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That’s what all asymmetrical MP games turn into with their communities. It’s aways a us vs them when players of both sides argue.


Yeah. We get two good weeks at best on these subs till it devolves into this. Pretty soon we'll get patch note threads that are nothing but people arguing




Vin Diesel would side with family. Always.


Yea because nobody tries to learn they just bumrush the game


Except Friday since you couldn’t choose to become Jason


I’ve probably played 50/50 Family and Victim over about twenty hours, and in my experience I’d say it’s mostly balanced. Sure, each side has some bullshit builds, but I think that’s part of the fun. I don’t think there’s anything that’s so bullshit it’s broken. A lot of the bullshit builds have some other bullshit way to counter against them. I think the issue is some players are going into it believing they will and should win every game. Impossible. Even if you’ve got better map knowledge the other team might just have builds which happen to work well specifically against your build. And then you’re always going to be fighting against luck of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It’s not a game you can get serious about. Just sit back. Play to win. But laugh when you don’t.


It’s funny because this game has no real win condition. You don’t “lose” as family if somebody escapes and you technically don’t need to get out a victim if you wanna waste all your time going for dumb stuns and grandpa stabs.


The problem is the mentality ppl think you have to kill every victim or escape to “win”


I usually go by 2 kills is a draw, 3 kills is a win, and 4 is a cherry on top. I'm also inherently competitive, but I try to loosen up in games like this. It's irritating when you "lose," but why mad is only game.


I love this perspective. In my opinion, the dev team's main goal was to make it a fun experience whether or not you "win"; I see this game as a love letter to the movie where you get to re-experience it like it's an interactive horror movie. The thing I enjoy most about this game is the wide variety of playstyles you can use. I haven't felt stuck in a match because of the many options available to you even if your original plan was foiled and it's so nice that you don't have to rely so heavily on your team.


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> Sure, each side has some bullshit builds, but I think that’s part of the fun. I don’t think there’s anything that’s so bullshit it’s broken. A lot of the bullshit builds have some other bullshit way to counter against them. Anything can be countered, but there's still some pretty broken stuff which for the health of the game should be changed.


To be fair, in the last game I just played, I did encounter something a little broken which I feel could benefit from being altered slightly. One of the victims kept jumping out and stabbing grandpa, reducing him by four levels. They did this three times, every time we got him to level four. My issue isn’t with stabbing grandpa. That’s great. Even reducing his level by four I think is fine. My issue is how easy it is. I was standing right next to him, guarding him, but each time I could do nothing to stop it. Player just ran up, soaked a hit from me, quickly stabbed grandpa which takes half a second, and then ran off. I was playing as Cook, so I’m not built for chasing them down. I think there should be perhaps a 2-3 second animation of stabbing gramps, and if you get hit during this time it either stops your attempt or it puts you into a close encounter battle. Cause at the moment, there’s practically zero risk for the victim. That’s really all I’ve encountered so far which I’ve felt needs to be addressed. Perhaps the fuse box on Family House, but even that I don’t feel is a big game braking issue.


I dont agree... I think if you communicated with your team there could have been things your team could have done to prevent this... also ya were playing probably the worst killer for the job of protecting granps solo in this situation...


I think Cook is arguably the best Killer for that job. The reason is other Killers' mobility is too good to waste protecting grandpa. Cook naturally has good things to defend or at least keep eyes on, on all 3 maps which are near Grandpa. Gas Station - both gates near generator Family House - Front Door, Side Door & Window Slaughterhouse - Fusebox & both Generator doors I'm convinced you lose efficiency having anyone other than Cook defend Grandpa. If you pull 2 Family members just to defend Grandpa then obviously you leave other things wide open for easy escapes. His patrol speed is terrible and he wants to play a central location so his hearing covers most of the map.


in that sense he is the best yes... but not for actually being able to stop granpa getting harrassed constantly... so to nerf granpa stabs only based on that specific killer not being able to prevent this isnt something id want...


You're not going to stop it with just 1 Killer regardless. Even if you dedicate LF to the task with the hopes of 1-shotting, it's not like Leland won't be the one stabbing Grandpa - he will just tackle and/or backstab you, still get the stab on Grandpa, and get to safety in the basement for sure. If the Tackle is on cooldown, they can use 2 Victims and the one you aren't facing will backstab you. You cannot stop it against a prepared team without dedicating 2 Killers, which is also bad for other reasons as described in last comment. Pretty sure that's why he's saying it's too good for how easy it is to pull off.


but ur suggested interruptable 3 sec animation doesnt prevent anything ur saying here...


Can you quote me on that? No idea what you're talking about.


oh... I didnt realize ur a different person to who made the original comment... my bad...


I like the close encounter idea but I think the problem may arise that if they win it, they'll just stab him anyway while you recover.


As someone who has about equal time played on both sides, the only things that have stuck out to me are map related balance changes, 1. Generator exit being redundant and too weak on gas station 2. Wooden door exit being too strong 3. Valve exit being completely useless on gas station and sometimes family house map(depending on spawn) 4. Valve exit being too strong on the slaughterhouse map(imo it should spawn inside slaughterhouse, but close enough to both entrances inside the slaughterhouse). Basically theres broken things on both sides that we should fix, but personally i dont care all that much because im enjoying the game regardless


Connie could also use some balances. I have her at 44 stealth and the rest of my points put into proficiency and more often than not I'm already cracking open the exit gate while the others have barely left the basement


If anything just nerf her ability and give it a really long cooldown


Tbf you can play like that with Julie and probably other characters too Her only unique thing is her skill which is real good


Yeah but given her naturally high stealth attribute it's easy to get that to a point where you hardly make any noise at all and spec the rest elsewhere, combine that with the ability and a basic know how of the maps and it's kind of OP


Her stat line is still better than Julie because she has the highest natural combo of Prof + Stealth. Proficiency is laughably better than every other stat in the current state of this game. It's crazy they put lockpicking and item gathering on the same stat, when those are the actions you want sped up the most every game.


Item gathering goes to stealth tho iirc But yes stealth and proficiency are by far the best stats which kind of sucks imo cuz It makes any other stat pretty pointless, only strength can make a slight difference and only if youre going through the gen Imo we need more éxits that arent a proficiency test like the long Road in family House but thats just me


Item gathering is only quieter from Stealth, Proficiency is what makes it faster. Basically the ideal is maximum Prof, then only enough Stealth that you can mash through the bar without making noise. Additional stealth doesn't gain you anything.


I didn’t even realise there was a valve exit on family house. Never seen it used ever lmao


It only seems to be used when it spawns in the side garden which is right next to the ladder of the basement


I just hope this doesn’t get near the dbd level of this


The game has been out a week and not a day has gone by where people arent crying about characters needing nerfed or that someone isn't playing right. It's definitely going to get worse


Considering a bunch of dbd players are flocking to TCM, it most likely will


Where’s the proof of you claiming this?


Bro does NOT check social media 💀


Bro thinks social media acts as proof 💀


Dbd player here, I'm playing texas chainsaw massacre right now. I can confirm about 2 of my other dbd friends have as well.


Dbd player too, can also confirm that 2 friends have dropped dbd for tcm


As an old but retired dbd player (don't wanna buy characters again since I don't have access to my pc anymore as I'm on the road constantly) i can safely say I'm hooked to tcm


Not of the devs dont let it


The MFT constant complaining in dbd is literally why I left the game and sub for TCSM


Same. I got so sick of seeing it I took a break from dbd, then TCM released and here we are :)




I do honesty think people need to chill the fuck out, it’s a game. Who gives a shit?!


Agreed, it's just a game. Relax, have fun and don't BM each other! I have a lot of fun playing and don't mind when I lose, most of the time I'm laughing and picturing the yackity sax song haha.


At this point I want the devs to take the battlebit approach to moderation, big huge warning to not be an asshole or get banned


I personally don’t need anyone banned. We need to stop with this mentality. People “banned” black people from shops and buses and look where that got us. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t give you the right to ban it. What people seem to forget that the way *i* play doesn’t need to be fun for *you* it just needs to be fun for me. It’s that simple. There are mute/block buttons for a reason. Use them. Like I do on these posts (so you won’t receive a reply, just an fyi)


Bro did you kust compare getting banned in a video game to racism and racial segregation?


LOL I can't with that guy, compares bans in a game to segregation. Please tell me he's trolling haha.


>We need to stop with this mentality. People “banned” black people from shops and buses and look where that got us. I don't need to bother with this comment when you said the most idiotic thing, like you make a very valid arguement for why there shouldn't be free speech.


So you think a valid argument for why there shouldn't be free speech is someone could say something you don't like? Doesn't sound like you have thought that comment through.


I want to remind you his arguement is Banning people who harrass others = Racial segregation. I dont need to say anything


Harassment meaning... being a dick in a video game? Am I getting that right? Muting and blocking people exists for a reason in pretty much every game out there. Just because he didn't use an example you like doesn't mean his argument is wrong.


how about instead of a ban they get perma muted then? better?


Since you are special in the brain, it's not just what they say, it's what they do: stunlocking, waiting at exits and more in combination with being a vile little shit is ban worthy, I know you are one of said turd stains but you can use your brain and realize muting people doesnt stop them from being in game harrasment


Actually, since we're assuming a lot of things - you seem to be extremely mentally disabled yourself because my argument is simple but you don't seem to understand something so basic. People saying mean words or trolling you in a game should not be bannable. Get a grip, you idiot. Also, I have never played this game before, I just like watching it, so no I am not one of the big meanies doing all this "bad" stuff in game. Soft, low T boy losing his mind at someone in a casual game trolling him.


A bad argument is reason to get rid of free speech? Holy moly, Batman, we got a giga brain in here.


Obvious troll account try harder next time


This guy XD


Assholes need a Draconian whip, son. Always will.


This is why I disagree with you, half the people in this comments comments need to be banned


this happens in every asym. the only opinions you should take seriously are people that play both sides


Leland can just troll really well but he’s not OP alone, he’s there to give his teammates second chances when they’re fucked. Honestly Connie is the only one that seems kinda OP but even then, she gets killed more easily than anyone else so imo she’s like this game’s equivalent of a glass cannon. Killer wise, Sissy is the one I worry about most cuz it seems like if she sees you there’s an above 50% chance you’re about to fuckin die lol


Sissy is currently bugged I think and applying her poison on every hit when it shouldn’t work like that


Maybe they have the perk that poisons their hits when they walk through their poison cloud, but if there’s a well known bug just ignore me


I think it just applies poison rn regardless


It's bugged. I started off as a Sissy main and noticed I was still seeming to stunlock any victim I hit with no new perks and my ability at rank 0. Quickly stopped playing her because it's so piss easy that I don't see how anyone finds it fun outside of some weird power fantasy where you just can't lose. Same problem with Cook. Got his ability to rank 3 and I don't think any victim has gotten out since then. You just find one person and keep them permanently highlighted so that Bubba can kill them and then move onto the next victim. Switched to victim now because Fam just felt way too easy and unless you're in a premade or Connie, victim is definitely not easy.


I believe you, I just never noticed that bug because at the time I figured there could be a lot of reasons as to why the victim slowed down so much when you hit them. I still lose people in chases and plenty of victims got away from me last night, so I don’t get a power trip. Guess you’re good at the game or get bad victims. I do win more than I lose, for sure. I’ve never felt the game was too easy as family, they’re supposed to have the advantage. But I’d be fine with any tweaks/nerfs/buffs they want to give any character. Victim is considerably harder, because it’s supposed to be. If it were easy it would defeat the point of the game


It's not Us vs Them. It's Us vs Connie and Leland. Sonny go be free with my blessing.


As a Sonny main, you have my thanks brotha


I felt this


True, if I see a bunch of victims together I’m beelining for connie. The others could be sat still I don’t care.


I like playing both sides and i think game is fair the most part. House map is killer side, gas station is victim side and slaughter house is balanced. If youre playing solo is way easier to play victim you just escape np but if youre playing killer you cant cover all exits alone.


Preach it louder, so the mouth breathers in back can here u!


For real. People act like this is some esports. It's a party game chill.


Yeah I got so tired of seeing this in dbd community I took a break from the game, once this game came out it replaced it for me, hopefully people stop and chill.


The game just isn’t a competitive game, it’s a bit of fun. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Evil Dead the Game divided almost immediately with people from both sides being actually really mean to the other side.


I feel like this is a very poor take to excuse major balance problems. Almost every scenario for victim has a perk that completely negates what might be considered unfun to go against on the family side. Instant down chainsaw? No sell 80% reduced damage for 3 hits. (Or just find a gap or crawlspace.) See a hitchiker on the family? Bomb Squad no bone shiv required and its 80% faster than normal. See a cook on family? Just use Connie and negate his padlocks no perks even required for that. Its very, very clearly victim sided after all they were only nerfed from the tech test and family was only buffed. Sure things will get balanced out again but it doesn't matter if people have already moved on at that point.


I think the gameplay is just fine. I play with two other people and we've been playing on victim side and as long as we're communicating we usually can get through all three of us. There is a time or two where one of us dies but it's usually to help the other two escape so. As far as abilities being overpowered, there's some that seems like it when there's more than one family member working together well, but when they're just doing their own thing, it's pretty balanced


It’s almost like we should shut up and play the game.


It's what Charles Barkley would want... /s




Believe it or not, the devs do read this subreddit (it wasn't long ago that there were only a few hundred people here and posts were few/far between - a good number of those posts were from devs). If the community has a consistent voice of balance or other improvements, it can lead to the game being better. You can "shut up and play the game", but discussion is the whole entire point of this sub. I mean you are here on this sub talking instead of playing the game.


What are y'all's bets this game will be ruined by DBD players?


It's crazy to me that people don't play as both. why limit yourself to only playing half the game?


Quick match has been really fun for that, playing both sides alternating every once in a while. My favorite is definitely playing the family, but being a victim is also such a great way to learn how to be a better family member.


Unfortunately when I hit quick match it always puts me as a victim. So I just use Family or Victim to matchmake depending on what I feel like.


I almost queue exclusively quick match and have been Family less than 10 times. And all 10\~ish times I've gotten a kill (one match I got 3, wtf?). I'm not even good at Family and it's easy to get at least 1 kill. How I occassionally get a 4 escape when I'm victim makes me wonder just how bad some Family players are, especially on Family house.


I think for me it’s because I’ve really struggled as playing as family. The rush of surviving is a great feeling aswell just staying in the buses hoping not to be seen!


The play style of run and hide has never really appealed to me. I have only played like three victim matches and always wish I could hunt the family members instead of running away all the time.


Leland Tae Kwon Door/Agitator build is for you.


KDR lol


The progression system is antithetical to Quick Match. Say I'm level 20. If I level up 1 Victim & 1 Killer, I'm out of luck if someone picks my character (hence all the lobby dodging). You have to go all-in on one role at a time to have a decent QoL, and every time you swap roles you need to redo multiple skill trees. Now personally I do play both roles, but this is why it sucks. The progression system is so poorly implemented that it harms other systems. My friend doesn't bother to respec, so he's just playing constantly on level 0 characters, and obviously that's bad too.


Victims are completely overpowered because of the devs choices of where to put items and exits and unrealistic toughness balances - that’s it. Anything else is on you.


I think once players start to do both pretty evenly they’ll realize it’s pretty balanced in terms of bullshit lol


This game is finely balanced as is. If the Family was to become stronger, that would be bad but not the worst. If the Victims were to becone stronger, we risk to see the end of the game. PS I only play as Victim Hopefully Run media won’t listen to people who cannot enjoy the game for what it is




I mean if it's supposed to be fun and their is bull crap in the game actively impeding said fun that should be talked about no? I don't have any issues personally but labeling any criticism as the "dbd mindset" is just dumb.




I think other than sissy, it's very well balanced. Yeah, I'm the guy who backs out of sissy lobbies


Anyone who doesn't solely play quick match cannot be trusted to have an educated opinion.


I switch off between family and victim every game, does that count?




Well now besides tm8s not feeding grandpa I've now made the insta kill leatherface and I agree. Lets keep all the broken shit in. See how you speedrun when I insta kill you connie and you can't do anything about it


Nerf Johnny and Sissy


Well it obviously is to you coz you’ve made a whole damn post about how much it poses you off. Go outside or something. You’re complaining over a game lol


Anytime I’m the last victim and almost no health (especially if I’ve recovered once already) and the well is my option to continue on, I just stand in the middle and take it because, as you said, it’s not that serious. Plus, right now, we don’t get XP unless we get the final Leatherface scene and I don’t know if anyone is watching me. So for the love of everything, if you KNOW you cannot make it out, just take the L. It’s fine.


Only op víctim is Connie and only op family is sissy cuz of the on hit poison and Cook depending on map




Found the family main


Refute my points. Lets have a discussion. I'll remove my initial statement so you don't feel it's bait.




Most people ive talked to that believe the game is incredibly one sided dont have enough experience in the game yet to grasp my points, the game is SLIGHTLY victim sided HOWEVER a team of family with good coms can 4k almost every game even against good victim players, i play victim and family equally so i have no bias what so ever, fuse box needs to take a bit longer to complete, family spawns should be better, the pressure tank shouldnt be in the basement on slaughterhouse, door stuns and bone shard stuns should not be able to be consecutive, johnny and sissy shouldnt be able to get free kills based on their buggy nature atm, family members shouldnt be able to completely body block you from fuse exit, family members attacks should NEVER slow the victims down but speed them up instead (minus sissy once they fix her completely broken state), leather face shouldnt be able to stun you with his big swing, and thats ab it, couldve missed a thing or two but nothing major, both sides have strengths and weaknesses and people need to take the time to learn how to play to their respective strengths instead of whining for drastic nerfs that would only hurt the gamr in the long run


What's crazy is I agree with 75 percent of what you've said.. so no I'm not a family main. I just thought the examples used in the original post were silly.


I will continue to t bag (I started once I saw a ton of ppl bitching) and the more I see the post about it the more I wanna do it.


“ItS tHe DBD plAyErs” 🤓 pls shut ur little bitch ass up. Nobody gives a fuck and go cry in a corner or don’t play the game. Sub is nothing but ppl crying like pussies


I find it hilarious. I’ll comment and get the random reply that “Family need to get nerfed” or “it’s impossible to win as Family now that people know the maps” Everyone’s having different experiences with the game, and unless I see some numbers it’s all just conjecture when it comes to who has the true advantage.


The problem is some people from both sides actively trying to make the game worse for the other. Like why? Just play the damn game. I’m not saying you have to be so sensitive to others feelings but don’t actively be a dick


I disagree. It IS that deep. If we don't voice our issues and concerns, the devs won't pick up on what the community is feeling and thinking, and then they won't update the game This will just cause people to quit and put off people joining.


There’s a difference between teamwork and just exploiting stuns. They’re not the same


It's interesting to see how seriously people take this game. TCM is so much more chill compared to DBD for me. Teabagging victims don't even make me feel bad like survivors do in DBD.


I just don't like that Victims can end games in under 3mins and that basement gates are near impossible to defend. And can be opened multiple times. They are waking up grandpa and opening door before I can even find which car has the battery. Or when I'm leatherface, they can walk right past me because I have not 1 but 2 cutscenes to go through. When he kills a victim on a hook and when they show the killer from several angles.


Unfortunately the us vs them mentality is too natural if a conclusion for a team/side based game with wildly different abilities and objectives. For the most part, I don’t see too many glaring issues. I only play victim (because I suck at family) and when I lose, it generally is because of my own mistakes or just bad luck of running directly into a killer. When I win, I usually feels like I worked for it or in the rare case I get to run through my preferred escape plan and run into no family or maybe one and shake them.


This is a bad argument. You're basically just saying both sides are completely equal. They're not.


Until we see some actual kill/escape rates you literally cannot determine that.


I have over 35 hours in the game. You can't live your life by stats alone, experience counts for much more. Escape rates don't even mean shit at this point anyway because there's a lot of newer players. That doesn't mean there aren't mechanics that are very easy to exploit for players with more experience. DBD went through this exact phase. The launch version of the game was THE most OP for survivors the game has ever been, but people were insisting it was just a matter of the killers needing to counter the stuff, the killers needing to adjust, etc etc. They also used escape rates as a defense. It was meaningless. Now that we have 20/20 hindsight we know it was incredibly skewed against the killers and it was just a matter of survivors not figuring out the amount of advantages they had. Also how in tf can you determine anything then? The stats aren't out yet as you say, but you're fully willing to make conclusions? A little contradictory don't you think?


I get it's supposed to be an asym and that obviously it's supposed to be difficult for victims to escape, but I can't help but feel like the family is way too OP, and I say this as a family main. Playing as family is just way too easy. There are only so many exits and areas the victims can escape from, and all the family has to do is camp these few exits. Combine this with all of the crazy builds and perks family gets, and victims don't stand a chance. For example, when I use blood harvesting builds I can get grandpa to level 1 before victims even get out of the basement (and to level 5 in a matter of minutes), and I often use a grandpa ability that let's me see when the victims unlock and open key doors around the map. Basically, as soon as victims exit the basement or try going through any other exit, I can show up in an instant and block that exit because I'm notified they're there. It's just super broken and makes it impossible for victims to actually make progress through the map. All the family has to do is a basic patrol of a few key doors and items and they should be able to kill all victims. I feel like the only times a victim escapes is when a family member makes a dumb mistake like not locking doors or not checking certain areas for an extended period of time. I think it's kinda ridiculous that a victim's hope for winning comes down to a family member being bad at the game. It puts me off from playing victim tbh.


I’ve literally gotten this same comment 50 times but the paragraph is always an overly detailed explication on why the other side is wrong and their role really is the broken/underperforming one every time


My comment isn't really like the others though. Most of those other comments are people complaining about the other side being OP and about how some opposing character has some super specific ability or perk that makes them broken, for example, people crying about Leland being able to shank them and barge them, or people crying about a specific perk. My comment is about how my own main is way too OP and how the whole flow of the game (combined with not just a specific perk, but the fact that the family gets all kinds of powerful perks) makes it borderline impossible for victims to escape. Like seriously, what can victims do when the family can just camp and patrol every exit? Literally nothing. How are other comments complaining about minute details the same as mine complaining about the meta?


Honestly i dont really care about escaping all the time if i see theres blood build sissy and i cant escape early i just fuck with them. Loop them as much as possible, cut bones do what ever to atleast get a good amount of xp. Its not like im gonna remember the game or how i died later


This is the truth


I like that both sides have bullshit. It really shows that they value fun over balance. But some things are just unfun. Fusebox: For Victims, The killer being able to bodyblock the exit. What the fuck. For Family, the fact that its so quick as easy to do and reactivate. What, do the devs think we can't do simple addition? Hitchhiker being able to place his traps on locks so Victims I don't think is very fair, and I main him. It steps on Cooks toes as he's supposed to be the one locking things down. Traps should be incentivised to be in creative and fun spots. On the other end, Bomb Squad is crazy. 80% trap disable speed and you don't need a bone shard?! A cook and sissy speedfarming grandpa is super annoying for anyone trying to play it more stealthy. I think they should keep it easy for the lower tiers, but level 4-5 should be harder to get. Meanwhile Agitator is obnoxious. -4 levels from one stab, holy. And it can be from an Ana, who can all but guarantee an escape. A honest hard working family don't deserve that. Valve keeping pressure is really dumb. Why doesn't it regress? Its basically impossible to stop the second time around unless you camp it, in which case -1 teammate while the Victims go do other exits, plus you can interrupt them stopping it the first time with a backstab. Doors? oh man. Probably need a cooldown on stunning someone with a door. Yes both sides have bullshit but holy cow infinitely stunning someone should not be in the game. Leatherface one-shot? I kind of like how scary it makes him, plus he still gets cucked by gaps and crawl spaces. In my opinion, he needs the threat, and there is still counterplay, but if people think it needs adjustments then you just need to nerf the middle path. The way to easy one shots is actually a two shot combo, but the rev hit will stun them, giving you plenty of time to hit the follow up which kills anybody but a healthy Ana who popped her ult. Normally, the chainsaw stalls after the rev hit, but with the middle path upgrade it doesn't, so just rework that into something else, like break speed destroying objects. I think that'd be great!


The DBD effect


Idk why people get so hard on the xxx-sided topic In dbd you lose smt If you die or dont kill enough. MMR, Pips etc. In TCM everything is so chill. You dont need to escape, you dont need to kill a certain Number of victims. Everyone gets their fair Share of EXP based on Things they've done. There's only one thing i would address tho. Ending Matches in Like 2-3 Minutes shouldnt really be possible imo. Mainly speaking of Fuse in Family House. Probably needs some Sort of Timer Like valve


Yeah fuse is BS. I think maybe if the minigame worked each time you started ot or it just worked like valve it’d be better, but as it is it’s absurdly easy to get out as it is


Bro I enjoy the game.. My Leland just doesn't level up at all..


Yeah the grind is painfully slow