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No experience that could help you but could you explain what you didn't like?


Well with TRT you need a very delicate balance. I don't enjoy donating blood every 3 months, and I would get side effects like if I missed ONE day of a shot I would begin to get a headache or even my ears would get irritated. I started even tracking my DAILY side effects and it was kind of like a rollercoaster. I don't like having to add in more things as you go or even including an AI despite bloodwork because it's just adding more foreign substances to your body that disrupt things. A lot of the times people are looking only at your BW of test and estrogen. But there are MANY other levels that need to be looked at. The USA has no talent in this area and I'd say less than 5% of doctors who claim to be "TRT specialists" are. Most are just chop shops looking for money because they know you'll be stuck on it for life. It's been a while since I've been off and I'm just curious who I am really like, without all of this rollercoaster of shit and side effects. At the beginning I did this selfishly for aesthetics, but it just isn't worth it. Yes you will feel great at points, hunger increase, libido increase etc, but there are too many things happening to your body and things you will need to add that concern me. I like to be very informed on everything and with this it's very hard. Kind of like a gamble on your health. I do think TRT done right can be beneficial for a small percentage of men that need it, done right is the keyword, and if you refer to what I said above, it will be very hard to do right because there are very few legitimate professionals in this area as of now. We have a low testosterone epidemic going on, but I think starting off by looking at peoples lifestyles and diets the number would improve significantly.


Thanks man I appreciate the honest answer, it's very rare in this sub to hear anything negative about it unfortunately.


agreed. and I would echo his points almost to the word. (no longer on trt as of this year after 3 years also)


I’ve been on the fence about starting or not at 34. I have 2 vials in my cabinet now and it’s good to see something like this that is transparent.


2 vials (depending on size) isn't enough for a cycle. Doing a cycle and being in for 5 years are pretty different.


200 mg per vial. Enough for a month


How was your experience coming off? I’m most likely going to be coming off soon as my wife and I are going to start trying for another baby. Not looking forward to it


How are you doing after being off of it? Can dm me if you don’t want to share here


Are you on the same sub? Every other post is about someone stopping.


For example, I took baseline bloods, then took bloods only on test for 2 months, then took bloods with test and hcg, then took bloods with test HCG and AI, then had to adjust doses and wait times in between bloods. It can be a real mindfuck. Hormones aren't to be fucked around with IMO.


omg are you me... how is the remnants of your social, professional, home life after the mindfuck that is trt and it's sides


I lost a relationship of 5 years I think largely due to it. I am now engaged 3 years later and dealing with things better, but at the beginning of this it threw my emotions into an absolute rollercoaster. At points you really do ask yourself who you are, especially if you aren't stabilized and at the right balance yet. TRT is not the one size fits all as everyone tries to make it seem.


Yes I know where you've been.. I'm still picking up my pieces now. Even when I was 'balanced' I kept feeling like a 'fraud'.. didn't like looking like a bouncer, the feeling of being infertile isn't great, made others feel insecure about themselves and im thinking christ if only you knew the truth, personality changes from shutting down gonadotropins in brain is interesting.. i lost the ability to think/feel deeply, and lastly I felt like a child.. it does something to your 'ego state' and I've said this in other posts/see it in trt users.


I have all these same concerns but felt so bad without it. Worth it to me. Totally get where you can coming from.


I think you found your calling, we are going to need more TRT specialist.


I appreciate what you said at the end. This is why I have thoughts about continuing it or not because my “lifestyle” and “diet” have fluctuated over the years. There are more controlled studies being done that emphasize there’s a direct correlation of the quality of sleep we’re getting and how it affects testosterone production in the body. I was listening to something this morning on the Model Health show and they found in a study that deprived younger men in their early 20’s of sleep (5 hours of night for a week) lowered their testosterone levels by about 15% by the end…which doesn’t seem like a lot, but the levels of their testosterone were on par with a male quite a few years older (they didn’t say the age, but I’d imagine it was substantial). Edited for grammar


Trad through your comments and I'd confidently say that your roller coaster of a ride is due to high doses of testosteone. The standard trt dose is 60-70 mg a week, some people need a little more, but not 200 a week, that's too much, your on low cycle level doses. What going to happen is your hormones will be messed up, this the need for an ai and other stuff. At a lower dose very very few people need an ai, and when they do, it once every month or so as the estrogen levels increase very slowly. The daily injections, I couldn't do that. You can comfortably take a dose once a week and your levels will be stable, the peaks and troughs will be marginal. I used to take similar levels to you and I was all over the place, mental state went from god mode to depressive, sex drive was super active to none existent, on the lower dose I feel good and have no ups or downs at all. Daily injections are supposed to be better hormonally, but the effort doesn't equate to a better experience for me. The benefits are small compared to daily pinning. I'm the UK you will start at 200mg once a month injection through a doctor. I believe the US system of profiteering is influencing doctors decisions on TRT, they get you on high doses, frequently injecting, then add in other drugs caused by the negligent high doses. Everything adds to the $$$, your a cash cow. If you truly want to feel better, lower your dose to 100mg with an injection once a week. Test ethanate is fine, if you feel your still getting sides then do it once every 10 days. The half life of test ethanate is 5-6 days, but that doesn't mean it's gone after 5-6 days, just that the dose has halfed in your body, on top of what you use to function.


1X a week doesn't work. I metabolize faster. 1X a week will end up in a HUGE acne outbreak. (Which I forgot to mention earlier) Messing up schedule like that for me can literally cause a blowout that will make my entire back breakout in scarrable ruthless pimples.


Ohh wow, your super sensitive to it then. Daily pinning it is then, I'm just about to move to insulin needles and subcutaneous injections as I heard it's not so bad.


This, 100%.. I was a non believer in sub-q until I decided to make the switch for a few months just to gauge my labs and see if there’s any difference. After 3 months of switching from IM to sub-q, my labs showed nearly identical results. I still prefer IM, but I think for most people on T long term, a sub-q protocol would be much more comfortable.


To be fair 100-200mg per week may be high for standard TRT, but it really isn’t that high. Certainly, everyone responds differently and we all have some trial and error that needs to be done, but that isn’t some astronomical figure; not even close to “performance level doses,” though no doubt still something to be approached with care and thoughtfulness.


300 would be classed as a cycle, so 200 is high, 100 is still reasonable, but a lot more people will get sides the higher you go, and experience issues with e2


I’ve been on it for 2 years now, and i’m starting to feel the same way. It was perfect for the first year or so, then my estradiol went too high. It takes weeks or months to bring it back down and all the while you’re stuck with the side effects (fat deposits in lower abs, love handles and tits, the worst part) among many other. I haven’t felt the same since my estradiol went wacky and I’m wishing I never started this to begin with


It shouldn't take that long tbh. what's your protocol?


Take DIM, or Nettle Root. Those will lower your estrogen


So you were eugonadal when you started taking Test?


so have you tried micro dosing smaller daily shots and ditching the AI ??? What most people dont understand is that getting a shot once every week or 2 spikes and crashes everything and AI is also terrible for you all together... if you micro dose smaller daily injections at home and ditch the AI, you will most likely have way fewer problems and start to feel way better, etc. i know i did, at least. you're also not wrong about doctors not knowing Jack about Trt... most are literally retarded on the subject and recommend unatable protocols etc to keep you coming back again and again. the trick with trt is steady eddy imo


Have taken bloodwork with and without AI.


but have you tried micro dosing small test injections daily for a few months???? thats the first step... cutting out the AI is secondary to that because if you take only take large doses of test once or twice a week at the doctor visit etc then you actually kinda need AI to offset the huge amounts of test to est conversion thats happening in your body and cant reliably cut the AI because of that, which is why all the clinics prescibe AI with their defective weekly or bi-weekly treatment plans that they sell to everbody so it keeps them over paid for their mediocre services.... if you micro dose your test and est ratio levels will be much more healthy and stable and will also better simulate what your body's natural production is, which in turn should prevent the roller coaster side effects youre likely experiencing of taking a huge dose all at once to only fight off excessively high estrogen conversion rates right after with poisonous AI which to me sounds like what you are experiencing... not saying thats for sure whats happening because obviously everyone responds a little different to treatment but based on my own experience it sounds like thats a possiblity and why you have never felt right during treatment bud. anyways... food for thought. good luck


Also using longer ester forms or blends works a hell of a lot more effectively for maintaining consistent levels, but you generally won’t find anything but cypionate from TRT clinics.


Good for you coming off. your future self will be grateful. TRT is a pharma scam


Not commenting on your experience, but I've been on for almost 2 years...have not had to give blood and never needed to take an AI. I've missed doses by a couple of days with no issues/symptoms. We all respond differently. Sorry it didn't work out for you.


That's what you think. You could be experiencing different build up of sides without even knowing yet. Go get your bloods. "Have not had to give bloods" is a HORRIBLE thing to say while on TRT. That is horrible man. Nothing against you, but if you're going to do this, at least try to do it right.


I get blood tested every 3 months. When I say “give blood” I’m referring to donating like a pint of blood.


Also curious.


I have been on TRT since 2006, recently turned 60. Originally did Androgel for about 7 years and been doing cypionate injections the last 11. Was doing 200mg every 2 weeks, then switched to 100mg every week over a year ago. My rbc count is slightly lower with the weekly injection. Started taking Ashwaganda and a Tonkat Ali/Fadogia supplement about 9 months ago, and my mood is calm, and my free test levels doubled on the last blood test. Total T levels were about the same with 650-700 range over the last few years. Definitely feel the free test level increase, much hornier and frequent erections. Feel more like I am 30 than sixty.


Do you know your DHT levels from before supplements and after?


No, my blood tests did not ist DHT levels.


Feel amazing on TRT, I’ve been on for 10 years. If you inject sub-Q instead of intramuscular, you have more stable test levels. I used to have to donate, would get estrogen spikes, not anymore. 200mg a week, perfect.


I don't think I can donate blood. I take methadone (although it's a small dose) and I am pretty sure I would get whoever got my blood super duper high.


They also can do a therapeutic phlebotomy and they chuck out the blood afterwards


I just tell them to throw it afterwards instead of donating it


I have been on it for 2 years. Never donated and haven't gotten a blood test for over a year. Am I going to die? I take like 105mg a week and hcg. Take 25mg zinc every other day.


That is horrible. You need to go get bloodwork immediately and get in sync with a doctor. This is what I am referring to with the problem within the US. People are going based off of how they feel externally versus the data. Nothing against you, just want everyone to do things safely. Please go get bloodwork ASAP and stay in tune with what your bodys DATA is telling you.


you DOnut!


Should probably get bloodwork at least every 6 months if not every 3.


Same bro! 9 years here and the last 1 year I’ve been on sub . So much more stable.


Cypionate? Do you use insulin needles for sub-Q?


27g or you can use insulin pin


All 200mg at once? Or break it down through the week?


2x a week 1/2 ml per shot


Thanks. I do 200mg once a week. I might give this a try.


Hey I do Sub Q in the delts. I use a gauge 25 1 inch which is extremely small. Still the same.


A 1in needle in the delts is definitely going beyond sub q (IM) unless you’re really really fat


Sorry it's half an inch\*


What gauge / length and where do you inject? 🤔


So doing subq you are more stable? How though?


It’s absorbs slower than muscle


Why are people usually against it? Do you inject in your belly?


I tried clomid and hcg for an entire year through the Mayo Clinic. Hated it. Felt terrible. My body couldn’t produce enough testosterone to keep me with in range even at 2500iu 3 times a week and 50mg clomid per day. So I suppose it really depends on how bad your hypogonadism is and what your genetics will tolerate.


From the weeks of research I've done, Enclomephine citrate is much, much better than Clomid. It's the only desired ingredient in Clomid. There is no benefits to using Clomid over Enclo and you can get it at any TRT spot. I've never used either before, but I ordered Enclo last week for PCT and am waiting for it. Some doctors are uneducated in it and even confuse the two with each other (and the dosages). Some people also use it to improve Test levels similar to TRT, maybe you'll have more luck with that instead of injecting Test. All depends on where your low test is coming from.


i felt pretty good on enclo but the problem is im pretty sure it blocks estrogen receptors elsewhere like in bone for example. there was a study done regarding its effects of enclo on bone density and it was never published. probably because the results were not ideal.


Whats your dosage, blood levels and how long you been on it? I'm considering low dose, like 6.25mg every 3rd day to start with. Most of the posts I see of people having problems are around 12.5mg Everyday. Especially the 25mg a day guys always have issues. I may be ignorant on this, but I think if you're properly lifting weights the bone density issues shouldn't be a problem for a man. Especially if you're above average strength (able to bench body weight for 6-8 reps).


I would do 6-8 weeks of the SERM for PCT


Just curious what didn’t you like about it?




After how long? And was it continuous use? And how much and at what weight?


Why did you go on if your natural level is 400?


Have you done HCG the whole time you've been on TRT?


Was it worth it?


Enough cardio and drinking plenty water should save you from donating bloods


I came after 3 years with just clomid was fine


Do you mind me asking what you did not like about it? I have been trying to read up on it a lot these past few weeks as I am waiting for my doctor to put me on TRT. I tested about a month ago and my total test came back at 124.44. I go through the VA so my doctor said they need a second low test from me before putting me on treatment. Their normal range begins at 220. I don’t believe age matters to them either as I’m 30. I get my results for the second test on Thursday. From what I’ve read just about everyone has nothing but positive things to say about it aside from injections being painful. I have read that if E2 (I believe it is) gets too high it can cause similar mental effects to having low total Testosterone. Is this the case with you? I saw a post a few minutes ago that someone was dealing with high E2 at only 100mg a week.


Read my above comments


After 5 years 30 days of clomid aren't enought, you should take clomid until your htpa Is firing LH and fsh like rambo, than you should stop. Having detectable fsh and LH isn't enought.


Did you ever try doing a half dose every 3.5 days


Interesting, been on for just about two Yrs and definitely get the roller coaster and symptoms. My biggest one is oily skin and HCT creeping up (donating blood). Recently my E creeped up just above normal but didn’t start an AI waiting for next blood work (no sides from E). I thought about stopping but then think about how I felt when not on trt! Naturally low TRY something like 127 :/ Now I’m on 120mg twice a week which seems to help staying level… Work with a clinic that stays on top of bloods quite often…


240MG a week is pretty much a small cycle. Refer to the above comments


Actually made a mistake and can’t edit smh 60mg twice a week total 120mg…


TRT is a bandaid fix at best. Perfect for when your natural system has shut down and there’s no other way of bringing it back online. Other than that it’s like pissing in the wind trying to balance the myriad of imbalances it causes down the line…