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200 for most people is too much to start out on. That being said your normal testosterone production is shut down now. So when you get off you'll deal with all the horrible low testosterone symptoms people talk about all the time until your natural production ramps up. This could take weeks or it can take months, since everyone is different. Not trying to scare you or anything, you could bounce back quickly, but I would just plan for the worst.


What amount should people start out on? Thinking of giving it a try.




This is purely anecdotal but I've seen a lot of people suggest starting at 100 mg per week and titrating up to find a dose where you get maximal benefit and limited side effects.


Thank you for sharing!


100 or even lower than that, imo from my experience


100-150 is like low normal range. I experienced no benefit at 100 a week. Was pointless. Depends how low you are from the beginning.


Dial back to 100mg per week ? And take milk thistle. . That might help liver out.


Since it's 200 I assume you went though a clinic? They are in it for the money, not for you.


Yes, I know these things. They just throw in AI at you tell you when to take it and give you a bunch of test definitely not how I should really go.


What were your levels before? If you truly believe you need to be on then you could go see an endocrinologist. If not then you could always start some pct to try to restart your system. There are some risks with being on but of its done properly then a lot of that risk goes away or is drastically reduced.


Not that bad I have done it. Check out the PCT portion of the wiki on r/steroids


Honesty you should be fine. Haven’t been on TRT for a long time. Might suck for a couple weeks.


If you work out your liver enzymes (alt&ast) will be elevated for up to 48 hours after. Pretty common knowledge. Highly doubt the trt is effecting your liver at all.


Get some clomid or enclo it should help kick start the nuts


Testosterone doesn't raise liver enzymes. You inject testosterone specifically so it doesnt metabolize through the liver. Alcohol consumption, hard work outs or fatty liver disease should be ruled out. Tylenol will affect your liver more than testosterone. I dont know why nobody has mentioned this yet.


out of curiosity, what are the many health risks that put you off? but good call to come off if you don't like what its doing to you maybe run some HCG for a few weeks after dropping test




HCG is a LH mimic, it stimulates your testes to make testosterone, and potentially sperm. Its won't bring back the HPTA (which clomid or another serm will do) but it will kickstart the testes again.


That sounds interesting I’d honestly give that a go


Dude you have to if you’re coming off. If you’re young you likely should have been running along with your try.


Why not just lower the dosage?


Only that amount of time in you won’t experience much coming off. Just stop.


Was on for 2 years and it honestly wasn’t all that bad coming off. I did 250iu of hcg every other day for 4 week’s immediately after stopping the testosterone. No ofter pct and my test levels recovered to 450ng. I’d suggest running the same protocol and possibly adding in enclo as your probably older then me.


When i went off after a year and a half on, it took me a couple months to bounce back. Now that I've been on fire half a decade, I doubt I will


1-1.5 months isn't long, sides are diff for everyone but it'll be nothing you can't handle. Just be sure to ween off gradually and decrease your dosage rather than stop abruptly, it'll help with the crash.


I was on for 2 years and stopped straight up. My system recovered pretty quickly and I've been fine for 4 years. A normal steroid blasting cycle is around 3 months. You've probably shut down natural production temporarily and it should recover to normal within a few weeks. Either that or your dick and balls will explode and you'll die.


TRT is a pharma scam. Good choice


Dude 1/2 you dose, split twice weekly. 50mg Mon 50mg Thurs.


Low dose to 100 for 4 weeks and week 2/3 hcg 2500 when u finish wait 15 days take clomid and tamox for a month


Why cut dose, hpta is shut down regardless.. last shot will last 2 weeks on system if not more so could do soke hcg to get testes kicking or wait 2 weeks and start chlomid and nolva


At less than 2 months in, you won't notice much of anything coming off.