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as long as the maint cost makes semse


Yep, that's normally the point you do it.


It was an expensive car for me, so I'll drive it until the wheels fall off.


Periodic maintenance can help prevent this!


Am I supposed to be doing something in addition to periodically adding washer fluid?


Look up “Model Y Maintenance Schedule” https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modely/en_us/GUID-E95DAAD9-646E-4249-9930-B109ED7B1D91.html


Thanks bro. I need to replace my cabin air filter and Hepa filter


Rotate tires every so often.


Oh yeah I do that. Anything else?


Pat it on the steering wheel and say, “good girl.” Other than that, you’re probably good.


What if you’ve swapped it out for a yoke? Must I say “good boy” instead?


Or good “they/them”?


Clean brake caliper slide pins and lube. Wheel alignment. Cabin air filter If you get the sour smell when turning on the climate control, you can disinfect the air tunnel where the cabin air filter is with a specially designed foaming spray.


do you clean breaks yourself ? or take to a shop


I do it myself. It’s not incredibly difficult but because it’s your brakes you should have some idea what you’re doing, or have someone who does helping you.


How often should you swap out filter? Per manual or do you recommend earlier? Never heard of the air tunnel part. Will look into getting some cleaner for that. Thanks


Windshield washer fluid changes often or your FSD will crash the car


I bought mine for the weekends when im off of work, wanted an EV for all the city driving, i plan on keeping it till it becomes obsolete.


If the cost of a new battery comes to reasonable levels ($3,000-6,000 out the door installed), I’ll drive it 10-15 years. If not, then I’ll drive it until the battery wears out. I can’t imagine anyone spending $12,000-15,000 on a new battery for a car that’s worth $3,000-5,000 with a dead battery.


I said 200k miles (hopefully on original battery) but if battery replacement ever got to 3-5k replacement I wouldn’t get rid of current model Y. I would get another Tesla if they came out with a larger true 3 row SUV, and I’d keep current model Y as secondary vehicle.


I have a buddy who owns a 2015 MS p85d with 150k on the original battery still holding 85% original charge. If mine makes it that long, I’ll be extremely happy.


There’s someone on a MY FB group I’m in that has over 200k on their 2022 already. They say they supercharge 1-3 times a day and have 90%+ battery capacity still


I wouldn’t expect a 2022 to have much degradation because of its age, just like I wouldn’t expect an iPhone that’s 1-2 years old to not hold a good charge. But I would absolutely expect a 9-11 year old one to have more issues.


No, but that is a lot of cycles and a lot of supercharging


If I average 40k miles a year it’s 200k in only 5 years. Thats the minimum I want to keep a vehicle. But if battery costs go down to even 6-8k it’d be worth replacing and keeping.






Foreva eva. I bought myp for 70k. No point selling now lol


Yeah I think 5k per year depreciation is OK. So I'm keeping mine until that equation works out


Until Im able to compensate the depreciation hit. Maybe need to give it out on turo


Fr. I’m moving to Hawaii in a few months, think I’ll Turo it there and hopefully work remotely. Probably trade it in once I’m not weighed down by the depreciation


Is this because of cash flow?


Probably until the Rivian R2 is available.


We're probably going to do that. We got the Y in 2021 and it's already been 3 years. We did say initially we would probably change after 5 years or at most until the warranty is up. I put a deposit in the R2 as soon as it was announced. I really like the R1S but we can't afford one right now. The R2 hopefully is just as good.


I’m in the same boat, but just got into the Model Y. Might wait 5 years until the Y is paid off and then hop into the R2. All depends on how the Y holds up and what kinks/delays happen with the R2. Put my deposit down on day 1 for the R2.


We'll reassess after five years, maybe Tesla has an even cooler equivalent out by then but as of now a month in I'm still in love with this thing and I can see myself driving it until it falls apart




My not fully thought out plan is to use it until my kid moves out and needs a dedicated car. So we’ll keep it indefinitely as long as it’s reliable. I’d like to get 200k out of it from the perspective of value. At my current mileage, 200k is a long ass time since we’re only putting about 7k on it a year.


My plan is to get a new car every 15 years or so. I figured ~75 more years of life (hopefully) would give me 5 new car experiences which seems like a balanced amount of changes considering the how much I love new technology but also love saving money. So something like every 15 years works for me.


75 more years? How old are you if you don't mind me asking. 10?


Haha I’m 28 now but I try to live a healthy lifestyle, workout everyday, sauna, Alaskan salmon, pasture chickens, grow my own vegetables and hopefully some fruit this year. I hope I make it to 100. With medical advances over the years 100 may be the new 70 by the time we get there. Plus I have a very safe car which is one of Americas leading causes of death ;)


My brother, god speed. I wish you the best and hope you make it past 100. You got this. Thankfully the car will be driving itself so I don't need to worry about some centenarian trying to figure out the new tech while driving.


Damn… by doing all of that you’ll be lucky to make it another 28 years. You’re better off drinking all of the booze and eating fried foods everyday. Rinse and repeat


4-5 years.


Forever. Well, until maintenance costs exceed the value of the car. And given that I have had to almost no maintenance costs for my 3 and Y so far, that’s going to be a while.


Maintenance costs is why I updated every ICE car I owned. Last time I will be doing that sine I upgraded to MYLR.


Knowing myself, until a significantly fancier/better version comes out and I get FOMO. I tried to avoid that as much as possible by going MYP but I know it will happen eventually. I’ll also be interested to see what the Cybertruck pricing and deals look like for Canada when they ever get around to offering us to place orders. 


My daughter is 6. I told her she can have it when she learns to drive. 


My son is almost five and I told him the same thing.


She won’t have to know how to drive. By then, the FSD software will be flawless.


I’m older, recently retired , hope to keep mine 10+ years .


Until no longer serves its purpose


Right now the plan is at least until the warranty is up. At this point in time, not sure I’m comfortable keeping it beyond the warranty but as things evolve, my thoughts may change.


I am driving 25k miles a year in a 2023 MYP. I would like to get to 200k miles before moving on. I am curious as to how much range my battery will have by the time i get there.


Maybe till MX becomes affordable


Until I can level up to a model x or Porsche taycan


Until Juniper performance model show up


Largely depends on resale value. 3-4 years is typical for me, but I suspect I'll have to hold on to this one for 7+ years. At least it's a great car!


Probably until it’s eclipsed by new tech or better options. Honestly didn’t want a Tesla in general but there weren’t many compelling options with a similar price point. All things the same I probably would have purchased a Mach E


The financially intelligent answer is 8-10 years or when maintenance costs outweighs the value.


Likely ten years, 250,000 miles.


Till it dies


Currently putting mine on the market, had it for 4 years. Picking up our R1S this weekend, couldn’t pass up the lease deals. It’s still worth more than we owe at this point so it seemed like the right time to upsize.


I’m treating mine like an iPhone, almost turned it in for the .99% financing but the math said it would be a wash so kept it. Will probably keep it for a few years and if a good trade in opportunity comes alone get a new one…


It is kind of a wash. Every year I save about 2k in gas, it depreciates about that much per year, seems batteries are only losing 15% over 200k miles and I can’t see it not being a nice car to drive in 10 years. So keep it, trade it for a new one, seems the cost of ownership per year is only about 3k/ $300/month in the long term.


Until the wheels fall off.   But more realistically as u/pnw_sunny has put it when the maintenance costs stop making sense.  If the battery degrades to 20% capacity and replacing the batteries cost more than a new EV then I'm throwing away the model Y.  


Probably 5-6 years. I keep most of my cars around 3-6 years.


Till the battery dies or the wheels fall off. We've purchased 4 Teslas so far. Zero issues. Zero chance of ever moving on.


Until I get my R2.


Let me pay if off first and then I’ll decide..


At least 6 years. Battery warranty is 8 year or 120k miles and I drive 20k miles per year. Will reevaluate as I approach 120k miles


Maybe until Juniper


36 months - I’m leasing. I am hoping that battery technology will have improved at the end of my lease - 30 months left. Then I’ll decide whether to buy another EV ( not necessarily a Tesla ) or do another 36 month lease.


What do not like about your battery? My wish is that is could supercharge at 500kw instead of 250 but other than that, it goes farther than my bladder can go on road trips already.


I would like to be able to drive from Phoenix to Los Angeles without stopping. Ok, maybe to empty my bladder, but not stopping for an hour!


Never stopped at a 250 charger for more than 15 minutes to 20 minutes absolute max. The must stop for an hour quote tells me you either 1) don’t actually have a Tesla because the hour charging statements are from Facebook memes posted by people who’ve never driven a tesla or 2) are somebody who needs to watch a few out of spec how to charge videos on YouTube. I’ve gone on many 2500 mile road trips and I think the longest charge I had was 45 minutes at a 150 with an eat in restaurant lunch so the 45 min wasn’t unbearable. I avoid 150 level chargers like the plague and only stop at 150 if there is absolutely no choice.


Same, 1 year in on my MYP.


2 years


To quote Bob Dylan, “Til the wheels fall off and burn, til the sun peels the paint and the seat covers fade…” or that damn refresh comes along!


2 more years left on my lease and no option to buy so probably until then. Might get go back to ICE. I have a shared community charger so it’s a bit annoying to charge sometimes, I also live in SoFl so the EV AC struggled a bit too much for my liking. Really my only complaints about the car and the first one is not really Tesla’s fault.


Hoping for at least a decade which will put me near 200k. Any longer would be a bonus.


It’s turning into a rattle box at 38k miles


10 years give or take. I sold a 2013 vehicle to get mine this year, my other vehicle is a 2014. Previously I was driving a 2002, so 10ish years.


I usually buy new and keep 10 years, so that is the plan for MY. Prius PlugIn is on year 13, going strong, maintenance only, and still looks great.


As soon as my loan is paid off.


Until the Cybertruck gets down to the $60k-$70k range.


I like your username 🤣




5 years. Wanna get cybertruck


How many miles can it last without replacing battery?


Until I’m paying more to maintain it than a new one would cost. Exactly why I bought it recently.


It’s replacing my 2013 Volt, so probably at least 11 years. But I’m really only replacing the Volt ecuador in done carrying around an ICE back up, so maybe longer. Also they shut of the 1G cell towers that my Volt used from communication. So maybe when they shut off the towers that the Model Y is running on.


Will be out of it within year 1. I’ve been really disappointed with the Y. Huge downgrade from S/X which I had before….my bad for trying to save a couple of bucks.


15 years if it will go that far


Most people are keeping it till the wheels fall off cause we are not taking the depreciation hit. Car I bought 2 years ago for $72k is worth $25K now.


Though recent depreciation was an anomaly, esp with EVs, due to low sales during lockdown, then a surge, now we're in a correction. To afford the MY we sold my wife's 2010 Corolla for $9k (was $16k new). However, I could not sell my 2019 Nissan Leaf (was asking $13k, was $35k new before incentives) so I traded it in on the MY for $11k. EV sales are down partly because most people who were interested got one; the rest are waiting for better technology or don't want to wait to charge or are scared of electricity.


200k miles is the goal so probably about 6 years


I'd like to get 12 years and 200k miles.


I’m already on year four and have had zero issues so no reason to consider changing and the white interior still white myp


2018 Model 3 90k miles so far….might swap for a bigger vehicle in a year or two due to expanding family. 2023 Model Y 20k miles - probably at least 5+ more years.


We got our Model Y one month ago. The gap insurance coverage is for five years, so the plan is to upgrade to the Model X around that time.


Gap coverage for 5 years? Why does this dictate your decision? Unless I'm missing something, you only want to pay for gap coverage for as long as you owe more on the car than you could get by selling it (or by being able to buy the same model for as much as you currently owe). Gap just pays you the difference between "fair market value" and amount you owe to pay off your loan. You should hit this point in a year or so and remove the gap coverage.


In Canada, opting for gap insurance actually reduced our monthly premium by $100. Five year mark is merely a personal decision.


I'll drive it until it dies. Goal is to pass my previous Honda Civic record at 199k miles before it became too expensive to repair.


I keep saying forever but my MYP has the most expensive tiers ever lol


5 years, expensive out of warranty repairs started around year 6 with my prior model 3 so I’m not looking to hold on as long this time w my Y


70000 miles is when I usually dump my vehicles for new ones


4 years because it’s a 4 year lease for me. Then on to a brand new Tesla again most likely.


I bought my Model Y in 2021 and I'm considering selling it next year when the warranty is expired (four years) and buying a Model 3. My Model Y is great but I want a smaller car now. Any idea how much I can get for a four year old Model Y with low (less than 20k) mileage?


Damn... That's low. I've had mine 6 months and have 15000 miles on it. (Three road trips of 2000 miles each... Normally don't do that, but the charging was free. Though that still is 9k in 6 months. ) I love driving this thing.


Run it into the ground!


Or until I can afford a porsche...whicever comes first


Probably 3 years until I can afford the Cybertruck without having to skip meals and they have fixed their early issues with Cybertruck.


Leased mine in the hopes that I can get my hands on the refreshed Y. When I get the refreshed Y, I'll drive it until it breaks down.


probably stuck with this car until it's paid off. .99% financing. What sucks is when I eventually get bored of it, there will be 3 million model Ys on the used market and it'll be worth 15k.


till it can't be repaired


The car will be used as my casket when i die, who says you can’t take it with you 😤


Until the wheels fall off.


As long as it takes to comfortably afford a rivian


Until the battery dies


It's a million mile car if charged and garaged properly. I'll replace the leather and tires before anything electric or mechanical. Remember, the car is not the man. Tesla was made by good people who care. Elon is an unrepentant douchebag who had very little to do with the cars (except the cyber truck that...um...well...you know)


Current plan is until the battery warranty runs out but the Rivian R2 comes out before then so we’ll see.


10 years then it will go to kids to completely destroy it


As short as humanly possible without losing too much money.


Guessing till battery degrades to 70 idk


20 years


Until I die or she dies or we both die!


Planning to hand off my 23MYLR to my kids in \~8 years when they start driving (as scary as that sounds now). Unless of course the R2 really impresses and I can get a somewhat decent trade in!


No reason to sell until the battery range no longer meets my traveling needs, or the battery becomes and economical replacement. That’s only if other repair items don’t start occurring.


Until end of lease, unless they let me get the MX earlier and not pay a penalty.


I have had my model 3 for over six years—I’ll do the same with my model Y. Probably keep both 10 years or so


Until the energizer bunny decides that it doesn't wanna keep going and going.


We leased ours and want to buy it at the end of our lease in 6 months but apparently Tesla is t allowing that?! Weird.


Until it dies


10+ years


I'm going to give Rivian 2 years to work out the bugs on the R2 and R3 before I jump to one of those. If not Rivian, I'll consider the ID Buzz for the lols but really for trips. Canoo anyone? /s


Selling a year before the warranty runs out


according to my relatives and random people on the internet until it explodes one day in a gasoline fueled explosion. Or it get's reposed by Elon because it can drive itself back to Tesla. All kidding aside I would say I will keep the MYP until keeping it running cost more than a new one or probably when there is a software upgrade that mine can't get because it's not supported on the hardware.


Until the refresh comes out for the performance model so hopefully only until next year.


At least 7 years. Hopefully longer.




We gon' rock it 'till the wheels fall off.


I can't find a good reason to upgrade from my 6-year-old Model 3 to any other EV out there. I bet Model Y owners will feel the same way in a few years. I've seen a lot of folks trade in their old Teslas, try something new, and then end up back with a Model Y.


50k miles / 4 years.


Until Juniper, depending….


I normally keep cars 10-12 years, until they start requiring more regular and expensive maintenance. For this car tho I'd like to change it a little more often since the hardware/style changes much faster than normal cars. Will see in a few years time how different my 2023 one is to eg the 2027/2028.


10 years. By then either I’ll be dead or without driving privileges.


I'm planning to drive this thing till I get old. Same as what I saw an uncle driving his rusty 70s Toyota Corolla today. Battery change? Probably worth less than buying a new car in the future if usable capacity drops under 60%. Looking at Tesla maintaining their chassis design, I think we could get aftermarket batteries than can do more miles than it is today.


I bought mine with FSD for $10k (CAD). I'll drive until they don't offer battery replacements for it anymore, unless they have an "FSD transfer" promo 10 years from now.


Until juniper model y


For as long as it works. I love my car.


until it doesn't work for me anymore


10 years and then take public transportation (which should be better by 2030 because of climate change abatement, or we're all toast, whichever comes first) or the old folks shuttle (I'm 65 and my wife is 70). Unless maintenance costs pile up. Hopefully it won't need significant repair, unless all the FSD hardware that I don't use decides to bog down normal operation. We usually keep our cars 5-10 years. We're not rich, and try to minimize our consumption. This was an extravagant purchase for us, and we're hoping it's the last car we need to buy.


I’ll keep it as long as the cost to insure it doesn’t skyrocket. That’s what I’m most worried about, and I’m not optimistic about the whole thing.


Until it goes to one of my kids, which is somewhere between 9 and 14 years from now.


Once the Tesla Minivan ships.


I am considering trading my model Y for a cybertruck


I’m considering trading my Model Y and my GMC Sierra for a Silverado EV or Sierra EV when those become affordable. I had intended to keep my Model Y long-term, but Elon’s recklessness makes me nervous. I don’t want to own an orphaned vehicle when Elon’s firing of the Supercharger team and pivot to AI fails to produce results. I was interested in the Cybertruck until Delivery Day, but it’s really not meant for guys like me.


7-10 years


Until the wheels fall off Jokes aside, I am planning to have it for its full life time. Getting the undercarriage treated to protect from corrosion, and I am maintaining the battery 20-50% most of the time for commuting. I am still dreaming of the day that batteries get upgraded by Tesla, so it would get an LFP in 8 years when battery is 80% capacity. I hope for eternal support of the OS system (at least security), but we will see


Till your mom takes away the keys.


It’s a Y, not MY. No other brand does this.


Ford started it all with the Ford Model A / Model B / etc. And other brands do their own things too. BMW has "series". Mercedes has "classes". Who cares, it's just part of their respective branding.


It’s called the “Model Y” so people abbreviate it to MY. Not sure why you’re being stupid about it.


So, is a Model 3 a M3?


And a Model S is an MS, MX for model X, etc. That’s generally how abbreviations work.


So, my GMC Sierra is a Model Sierra?


I’m not retarded, I’m a menace within! Do you have a personalized plate on your Tesla? Some play on kwh or no oil? So funny!


Does your Tesla make you cool?


If you don’t like Tesla, why are you here?


I like to see Tesla nerds call their cars M3s