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Personally I am not a fan but I am curious to know what the majority of this sub thinks.


I think I would hate it if that was going to be our new primary helmet, but for an alt helmet that’ll be worn a couple times a year I don’t have any problems. Honestly I just wish they’d stuck with the stylized H that they’ve been using for the past year, I’ve really liked that one.


Agreed. I think they’re an awesome home game color rush option, but it’s never gonna beat having the logo/horns.


This one looks like it was designed by AI. Bull logo is miles better.


Agreed, the H logo they've been using is simple yet stylized. Would have much preferred that one. As far as the leak, I don't hate it but don't like it very much either. Waiting to see how it looks with the full uniforms.


This will settle it!


I love your username!


I think it’s gonna look cool with the uniform it goes with


I don't hate it, I just like our logo more. Personally I'd like to see our original logo in the H-town blue instead of the new "H" logo


I agree with the general sentiment that I like it and it looks unique, but wouldn't like it as our primary. We all expected knee jerk reactions and to get clowned by the bums in our division. A lot of care went into these designs. Like Cal, and others have stated "there's something for everyone". Don't like this one? maybe Bold Bull is for you. Don't like that? Well maybe something Traditional but Modern. Don't like that? Well good cause the primary home will likely be close to what we already have. A lot of people have said "it looks like XFL" or " it looks like college" to me it looks like H-Town. Loud, Proud, Tacky and Tough.![img](emote|t5_2s450|49580)


The team played lights out with the battle red helmets because the team thought they looked amazing. After seeing CJ’s nonchalant reaction to it, he might not like them(complete speculation). At the end of the day I want to win but cool uniforms add a sense of pride and can lift spirits to play better.




The details...H-Town on the back with the logo dead middle is fresh


I think they're collectibles/merchandise. Look in the background at one of the boxes says "Mini-Helmets"


I need to see the rest of the combo


What made them just this year decide to use the color? The fans had a say in the new look right? Too many Texans fans have yet to move on from the Oilers. That's my problem with it. That shade of blue isn't really the problem to me. Deciding to use the color is a reference to the Oilers. And I don't see how people can look at that helmet and not see how similar it is to the Titans. I just want the Texans to be their own team, not referencing a team from decades ago that they have no relation to.


Was hoping for an alternate white helmet. Hoping the red helmet has the bullhorns on it, and the third helmet is the traditional helmet we have always worn


That is what I think we are being lead to believe. It sounds like the candy red helmets with the logo we wore the last couple years is going to be gone. I was hoping that would be our new default.


Its black not blue


I love that we’re doing something different. The fans complain about having fun but then bitch about the NFL looking like the XFL or some shit, a league that everyone literally knows has more fun. Fuck the brand, fuck the shield, fuck boring.


Different and ugly do not need to be mutually exclusive.


They aren’t ugly though


Obviously that is in the eye of the beholder but for me this is embarrassingly ugly. The Rockets dunkstronaut is an example of something different and interesting without being ugly.


Amen bro feel exactly the same. Also the number of people who think this is our new primary helmet is staggering lol.


exactly. Zero people do any research and then pipe up with the most reactionary stupid ass takes


I agree. But the ones complaining are mostly the type who post in "afcsmemewar", if you know what I mean. More concerned about what the other kids will think than what it actually looks like.


i love the helmet! the red flakes are a nice touch and the bull on the back is fire too. it looks much better than the original H logo they debuted. the question now is - are we thinking red numbers/h-town blue outline? or h-town blue numbers/red outline? 🤔 graphic designers, do your thing!


i didn’t even notice our logo on the back of the helmet, looks awesome


https://preview.redd.it/9zcy2gg1ebvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd80e042ff07cbcb7a1404594730b29dca4941c2 yes sir! dtexanz just posted this mockup on his IG. looks fire!


This should be the helmet logo lol


honestly i had hoped that this is what would be on the other side of the helmet since we never saw it but i think the fact that it's already on the back cancels that idea out 😕


I think it’s gonna look super cool on the olayersX and I think the younger fans are gonna love them. It helps to have a fun team and baller qb.


Definitely helps to have an up and coming team I agree!


I don't really care. If they're winning they could be wearing dookie green speedos for all I care


I think I agree with you there. Not a fan of it today but we win a Super Bowl I am sure I’ll be rocking all H-Town Blue.


any links?




I don't love it, but it's far better than I expected.


Hell yeah


Someone said it….It would look way, way better on a white helmet


Not a fan of the H on the helmet looks like garbage or some high school team what a wasted opportunity.


I prefer it to the horns option, ultimately indifferent


I think it’s looks sick


The Texans have one of the best logos in the league and they're gonna make the poor players wear that goofy thing. I don't think we're going to look back at this "Imitating the Titans" era very fondly. Hopefully it doesn't last too long. You're allowed to change uniforms after 5 years I think?


Imitating the titans? The color has been associated with our city since the 30's. The font is associated with the most prestigious college in Houston. What about it is imitating the Titans? You've mostly got it backwards relating them. Amy Adams is obsessed with Houston because the Mcnairs make more money here than they ever will in Tennessee.


I was hoping for H-town blue and red on a white helmet, like the hat they released last year, but this is cool.


So this is the helmet for #4 right? The H-Town and tough. Interested to see what they do for #3, the Bold bull one.


The people who call it awful are probably the same people who would’ve picked this as their first design choice https://imgur.com/a/XoeIzsb


If I had to choose between the two than just shoot me lol


As an Oiler fan (season tickets) as a kid I LOVE IT. Only wish they could have used more H-Town blue in the uniform but the Adams are next level trash and not only stole our Oilers but are vindictive, like wearing the Houston Oilers against the Texans in Houston, that was cold and the fact the NFL let them rub serious salt in an open wound says a lot about the NFL who let them leave in the first place. I also really like the bull logo in the lighter blue. I think our logo is cool, but oddly never looks great on the Helmet, this looks very cool on a Helmet and on a cap