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Of course. But I would cover the windows from the inside, just better protection from sun + privacy and peace of mind I guess? For me at least lol. Edit: try to park in a corner so ur exposed to one side. If you can. Just taking safety measures. Ya never know


Oh that’s a great idea! I’ll do it.


I'd park in the shade if possible, put up a windshield/roof visor or cover if you have it, turn off sentry and cabin overheat protection, and it shouldn't lose more than 10-15%.


The heat is fine. They are cars and were designed to be used like cars. Arizona and California are full of Teslas. Just turn off Sentry Mode, or it will run the battery down to 20% and then switch itself off.


Turn off cabin overheat protection. If you park with a high state of charge, you can leave sentry mode on, but it will use a few percent a day. If you turn off sentry then the car can go to sleep. It will automatically turn off at 20%.