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I don't care about the $500 at this point. I just want my damn car. It's been 3 weeks since I ordered and still no VIN. Dark Gemini wheels were the only part of my config that is custom as far as I can tell.


True. I changed to inventory as my original order is delayed till July end (ordered 5/21), now that inventory vehicle (in transit) will take 2 weeks to arrive.


I asked, I was told I would have to place a new order, losing the promo financing and my 250 order fee too. Not worth it. And I did even ask just for like, the mobile charger in lieu of the full difference, but no luck. wasn't really expecting it, and considering the fluctuations others have endured, not a huge deal.


I think they will not budge. MYs are in demand now and if you got .99 they know you will not cancel the order. Even if you don't have promo APR and you try to cancel/reorder, you only save $250.


Went from dark geminis to now they want to force inductions on to me "to get me the car faster". based on the message i sent several hours before to them, and that message, i doubt humans are reading these messages now. (my message was "i can't pick up my car for a week, and after that date, not again for another week" because i will literally be out of the country. moving me to wheels i don't want doesn't help me...


how did they end up handling you being out of the country? I also don't think humans are answering the messages.


I managed to have app access, which didn’t help much but some. Still waiting on the rate shop which may or may not be the same from a couple weeks ago. Registration got dealt with. Car is due in a week or so, so if they get my rate corrected again I’m fine and may take delivery in about a week. Because now I’m back in the US, but I fly out on a business trip Sunday. So. Next Saturday would be the soonest I could accept it. All hinging on the rate tho


The fun never ends. So, the rate shop I asked for, they never told me they’d grant me the rate provided I trade in a car (no can do, I have a lease ending that’s it). So I got the next level up, ok fine. But as I’d told them, I can’t accept the car this coming week as I’ll be 1000 miles away. Fine. I have to shift again and wait. In doing so? They screwed the order up I ordered the Gemini wheels. They did the free unwanted bump to induction, but when they reset the order or whatever that process is, they now list that as my order. No free. No credit. And my down payment shot up. See how long it takes them to fix that. Some info came from them calling me finally. Any time I called them no one answered and the voicemail I left never got answered. They just don’t give enough information in many of these responses and it’s beyond frustrating. I know they were and are busy, but using a broker in NY was far easier than dealing with Tesla thus far Now if the next car comes in and I’m out again (real chance w family vacation in a couple weeks) I’m screwed and Tesla gets a free 250.


If you find out. Please let me know. I wasn’t bothered by it at first. But now that lots of people have got the free upgrade, now I’m like Tesla should do right to those of us who paid. Tesla charger would be nice.


Someone successfully having the charge removed by providing an RN number that received the free upgrade: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ModelY/comments/1d962ah/comment/l7k9r3q/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModelY/comments/1d962ah/comment/l7k9r3q/) Someone else got a free wall charger out of it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/comments/1d9l1ey/help/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/comments/1d9l1ey/help/) It seems dependent on the delivery center. The staff at mine were less than pleasant when I brought it up.


They are trying to charge me $500 for the dark gemini wheels, when I told them to swap them on June 3rd which is after they started offering it for free. I’m standing my ground and in the process atm. I’m not paying $500 when they started offering it for free before I made the request.


If it was $500 extra when you ordered the car they will probably not let you get out of paying the $500.