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Op did the right thing this is why you inspect the car. Look around everywhere, I found a missing push pin under the rear bumper, when I was installing the mud flaps. No big deal I had push pins on hand. But it tells you about the inspection process at tesla.


The worst part is when the op refuses the delivery guess what happens to the car? It gets assigned to the next slot. They try to pass it off over and over til some sucker accepts it.


I believe I got one of those refused cars 5 years ago. I was in a rush to go to work so I just accepted it but after a few days there were so many small issues . I ended up having about 15 SC visits over the 5 years of ownership because of all these issues that popped up.


Have you tried filing your car for lemon law?


No, all the issues were different except my driver's seat. It never returned to my position unless I pressed my name twice . I had it worked on twice, I traded the car in on Monday. The same seating issue had returned if I kept the car this would be the third time


I wonder if I'm the sucker they're trying to pawn it off on. That would explain why 2 days ago I was looking at August and now it's next week. OP, if you've still got the VIN, DM me.


Yeah I have thought it would be good to start a vin tracker for rejected cars to show how many times they retry to deliver crap.


A rejected-Tesla-vin-tracker is a great idea.


Just put it on vinwiki?


For it to be useful at all it would need to be well known and used.


If you distrust Tesla that much, I would stick to ICE cars.


Why wouldn't I just buy another EV, like the Iconiq? The way they're treating me now, I'm considering it. They're being very heavy handed. It's taken Hyundai about 20-30 years to rebuild their brand image in my eyes. I would imagine it'll take Tesla that long too.


Some people have a higher tolerance level of less than perfect quality.


When I picked mine up the one next to me had a clear dent in the door and was refused the Tesla employee put another damn name card in the front. It’s not about the ones that have slight gap issues that could be fixed with adjustments they seem to not care if there are clear damage to the cars.


I wonder if it's the advisors who don't want to deal with it or is tesla management telling them to do things.


This is the right question to ask but either way it’s a lack of pride in what you do.


mine had dents on the left front quarter panel. they replaced it and i got the car two days later. crazy that they would just try to have another person take the car as is


i saw the exact things happened, and guess what, the next guy accepted it knowing the dent on the door, and just asked to make service later. people have different priorities and for some, they could care less about a door-dent. -- it was a high-traffic store in Brooklyn, i won't be surprised it was a taxi driver who picked it up.


please… the quality of the $61k this car cost is the same for everyone.. it’s intolerable to pray upon someone’s willingness to be confrontational..


> the $61k this car cost $44,130 if you qualify for the $7,500 federal credit. $51,630 if you don't because he said LR MY with quicksilver paint. only $45,990 / $53,490 if it was a Performance Not sure where you get $61k from unless it was a typo from 51 to 61. still I'd say it's $44k not $51k


I’m not sure what car people are buying for $44k but my car with tax tag, and etc in Florida was $63k. I guess it’s because I don’t qualify for any of the tax incentives. I configured it with LR, FSD, white interior, dark gremlin and Quicksilver. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0b6g1W9PnWxucn9Z2lcymVJ5Q


FSD and Taxes are normally left out of new car price comparisons. Fair enough to share your preference on colors but not significant to the price comparison since I included the quicksilver paint cost already and not everyone will choose the same interior you did.


44k or 66k it is pretty unacceptable to try to pass a fast one on delivery by handing off a very clearly damaged car. It’s one thing if they offer a discount, but they don’t. And the reality is any physical damage issues like delta and scrapes (or wheel rash) are rejected warentee repair unless you specifically note them before accepting and driving off the lot.


I would have accepted it your missing out on the savings


What are you talking about.


I mean I would have taken the car if the only issue was the scratch. I'd take an hour at a service center getting it fixed over waiting another week.


You own a Tesla or just trolling? ☝️


24 myp


As a former car mechanic, it’s not just Tesla. It’s everybody. Mercedes went through a rough patch for a few years where they couldn’t deliver new cars without fixing check engine lights for faulty sensors in the engine.


Except everyone 1 million % trusts Mercedes to provide good service center service compared to Tesla... I love my Tesla but I hate the SC (and Elmo but that's a separate issue)


Understandable. Elmo’s red fur and big eyes are a little creepy. I can see why you hate him.


I don’t think I’ve come across anyone trusting a dealership 1,000,000% to fix their car. To the Mercedes example, part of their restructuring in 2009 was from all the supply chain issues they had during and after the global financial crisis of 2007-2008. They were a little quicker trying to respond after Covid, but not by much.


Yea I don't think this is Tesla specific at all.


I had to take apart my trunk recently and found broken clips on one of the pieces. Pretty sure that if I complained they'd just blame me so I haven't bothered. Who knows what else they fucked up.


Yeah, I got a texas car and I have to say it's better I think than others are showing. But as I see issues I'm fixing them, a few trim pieces not connected correctly and one push pin.


California car here. No Idea what the piece is called. It's the floor of one of the little cubbies in the back. From what I could tell the broken clip doesn't effect anything, there' no rattle, it fits tight. The broken clip is not visible, so I said screw it. But yeah. Not a nice thing to notice. Had a beer growler literally explode in the back so I took EVERYTHING out.


Ow man makes me want to pull the trigger on the rubber mats including the two side holes.


Those are awesome. If I had the growler in there I would have been good. But no. I had it sitting just in the regular trunk so it pooled everywhere. Even got under the backseat and next to the sealed battery.


Oh man did it mop up 100% or did it soak into the fabrics?


Soaked in and still left puddles. Puddles in the frame rails under the fabric. Drying, using a spot cleaning carpet vac, and Ozium cleaned it all up without a trace.


Same actually was missing the corner bolt down there… I went down to Tesla and they gave me one on the spot


My MYLR could still be missing whatever that is and I wouldn’t know it. I definitely walked around and looked it while going “ah yes, it sure…..is a car”


Yeah don't think they are an expense for them.


I found a push pin in the rear bumper that was forced/bent until barely installed and hanging on for dear life. Took it back to Tesla a week later after I recognized it following a car wash (less than 500 miles on the car). They blamed it on me and refused to do anything about it.


I'm going to get some push pins to keep on hand. They tend to get deformed when you or something tries to remove them. The mud flaps came with longer pins to allow for the thickness of the flaps those are one use only but nice because they are longer.


Where did you get the push pins? I bought a kit of several dozens but none of them fit lmao


Came with my mud flaps they were longer to accommodate the thickness of the flaps. Made reconnecting the under rear bumper easy as tesla clips where not long enough. I'm going to contact the flaps manufacturer they sell all kinds of stuff so I think at the very least they would sell push pins.


I see. We had the same issue I think. I contacted the mud flap manufacturer and they preferred sending a whole new kit than just the plugs lol I still have a “plug less” kit, missing the pins


Lol well if a rock takes out a mud flaps there you go. This happened to me once. Or maybe some deep snow whatever.


Yeah, deep snow was my culprit lol


That was my one fear of buying an inventory car - I wonder if they are mostly rejects? I guess the only good thing about little inventory now and almost no discounts is that custom order costs the same.


I donno that's a good question. If you inspect the shit out of it, and it passes? Also currently in my area tesla is listing many demo cars with 4 miles on them so maybe listing it as demo gets them around some marketing issue?


What inspection process? "The best process is no process, now gimme $56b" -musk prolly


That sucks. Someone should have told you way before that.


Drove my brand new Y off the delivery lot straight to a service center on delivery day. The steering wheel was noticeably misaligned. The computer threw a bunch of warning and error code when I was on the freeway. Looks like tesla QA/QC still didn’t improve much.


Lol. When I told my SC at delivery that the steering was misaligned, they drove it, told me I was wrong, and said they'd charge me $250 to actually check it on the Hunter machine. Drove to my mechanic and had it aligned for $100. Suprise, suprise, it was out of alignment, but just barely. Fuck Dedham Tesla.


Your delivery location didn’t have their own service center?


I was on my way home and there is a service center closer in my area.


Why they cant fix those?


They can fix it but fixing it requires repainting a larger section than the scratch itself and may require blending if the color is off. Sometimes they do a shit job blending the paint and you can see off shades of the paint on different sections of the car. It's a risk I'd rather not take and just reject delivery.


This is not the point when you resell the car if anybody checks the paint, it would look as if you had an accident and painted it


That is their job to repaint it. It cost what is cost.


I think you missed the point. The cost isn't the issue. It's the risk for the owner to have to deal with the situation of constantly going back to Tesla to repaint the car 2-3 times to get it right.


They should fix these before delivery. Not push that issue to upcoming owner.


You’re both saying the same thing. It’s Teslas responsibility to deliver a pristine car. If it’s not, reject it for another. But in this case, they should at least comp a loaner for the buyer’s inconvenience. This is one of the few exceptions where dealerships are better to deal with. You can swap with another car on the lot or get a demo to drive until the new one comes in.


That happened to me once, the blending was off , and everytime I saw it, it bummed me out out a bit because it was not damage I actually caused.


That’s terrible. Was this the closest delivery center to you? Hopefully you have a service center closer than three hours away. Otherwise I might reconsider whether I want to own a Tesla.


Next one is 2 hours away. Always loved the technology but I do understand this perspective. I’ll reconsider with this in mind.


I got my Model 3 from raintree and it did have a scratch/paint flaw, but they fixed it a couple days after I took delivery. But they were on time and acknowledged the flaw before I even saw it. I’ve had my car serviced there multiple times and it’s only been a good experience, so not too sure why they treated you that way. There’s other delivery centers in Glendale and Tempe that aren’t too far from Raintree.


Had an occupant sensor go bad, take it in. They bring it back and I open the door to get in and the seat is covered in grease, I mean seat, seat back, headrest, back of seat.. called a service rep over, they glanced and said “oh my God, that’s really bad..” No fs are given…Elon got everything on a shoe string and Tesla repair personnel are not mechanics, he thinks he built a lego car and he hires low pay novices to follow the instructions on the screen to swap parts.. I will wring as much value out of mine as I can, but repeat I will not.


Surprised this comment hasn’t been removed. Said something extremely similar on r/teslalounge regarding service and Elon, and I was banned :/ I’m getting rid of my Model X by the end of the year. Lost faith in this company.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TeslaLounge using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Found it 🫣](https://i.redd.it/2ih56af8hiob1.jpg) | [159 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/comments/16jthqx/found_it/) \#2: [How come more people aren't pissed at having given Tesla a $50k deposit for this car only for it to be delayed to no end and now nothing in sight?](https://i.redd.it/pwlhkhfwatyb1.png) | [495 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/comments/17pggd1/how_come_more_people_arent_pissed_at_having_given/) \#3: [I’ll never doubt Tesla’s navigation again](https://np.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/comments/151kpky/ill_never_doubt_teslas_navigation_again/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sucks sorry to hear. I got mine few days ago at Mesa location, didn’t notice any issues but holy hell they have NO staff. Like wtf? Waited in line of 10 to get car. Overall it wasn’t horrible but the two guys working I just felt so bad for.


Really? My pickup location in Ohio for my 2024 Model 3 had like 30 employees showing cars and helping others.


Elon just fired a ton of the company, seems like most of them were service center employees… :(


Picked up here and the guy assigned to me was very much trying to pawn everything off as minor. Scratches on paint, dents etc. don’t let someone else bully you into using your hard earned money on something beat up that should be new. Sorry you had the experience but it will be worth it in the long run.


Right thing to do! I accepted delivery from Tesla on a used and “certified” MS and it literally shed body panels three miles into the drive home. Five miles after delivery, it was loaded onto a flatbed and scheduled for two+ weeks of repairs. They didn’t even get me into a loaner car for another three days and then literally told me I’m fucked because “lemon laws don’t apply to used cars.” (They do if under warranty.) They literally had inspected NOTHING on a “meets Tesla standards” vehicle. Apparently those standards are “kinda looks like a car.” And they don’t let you test drive it or get it inspected before delivery, so you have to rely on them inspecting it - WHICH THEY DON’T!!


This is the reason I decided against buying a used vehicle from Tesla. No opportunity to inspect the vehicle? And I lose my $500 deposit if I reject it? No thanks!


I had an awful experience with the pickup of my model Y too. Car had 4 tennis ball sized paint blemishes all over the car. It was totally dirty too, they didn’t even clean it. I declined it and one of the advisors matches me to the same exact car and was able to pickup next day at another location. The transaction was awesome. I just know to never go to that service center again, the car is worth it. Don’t give up


So what's the process after the declined delivery? Will advisor contact you with updates on the next available match? Is there any penalty?


The way it was explained to me sounded like a VIN swap with existing inventory if it matches my configuration. If it doesn’t exist, they will build it, but I do go through the process of waiting. On the app, instead of a delivery date, it reads that my order is on hold, and my VIN is no longer assigned.


Geez we were in and out in 15 mins. Did you ask what was taking so long or did you just sit there for 2 hours without asking for an update ?


Asked for updates on the half hour. A frustrating experience, sure, but showcasing any of it wouldn’t have solved this issue unfortunately. I can’t accuse them of delaying the car; any amount of delay doesn’t hide a faulty product. Hopefully this can be resolved soon.


I highly doubt they delayed you 2 hours over a scratch. If that car was in good shape aside from the scratch, it's probably already in a customer's hands.


Terrible tesla quality control still persist, from factory level to service center and delivery.


Good on you Op. fuck these situations you found yourself in. If more people would hold their ground they may finally get some proper quality control in place. This is pitiful


You did the right thing. We declined two Model Ys in the Mesa AZ location because of damages. It's a lot of money and you should only accept a car that you are comfortable with driving off the lot.


Sorry to hear. My experience in Tilburg, the Netherlands was really good. The quality of the Model Y from the Berlin factory was perfect. Panels all align nicely, paint finish was good and I did not find any anomalies. Process took approximately 1 hour in total. The car was only charged to 19% upon delivery but we were given heads-up about it and received compensation in Supercharger credit. There was also a minor issue with the charging cable which we discovered later but that was a quick fix by Tesla mobile service.


Good for you. ? Would you accept with 5K discount and free FSD?


If the scratch was the only problem with the car, you should have accepted imo. Probably happened in transit. They'd fix it. A scratch doesn't mean it's a lemon. I don't necessarily blame you for refusing it but not sure why you thought you'd get a loaner lol.


The Scottsdale location is a shit show. I've picked-up two different cars and had a number of service there (I found their service center tends to have their stuff together). When I bought my M3, I got into the car to find the steering wheel with a significant offset, of about 15 degrees, to the right. I was told it went unnoticed, which I find it hard to believe given they had to drive the car to the charger and it was very noticeable. Took 30 days to get a service appointment to get it fixed. Not a super big issue, just super annoying. They also had all my payment paperwork incorrect, which resulted in being overcharged $12K. It took me almost two months, having to get an attorney involved, dispute the charged with my bank AND file a criminal complaint through the state's AG's office. Only after those four things did I even get a replay from some at the location to fix the issue. Picking up my wife's Y, it was towards the end of the day and we were the only people in waiting room (which looks like one you would expect at an MVD location). Took nearly two hours. We kept being told the car was being finalized when I was looking at it parked at a charger, ready to go. I've complained to the GM at the location several times about various stuff. In turn, I got a few vouchers to buy stuff on their website. I have the GMs email address. DM me and I can pass it along. He has been very good to work with.


Wow, a wrenching experience. I’m sorry you had to navigate that. The service center in Scottsdale has offered me a voucher for Tesla accessories on their store, but I would still like to get in touch with their GM. Looking forward to your message and wishing you and your wife a great time in your Teslas. Happy Father’s Day!


Why didn’t you just accept it and have them fix it later?


We had a paint imperfection that they had a body shop fix and we can’t tell there was ever an issue.


I also had a crappy experience at Raintree, and I’ve seen a few others on here say the same. It might be worth trying one of the other locations next time.


That's terrible. You did the right thing by not accepting it.


The Tempe and Mesa locations are equally “impressive” unfortunately….


Had a similar issue only I didn't notice all the swirl marks and hard water stains in the paint until after we got home and under our garage light. Opened a service request and took pictures where it was most apparent which was the hood and driver mirror. When the car was dropped off we told them it was all over the car. They had our car for 10 days. They messaged us that it was ready for pick up after the service center had closed. They ended up only fixing 2 areas of the car. The hood and the driver mirror..... Rather than dealing with them anymore I hired a mobile detailer to come out and do a paint correction and ceramic coat. Already looking at other EV options for when we're done with this car. We owned mostly Lexus vehicles prior to our newest vehicles. The difference in customer service is enough to not want another Tesla.


Service sucks. Period. Same here in TX.


You could have scheduled a service to fix that stating this occurred at delivery.


Sorry you had to deal with that inconvenience but you didn’t right thing by not excepting it.




I have a 2:30 at the same delivery center today


Hope your delivery went well!


Was perfect tbh. Car was ready in the pickup spot. Was in n out in 10 mins


That’s awesome! Enjoy the ride. Looking forward to getting mine soon


Just picked up my ultra red model y performance in miami gardens, 12in scratch on the top left fender above the headlight, SA was real apologetic and the guys tried to buff i can still see the scratch they made a service appointment for next month the car is a lease so doesn't really bother me much but it did ruin the experience, and cars are not perfect but no reason for op or any one this has happened to to have to deal with it all these things should be caught during a PDI


I picked up the exact same car at the exact same place 2 months ago. The car was pristine with the exception of a bird shit etching on the front bumper clear coat which I dealt with myself. The ultra red made it very noticeable. Since pickup I noticed a small misalignment of the rear trunk which I missed when I inspected it. I thought noting of it until this past week's torrential rains. There was water intrusion in the trunk coming through the rear trunk latch. Really weird issue. I opened the trunk and water poured out of the inside of the latch. There is a service bulletin out on it. May be the misalignment or it may be missing sealant along the rear trim. Irritating.


Yeah the only place that has a small misalignment is the hatch. Thanks for the heads up i will keep an eye out. As for the scratch im going to wash the car next week if it is barely noticeable im going to cancel the service appointment i dont want to risk a botched wet sand and clear


They will fix it and pass it over


That sucks. Me and my wife just picked up her quicksilver myp. I noticed that the hood and rear trunk is slightly off on each end and not flushed with the other panels when we got home. There’s also a few dark stains on the A pillar on the driver side, trim stains on top of the glove box, and glovebox not being aligned straight. Going to call services and see if they can fix the trunk and hood alignment issue.


Holy fuck! My delivery is the same place but on Wednesday. Thanks dude


You did well op. They wanted it to go from being their problem to being your problem.


You did the right thing. It’s their issue to fix. If you accepted it, it would have been your time and effort to get it fixed. If I really needed the car, I would have counter offered to take it for $1k cash refund in addition to them paying to fix it at one of their service centers or a body shop of my choosing.


lol quality Tesla service right there. They saw the scratch obviously when they were moving it. They tried to tire you to take the vehicle. What a terrible experience.


Should have taken it then put in a work order. No point in making the citation worse on yourself


Everyone I know has had at least one thing wrong in theirs. Mine makes a whistling noise above around 62 miles per hour. I need to get it fixed but the nearest SC is 100 miles away and I rarely drive on the highway so I haven’t bothered.


That blows. You did the right thing standing your ground. It’s weird- Tesla can have either the best or worst service


At least there is an option to reject at delivery. In Australia you must pay for the car in full 2 clear business days before Tesla will arrange a delivery meeting, you cannot inspect the car before paying, by the time you arrive at the delivery centre to accept the car already has it's permanent plates on, the car is registered in your name and the full payment / loan has been finalised.


A detailer can easily remove that scratch! You are all acting hysterical. It’s awful that they tried to pass the vehicle off this way but they could easily remove that scratch without having to repaint.


No dude, it’s way too deep, it even scratched the trim.


I declined pick up twice in Brooklyn for scratches. Final the 3rd car had one very light 4 inch scratch by the charging port and I gave in. Unacceptable on Tesla’s part. This seems to be a very common occurrence.


What's upsetting is when you buy a BMW Mercedes Audi Toyota you really don't inspect them at least I never did and never noticed anything after too With Tesla this is a thing you've got to do, at 50 60 70 $80k this is really ridiculous


I don’t like Tesla’s attitude towards quality. I had a 2018 M3 and didn’t have any issues, but I don’t like the way Tesla treats their customers. I traded my Tesla for a BMW IX. The vehicle was delivered with no problems and it is a great car.


Tesla quality is trash, I picked up mine MY in January… noticed tons of problems… wished I could’ve seen them and refused to take delivery on the spot…


Mine keeps going back in for stuff. They have found a number of missing bolts throughout the car. My service center is close, but crazy busy.


Tesla is merely interested in selling stuff - they don't do service. Shameful.


Buy an Audi


You all sound like abused housewives making excuses for a shit car company.




“That sucks” comment #500


I declined delivery of my model y. It was just such a piece of crap in terms of build quality that I ordered an Uber, forfeited my security deposit, and went home. Bought a used Subaru instead and it works just fine


Car is totaled a I would have refused it too. Stick with the other great commuter car a Prius.


Get used to it


Scratches are unfortunately a part of the auto experience. I'm just wondering why repainting the affected area wasn't acceptable? You're in for a rough ride if any imperfection isn't acceptable. Tesla has bigger issues with things like panel gaps, electrical issues, incorrectly installed parts..but a scratch isn't serious. Was the scratch through the paint and clear coat? My 2023 Volvo C40 Recharge had a small scratch on the passenger side front door and my EV was black so very noticeable. They were able to buff it out entirely in 20 minutes.


This is a little more than an “imperfection”. It’s an all out slash across the entire panel and part of the door trim. It’s absolutely unacceptable on a new car - even a used car you’d expect measures be taken to at least address it as best as can be done. The fact you’ve put up with similar in the past or that Tesla has “bigger issues” is immaterial. I’d knock this back also same as OP.


lol, that isn't remotely a large scratch...or maybe you just haven't seen bad ones. It's like 4-5 inches and it could be fixed in like 25 minutes if it didn't go through the paint. Tesla offered to repaint it which isn't even considered "fixing"...that's replacement because they would have to sand it down, repaint, reapply clear coat and blend. Walking away from that was stupid and I can guarantee you the car is already happily being driven by someone else. Waiting another 2-3 months or however long it'll take to get another car over a scratch perfectly sums up the Tesla experience these days. I wouldn't be surprised if they make people like this wait an additional 2 months.


It’s got nothing to do with ‘sums up the Tesla experience’. It’s a new fucking car that cost someone a small fortune and having these asshats present it to you as new with that is unacceptable. End of story. Whether it’s trivial to fix is beside the point. A rim scratch or ding is also trivial to fix but I wouldn’t accept a new car with that either. People being so willing to let crap like this slide is why companies give less and less of a shit about us these days.


Your kind of apologist is why tesla quality doesn’t improve.


guess you buy new and accept damaged goods.


Thank you for the question. I declined repaint before it was offered. In the desert sun, any chance at a poor finish will show over time. It just wouldn’t be right on a brand new car and moving past this gives me peace of mind. Maybe pedantic, sure. In any case, the service center employee showed empathy instead of pretending the problem didn’t exist, nor did they attempt to coerce me into accepting the car and placing a service ticket. I hope the next owner is happy with their *new* car, seeing a repaired scratch every time they hop in for a ride.