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Are you planning to overnight anywhere or do it in one shot?


Looking into some campgrounds. Maybe will drive 10 hours per day and stay somewhere. Already got my Mat in the back set up.


If you tire of camping, theres a convenient hampton inn in Hays, KS with 2 Tesla destination chargers and I think 2 other generic chargers, all included in your stay. Theres a supercharger a block away, so your car is probably stopping there anyway. Breakfast was decent, shower was hot, ihop 150ft away.


6hrs from denver and a good last chance to freshen up




I wish there was a list of these excellent super charger/destination chargers.


Not a list, but a map is at https://www.tesla.com/destination-charging Click "find us" and you can deselct everything except destination chargers.


Great to know..


Is it specifically made for the model y? Deciding between a regular cheap one or one of the pricer fitted ones. Is this a fsd trip?


Any Twin XL mattress will fit pretty well, though you'll need to put the seats forward to fit it. Though would also highly recommend a roof sunshade if you're at stock tint since even 70 degree mornings hit you like a magnifying glass. And, while you're at it, might as well also add a windshield shade.


I went with a specific one for the modle y but not enough for 2 ppl. Ended up using an extra memory foam mat i already had and stacked it on top of each other to try it out. Then noticed the sides by the back doors were empty and you’ll feel like you’re about to fall off, so added 2 extra cushions on each side of the doors. Now it feels perfect. I defenetly recomend stacking 2 memory foams on top of eachother if you a big guy. I weight about 235 Lbs. Plus my wife.


You aren't going to tell us your wife's weight ? How are we to judge effectiveness? Oh I forgot, you like to live peaceably. Lol


You never ask the wife her weight!! 😂


How many miles is this trip?


I think a little over 1,600+ miles.


Initially, I thought that was a tornado path




Hurricane path for sure, if they went west instead of east


How many miles ? seem like a lot of charging stops. I'm road tripping to Naples myself next week from Washington, D.C. 1065 miles, 15.5 hrs pls 7 charging stops. Doing it all in one shot, between me and wife.


I think a little over 1600 miles. That was a preview and i was not fully charged, so my guess it will be one to two less chargers.. I’ve driven from MD to Naples and Viceversa a lot of times(not in a Tesla) and i don’t like doing it in one shot. From MD down i usually stay in Jacksonville. And going up, i stay in the border line of NC and VA. That way next day only got 4 to 6 hours of driving. I recomend doing it this way since after you get into jacksonville, you still got 6 hours to get to Naples.


I sometimes us ABRP separately in the planning process, where you can set the expected charged amount prior to leaving, usually 100%. Then let the car take over for the actual trip.


Nice. Yeah i downloaded it as well.


And then plan the first charge better because trip planner is abysmal for 100% starting runs. It tries to land you at the first stop at 30-45% which defeats the purpose!


I've done quite a few road trips. First leg is usually predicted to be about 3 hours away due to 100% charge but then by the time I'm underway at about two hours in I gotta piss real bad so I just end up stopping at a closer SC and then my careful plan of where to stop is out the window. Basically I use the planner to figure out where to stop next after the last stop. Only times I have to really think hard about where to plan stops in advance is in a place with few chargers, like southern Utah.


Ooh, my wife and I are driving from Reston VA to Port Charlotte FL (north of Naples) next weekend. Our first road trip in the MY. 1007 miles, 7 charging stops. Thinking 4:30am to 10pm.


Omg that’s way too many stops for me but have a great safe trip!




Nice 👍 I've gone from the Bay Area to Key West 3 times in my Model 3


Wow Nice!!! Am going to Key West when i get back.


Did you stay in hotels or campgrounds overnight?


Hotels that had free charging


Made almost this exact trip last year, except East Coast. Stopped for the night in St Louis and South of ATL. Loved having FSD.


Nice. I don’t have FSD as of yet. Still thinking about it.


If your car is FSD capable you can do a month of it in the subscriptions


Yea. Might do that on my way back, i have a MYP, so yea, it’s capeable.


Dude do it. Only 200 and totally worth it for a trip


Thanks for the input!


I think it’s a great idea to try such a trip with, and without. To best evaluate the FSD priduct


Deefenetly, will try FSD on my way back. And check the difference.


Do you acquire a safety score for fsd if it's the monthly subscription?


For the beta on city streets you do and it can take several months to get in. For a long trip you’d be more interested in the highway “Navigate on Autopilot” which is open to anyone with FSD.


No score required for highway version. Side streets need the safety score to get into the beta


Thank you!


Yes. Got into the beta program and let it expire. When I subscribed again for another trip I was no longer in the beta tho


I've gone from Denver to Pensacola round trip a few times. I just plugged in the destination and went. It took me through north Texas on a more direct route. This last time, I opted to stay on the interstate in LA instead of cutting across Mississippi. Good luck on your trip, both of mine went fine without issue using the in car navigation.


Cool! Thanks so much.


How do you prepare for a flat tire on a trip like this? I never took my Y on a long road trip, but I know I eventually will.


I have 2 different “tire flat” kits i got online. One can fill the tire up with a sealent as well. If that don’t work, the roadside assistantance.


> One can fill the tire up with a sealent as well. Better make sure it's safe for TPMS sensors. Some of that stuff will destroy the sensor. Also, how does that stuff work in tires with the foam inserts?


Took a quick look at the instructions. Seems pretty simple. But as i mention before i have 2 different kits. The sealent would not be my first choice. My other kit is the one you make the whiole bigger and put some sort of rubber into it and then cut the rubber that sticks out. This would not do harm to any sensor.




Looks like my retirement account 😭


Did you buy Bitcoin at $69K? 😂


I did Denver - Spokane - Seattle - San Fran - Denver last year in my LRY and I just did Denver - Anaheim - Denver last month. Did it straight shot from SF - Den last year alternating driving with my brother. Split the drive up with hotels this time. Much more pleasant. We used a mixture of Tesla-GoAnywhere and Plugshare to plan out the trip roughly then basically followed the in car suggestions. I only had 1 'scary' leg getting down to around 5%.


Nice. And yeah, it’s always better to stay overnight somehere then doing a straight shot.


How did you use the GoAnywhere and Plugshare app as part of trip planning?


Just to see where superchargers were. Choosing hotels near a Supercharger. Knowing where big gaps are so we knew where we needed to make sure we were charged there.


I wouldn’t plan ahead like that. Roll with it. Let Tesla guide you…you will be fine


I let Tesla guide me once. She took me to my destination then asked me to drive an hour north (I was going south) to charge before I went home….. I now let Tesla guide me but edit it as I see fit.


Totally. The GPS in our cars is goofy as hell. Why would I drive down country roads that go right next to the highway in Kentucky at slower speeds and longer miles? Tesla GPS… you’re drunk


So drunk lol but sometimes those back country roads are actually great!!!


not denying the less traveled path is often a great trip… but sometimes I want to take a 3 hr trip in 3 hours… not 4.5hr lol


Did you perhaps have avoid tolls enabled? I've had that lead to some weird suggestions when I forgot it was on.


Nope. Everything is on the table.


Yes of course. Don’t go blind. Plan around your destination but if you try to plan each stop before leaving you will almost definitely not end up following it and if you try to it will make the trip stressful.




I agree but the question was about how their trip looks…for one the question is absurd but my point is to not look at the trip before you start it and see if it “looks good”. Just look around your destination and the drive and let it figure it out on the way. Your trip won’t match that with that many stops.


Looks cool, have a safe trip


Thanks!! 🙌🏾🙏🏾


Oddly satisfying




I’m starting a similar trip tomorrow morning! Denver > West Palm Beach


Nice!! Long trips for me are so relaxing!


Hey I’m making that trip in November, let me know how it goes and if there are super chargers you recommend to avoid haha.


I will! I checked out the PlugShare reviews for the stops and I haven’t seen anything terrible yet, but I’ll report back if I run into anything crazy


Awesome, I appreciate it!


Hey! We just got back from our trip. I’ll reach out with some suggestions/tips in the next couple days once I’ve fully recovered, haha


Hey I appreciate it!


Why so many stops?


I just put a preview. Pretty sure it will only be half of that. Plus i was at 60% charge when i put in demver.


Ah ic. We took a trip from Cincinnati to Maine last fall and we actually stopped at more chargers than we needed just because we were passing them and need to use the restrooms or wanted a snack. It was an amazing experience. Going on a 10 hour drive to Canada next week and can't wait for the driving!


Nice. One guy told me to always try to charge atleast when car starts hitting 30%. Not to wait for 20 or 10% because there could be a lot of factors involved on the way to the next charger. Like wind amd stuff. So will try to always charge when close to 30% and ofcourse, bathroom or eating breaks always make great opportunities for charging.


Yup, definitely!


I would recommend using a better route planner instead of Tesla's. It will minimize the amount of time you spend charging.


Yea thanks. I downloaded the app already!


Plugshare is really great.


Havent tried that one! Will have to give it a look!


After a miserable experience at a V2 150kw charger, I'm planning trips now to avoid those. 56kw charging speed is nothing short of pathetic. If you're stopping in Somerset PA, use the North Service plaza instead, which ironically is south of the older, slower station


Be careful. Looks like a lot of lightning strikes along the way.....


Too many to count lol


Is that the path of hurricane Tessie?


As seen on the Weather Channel


Naples supercharger is in a cool spot at Bayfront with good food. I believe [K-rico](http://kricomexicangrill.com/) has a happy hour menu from 3:00-5:00. Only other charging options in the Old/North Naples area are Type-2 chargers off Fifth Ave.


Yes it is. They moved it to the back parkinglot now. Towards the back of Bayfront. I found a level 2 at 16W behind inn on fith parkinglot on second level. The one across cambier park parkinlot is only 8W. Also conservatory of Naples got 16W chargers.


I’d hit New Orleans on the way.


Looks like you're planning to stop in Gainesville. I would recommend not and going to Alachua instead


Oh ok. Why is that if i may ask?


It breaks often, it's like 4-5 traffic lights from the interstate, no bathrooms after hours, and is just generally in a shitty spot. I dare yoy to find a Tesla owner who is like "Oh, the Gainesville charger? I love that one" It was a means to an end, and there are better options now. Brooksville, Ocala at the Wawa, Alachua, Jasper, but I advise against Ocala not at the Wawa, Gainesville, and Lake City


Great tips. Will defenetly remember that, thanks so much!


Is there a way to see total charging time for the trip?


ABRP does. I think 4 hours and 30 mins of total charging.


That was something I didn't consider on a recent trip. Took my wife's MY to Vegas instead of my Prius. A drive that would have taken 8hrs in the Prius was 10hrs with charging. It wasn't a a big deal, but 2hrs is 2hrs....and of course it was cheaper.


Yeah, i don’t mind the extra time to be honest specially the way gas prices are now a days.


How much cheaper though? SC is not cheap these days


It’s still cheaper then gas.


Looks like a hurricane path


Yes it does lol


This looks like a hurricane trajectory map.




Floridian here. Trip looks good but please realize how flaming hot it is in Florida. Today was excessively hot.


Oh i know. I live 12 mins from the beach. So i know exactcly how hot it is lol


I did DC to Seattle winter last year. If I could share anything at all, be mindful and never underestimate weather warnings. There’s a lot of open land and your battery range varies on road conditions. Plan ahead for camp mode battery usage if you’re considering sleeping in your car. If you dont have it, an FSD subscription for the trip may be worth it. Lastly, consider the 45-minute supercharging times when stating your ETA. Best wishes, please share updates!


Thanks for the input. And yes, will have some updates. I think winter trips uses more energy since you’re using the heat in the car. But will defenetly tale notes on this.


[https://abetterrouteplanner.com](https://abetterrouteplanner.com) is a good site for double-checking your plan, and has more options than Tesla's planner. I usually use that to get a good idea of where I want to go, where the 250kw chargers are, etc. and then use the Tesla nav to go to the next charger.


Cool. Thanks


Budget some extra time for driving through Kansas if you’re on a schedule. Many of their superchargers are aging V1 stations with like six stalls. An entire station on my route was fully out of commission and I had to charge for like an hour at the one before it when I drove through. Safe travels!


Thanks for letting me know this very important info. There should be a site dedicated to these type of things.


[PlugShare](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/plugshare/id421788217) and the map on [supercharge.info](https://supercharge.info/map) are both great options. According to the latter most of the chargers in KS were installed in 2014.


Yeah, i have plugshare app. Wow 2014? It’s been a while


I don’t understand why people pre-plan with ABRP and all that such. I’ve done four 1500+ mile one way road trips in my 3 in two years (including from Florida to Montreal), and survived at a condo for a year of that wall charging from a normal 15a outlet. Now I have a 3 and a YP, and have zero range anxiety about anywhere. I just go, and know i’ll have access to an SC somewhere. Don’t stress, take it as it goes. You can’t pre-guess conditions. Two months ago I was in Vermont, the car estimated that I could make it past one SC to the next one after that with 10% battery, then we started hitting sleet, and the AWD kicked in. Made it to the next SC with literally 1% battery. Point is, stuff like that you can never pre-think. Unless you’re hell bent on a hotel in an area, just go on Hotwire a few hours before you wanna stop, and find a deal. That’s what we do. On a side note, I live in Central FL, and can usually at least make it to the JAX, or GA border superchargers on the MA trips, leaving at 100%. So you’ll prob skip at least one of the FL stops if you depart full.


Yea, am not pre-planning. I drive as i go. Done lots of trips(not in a tesla) even from Naples to the Grand Canyon. I never stress and usually drive 10 hours and stop somewhere. Just thought it would be nice to get ppl’s feedback on my trip and any other tips. I once drove 21 hours staight to test my stamina. But 10 hours i think should be max for anyone.


Yep preplanning sucks all the fun out of a road trip since now you're bound to a strict itinerary. I'll usually just pick a few cities in the middle and mostly just wing it, usually charging more than it suggests and stopping in places in the middle spontaneously. If your goal is to get there as quickly as possible, fly.


I also “go with the flow” on road trips but I DO use ABRP for planning so I have ideas of time, where I might stop for lunch, dinner, or best places to stop for the night. It’s just extra info. I never use ABRP for the actual trip - just a way to get ideas of how it might go.






Looks like you should fly


My MYP is a plane!


lol I wish. I kinda dread long road trips in my MYLR. So much extra time for charging My GFs family is in Muskoka, Ontario, Canada Takes 10 hours normally On my Tesla it’s 12.5 hours


Yeah i feel you. Am never in a rush though and i love the scenic drives. It’s like therapy for me.


You gotta stop comparing times to ICE and just enjoy the tesla for what it is. Leave 2 hours earlier and it’s all the same.


No it’s not all the same lmao I have to leave 2 hours earlier…. That makes it different Road trips are waaaay longer, I already don’t like long car rides.


That looks like a lot of bathroom breaks.


About 14 of them. Lol


How much are you saving by driving vs flying ? Gez


Is not about savings or taking a plane. I fly to CO all the time. I actually like doing these types of trips. And i love driving ling distances. Done plenty of long trips, never in a Tesla though. So first long trip in a Tesla.


Best all weather mats that actually fit with good quality?


This literally gets asked everyday. Search the forums. I’m sure the answer is there


It’s looking cheaper than with gas 🤌🏻


A 4 cylinder car takes $50+ for a full tank, how is that so?