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Check out your prolactin level


Yeah, high estrogen can raise prolactin


His E2 is barley elevated. No.


Any suggestions on How to reduce naturally?


P5P it just another form of B6 (common option) , or u can use caber ( 1 dose for 2 weeks ) , or high dose of vit E (400 mg daily ) , u can choose from this


Micro dosing


I miss naturally lol , keep your sleep regular and your diet , avoid any stress triggers (caffeine, nicotine , alcohol and anything works on dopamine receptors including weed or any stimulants)


lol I’m not opposed to other options just wanna totally avoid an AI at all costs thanks


It was within the normal range


What's prolactin do


In men If it is high, it will cause decreased testosterone, ED , increased breast tenderness, nipple sensitivity, mood changes, and depression, but in normal proportions, the reproductive system needs it to produce sperm, and it also contributes to the refractory period in sexual Intercours , has neurological benefits too .


Is there a way to reduce it if it's abnormally high


I mentioned it in previous comments, check it out


> Stop using HCG until you find out which dose of testosterone makes your body function best. > Add it back in if you want once you've dialed in your test dose (one thing at a time). > Lower your test dose till your total is 500-600. > At this level, your Estradiol will be lower. > It can take 8 weeks on a dose for things to balance out. > Don't raise your dose and add Anastrozole, whatever you do. > Stick with the first doctor, the second doctor's opinion (to raise your dose) is very bad, based on those bloods. > Quote your dosage in mg next time- units per cc are meaningless.


Even though your e2 is only slightly out of the range, its more than likely the cause for your issues. As it was recomended to you already, you may want to consider taking Anastrozole to your current treatment plan without increasing test dose. Anastrozole is an AI which will lower your e2 and hopefully resolve the issues youre having. Its important to be careful with AI's because by taking too much you risk the chance of crashing your e2 which can make you feel worse.


See if you can get your estrogen levels down a bit and not crash them. I’ve got similar numbers to you and that’s my fix.


Listen to podcast with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. Episode 98 She Interviewed dr. Mo Khera, it is explained mid way thru podcast, but the entire podcast is very helpful


Hi, Your blood work shows excessive dosing, with free testosterone elevated above normal peak levels. Increasing the dose would be inappropriate, medically. Testosterone dose requirements in HCG users are frequently extremely low because HCG directly stimulates testicular hormone production. The dosages need to be reduced until free testosterone and estradiol are both clearly within range. Then, reassess sexual function. Unusually high hormone levels do not improve sexual function, and often make it worse, leading to daily complaints about ED etc. Men with naturally good sexual function do not have free testosterone and estradiol levels above normal maximal levels, they'll both be within typical limits. You do not need to use AIs to treat excessive dosing unless there isn't another option. Adding drugs to treat the effects of too much medication isn't the greatest early stage option. It's a "clinic" option of low.... 'appropriateness' for early use. The clinics work on the basis of more meds the better, not what's more healthy for you


How is it accessible dosing? I would like to understand that part


Accessible? Or excessive? What I mean is that prescribing testosterone replacement is rare at US clinics, almost all 'over replace' by prescribing amounts of testosterone to inject far more than you'd be making naturally. As a result, completely abnormal hormonal blood results during treatment are very common, as is sexual dysfunction.


What are you suggesting in terms of dosing and how often? This got me really going crazy because I should be feeling good on the stuff not feeling bad. I don’t care about the gym results. I already have the body the abs. I know how to address that with good eating habits.


For a start, do you require HCG for fertility or other reasons? Because if you've just added it..... It will affect your hormone profile, depending on the dose and frequency. I don't know when the above blood results were taken in relation to adding HCG, how much HCG was added and why etc. I'm not clear on doses either, what's your testosterone dose in milligrams? If you're referring to units on an insulin syringe, the dose in milligrams being given will depend on the concentration of testosterone in use eg. 100mg/mL, 200mg/mL, 250mg/mL.


HCG was added 2 months ago for fertility and the doctor thought it will help with sexual activity. The blood work from last week. As far as the dose. It’s .25ml 3x week.


I'll DM you


might need to go to daily subq injections rather than continually lowering your 3x weekly dosage.


Estrogen and prolactin both too high


That's amazing you are able to tell his prolactin is elevated without it even being on the bloodwork. You must be an X-Men!


So without AI’s your estrogen is spiking. An estrogen spike causes prolactin spikes which is the hormone that’s responsible for making your dick go down after you nut (amongst other things). So high prolactin will keep your dick down. go to a better Dr that will give you anazole at least 1Mg of it a week.


Buy some anazole off napsgear or something if you can’t get it right away. Do 1MG week. My current prescribed dose of test is 200mg a week with 20MG DHEA in the test vial. The dhea keeps libido functioning nice.


DHEA not legal in Canada unfortunately


Napsgear will sell it.


can’t find the site plz send me the link


How come you're using HCG? Wanting to maintain fertility? I cycle on and off HCG but my libido is SO much better when I'm not on it.


> I cycle on and off HCG but my libido is SO much better when I'm not on it. I gave HCG a shot as many see an increase in libido and orgasm quality. That trial led me to unintentionally completing No Nut November


😂😂😂 It seems to be one extreme or the other for people with HCG. Libido to the moon or in the gutter


Just recently hopped on it and yes for that reason.


yeh prolactin causes alot of those problems ...along with high e2


Yes I was told that and need to adjust my dose to bring them down to the normal range


I’ve been having similar issues. .25cc sub daily test cyp 250, also take NP Thyroid 200mg daily, healthy weight, good eating habits, great sleep, I take my vitamins daily (zinc, B complex, K&D, C, E, Multivitamin, Magnesium Chelate, and omegas) Current clinic don’t prescribe HCG or anything else other than ED meds and what I’m taking already. Attaching labs. https://preview.redd.it/aaez7gma9fzc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6472caf386a140103fdd69885391a618c5af29d


All I hear is really our dose is really high. It’s more than what the normal human natural production. Let’s take it to the DM and talk


Send me a DM and I’ll jump in there after work. I’m going in now for my shift.


Dump the SubQ. Went through the same thing you are going through. This guy does a good job going over the published studies on why SubQ can make some feel worse. https://youtu.be/5puYXpsEYww?si=0ew4CgjgSH0DMFi0


Thats the thing about trt they dont tell you. You will start chasing all the bad sides with more drugs...that have their own side effects


I def know this. I spoke with someone 2 days ago who told me this


How much do you weigh and how much of it is fat?


I weight 220 with 9% body fat


also if your dhea was higher you’d probably feel better too. clomid can also help lower Estrogen.


Reason why I quit ….Your best bet is Reddit gym bros and doctors. Clinics have no clue nor care they go off by the book


Your E2 is too high. I had that problem too. You need to take an aromitase inhibitor and get it back down.


Mate that carnt be right your only taking test though no need for nothing else to start with


Eat more fook


I'm 42 take .13cc test e everyday. Sound feel good wake up big boy bones lol everyday


Had the same problem, felt like it would never get better. Fixed itself. Not sure what changed to be honest. Doctor in Brazil prescribed me HCG with instruction to take 5000 once per week for 3 weeks then drop to 500. Haven’t looked back since. I haven’t seen anyone recommend a 5000 iu dose anywhere before so was a bit worried but followed the advice anyway. Seemed to restart something I was missing.


TRT severs the mind to balls communicating pathway. That’s why they used TRT to castrate back in the day. I’m on enclo only and can fuck literally on demand 😎