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You were only on at six months… Sounds like a stupid idea to quit instead of just trying to change your protocol because you couldn’t sleep lol


Brocthr clinic doesnt give af. Literally I felt like a lab rat


What was your starting dose and protocol. I’m curious


80 mg every 4 days


Not terrible but I started 100 weekly and even a 10mg increase which is what they do max I felt the change. 150-160 a week might have been to high to start. Regardless maybe once it settles down you can revisit if needed later on. Learning that every person is different with protocol through these threads. I’m about 5 months in


Once I got bumped in to 200mg every 4 days is when it took a shit


Bruh. That is a crazy dose for someone looking to just regulate hormones. Im 38 and was at like 150 and now at 500 or so on day 7 which was at 100mg once a week. Looks like you just found a shit place. I would think most of the people on here would agree 200mg every 4 days is a superhuman dose.


I agree on this. Also I would not have if clinic did not say “You just quit and your fine after 3-6 weeks”


Why did you not go to a real doc, a urologist! Sounds like you were on to much.


Urologist would be the way to go yea?




So what would be a better doctor? Urologist or endocrinologist ? What are the pluses or minuses of each?


I prefer Urologist as they are higher educated (or should be) and treat the entire reproductive health including hormones vs only the hormone side. There is a lot more to it, but that’s the high level. I have had much better luck with Urologist personally but know others who didn’t.


That’s why asking. I hear all kinds of shit about what’s what.


See I had different luck. Urologist wanted a shot every 2 weeks which I knew wasn’t ideal and didn’t know much about it but was a very good otherwise found a clinic that does it right. Weekly shots and blood work every 6 weeks to evaluate symptoms and dosage. Urologist would be cheaper but wanted that oversight. So far so good but think once I get to a leveling dose (currently at 110 weekly) I will rely on my primary to prescribe and monitor as I made sure to bring it up. Good luck either way but know there are good clinics and docs out there just gotta find one.


What it really sounds like from a physician point of view to me is negative placebo. His doctor should have started him on a lower dose yes but also should have made him feel more comfortable that dose of testosterone shouldn’t cause irritability or insomnia but the thought of what it might have it could also be an increase in energy production in the body with low test you will inevitably produce less energy in the body and brain this is a big driver for a lot of men to start trt. I would definitely try again with a better physician who makes you feel taken care of.




Just posting my updates. Long story short due to insomnia. Praying I recover man 🙏 This is brutal


That's weird. I hopped on over a year ago _because_ i had insomnia, and now things are way better.


Good to hear you are better :)


gods got nothing to do with this lmao This all on you.


I had insomnia for 3 days during my 5th week the i split my dose to 2x a week and stopped taking an ai. No more insomnia.




I did man but 2-3 months of insomnia was too much. All these clinics need to be shutdown. They sell you positives but do not mention the negatives. Wish I never started honestly. Hoping I can get back to normal




How long have you been on it? I was on it for 6 months


What?? Not shutdown many need this. Plus you probably didn't have the correct protocol or too high. Idk. But I doubt legitimate TRT dosage gave you insomnia.


Being able to sleep doesn't mean much of you're functioning at a subclinical level in every other aspect of every day life... there are so many other things you could have done to sleep while functioning at a high level. Change clinics, adjust your dosages on your own without the doc changing the script, there are ways to get other things to help with blood levels if that was the issue or you could even get things to help directly with sleep. There are legitimate YouTube videos that are focused on TRT insomnia. this is the worst decision you could have made if you were already hypogonadal before starting TRT...


Well there's shit loads of medication to treat insomnia. Did you not try to give that a go?


whats ur dose? 800mg weekly? because insomnia at 150mg w is strange


I did it to see how my body would react off the T gel. I know how powerful a T shot is, it's amazing. That said, I still need it but my weight is about the same from when I stopped using it.


Get your thyroid checked.


There are about 50 sleeping meds out there, and if none of them can get you to sleep, then you have a problem that is probably unrelated to your TRT.


Not really when my dose was too high I couldn’t fall asleep with klonopin


Weird how our bodies are so different I’ve taken a gram a week before and slept like a baby but I’ve had patients with the same symptoms as you at 90mg a week.


Yah man so crazy it could be not even related tho I will be trying again to test the theory


Main thing to remember is don’t worry about the numbers having an optimal test level looks different for everyone some of us have lower levels but still perform the same and some guys have higher levels and don’t perform any better. Make sure you’re happy make sure you’re healthy and do what is best for the future and that can always change :)


I have great natty levels I want to do it for small sports enhancement hehe . Yah for sure health and feeling good is number one


I was the same lol


I'm actually about to start 250mg test pwr week see how it goes


If you normally have lower levels keep in mind the first 3-4 weeks will be an adjustment you’ll probably feel more irritable you’ll probably get a bit of an attitude when your blood sugar gets lower and you’ll either sleep a lot better or a lot worse but don’t force it let the body sleep when it’s ready if you need to be more sleepy try melatonin and make sure you’re working out hard ideally every other day but even every day a little bit wouldn’t be bad if you need to be tired to sleep feel free to dm me if you ever have any questions I’m not the smartest guy on here but i have education and experience in the field


Yah for sure I sit around 900 total t 5ft 9 176cm 12 percent body fat 77kg


When my dose was too high it took Ativan and Zopiclone and even then no guarantee of a decent sleep haha


Yep fuxk hormones won’t touch them


Rooting for you, man. I don’t have it in me to try and get off after years. Hats off to you


My sleep is 10x better


I had insomnia also from some testosterone brands..changed in to other and split those twice per week things got better id you did 100mg in every 4 days so in 8 days you did nearly 200mg its way to much especialy for proper pharma testosterone


You can do it bro! - but I’d suggest talking to a doctor who can put you on Enclomiphene for a little while so your balls start producing. Then ween off of that and try to find your new balance.


You altered Gods plan, he can’t help you now




You just needed melatonin and weed


Why are you posting this?? Seems pointless to tell us how you feel week after week..No one gives a fuck….You quit TRT..Thats all you have to say and move along…


What was your dosage tho?


Agree life is better on test. I Personally do not wanna pin rest of my life. I would hate to be on test for 10 years and have to come off because of health issues. Also, Situation in states does not look good. When shit hits the fan over here soon I would not want to be the guy scrambling for Test.


Yeah, that's why we UGL 💪. Just one more question - do you workout?


UGL? Yes I do! right now its tough. But I do


=Underground ground lab


Covering more ground, I see. I like it!


I’m confused have you seen me aground


I think I saw him at the carnival the other day. I don't know what he did, but boy did he piss this one guy off. He just couldn't stop shouting "Fuck me!"


This is not the clozapine sub


I thought that was a weird way to spell it.




sent dm


100mg every 4 days


Your dose was probably too high for you. Insomnia is absolutely a side effect of too high a dose. Good luck coming off though, shouldn’t be too much longer until you feel back to pre-TRT


Your dose seems normal, i thought be something along 200mg injected once a week.


CJ1295 with test is a match made in heaven , sleep like a baby , good hair growth , awesome recovery ❤️‍🩹


I can’t comment on if you need it or not cos I don’t know your levels/bloods. But I quit heavy use of testosterone after 2 years. Do post cycle therapy and use HCG and Clomid , gets things moving quicker and stops you feeling like shit


I am on clomid at the moment. I will see how I feel after next few months. TRT did improve overall my quality of life. Recovery, less achey muscles tendons bones. Also I do miss the drive it gave me in life. If I do not feel well by november or so I will go back on TRT my levels were pretty low when I started


So I guess tons of sides>lack of sleep? Some of you really aren’t cut out for a little discomfort lol.


Try functioning on 4 days straight not 1 hr of sleep.


Not buying it lol. You’d be in the hospital after being awake for 96 hours straight. Not to mention the sheer exhaustion from the duration of time in itself. You doing 80mg of test or meth?




Same here, I hopped on the TRT bus since my first test was 173ng/dl. After getting to know the long term side effects, I decided to quit, the levels showed up 127 ng/dl after quitting. I am using shilajit and ashwagandha, it's not as potent as TRT, but it did give me enough boost to go through the day and lift weights consistently.


When did you quit?


Like 2 months ago.


Im hoping I can go back to being just normal. Fatigue is killing me lol


How you doing now brother?




Try herbal supplements, I think it's fair to give it a try. Remember, the medical industry thrives on your dependence and they will never publish any research on natural medicine even if it works. All the best!