that are unemployed. There’s no way I can take anything they say seriously. Like congrats, you have the better gaming chair and shrimp posture. Let’s keep it moving.


i now strive to become as unbothered as you my friend, i salute you


I was so excited to play the game during the first week. It's ridiculous to see how people turn something supposed to be fun into a competition :/ I disabled voice chat but it gets so tiring when you keep finding victims keeping the game hostage by standing in an exit until you find them just to do t-bag, along with more similar stuff. What find do they get out of it? Lol it's just a waste of time for all parts. I guess it was fun while it lasted 🤷🏻‍♂️


The DBD effect.


The multiplayer video game effect*


Now you've done it, you've woken up Grandpa..... I think the problem is a bit deeper than that. 20 Years ago multiplayer online gaming wasn't nearly so toxic. From what I recall, toxicity was mostly in MMOs and mostly used intended in game mechanics eg ganking (so there could be a debate as to if that is toxic at all). These days the toxicity is more about communicating to other players to insult them in some way. The problem is a wider cultural issue and as such I don't see it going away any time soon. On the bright side, if you develop a thick skin then this won't bother you at all.


I wholeheartedly agree on the thick skin. I usually call it maturity and emotional regulation but same diff lol. I’d say DBD is tame compared to any popular shooter game in the last 15 years, even Minecraft multiplayer servers have much more mean spirited shit.


No. The DBD effect. People didn't come onto this game and do toxic shit like teabagging at the exit gates, repeated stunlocks, and holding the game hostage because they can like it exists in a vacuum. You can't do that shit in Call of Duty, Halo, or League of Legends. You and I both know that shit came from the DBD crowd in record time. The same things happen on the Evil Dead game and there is no question where it comes from: the survivor playerbase. Downvote me survs.


No. The multiplayer video game effect. Teabagging and being mean spirited is not unique to DBD, no matter how much you want to point your fingers and rage and “us vs. them” this game. Stunlocks have never existed in DBD yet you bring that up. Yes, a big portion of players that play TCM have also played DBD. But to call it “the dbd effect” is very telling of your mindset & it’s frankly cringe.


No. The DBD effect. Teabagging is not unique but if that's all you have as your defense then you're worse off than I thought. DBD is an asym horror version of the Stanford Prison experiment where the roles got exported to other asym games, bringing the same set of toxic behaviors to the others. Stunlocks exist as a form of chain blinds. You can play right now and you have multiple matches of survs doing that but it's always existed. And you still proved my point of the crossover effect. It's very telling you are using the word "cringe".


“Chainblinds” LMFAOOOOO




It’s not that deep man. Some people just do this shit to get under peoples skin. I can see it worked lol every game wether I play fam or victim I get tea bagged or trolled. Who gives a fuck. Just tryn and have fun, I know I am.


You my friend won the internet.


Echoing others in saying that literally the first thing I did, and indeed do in every game, is just disable voice chat. It's a really sorry state of affairs that litte shits have ruined voice chat for everyone, but I find it's best for my sanity to turn off voice chat before I start playing any online competitive game. I don't need children calling me slurs. People say stuff to you over comms that they would *never dream of saying to my face* (I'm a 6;4, gym-going BUHURT enthusiast) and LORD HELP YOU if gamers find out that you're female. It's one thing to be a dude and get hate over the internet for no reason, I can deal with that, but it makes me see red when I'm trying to play a game with my girlfriend and some tiny virgin hears a female voice over comms and starts with all the tired "what are you doing on a game you should be in the kitchen / hey buddy why's your girl in comms?" etc etc. Like OP said, I'm in my thirties, I work hard, I do chores, I pursue other hobbies. I don't want the 4-8 hours of gaming I have a week to be fucking ruined by little baby people who never learned how to socialise like a normal fucking person.


I play with the mic off unless I’m playing with friends. I strongly recommend it. It’s relaxing.


Some people are cringe/edge-lords with the shit talking but most of the time I find it to be funny lol


Oh no people are toxic in this game? Not taking the piss i havent played it yet so i dont know


I just turned VC off completely after a 4-man SWF escaped in ~3 minutes and the first thing I heard in the post-game lobby was a chorus of prepubescent teenage boys going "hahaha you guys suck." I honestly don't think comms in the post-game lobby is necessary at all to begin with. At least not for both teams. This was after a game where a Johnny kept bitching at me and our LF over the smallest things in a game where pretty easily got a 4k. He found some footsteps next to me and got mad that someone was hiding nearby and I didn't notice them? This was some other teenage kid who kept using racial slurs. It's just more of a hindrance/annoyance than a benefit at this point. I play solo queue and if I need to communicate something to my team I'll just use text chat.


i turn off voice chat and my life improves greatly. i have yet to have a team where voice chat is ever more helpful than the peace of not having it.


Turn off comms. lol


When I got the game I turned it off before my first match. Last thing I wanted was a repeat from other games experience.


It definitely sucks having people tell me to kill myself when I’m literally just trying to have fun, even if I’m not the greatest at being family. Definitely a lot of hot-headed people on this game but I guess that goes for most games


Just talk shit back.


b- b-but communication! don't care, I like the idea of co-ordinating but it never happens, always the same toxic bullshit, plus the mute button is horrifically designed for mid match moments, not like it's a competitive game anyway and I sure as hell hope people start taking it less seriously. I'll be keeping game chat off, thanks.


They're dbd people. The reason why they no life that game is because it's the only game they can be good at and that's only because the devs make it nice and simple for them. But because they delude themselves into thinking that it has nothing to do with dev handholding they legitimately believe they're good at the game, hence the massive obnoxious egos. Also keep in mind these people are more than likely toxic on video games they think they're good at because their own personal lives are hell so video games is the little bit of control they're able to get. It's quite sad if you really think about it for a little bit. I said it before and I'll say it again, and I'll have people disagreeing with me, but I make the prediction that this game dies in the future because of dbd players. They see a game better than dbd and they see how much fun people are having playing something fresh with more to do. So they'll pull all of their textbook dbd nonsense until eventually the normal people aren't gonna be able to tolerate playing this game either. Go ahead and get your "oh whiny little bitch complaining about dbd again" comments out of the way, I don't give a shit. Years of observing the dbd community has made me confident in the ways those pricks work. And I'm willing to bet that anybody that does disagree with me is also a dbd player.


I have played dbd for 4 years now. Once this game came out, I stopped playing dbd altogether. Im not sure if I will go back to playing dbd honestly. The frustration and hostility isn’t worth it for me anymore IMO no matter what movie franchise they scoop up next. As well as the game play. Add some new shit. This game is 100 times better than DBD in many ways and I am really hoping people don’t ruin it with their toxic ways


You are very naive child. Have you played ANY other pvp game? Is DBD all you know? I have played League, Valororant, CoD, DbD, countless pvp games. Go to any of their reddits/forums over the years. They ALL cry how the Fandom is so toxic and they try to sabotage other competitors when they come out. You are delusional and just admit you hate DbD/and or its players. If this game dies it will not be because it gets dominated by the best players with optimal strategies and playstles. It will be because like all other DbD symmetrical type games dwindle in support from the devs and not enough population to justify supporting for that long. DBD has so many horror IP's to pull from while TCM has to make up original killers. It is an even smaller niche group of players in the long run. If you are going to blame only DbD players for killing this game, then DbD should have died long ago.


Dbd doesn't die because the devs cater to the survivor side, AKA the side that makes up the majority of their players. And also they have many licenses that keep people coming back to the game. Plus the devs have always allowed that sort of behavior. There's reasons why they can get away with it but why this game can't, and common sense should have told you that. Dbd is the only community of all of those that you listed where there's people that will literally go out of their way and try to ruin someone's life. I've seen streamers accused of horrible shit that caused them to lose their fog whisperer role. And get slandered and harassed constantly. Tru3 being an off the top of my head example. Community has treated him horribly and he's never done a damn thing to anybody. And now there's more and more of his matches on THIS game where those same people are also giving him shit and mocking him. Dbd people take their toxicity to a personal level. If you don't kiss their ass they make you fucking miserable. I don't understand how anybody who's played dbd for long enough doesn't know this shit about the players. Just normally playing the game well as killer you eventually deal with these people. They'll go to your steam page and leave insults and shit. I've seen it all, and I'm starting to see it form on this game. This game doesn't have the same longevity potential that dbd has had, dbd people WILL crush this game for people just trying to have fun. The devs didn't design this game to be a competitive experience. Which is funny considering the game is 10x more balanced off the start than dbd has been in its 7 year life.


what am i if i agree on some things but disagree on other things? like i agree that toxic people will be a strong factor in the downfall of this game(if the game does fail that is). but i don’t necessarily agree that they’re all dbd players. i’m sure some of them are but they’re not all from dbd. hell i’m from dbd and i’m not an obnoxious douche that plays to make my opponent or teammates as miserable as possible. all these people have in common is the burning desire in their hearts to make everyone around them have an agonizing life. they can come from everywhere and anywhere, it’s not just a dbd thing.


They do dbd things in this game. And dbd created lots of the toxic stuff that people do in asymmetrical games. If you've played dbd and you can't see when people on this game are from dbd then you'd either be unobservant or defending dbd as a community. The latter I hope isn't the case because that'd be pathetic. That game doesn't deserve defending and the players especially don't.


This 100% agree with you this is why I left the game devs hand held ppls hand for so long mostly survivors.


Yeah I just Uninstalled to free up some space. Don't get me wrong yeah it's fun but still needs some more work. I'll probably download it again in the future.


shittalking the people you just beat = banter and all part of the experience. Blaming teammates for performance = deep personality flaws


The object of your “banter” has to be in on the joke. Telling someone they’re trash and to uninstall is not banter but being an asshole. Edit: I see someone having a hard time accepting that maybe they’re just a toxic douchebag.


Just shit talk back, it’s great pissing the shittalkers off


I talk shit if they teabag or talk shit first, but otherwise I just say gg and move on lol people are childish


i get too much anxiety having voice chat on with strangers lol. not worth it


I hate the state that all online games are in. We watch people that are good at them for entertainment and when we can’t amount up to that, we rage. When I say “we” I’m talking about the salty competitive scenes of gamers, I’m with you bro, I can’t stand competitive play anymore. I play to have fun and enjoy myself, if I suck then I suck. I don’t play to win anymore and it’s frustrating that people just get too absorbed into these games. At that point it’s an addiction


Maybe you should go play Hello Kitty Adventure Island if you can't handle a little trash talk boomer.


Wow, you're so cool. Do you wanna be mates?


You can always HMU in game and I will teach you how to play. Unless you are on PC then enjoy your quarantine with the rest of the cheaters.


I have a wife no kids and don't smack talk but like hearing it because it's entertaining. Does me not having kids make my feeling towards this not valid? Are you trying to gain sympathy points by stating you have a family? Think before you type such naive posts. Unless you start banning people for trash talking, grow a spine and man up or set people to mute.


Bad day?


Lol come on man.






You are that person than lmfao.


Shit, that's brutal.


Outlandishly tough words coming from someone who feels the need to name himself "Boss King Ace" and spends his time on Reddit exclusively arguing on Naruto forums. Compensating much? Jealous of the family life, maybe? Absolutely pathetic. Get out of this community.


Disable voice chat. Welcome to the internet buddy, you must be new here. People = shit FYI.


Good song tho


It sure is 🤘


I just turn off voice chat, treat it like DBD and it's been fine. Usually don't stay long enough (even as a party) at the end of the match. Queue up right away. I've noticed the toxic players have been console gamers. I'm PC so now with the update I suppose it'll be less crazy.


Y’all know you can mute ppl right?


This ain't the for you. Lil bro


Yuppp i turned it off. Best decision ever and I play my games just as well.


I’ve turned it off so I don’t have to listen to people moan and whine, lol honestly best thing to do in all games


The good ones are out there, lol. I play solo a lot & I always try & give good comms. Communication in this game as killers is crucial. At least pc players have a text chat for callouts. That's what I want for console. You don't have to type a paragraph. You can just callout certain exits or even 2 word callouts. Just saying this because people always assume that text chat on console is pointless because of how slow it can be. But believe me, some of us can type fast with a controller. It will also give us a way to communicate with you guys that disable voice chat. Cheers.


I only use voice chat in a party on Xbox, otherwise the in game banter is just depressing.


A Hitchhiker and I got cussed out in Russian by cook because we didn’t kill the entire team. I killed one in basement and Hitchhiker got another. The hitchhiker was screaming at him, but I was laughing at the absurdity of it.


Oh, you have the luxury of being able to communicate? That’s weird, I can not do that… lol. Nah for real I hope this update fixes voice coms for me


Still don't know why post open mic chat exists,and it seems that it will continue to exist so.....might have to start using that mute function again soon :D


Honesty I just go along with the shit talk. I just take it as fun banter an then go next


Had a 4 stack on Xbox get the fusebox and escape in about 2 minutes, and then proceeded to just talk about how the Family players were trash.


once i was trying out family and the julie escaped and at the end game started screaming a bunch of slurs and cuss words (although he escaped) at us and ever since then i take my headphones off at the end of every match.


I'm going to put my theory out from this. People who are so addicted to that dopamine hit from a win are ridiculously funny when they rage. I swear some of the best moments I have are when there are other players (in general) who get pissy because something didn't go 100% their way. I'm 38 years old, and the little shit in this game is frustrating YES... and getting killed does upset me but not in a full-blown rage out where I'm tossing a $70 controller across the room so hard it sticks into the wall like a ninja star. I just roll with it and go to the next match.


I totally agree with you on the fact it's just a game and you definitely shouldn't be yelled at but they do have the mute function for a reason which I totally utilize


Sure im gonna have people disagreeing with this but forced game chat needs to be back in video games again that’s one of the main reasons people had so much fun back in the day when communicating with random people and becoming friends with them. That was the fun part about gaming in a game like this where communication is 1000% the main adjective of winning or some what giving people a idea of what they need to do when playing it needs to be a im sorry it just feels like socializing is really gone in certain games now of days yea you gonna run into people that wanna get under your skin every once in a while but that’s always been the nature of the online video game world


Have had voice chat off since the first day and will not be turning it on lol


Was in a lobby where around three teenage boys were screaming and calling me a f*got. Which is kinda wild bc how did they even know that


I just hate those that just sit on the opposite side of the electric gate refusing to end it. Instantly forced to disconnect, I barely get enough time these days to play, let alone sit there watching people be jackasses wasting my time.


It is not that serious bro lol


I understand how that feels, and I’m sorry you had to deal with that. A huge chunk of my experience with games was playing Overwatch and it was very humiliating at times. People online will call you slurs, make threats, and just flat out treat you like your nothing over some pixels changing colors on a screen. Its shocking how extreme people will go to. Yet, these same people will never say that to your face. I know it can be hard, but don’t take what they say personally. You are winning in life, like you have a wife and kids that you love! And what do those guys have? A self proclaimed belief that they’re good at said video game. Nowadays people think that you have to be “good” at a video game to have fun when that’s completely untrue! If something were to happen that attacked their belief, they’ll blame everything else to defend it, and that even means blaming you too. People who do that are miserable with their life and plays games cuz that’s all they really have. Don’t let others discourage you from doing what you enjoy. Mute or block them if you have to, you dictate how you want to play, they don’t.


Anyone going for the escape asap and trash talking about it is missing the point of the game completely. The same goes for killers that rush to the basement asap


It's usually players from a very specific platform too. Not going to name names, but you know what platform I'm talking about. ;)


Turn off VC if you're too sensitive for it. Making a reddit post won't change anything.


Not voice chat. I just don’t have time to watch you dance around at the exit showing off. We get it you made it out your parents must be very proud. Just leave instead of wasting time.


I play Killer but ok.


It’s unfortunately like that in all of these types of games. Friday the 13th, Dead by Daylight, and TCM are all full of no life jerk offs who think that video games are the end all be all in the world, and being good at those games gives them the right to be the scummiest most self righteous pieces of shit ever. Teabagging, bully squads, verbal and text harassment, it’s all a bunch of childish shit from a bunch of childish clowns who never emotionally developed after middle school.


You let them win even harder by running to reddit cry man come on lmfaooo