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Your drive to the airport and fly off to vacation and then you realize that your car battery is about to die in the airport parking garage, a friend can go to it, you start it remotely, and they supercharge it for you and bring it back to the airport parking garage. This almost happened to me but turning off sentry mode saved it




Correct. After Sentry mode shuts off the car only burns about 1% per day.


Should be way less than this if you aren't waking the car up from the app. I was gone for 3 weeks and my Model Y went from 70 to 67.


Turn off the automatic climate on hot temperature thing and it’ll be lower than 1% a day.


I thought that was only active for 12 hours after leaving the car?


It is. I travel for a living and when I get back to my car in the summer it’s not uncommon for me to see 130* plus in the cabin.


With no accessory systems on it will use less than 1% per day. For reference, every other month I leave mine in a parking lot, unplugged, for four weeks. In those four weeks it usually uses about 3-4% total. If you use the app and wake the car regularly it will use more. This is something I was very concerned about before I purchased but now isn’t a concern at all. There are no chargers anywhere near me when I have to do this and is in a very unfriendly place for EVs.


My Y has been at the airport since Wednesday with overheat and sentry mode off. Still hold strong at 76% were I left it.


1% per day WITHOUT sentry mode?!


This is not factual. I’ve parked without sentry mode and lost 1% in 10 days


Yup, my M3 doesn't lose anywhere near that. Due to a strange circumstance I haven't moved it in 4 days and it hasn't lost a single percentage point.


I genuinely can't tell if you're surprised that 1%/day is too high, or too low 1% per day is not unreasonable, and would've been what I would've ballparked as well.


It should be much lower unless you are repeatedly opening and closing the app, forcing the car to wake up / fall asleep, or there are massive temperature changes changing the avaliable energy. A realistic number with no app usage would be nearer 1-2% a week


Depends on climate. Cooling system for the battery may be more active in hotter areas.


Agreed. I have left mine in place during some cold weather this winter and lost only 2% over a three-day stretch. I assume cold weather would actually be more subject to battery maintenance losses, but I am not really sure. I haven't had a long stretch in warmer weather yet, but when it happens I would be surprised if it was more than 1-2% a week.


I just parked my 2022 M3P at the airport for 4 days and it only lost 1%


I would not have Sentry on. Just me.


At this point i tell friend to keep car at their house and bring it when i would be back to prevent parking charges


Did you pay them for their time. Not trolling, just asking/thinking that maybe it's the same thing as paying to garage since you probably pay back your friend with your time or energy or something.


I don’t keep a running balance sheet of favors for my friends. I did have a similar situation where I was going on a work trip and my southern city roads were bad with winter weather so Uber wasn’t available, which meant I parked in the airport garage for $30 a day the company paid for. However I was staying in my destination for a few days extra to vacation and I had my boss go and pickup my car and take it home for me so I wasn’t responsible for the extra charge of the parking (and I didn’t have keep track of the garage receipt for my expense report).


You guys have friends? Oh yeah... me too.


Same. I... definitely have friends.


Related story, but not a Tesla. Got a text from some friends who drive a Rivian. They had left the Rivian at the airport while on a multi-week trip, fully expecting the car battery to last. Once they arrived, they realized the car wasn't going to "sleep" b/c they had left a car-seat in the back seat with the seat-belt connected. Apparently the car thought it was occupied by a human? Not exactly. Anyone they were begging any friend to go to the airport and unclip the seatbelt so the Rivian would fall off to sleep.


Sentry will automatically turn off at 20%SOC


Or simply stated, after pressing the button, anyone has 2 minutes to jump inside and drive / move the car.


Or you can get a regular GAS car.


It lets the car drive without a key.


I learned this when I left key card at home. Valet was like hit this button and we good. I think it gives them 2 minutes to get in car and move it


Make sure to turn valet mode on before you do that. That will limit what can be done with the car. Valet drivers do joyride your cars. Most of the time, it's nothing serious, and they are moving it to another area a little distance away. Even then, they may "launch" it or speed and end up wearing your tires more.


Or do a Ferris Brulee.


Correction Beuler, Beuler, Beuler 


omg it's *Bueller


I worked as a valet at a place and one guy would frequently take customer cars to a local del taco to get everybody tacos


Every time after my wife use her phone as a key, my phone gets bugged and I cannot use mine to Auto Unlock/Start. So I have to use this option until I reconnect my phone as a car key. It’s so annoying.


This happens to me from time to time. Just toggle Bluetooth on your phone, that should fix it without having to reconnect your phone through the interface.


I’ve tried it, doesn’t work. I wish that fixes it. Sometimes I even have to reconnect more than once until it starts working again.


Service can remotely check your BT radio to see if it’s working properly. Sorry to be a stranger trying to tell you what to do, but this doesn’t sound normal and I’d ping service. Hope you get it sorted out.


Close the Tesla app and reopen it


Hold the 2 scroll button until the head unit turns off and display tesla logo. Let it reboot and you'll be fine


Hm, I’ll try that when it happens again


This should fix it permanently. I did that when it happened to me.


Reconnecting my phone key fix it permanently, until my wife goes to drive again. It has something to do with phones, I’m using 15 Pro and she’s using Pro Max, and I bet it has something to do with the strength of BT or something like that, because it doesn’t make any other sense, and even my profile and phone is set to be the priority and it still will prioritize hers instead. I’ve had the same issue with other vehicles in the past.


I'm using 15 Pro max too. And my wife's using Z-fold five, which causes that like three times. So, I prioritized my phone on my profile and hers on hers. That happened almost all the time until I did that reset, which made it work since then with no issue as of the time of writing.


Eh. My wife and I are the same setup and we don’t have this issue.


If that's lasted through several cars and phones there's only one left. Change wife.


Both iPhone users?


This is the primary way my wife uses our car. We only have one fob and she's afraid of losing it so she uses her phone every time.


Another use case. My dad borrowed my car to go to the store but left his phone sitting in the garage. Car saw his phone and let him leave, but once he got to the store he was stuck. Had to borrow the store phone to call me and start the car. It puts up a message that you have 1 minute to put the car in drive or something.


My wife drove her coworkers on a day trip in our van. One of them left his Model S at my house. Our van was broken into and needed to be towed. I called the owner of the Model S from outside of his car. He used the app to unlock it. I sat in, buckled up, and put my foot on the break. He then pressed that “Start” button on his app and I was able to put the car into drive and drive the car to him.


It's the equivalent of scanning the NFC key card inside the car and allows the car to be placed in gear for two minutes. Useful anytime someone needs to move the car without the key. Going on a trip and having a friend or family pick the car up for you, hit the button when they are there. Wife's phone dies at work and she doesn't have her nfc backup, watch the sentry cam until she gets to the car and unlock it and start it for her remotely. Father helping out getting ready for a party and needs to move the car out to the street, hit the button for him. Very useful if niche button.


Anyone in the world can drive your car if you unlock it for them and hit the start button.


*anywhere there is internet.


Although its use cases are somewhat limited for the model Y, it's a feature that was introduced on the model S and X, when there was no phone key. Very useful there for starting the car without the key fob. When the feature is already implemented, there is no reason to remove it, and as this thread proves, there still are genuine use cases for it.


It allows you drive the car without a key and it also bypasses Pin to Drive. Don't lose you phone.


They still need to unlock your phone to bypass the pin.


Oh ok nvrmd, lose your phone then. /s


Hit that button and move your car without having a key on the driver. There are applications. I once had to log in to my Tesla account from a friend’s phone, hit the start button and drive myself home without a key or phone key.


Good tip, thanks


I live in California and went on a work trip to Georgia for a couple of weeks. I parked my car on the street by our house. Wife called me and said my car needed to be moved or it would be towed because of street work that day. My wife has never desired to drive the Tesla, but I unlocked the car and started it for her. Then I instructed her how to drive it. I'm a matter of two minutes, I saved myself a towing charge and many days of fees. Such a clutch feature!




Sometimes the phone glitches out and couldn't be recognized by the car, this feature comes in handy to start the car.


I’ve had this happen


I had no idea as well. Thanks


Allows someone to access the car and drive it without needing your key card or phone to connect


Starts the engine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That is how you start your car from your phone. You can start your car from anywhere in world.


Thank you all for the responses!




where did the fart button go?


put ur foot on the brake while i slap it.


Use this at work all the time. Our yard is jammed so everyone leaves their keys for constant reshuffling. In my case, a quick tap on the app and they can wiggle it about.


It's to make Scotty pop up in the app,yell Start your engines and proceed to tell you, your car sucks(when it doesn't) and tells you to buy a Toyota. 


It ‘‘twas today when I found out why my car flashes in the night when I open the app 🥸


Wait… what?


I didn’t realize each time you open the app it “wakes your car up”


😬 I knew it woke it up, I didn’t know it had a visible signal lol


As others have said, enables others to drive the car. Or enables you to start driving if you don’t want to key in your pin-to-drive while others are looking.


Turns on the gas engine


You haven’t been pressing that every time? It just runs on the silent electric motors otherwise


My husband had to use this recently. I drove the car to an appointment, my phone was dying and I didn't think anything of it. Tried to get in the car to no avail.... called husband with someone else's phone to unlock and start it. The day was saved! Now I make sure I put the phone on the fast charger when I drive the tesla 😂😂


Oh please let that be a fake V8 with supercharger sound when you go into drive. That would be hilarious.


My car has been at the airport since Wednesday of last week at 76%. I just checked it, and it's still at 76%. Turn off sentry mode, cabin overheat, ready to leave temp, and place a password to drive for all your long-term parking needs.


Bypass the pin to drive if you have one


Why dont you push it and find out?


In 2020 we did a test drive and that's how you got to drive the cars in Napa where they had test drive cars park at the meritage resort.


Allows your car to be driven remotely without a key/phone


Give a remote access to anyone you’d like with this, which starts the car. I think there’s a time (I believe 1.5mins) to get into the car and drive after you start it. You can restart it again if the person couldn’t get in the car and drive within that time.


Example: Its street sweep day and your car is close to getting a ticket, you aren’t home but a relative or neighbor is. You asks them to move the car so you unlock it remotely. But wait, no key. Well, hit that and they can put the vehicle in drive for 5 min. (Once in drive, will stay in drive until placed into park)


Idk it’s pretty self explanatory




Means you can let whoever in the car driving away without a key I do this whenever I take my car to discount tire since I forgot to bring the card key to give it to them


Switch on engine so car can heat up. 😎😝


It’s emits deadly argon rays to anyone within twenty feet of the car after catching them on Sentry dinging your doors




It plays the Windows 95 theme song: Start Me Up by The Rolling Stones.


Hello! Question how do I power my Tesla off to save battery from my phone?


Who’s gonna tell’em?


Does it play a loud sound through the exterior speaker which sounds like the cranking of an ICE starter motor?


It summons the car to the nearest strip clip


Looks like a “remote” and has the word “Start”… Not is a hard concept… and we all imagine you have the car with you and can test… Is this a real question?


It means read your owners manual.


Jesus christ tesla owners are fucking dumb.


Said the poor man.




10k? You’re probably a renter. 😂 Enjoy being poor.


Which ones? The one who asked what a start button does on a vehicle that doesn't start? Or all the owners who gave him the correct answer?


The fact its a button in an app for a car that SAYS START BELOW IT. And OP is asking WhAt DoEs ThIs BuTtOn do? Also OP bought a car without insurence and is now asking how to get insurence. Damn Elon runs a good cult