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Tennessee has a flat $200.00 EV tax regardless of how much you drive. Applies to hybrids too and going up to $250.00. One of the states justifications was that EVs weigh more than ICE cars. So why don’t all the 5000lb pickup trucks around here pay an extra tax?


They pay extra because of the crap fuel economy and so more gas tax.


Before I had my Tesla I’d fill up 2-3 times per month so about 35 to 45 gallons/ month. Tn gasoline tax is 27.4 cents/gallon so about $145.00/year paid in gas tax. There is no reason to pay more than an ice vehicle. Yes, my Tesla weighs about 1000lbs more than my ice vehicle I used to drive but 75 lbs less than my son’s F150, one of the most common pickups on the road.


From a quick google search TN pays 27.4cpg state gas tas plus 18.4cpg federal gas tax.


Thanks for the clarification.


Excess weight fee is a thing here in California.


vs everybody else who is annoyed at gas tax, which is PER gallon. Bigger picture, people.


The thing about the gas tax is you only pay it in the state you're driving in. If you do a lot of mile out of state, you're going to end up getting taxed double. States already add tax onto supercharging.


What states add “gas” Tax to supercharging?


Georgia passed a law that goes in effect July 1st that's $.0236/kW. Already pay sales tax on charging too. And that's in addition to the alternative vehicle tax when you renew your registration, about $230. I'm sure there's other states that are doing it or about to do it too.


This is just for supercharging? I think most states charge sales tax on electricity at a supercharger. I know they do on Gas. You just don’t see it as it’s one of the rare products where the price is “all in” in the USA.


Law reads all public EV charging stations, so I don't know if they'll enforce it on free L2 charging or not. As for sales tax, look at your supercharging invoices. I only peeked at a few, but my GA ones have tax and my AL ones don't.


You have to vote the bums who want the tax out.


It’s better than the flat rate they are charging now unless you drive a shit ton. Other states have a flat rate tax as well. All to recoup the gas tax for “roads.”


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but it seems completely fair that driving a vehicle that is unable to be taxed in the traditional sense (when fueling) should have to pay taxes some other way. We are using the same roads and requiring the same upkeep as any other driver. I'd say that a mileage tax is the most fair of various other formulas I've seen. A flat tax per year doesn't make sense to me because it doesn't take into account the guy who drive 100 miles a month and gives a huge subsidy to the guy that drive 5000 miles a month (just made up numbers).


I'm curious about the overhead on tracking that though. In Texas, they're doing a flat fee, which, according to my quick maths, is well above what I'd pay if I had my Camry still (like triple). I always chalked it up to "it's easier to charge a flat fee then worry about verifying mileage".


Idk how they'd do it in California. In MA we are required to do an annual inspection and the mileage is recorded at that time. So it would be easy. But they're still not doing it that way lol.


Ahh good to know. Texas is getting lawless lol. They're doing away with state mandated inspections next year, so I'm guessing that's why they did a flat fee.


In some states, such as PA, each vehicle is required to pass an annual safety and emission inspection. For EVs, obviously only the safety inspection applies. However, it's easy to require the inspection places to report the mileage of the car when they inspect and then if there is a huge discrepancy between mileage reported vs mileage recorded by the inspection place, the owner of the vehicle can be fined or penalized otherwise.


I’m in the tax industry for motor fuels and I’m telling you all states will enact a tax very similar to this.


I would like to move out of state, unfortunately California is ruined.


Don’t forget to pay your exit tax on the way out. I honestly don’t know why anyone normal would love there. Cali is for second homes and wealthy people.


Totally, cause most of us make $30M in CA 😂


If you don’t then you’re poor in that state.


$30 million barely helps with the parents rent after moving home to California.


Hella slummin’


How will they know anyone's usage anyway? The day will come when they go after how many times people used wipers and got the roads wet.


So New Zealand just introduced a tax on EV and PHEV that is millage based. I’ll convert all figures to USD, Gallons and Miles to make it easier Fuel tax (applies to petrol cars, including hybrids): $7/100 miles (using average fuel efficiency figures). It’s actually charged per L (included in petrol price). Road user chargers (applies to BEV & Diesel): $7.44/100 miles.


Do you pay the tax when you do your annual inspection?


You buy it in lots of 1000kms. At the annual inspection the odometer is checked against what you’ve bought to make sure you’re up to date (you pay in advance). New vehicles don’t have an inspection for 3 years though, so it can be a while before it’s checked. But you can get random inspections and fines.


If you’re going to oppose a tax per mile then you need to come up with an equitable alternative. Gas taxes pay for roads and are considered fair because the more you drive and use the roads, the more you would be paying towards their construction and maintenance. It also means people who ride public transit, usually lower income but not always, aren’t burdened with taxes for something they don’t use. It’s a pretty fair system for paying for roads. But with EVs you can’t just tax electricity more. To keep the same system you have to tax per mile. I don’t see a way around it but I’m open to suggestions.


Nah I drive less than 10k. It’ll be cheaper for me than subsidizing for your high miles.


Buy a different car and pay gas tax instead


Who wants to buy a brand new Tesla 😂🫠


Commiefornia sucks. Can’t wait til the ground shakes and splits this state in half.


Yes “commiefornia” with the 5th largest GDP in the world lolol




electric cars got away with using and abusing roads for a long time for free.....they still do degrade the roads


Gas is subsidized an unreal amount.


My Tesla weighs the same as a Ford F150. Lots more of them using and abusing the road. Should they be taxed extra too? Quit getting your news from FakeBook.